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Royals Page 10

by S. Dalambakis

  “You insolent child. What information could you possess that would warrant you to barge into the council chambers?” question Elder Greaves.

  “We have found out that our mate has been abused by her father, and this is not a one-time thing. It has happened repeatedly over the last seven years. Now, we came here in hopes that the Council would allow us to extract our mate from such conditions. Surely, the Council would not tell us to stand by and do nothing. This is our mate we are talking about.”

  “Yes, your so-called mate. Which we know virtually nothing about.” The distain in Elder Greaves voice is apparent.

  “You mean to tell me that in the weeks that the Council has been looking for information, you have found nothing?” Graydon growls.

  “Graydon.” I say his name with a hint of a warning.

  “No, this is bullshit. How could they have found nothing?”

  “We have found practically nothing about her in the shifter scrolls and ledgers. We have contacted nearby shifter towns and had them look and they have found nothing. There is no mention of any Silvers in any lineage. The only other possibility is that if she is a shifter it’s from her mothers’ side and not her fathers. We would need to know her mother’s maiden name before we can do any other research.”

  “I will get you that information. What about the fact that her father is abusing her? What are we to do about that situation?”


  A deep growl sounds to my left. I look over and see that Graydon has shifted his hands into bear paws and claws, and his eyes are taking on the color and the shape of his bear.

  “I’m not going to stand here and do nothing. If that was anyone else, you would have let them rescue their mate. Why are you not going to let us do the same?” Graydons voice is almost unrecognizable.

  “Because she’s human,” spat Elder Greaves. “If she was a shifter, I would let you take her, but she’s not and she has no business being the mate to four of our strongest shifters.”

  “Greaves, you are seriously telling these boys that they cannot protect their mate? Do you have any idea what they and their animals are going through? Protecting one’s mate is like second nature. You are telling them to against their natural instinct. You have already band them from tell her what they are and who she is to them. Isn’t that enough?” Elder Harris is looking at Elder Greaves like even he can’t believe what he is hearing.

  “No. If they want any chance to be with her, they will get the information we need to continue our investigation. If I so much as get a whiff of you boys disobeying an order from the Council, I will make it my personal mission that you never get the chance to claim her.” Elder Greaves rises from his seat and swiftly leaves the room.

  All of us are stunned and are staring at the door that Elder Greaves just left through.

  “I’ll figure something out Lucian. For now, keep your distance from the Elder Greaves. Once we have her mother’s maiden name, I’ll personally look myself. If anything changes, I’ll come to you.” Elder Harris exits through the same door as Elder Greaves.

  “What the hell was that?” Graydon questions.

  “I don’t know, but Elder Greaves is definitely not on our side. I think he is hiding something.”

  Max snorts to my right. “What gave you your first clue?”

  Now comes the question, do I let my grandfather handle this or do I try and search for the answers myself?


  We are all taking this harder than we thought. It’s been two days since Callyn told us that she is being abused by her father. We can only talk to her at school because she doesn’t have a cell phone. It’s been hell not being able to text her. I don’t know how many times I have pulled my phone out to message her. I want to check on her. Make sure he hasn’t done anything else to her. It’s been eating at me that I can’t. Thank god, we only have to get through one more night. We’re taking Callie tomorrow to get a phone. We already talked about it. If she doesn’t have a warranty, we’re going to pool our money and buy her one.

  There is no way she is leave that store without one. The guys are stressing out and trying not to show Callyn. But I think she knows. She’s just not saying anything. I find myself looking at her more often than not. I keep thinking about when I kissed her cheek. I was so close to her mouth. It’s getting harder for me not to pull her in for a kiss. I want to know if her lips are as soft as they look. I want to know how she taste.

  All of us hold her hand. She doesn’t shy away from any of us. I know how I feel about her. I think I started to fall for her when she gave me that unicorn birthday card. Well, the human side of me. My fox wanted her from the moment he laid eyes on her the first day of chemistry class. I still have the birthday card on my desk, but now there are pictures of Callyn and us along with it. She belongs with us. She fits. She gets my book references. She jokes around with Max. I love watching her argue with Graydon. He loves it too, I see the spark in his eyes when she stands up to him. Callyn can just relax and kick back with Zeke.

  She brings out the best in all of us. Luckily, she hasn’t seen the looks she’s been getting around school, or so I think. The girls are giving her the evil eye. It hasn’t helped that each of us keep turning down every girl that comes up to us. They don’t know that she is my mate and that I am spoken for now. Elder Greaves made sure of that. Some of this would be easier, if we could just tell people, but we’re forbidden. I know there are some shifters who don’t like humans. They think shifters are the superior being, but to witness the bigotry is different.

  We have also had to endure other guys coming up to Callyn. She never seems interested in them, but since she doesn’t know that she is ours, she can go out with them. Another problem that could be avoided if we were allowed to tell her. Shifters respect the mate bond. We just head, or in Graydons case, scare the guys off. I can’t say I’m mad that he does. The thought of her being with anyone else, lights a fire in me. It doesn’t bother me seeing her with my friends. I trust them. I know she is meant for them, like she is me.

  Until we can tell Callyn, this is our best option.

  Wait, the Council said we couldn’t tell her that we are shifters and that she is our destined mate. They didn’t say that we couldn’t progress our relationship in a human way. A big smile spreads across my face. Wait, until I tell the guys.


  The last bell rings. Thank god, it’s Friday. We need to make sure of what time Callyn is supposed to meet us at my house tomorrow. Just one more night and I’ll be able to text Callie again. I’ll feel better knowing I can get ahold of her. That I can check on her. It’s been driving me crazy, not knowing. So much so that my dad is tired of my attitude. I finally told him that Callyn had told us, but she wasn’t given much of a choice because that asshole broke her phone.

  Let’s just say my father is furious about Callyn’s home life. He absolutely loves her. The few times she’s been her over here on the weekends, she won my dad over. I can’t blame my dad; my Callie bear has won me over too. I love the fire in her eyes when we argue. It’s part of why I egg her on sometimes. I just can’t help it. She gets so fiery. So alive. Damn, if she isn’t beautiful when she’s mad. Hell, she’s beautiful all the time. I’ve noticed that all of us have in a roundabout way expressed how much Callyn means to us. Callie’s voice brings me out of my thoughts.

  “So, is ten okay to come over?”

  “Yea, that’ll work. It’s early enough that the store shouldn’t be too busy. We can hang out afterward.”

  “Is everyone okay with that?” she asks as she looks at the guys.

  “Sounds like a plan,” Max says.

  “Oh, Zeke, good luck tonight,” Callie says with a smile.

  “Thanks, sweetheart.” Zeke moves closer and pulls her in for hug, but before he pulls away he places a quick kiss on her cheek. Callie’s face blooms red.

  “Awe. Callie bear, are you blushing?” I had to embarrass her further. “It was just
a kiss.” I say before I lean down and kiss her other cheek.

  I never knew someone could turn that red. I laugh, while the guys chuckle. Callie playfully hits my stomach.

  “Well, if it’s just a kiss…” she trails off.

  The next thing I know, she tugs on my shirt. Pulling me down to her level, before planting a kiss on my cheek. Effectively, shutting me up. I can feel the heat rise to my cheeks. The guys are laughing their asses off. Callie turns on her heels, facing off with them. Then, she does something I never expected. She kisses each of them on cheek. Every single one of us is staring at her.

  “Just a kiss, huh guys?” she says with a shit eating grin on her face.

  Lucian is looking everywhere but at Callie. Max is running his hands through his hair. Zeke is rubbing the back of his neck, avoiding eye contact with everyone. Me? I’m stunned speechless.

  Someone saying disgusting, breaks through the silence. I look around to see who said it and my eyes lock on Kelsey Taylor. The schools head cheerleader. She acts like the school’s queen bee, but queen bitch is more like it. She walks around here with her mightier than thou attitude, because her parents have money. She treats everyone like shit. She’s been working her way through the football teams starting line. At the end of last year, she had her sights set on Zeke, but he turned her down time and time again. She doesn’t take rejection well.

  “What did you say,” I growl.

  Kelsey flips her hair over her shoulder, squaring them afterward. “You heard me. I said disgusting. I can’t believe you guys pass her around.” She eyes Callyn up and down. “Actually, I can. Just look at her. The trailer park trash.”

  “You better watch the next thing that comes out of your mouth, Kelsey.” My voice laced with venom. “You can say whatever you want about me, but you will not tear into Callie.”

  Kelsey opens her mouth, but quickly closes it when she sees all of us move to form a protective wall between her and Callyn. With a huff, she turns and marches down the hall. As one, we turn to look at Callyn.

  Chapter 17


  “Has this happened before?” I shrug my shoulders. “Callyn.” Graydon growls.

  “What do you want me to say, Graydon. I hear this stuff all the time. It’s mostly in gym class. I get called a slut and a whore. At first it was a bet on who I would end up with. Then it turned into who would I screw first. Now, it’s a how often I get passed around.”

  “Why didn’t you say anything?”

  “What would it have mattered? It’s not like you can stop people from talking about me. People like her will always talk about people like me.”

  “What would it have mattered? What would it have mattered she says,” his voice rising with each word. “Because it does. You don’t need to deal with that shit on top of everything else. What do you mean people like you?”

  “It’s just words.”

  I was avoiding the last question. I’m more realistic about how I look. Kelsey has your all-American girl next door look, but a horrendous attitude. She has long blonde hair, bright blue eyes, perfect upturn nose, full lips, and long legs. She always looks like she stepped out of a magazine. Here I am, pin straight red hair, brown eyes, and short. She’s thin and I’m curvy. I’m always covered up, and she shows skin. I mean I wouldn’t show as much as she does, but it would be nice to get a second look.

  Sometimes I feel like the guys do things to make me feel better. Like holding my hand. Their new favorite seems to be who can make me blush the hardest. Hence, the kisses on cheek. I don’t think they’re serious, but a girl can dream.

  “Words can hurt, just as much as a hand.” Graydon says bringing me back to the conversation.

  I blanch. “You know what, I’m done talking to you.” Looking over to Max, because he drove today, I say, “Just take me home.” I grab my bookbag and make my way to his car.

  Those words, I shake my head, they don’t mean nothing to me. I’ve been hearing them for weeks. Those words don’t matter to me. I know what I am and what I’m not. If I show those girls that what they are saying doesn’t bother me, that they would get bored and eventually stop. Now…Now Graydon just messed that up. He showed Kelsey that it bothers them. He just gave her new fuel to add to that fire.

  Besides what are a few words, compared to what I go through at home. I didn’t like the way he sort of threw that in my face. It’s easier to ignore the words, than it is to dodge a fist. Thinking about it, I guess he really didn’t throw it in my face that my father hits me. He was just making a comparison, and I took it the wrong way. I’ll apologize. I make it to Max’s car before I turn around.

  My guys follow. They keep a few paces behind me, but they are there. They look warily at each other. I sigh.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “I’m sorry.” We both say at the same. I giggle. “No. This was me. I took what you said the wrong way. I took it as you throwing it in my face.”

  Graydon steps in front of me. “Callie bear, I would never make light of your situation. I should have worded what I said differently.”

  “Can you guys hug and make-up already. I need to get to the locker room.”

  “Why are you still here than Zeke? We’re fine. Go,” I say.

  He nods and takes off at a jog. I hold my arms open and Graydon moves that last step. I wrap my arms around his waist and lay my head on his chest. He puts his arms around my shoulders and rest his chin on the top of my head.

  “Promise me Callie, that if Kelsey makes things worse that you will let me… let us, know?”

  “I promise.”

  Chapter 18

  The Boys- Zeke

  I was late walking in the locker room, but there was no way I was leaving before I made sure Callie was okay. I’ll take whatever punishment coach gives me. As I sit on the bus on our way home, I wish I could text her. Her not having a phone is a real inconvenience. We lost the game, even though I let my frustration out on the opponent. Graydon isn’t the only one pissed that Callyn didn’t say that the girls at school where being caddy.

  I understand where they are both coming from though. We all want to protect her, but we can’t be there or with her all the time. She needs to know that she can talk to us about what is going on in her life. Those girls may not be a big deal to her, but for me I feel like that is our fault. We barged into her life and made her a target. But Callyn needs to know that those girls don’t hold a candle to her.

  I run my hands down my face. I think back to when she kissed my cheek. Her lips felt soft and I wanted to turn my head and see if they felt just as soft on my lips. No one can say I don’t have any will power, because that took everything I had. This girl has me all twisted up in inside. It’s getting harder every day. I’m trying to be patient. Callyn is still healing from what her father did to her at the beginning of the week. Who knows if she can emotional deal with a relationship. On the outside, she seems so stable. Normal. But who knows how she feels inside.

  I pull my phone out of my pocket, along with my headphones. I start my music app and pick the playlist Callyn made. Her music taste is all over the map. Some of the songs I wouldn’t normally listen too, but for her I gave them a try and honestly some aren’t that bad. I let the music play in the background and pull my text messages. I send out a group text to the guys.

  Me: Hey, how did Callyn seem when you left her?

  Lucian: She was okay, but you know how she gets when we pull up to her house.

  Graydon: I made her promise to tell me if the girls harassing her get worse.

  Max: Is there any way we head this off?

  Me: I don’t know. I feel like this is our fault. We basically made her a target.

  Max: What do you suggest we do?

  Lucian: I don’t think there is anything we could do. She said it’s happening in gym. We can only stop the stuff that’s said in our presence. Like today.

  Graydon: She needs to speak up and start defending herself. She can’t let people
keep walking all over her.

  Me: I agree. She is starting to do that with us. You especially Graydon. You like to push her buttons.

  Graydon: Yea, but I like seeing her get feisty.

  Max: You know, you’re not quite right in the head.

  Graydon: I mean, when she gets mad she doesn’t have time to overthink anything and she does what comes naturally.

  Lucian: She’s going to revert every day because she has to go home and hide.

  Me: I hate that I can’t text her.

  Max: It’s been hell all week. Luckily, we can fix that problem tomorrow. Are we still splitting the cost four ways if she doesn’t have insurance?

  Graydon: Hell yea. She isn’t leaving without a phone. I’m not going through another week of this. This shit got me stressed out.

  Me: Agreed. We just pulled into the school parking lot. I’ll text you later.

  Lucian: Before you go, I think I came up with a way to semi get around the Council.

  Max: Do tell.

  Lucian: We are forbidden from saying anything about us being shifters and what she means to us, but they didn’t say we couldn’t date her like a regular human.

  Graydon: Hell yea!!

  Max: Sweet! Loophole!

  Me: Well damn.

  I grab my equipment, leaving my headphones in until I get to my car. I didn’t want to talk to anyone. I go through the motions when I get home. I set an alarm to make sure I’m up. I’m lying in bed trying to sleep, but I toss and turn, like I have most nights this week. You got to love Lucian and his mind. This could workout in our favor. Now, to figure out a way that we can all date her and Callie being okay with that. After what seems like forever, I finally start to drift off with thoughts of Callyn on my mind.


  We have been at Graydons since eight this morning. I was to geared up to stay home. Zeke and Max trickled in a few moments after I did. Looks like I wasn’t the only one. I have been checking my phone, for the time, every five minutes. Wishing the time would speed up. Partly, so Callie can get her phone. But mostly because I can’t wait to see her again. Finally, at ten on the dot there is a knock on the door. All of us get up and walk to the door, but Graydon answers.


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