Beach Heat: A Hotwife Fantasy

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Beach Heat: A Hotwife Fantasy Page 6

by Lexi Archer

  Fat chance. I wasn’t that kind of girl. Not anymore. Sure we'd only graduated a few years ago, but I was a happily married woman. Besides, the wild sex goddess that appeared in our dirty talk had nothing on innocent boring me.

  Of course Kristi didn’t know any of that. I told her almost everything, but Jake’s fantasy was one thing I never could quite bring myself to talk about with her. It was just too out there. So she had no idea how she was fueling Jake’s secret fantasies by trying to drag me out to one more bar while he probably went up to our hotel room and jerked it imagining what I was up to.

  "I know that look," Kristi said. She smacked her hands together and scrunched up her face in a begging and pleading look I knew oh so well. "Please Laura. You can't leave me hanging here."

  Okay, so maybe Jake was being pretty transparent, but we were on vacation. The idea of having a little adventure like back in college did have its appeal, even if it wasn’t exactly the kind of adventure my husband had in mind. After all, the main reason partying didn't seem as fun these days was because I always had to be up bright and early for work. Here on the beach where we could walk back to the hotel after getting blasted and sleep it off the next morning I suddenly found myself wanting to hit the bars with Kristi.

  Plus I figured she needed some girl time. This vacation had been hard for her despite the fun face she presented. Getting dumped right before a couples vacation that she'd planned had to be hard. It probably also accounted for all the extra drinking she'd done while we were down here.

  I turned to Jake. He grinned. I had to act like I was playing along with him being tired even though we both knew that’s not why he was doing this. If I didn’t play along then Kristi would know something was up and that would inevitably lead to his little fantasy which, in her current drunken state, wouldn’t be a fun conversation to have.

  Damn was this complicated.

  "How about this honey. You go back to the hotel and get some rest. Kristi and I will try another bar and then head back to the suite when we're done," I said.

  Jake’s grin widened and he winked at me when Kristi turned away from him and smiled at me. Oh yes. I knew exactly what he was thinking. Well. Time to deflate that just a little bit. He knew it was never happening. I’d made that clear.

  “We’ll just have a couple of drinks and head back to the hotel,” I said. His grin slipped. Good. “Go back to the hotel and get some rest."

  Jake turned to Kristi. “Mind if I have a quick word with my wife before the two of you head back out on the town?”

  Kristi waved her hand and stumbled slightly as the motion threw her off balance. She really had overdone it a bit with the frozen drinks at the restaurant. I wondered how she’d be after some time at one of the bars that dotted the beachfront.

  “Sure,” she slurred. “You two lovebirds take your time!”

  I grabbed Jake by the arm perhaps a little more roughly than was strictly necessary and pulled him over to an old fashioned light stand made to look like a gas lamp. They dotted the touristy parts of town along the ocean and glowed with steady electric light even though I’m pretty sure this tourist trap wasn’t even founded until well after electric streetlights were a thing.

  “I know what you’re doing,” I whispered.

  I glanced over my shoulder towards Kristi to make sure she wasn’t trying to listen in. She did that sometimes if she thought a juicy argument was brewing, even if she knew I’d tell her all about it later anyways. She said something about it being more authentic to see them firsthand. Whatever. She was also too far gone right now to realize we were arguing, let alone try to listen in.

  “What am I doing?” Jake asked.

  “If you think getting me to go off with Kristi like we’re a couple of single girls is going to get you any closer to that stupid fantasy then you have another thing coming mister,” I said. I punctuated that last bit by poking him in the chest. He took a step back, but the grin never left his face.

  “What fantasy?”

  “You know what I’m talking about.”

  He held his hands up, a look of pure innocence on his face. “Hey, I’m just saying go out and have a good time with your friend. Have a few drinks. See where the night takes you. And fill me in on all the details whatever happens.”

  I rolled my eyes. There was no stopping him. There was no stopping that fantasy. Well then. Maybe he’d like a taste of his own medicine? See how it really felt? I leaned in closer to him, pressing my body against him. Talking to him in my most seductive voice.

  “Is that what you really want?”

  Jake swallowed. Suddenly he looked nervous. Maybe the hint of reality was too much for him?

  “Um, yeah!” he said.

  I reached down and ran my hand along his cock. Rubbing up and down as it rapidly grew under my attention. “You want your wife to go out and find some random guy? You want me to fulfill your fantasy tonight and tell you all about it?”

  He swallowed again. His eyes searched mine as though he wasn’t sure if I was being serious or just playing along with his fantasy. Hell, right now I wasn’t sure if I was serious or just playing along with his fantasy.

  “You just do whatever seems right tonight honey,” he said.

  “What if what seems right involves letting some guy fuck your wife?”

  “I… uh…”

  I leaned up and pecked him on the lips, then patted his cheek. “You just think about that while you’re back in the hotel all alone and I’m out getting drunk with my friend.”

  And I left him like that. I smiled to myself as I walked away. If he thought I was actually fulfilling that fantasy then he had another thing coming. Basically we were a boring old married couple, except we weren't old yet. Far from it. Tonight I wanted to feel wild and young again, but that wildness didn’t extend to fulfilling that particular fantasy.

  2: Girls' Night

  I smiled at Kirsti as I got back to her.

  "Okay!" Kristi said. "Now that we've dropped the dead weight where should we go?"

  I decided to ignore the comment about dead weight. Partially because I didn't want to argue with Kristi, especially considering how much she'd had to drink, and partly because I was still a little angry at Jake for pulling this stunt on our vacation of all times.

  "I don't know. This place is lousy with bars. Pick one."

  Daytona catered to three major demographics: racing fans, bikers, and drunk college students. None of those groups particularly cared about much aside from cheap drinks, and the local economy was more than happy to oblige.

  "I want to avoid another crappy chain restaurant," Kristi said. "The last thing we need is to go drinking someplace we can visit back home."

  "Are you sure about that? Some of the places we've passed look a little rough."

  "I'm positive. We're on vacation and it's time to have a little adventure."

  "A little adventure" ended up being a place right on the main ocean drag that looked the same as every other theme restaurant on the main ocean drag. Either Kirsti was too drunk to notice or she wasn’t serious about finding an “authentic” place in Daytona. Which was just fine by me considering authentic usually meant a biker bar or some drunken Nascar joint. The college kids moving in and out of this bar comforted me. Made me feel like everything was okay. The theme restaurant feel was comfortable to me, and if Kristi saw something in it that met her criteria for "something we couldn't find back home" then that was just fine with me.

  The place looked exactly the same as the others with a tropical theme designed to lure in college kids. Flashing neon signs advertised various cheap brands that catered to the poor college student demographic, and there were two big display windows along the front containing various pieces of beach memorabilia. It was clear which of the three main tourist groups this place catered to: college students who were so poor that they didn’t even qualify as being on a budget. I figured with the money I made from my job I’d feel positively rich in one of these

  A couple of frat types walked past us as we stood at the bar entrance. I saw one of them giving me an eyeful and I couldn’t help but blush. It was nice to know that I still had it a few years out of college, that they could still mistake me for a college girl, even if I didn’t have any intention of actually winding up with a guy from this place tonight.

  "This place looks awesome" Kristi said.

  "I don't know. What about that biker bar we passed a few blocks back?"

  "A biker bar? No way. I want to feel like I’m in college again! Now come on, let’s go have that adventure."

  I looked at Kristi. Short and petite with brown hair that fell down past her shoulders, she still had the toned body she'd earned with hours in the gym back in college. And the outfit she wore didn't leave much to the imagination. An open mesh shirt covered her bikini top, and even that barely came down to her belly button. Beneath that she had on a pair of shorts so impossibly short that they'd almost look like bikini bottoms themselves if they weren't made out of denim. She wouldn’t look out of place in a bar like this.

  I looked down at my own outfit which was slightly more modest in comparison, but only slightly. A white halter top that barely covered my tits, no bra underneath since it was built in, and a jean skirt that was almost as short as the shorts that Kristi was in. My outfit also could've been painted on. Hey, I did my time in the gym too and I was going to enjoy showing it off on vacation damn it. I still wore my bikini bottoms underneath.

  Basically we looked like two drunk sorority girls and we were about to walk alone into the beach equivalent of a college meat market. A college bar was, after all, still a college bar even if it did look like a huge tourist trap. The guys in there would be after one thing and one thing only. I thought of my husband back at the hotel room probably thinking of nothing but guys out for one thing and one thing only hitting on me, and that made me a little angry.

  Whatever. I’d go in and have some fun. I could just tell any guy who hit on me to go fuck himself. I was not fulfilling Jake’s fantasy tonight. I was a happily married woman, no matter how hot the hunky frat guys going into this place were.

  Kristi didn't give me much time to think about what we were getting into. She pushed open the door and disappeared inside. I sighed, rolled my eyes, and followed her in.

  The bar's interior looked exactly like what I expected based on the cheerful flashing neon signs outside. College kids everywhere with tight bodies dancing with each other on the floor to a thick beat, trying to get the bartender’s attention, moving around pool tables that dotted the place. Dance music blasted from an insane sound system that permeated the place. A bar ran along the back wall bathed in bright neon lighting in a lame attempt at creating atmosphere.

  Tables covered in cheap beer, cheap glasses, and wadded up napkins dotted small round tables in set between pool tables. I immediately felt like I was home. This could’ve been a place back at the university where I spent so much of my time. The place was amazing and it made me feel young and wild in an instant.

  It was amazing how working an office job 9-5 could drain all the fun out of your life. Fun I didn’t even realize I was missing until I walked into this reminder of my younger and wilder days that were only a couple of years ago.

  Kristi turned and stared at me wide-eyed."Oh my God!"

  "I know!" I replied.

  "Can you believe this place?" Kristi asked.

  "I know. It's totally…"


  “Come on Kristi! Let’s get drunk!”

  Kristi let out a wild yell that didn’t feel at all out of place. Would it’ve been weird at one of the bars we went to back home? Sure. Those were mostly the professional older crowd now. I’d forgotten what it was like to just let loose and shriek for no reason at all while you were at a bar, so I decided to join her!

  The bar was surprisingly clean and well-maintained considering this was a college place. Maybe the wait staff in charge of cleaning the tables were a little thin tonight. A woman in a bright purple tank top appeared and looked us over in an appraising way. For a minute I thought she might be seeing through us. For a terrified moment I thought she might tell us to get out because we were too old for the place, no matter how ridiculous that was. But instead she just smiled with a grin.

  “What can I get you ladies?” she asked.

  "What's good here?" Kristi asked.

  "Beer, booze. Most people just want to get drunk cheap,” she said.

  "Do you have a drink list?" Kristi asked.

  The bartender jerked her head back to the rows of booze on the shelves behind her. Her lips turned up into a wider smile as she saw Kristi’s eyes running up towards the top. Something told me the drinks up there were pretty dusty in an establishment like this.

  "Do you have any good frozen drinks? Maybe a margarita or daiquiri?"

  “Sure do,” the bartender said.

  “Two then, with the most expensive rum you have!”

  Kristi tossed entirely too much money down on the bar, even considering that this was a tourist place that already charged way too much for their drinks, but whatever. We were on vacation after all. I figured we could let loose a little bit. Besides, unlike most of the college students here we actually had a little money to throw around. It was definitely a nice feeling compared to the last time I’d been in a bar like this with barely enough money to scrape together a cheap pitcher of the worst beer imaginable.

  The bartender and mixed the drinks. Kristi threw a twenty tip, way too much but the bartender was nice, on the bar and gave a cheerful wave to the bartender. "Thanks!"

  We sat at a round table in the middle of the bar, though I would've preferred one of the dark corners where we'd be less noticeable. I could feel guys looking at us, and why wouldn’t they? Two cute girls in the middle of the bar all alone? That was screaming for some male attention in a place like this. Kristi sat with a stupid grin on her face looking around like a kid visiting a theme park for the first time.

  I kept my drink firmly in one hand, and my small purse even more firmly in the other. I leaned down and tried my best not to be any more conspicuous than we already were. I didn’t want to have to turn some guy down, and I definitely wasn’t thinking about Jake’s fantasy and how nice it would be to maybe go ahead and go along with it, just a little bit, with some of the built hotties at this bar.

  "Okay Kristi," I muttered across the table. "We’re here, now what sort of adventure did you have in mind?"

  Kristi scanned the bar. "Tthe only thing we need to make this night perfect is some hot college studs to sweep us off my feet and take us back to their room for the night!"

  I rolled my eyes. “I’m a married woman Kristi.”

  “Oh yeah? And what about Jake’s little fantasy? Sounds to me like you have a hall pass tonight,” she said.

  I stood there with my mouth hanging open working silently. Kristi smiled up at me with an innocent smile that was anything but. The bitch! She must’ve been listening in on our conversation despite my best efforts to keep exactly that from happening.

  "How long has it been since you played a game of pool?" Kristi asked.

  I blinked. She dropped that bombshell on me and now she was thinking about pool? What the hell? Only it did distract me for just a moment. I tried thinking back to the last game I played, but it had been so long that it was just a vague memory of being out at the bars with Jake back in college.

  "It's been a while," I said. “But don’t think that’s getting you out of…”

  "Well that settles it," Kristi said. "We need to play a game!"

  I glanced around the bar and saw a few open tables. What the hell? We'd been here this long without getting hit on or anything. Maybe I was being a little quick to judgment. What could a quick game of pool hurt after all?

  And with a little luck while we were playing I could find out exactly how much Kristi heard.

  I had to admit the pool tables were pretty nice. A
pparently all the bar's profits went into maintaining the tables, because the owner sure as shit wasn't putting any money into the rest of the place. I set some quarters on the table and got out a rack. I felt pretty good doing that. Once again it made me feel like I was back in the old days before I had any responsibility. At least before I had as much responsibility as I did now.

  That good feeling lasted right up until the moment I felt a hand come to rest on my shoulder.

  3: Rescued

  I turned and found myself face to chest with the popped collar of some frat guy who was smiling down at me. I wished he wasn’t smiling, because that just opened his mouth enough for his alcohol stained breath to hit my nostrils. It wasn’t a pleasant sensation, let me tell you.

  "Can I help you?" I asked.

  "Oh you can help me baby,” the guy said in a slurred voice. His hand moved down from my shoulder to my arm, and I noticed that his thumb was brushing ever so slightly against my tit. I tried to pull away from him but he kept my arm firmly in his grip.

  "Something wrong here?” Kristi was next to me in a flash and ready to fight. I closed my eyes and prayed we wouldn't end up in a fight or in the local clink because of her temper. So far all the guy had done was act like a jackass grabbing my arm. That wasn’t worth a night spent in jail as far as I was concerned.

  Another guy came up beside the first one. He was skinnier with long surfer dude hair down to his shoulders. The two of them stood, skinny and muscular, looking for all the world like some sort of ridiculous frat boy Abbott and Costello.

  "Yeah," skinny said. "There’s something wrong here. You two hotties aren’t back at our hotel room!"

  Have you ever been flattered and pissed off at the same time? Obviously this was his caveman idea of hitting on a girl. I’m not sure why I expected more from a frat type. Being hit on was nice, it was good to know I still had it and that did send a flush of arousal running through me, but I can't say that I cared for the delivery. He was such a dick about it that I found myself getting really worked up, which might explain why I opened my big mouth.


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