The Relic: A Savvy Macavoy Story

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The Relic: A Savvy Macavoy Story Page 10

by Amy Shannon

“Oh,” Savvy glanced at her watch. “She’s out kinda late, I mean late for her.”

  “She didn’t say where she was going,” the man said.

  “Really? This is Ms. Macavoy. I was returning her call.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry. She’s on her way to see you.”

  “And you couldn’t tell me that?”

  “No, I’m not allowed to tell anyone about her whereabouts, well, unless it’s you or Mr. Robinson. Strict rules, ya know?”

  “I understand. Next time I’ll identify myself first. Thank you,” She hung up the phone. She stood up and was about to turn toward the red doors when the lights shone in the window. She walked over to the window and was about to close the shades, when she noticed the limousine. She unlocked the door and opened it. “Angelica?”

  The man held Angelica’s hand as she got out of the back seat of the long car. “Thank you, Jules. I’ll be just a little while,” she nodded to the man. She focused on Savvy. “I was worried about you,” She limped slightly as she tried to keep her stride and steady her feet.

  “Angelica, what’s wrong?” Savvy held her arm and led her into the Agency.

  “It’s nothing,” she sighed. “I’m sorry, Savvy.”

  “For what?” she helped Angelica sit down in the chair behind her desk.

  “Oh, this is your chair,” she sighed.

  “I’ll forgive you,” Savvy smiled. “Now, why are you limping?”

  “I’m not,” Angelica said. “It only looks that way.”

  Savvy sat on her desk and held Angelica’s hand. “This is me you’re talking to. What happened?”

  “I was at the museum today,” she sighed. “I had a meeting with the curator, Mr. Gutenberg.”

  “I know him. You saw him today?”

  “Yes, this morning,” she sighed. “We met for an hour and he said he had another appointment scheduled. I was looking for him to appraise some pieces of art work that Joseph wants to hang in his office building. He wants to bring more light into the building as he says.”

  “So, how did you hurt yourself?”

  “After my appointment, I decided to look around at the new displays. I love going to the museum. I’m on their board, but I also like looking at the new displays, even the old ones.”

  “I like the museum, but until I had this case I’m working on, I hadn’t been in a long time. So, tell me what happened.”

  “I was coming out of the display at the lobby level and the door to the stairwell opened. A woman, carrying a large bag, you know like they use at the gym, came rushing out. She banged right into me and I lost my balance. I hit my hip against the wall. It’s a good thing they have those railings on the walls, or I would’ve fallen.”

  “Did you get looked at?” Savvy asked.

  “No, I went home. It is sore, but I’m fine.”

  “Well, I think you need to see a doctor. At least have your physician come to your home and take a look.”

  “Oh, if you insist. Dr. Rothman will come. if I call.”

  “Good,” she smiled. “The woman, do you know who she was?”

  “No, but she had long blonde hair, pulled back. I barely saw her face. She was wearing all blue. I’m sorry, Savvy. That’s all I remember.”

  “That’s fine. Mr. Gutenberg was attacked after you saw him. He’s at the hospital in ICU.”

  “Oh, dear,” she sighed. “I didn’t know. I was worried about you when you didn’t call.”

  “I’m sorry. I did call but right before you showed up. I am sorry. I try not to worry you.”

  “I always worry, but I did want to see how Mr. Davis was.”

  “He’s here, recovering. Mr. Stein is staying here for tonight, so we have quite the full house,” Savvy smiled. “Tomorrow, Leonard takes the bar exam.”

  “Yes, that’s right. That’s the reason I called.”


  “I know it’s a four-hour drive to Albany. I wanted to offer you all my plane. It’ll only take about 45 minutes. I thought since Mr. Davis is still recovering it would be more comfortable for him and for all of you who are going.”

  “Oh, are you sure?”

  “I never travel. Only Joseph travels. It was Arthur’s plane and I never got rid of it. Joseph uses it when he needs to travel, otherwise, we rent out it out for others to use or it sits in the hanger at JFK.”

  “We’d be honored to use it. Thank you. Now, you should get home and call your doctor. I will call you later to make sure you saw the doctor,” She held her hand as Angelica stood up.

  Angelica kissed her cheek. “I’ll be fine,” she said. “But I will call the doctor. I promise,” She limped toward the door. “I don’t like to limp.”

  “No one does but take it easy. You want me to walk you out?”

  “No, that’s fine,” she said.

  “I’ll watch from the door, then,” she stood in the doorway as Angelica slowly limped toward her driver. “Help her.”

  “Yes, Ma’am,” the driver took her hand and helped her into the back seat.

  “Thank you, Jules,” Angelica smiled as she got in the car.

  “Yes, Ma’am,” he closed the door.


  Strick walked into the kitchen. “Mr. Stein?”

  Leonard and Adler looked up from the kitchen table. “Mr. Strickland, how nice to see you. Thank you to you and Ms. Macavoy for allowing me to stay tonight.”

  “It’s fine,” he said. “I fixed this for you,” He handed Adler the handcrafted cane. “I had to stabilize it in the center with a dowel and I did my best to carve around the crack, so it wouldn’t be noticeable.”

  “You did this for me?” he lightly ran his fingers over the hand carved cane. “It looks so beautiful. I can’t thank you enough. You can’t even tell that he… that it was broken.”

  “Savvy said it was important to you. Mr. Stein, you’re important to us. The minute you hired Savvy, you became important to us. The minute you started sharing your life with Leonard, you became part of our family.”

  Adler pulled a handkerchief out of his pocket and gently wiped his eyes. “It’s been a long time since I felt like this,” he gulped, holding the cane close to him.

  “Like what?” Leonard put his hand on Adler’s shoulder.

  “Appreciated. Like I belong somewhere.”

  “You certainly do,” Savvy walked into the kitchen, closing the red doors behind her.

  Strick looked at Savvy. “You OK? Did you call Angelica?”

  “Yes, but she showed up here. She was injured earlier. I convinced her to have her doctor look at her. She offered the use of her plane tomorrow to go to Albany. She said Leonard would be more comfortable rather than driving the four hours.”

  “She did?” Leonard smiled.

  “Yes, and you know we can’t refuse,” she smiled. “I did just call the hospital and Mr. Gutenberg will be in the ICU for a few more days. He’s stable and doing better, but they’re concerned about some swelling on his brain. He’s still unconscious. That’s all they’d tell me about him.”

  Adler sighed. “I hope he’ll get better.”

  “I hope so, too. I got a lead on his attacker and I called Tim. Now, we’re all in for the night and I’ll order dinner from the bar. I’m sorry, Adler. I don’t cook much. Strick can cook but usually, we order out or from Harry. He lives to feed us,” she laughed slightly.

  “Sounds fine. I like to cook but it’s no fun when it’s just me,” he sighed.

  “Well, I’ll call, and order then make a fresh pot of coffee. Mr. Stein, you can sleep on the sofa upstairs. The bed is too small for you and Leonard to share.”

  “That’s fine. I hope I’m not putting you out.”

  Strick sat down next to Adler. “Remember what I said about being family?”

  “Yes, but family can be a… well,” he sighed. “A disappointment.”

  “In our family, we chose all of us. Leonard and Savvy chose me to be a part of their lives and I never take them for granted. We
can’t always choose our blood, but we can choose our family.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Strickland.”

  “And that, since you are family, please call me Strick.”

  “May I ask what your given name is?” he smiled.

  “Deklin. Yeah, my mother loved those sappy romance novels,” he grinned.

  “Hmm if you don’t mind, I’d like to call you by your given name, but only if you call me by mine,” he smiled.

  “I’d like that, Adler,” he patted his arm.

  Adler looked at Savvy. “Ms. Macavoy?”

  “Please, don’t call me by my given name. Just call me Savvy, please. I almost beg you,” She grinned.

  “Sunshine Rainbow Savvy is quite the mouthful. I will call you Savvy if you call me Adler. After all, we are family.”

  “That we are,” Leonard kissed his cheek. “Savvy, is Angelica really all right?”

  “I hope so. I need to call her in a few hours to make sure she called her doctor and that he actually examined her.”

  “Sounds like Ms. Margolis is family as well,” Adler said.

  “She definitely is,” Savvy sat down in the chair.


  The next day, the four of them flew to Albany on Angelica’s private plane. After the examination, they had a late lunch in a local Albany restaurant and then took the plane back home. Adler was quiet on the flight home and even on the drive from the airport. Angelica ordered her driver to drive the group both to the airport and back home again once their plane landed.

  Adler looked across the back seat of the limousine at Savvy. “I guess the driver can take me home.”

  “Will you be safe?”

  “I can’t hide forever,” he sighed.

  “I’m sorry the sofa wasn’t comfortable,” she sighed. “It’s late now, so why don’t you stay another night and tomorrow, we’ll help with getting a new security system. Adler, you should really press charges against Oscar, but I understand if you can’t. I will say that if I see him hurt you, I’ll do something about it.”

  Leonard put his arm around Adler. “We haven’t said it yet, but probably all have been thinking it. Do you think Oscar is involved in the theft or even Mr. Gutenberg’s assault? We know he’s violent.”

  “He was arguing with me when Mortimer was assaulted,” he sighed. “He didn’t hurt Mortimer. Just me. I don’t know if he’s involved in the theft, but he’s not the only one who is familiar with my shop or security.”

  “I’m looking into it, well, I’ll be more focused on it tomorrow,” she smiled. “Today, Leonard, was about you. How long before we know if you’re an official lawyer?”

  “Takes about a week to ten days. They send notifications via email and official letters.”

  “Well, good, you can get better and Strick can focus on getting the apartment done and the Agency expanded, and I’ll find your skull, Adler. Not only that, we’ll keep you safe from Oscar.”

  “I hope so,” Adler sighed. “It seems like a lot of trouble. I hired you for your work on my case.”

  “And we will find your dictator’s skull,” She leaned back in the chair. “Hmm, never thought I’d say that.”

  The group laughed slightly as the driver pulled in front of the Agency. The driver got out of the car and opened the door for them. “Is there anything else I can do to serve you today?”

  “No, but thank Angelica for us, will you?” Savvy said.

  “Yes, ma’am,” he smiled.

  The group headed toward the door to the Agency, when Savvy turned around quickly, hearing the heavy boots behind her. “Friend, hold it right there,” she put out her hand. “Strick, take them into the Agency. I’ll be right there,” She crossed her arms and blocked Friend’s path until the men were in the Agency. “Now, what are you doing coming at us so fast?”

  “I’m sorry. I need to talk with Adler.”

  “Not going to happen. You want to relay a message, you tell me. He’s my client so I’ll be handling a lot of things for him.”

  “You’re just looking for his missing head,” he muttered.

  “As I said, I’m handling many things for him, so what do you want with him?”

  Friend tried to look around her, but the men had already entered the Agency. He crossed his arms. “Sunshine, please,” his eyes pleaded with her.

  “I don’t even know who you are anymore. I hear so many things about you and it turns out they’re all true.”

  Friend stared down at the sidewalk. “That’s why I’m here,” he gulped. “Please, Sunshine. I need your help,” his voice weakened.

  “First, look at me.”

  He slowly raised his head and gazed into her eyes. “I’m sorry. Sorry for everything I’ve done to you, done to Leonard and Adler. Please,” He lightly gathered his collar with his hands around his neck.

  “He choked you?”

  “Uh, no,” he gulped.

  “Come inside,” she glanced at the driver, who was still standing outside the limo. “Thank you again. I’ll be fine, Jules.”

  He nodded and tipped his hat. He waited for her to enter the building, followed by Friend and he got in the car.

  Savvy looked at Leonard, Adler and Strick, who were in the kitchen sitting at the table, drinking coffee. “I need a moment,” she closed the door and faced her brother. “Oscar did this to you?”

  “It’s not important. He was just mad,” he gulped.

  “Is this why you weren’t with him anymore? Is this why you were with Adler?”

  “No,” Friend said. “Being with Adler had nothing to do with it. I liked him because he was older and more… I don’t know.”


  “No, because he wasn’t. I wasn’t his first, but I was his first when he was out of the closet. It was nice, and he was nice. I know we were friends, but now, I don’t know. Oscar told me I had to go back with him. He said Adler was only with Leonard and vice versa to make me jealous, so I had to be with him. He said he was getting all his father’s inheritance when he died and we’d both be rich. I don’t want this, Sunshine.”

  “Sit down,” she pointed to the chair by her desk and then she sat on the edge of her desk. “Did he hurt you?”

  “Yes,” Friend gulped.

  “Is this the first time since you got back with him?”

  “No,” he sighed.

  “Do Tim or Dad know?”

  “I can’t tell them that.”

  Savvy shook her head. “So, you let him hurt Adler, too?”

  “I’m sorry. I’m a daring coward.”


  “I can’t swear here, or anywhere for that matter,” he sighed. “That’s what moms taught us.”

  She laughed slightly. “I guess I never realized your swear words,” she smiled. “Friend, I love you and I am angry with what you all did. You need to stay away from Oscar if that’s what you want.”

  “I broke up with him tonight. I can’t go through it again.”

  “Why did you come to see Adler?”

  “I’m not here to hurt him. Just warn him. That’s all.”

  Savvy walked over to the red doors and opened it. “Uh, Adler, my brother has something to say to you.”

  Strick walked over and handed her a cup of coffee. He kissed her cheek. “You OK?”

  “I don’t know,” she sighed, sipping her cup. “Thanks for this.”

  Adler slowly stood up, holding on to his cane and walked into the Agency. “Friend, what is it?”

  “Oscar. I think he’s going to try to hurt you again. I’m sorry for not stopping him the other day,” Friend wiped his eyes and sniffed hard. “I am so sorry.”

  Adler slowly walked toward Friend, staring right through him. “You betrayed me,” he glared.

  Friend nodded his head and then noticed the cane. “I thought I broke that,” he grunted.

  “It was repaired by a friend of mine,” Adler said. “Oscar may have hurt you, but you were there, not just as a scared bystander.
I thought you were my friend, even if we weren’t lovers anymore.”

  “You stole Leonard,” he grunted.

  Adler shook his head. “I never want to see you again. And if you wish to relay a message to my son, you can tell him, that in my will there is a stipulation that all my money goes to a fund if I’m murdered. And, I’ve contacted my lawyer and I’ve decreased the inheritance amount for Oscar.”

  “You can’t do that!” Friend snapped.

  “Yeah, you can come here, crying, but I’m familiar with this song and dance. You’ve done it before. Maybe you should tell your sister how many times you’ve played this card to get sympathy, well, it won’t work for me,” Adler turned around and faced Savvy. “Yes, he was choked, but he likes erotica asphyxiation. He’s here on Oscar’s behalf. I’m sorry. I’m tired,” he slowly walked into the kitchen and Leonard followed.

  “Sunshine, I wasn’t lying,” Friend said. “I did break up with him.”

  “But lied about him hurting you?” she crossed her arms. “I believed you. I should’ve known better. All you do lately is lie. I’m such a fool.”

  Strick put his arm around her. “No, you’re not,” he glared at Friend. “You’ll need to leave. You’re no longer welcome here,” He pointed to the door.

  “But I’m your brother,” he cried.

  Savvy shook her head. “I have five brothers now and one is dead. You, you aren’t even dead to me. You’re nothing. Out!” she pointed to the door.

  Friend shook his head. “I need your help, Sunshine, please.”

  Savvy turned away, burying her face in Strick’s chest. “Make him go, please,” She pulled away from his embrace and walked into the kitchen.

  Strick walked toward Friend. “You lied for the last time here.”

  “Strick, they’re all in danger. I swear. Oscar is on a rampage. Yes, I lied, but she saw the bruise.”

  “I’ll take care of my family. Go.”

  “Harry won’t like this.”

  “No, he won’t,” Strick said. “You can bet on that.”

  Friend walked out the door and Strick closed it fast behind him, locking it quickly. He pulled the shades down the windows and the door. He turned toward the red doors.


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