All Together Now

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  Her mouth went dry. How many times had she imagined this very scene as she’d plied her vibrator and captured her moans in her pillow? Both men surrounding her, staring at her and seeing the desire in her eyes.

  Isabel licked her lips. Close at hand, Dex groaned, leaning towards her, his hand moving up to gently cradle her right breast. She closed her eyes, leaning into his warm grasp. He stroked the budding nipple through her blouse and she could swear that she heard an echoing groan from just behind him.

  A whisper of fabric, then a cool breeze caressed her skin. Isabel’s eyes flew open. Dex had opened her blouse and pushed it up and off her shoulders. Her naked breasts thrust out from the rumpled cloth.

  Isabel gasped, her gaze going to first Dex and then Cary. Dex was caressing her breasts again, his hand both soothing and exciting. And Cary didn’t look put out. He was watching his brother fondle her as if enjoying the picture. Her heart fell. Where was the jealousy, the rivalry? It was as if Cary was giving them his blessing and that wasn’t at all what she wanted.

  “No, no!” She pulled away from Dex.

  Both men froze. No one even blinked.

  Isabel lifted her arms and pulled the blouse up over her head and off her body. She stood there, half nude, trembling despite the heat. Then she took Dex’s hand and, moving a step away, reached for Cary’s.

  For tall men, they moved quickly. Before she knew it, she was sandwiched between two hot male bodies, both straining to capture a part of her. Cary kissed her deeply, his tongue sliding easily into the velvety depths of her mouth, while Dex’s big hands roamed over her naked torso, teasing her already sensitised breasts with his ministrations.

  As Cary’s mouth slid from hers to travel across her neck and shoulder, Dex’s lips replaced his brother’s. He kissed her with tender expertise, his kisses nibbling rather than biting her, driving her to greater urgency.

  While her mouth was occupied with Dex, Cary was undressing her, extracting her from her skirt until it fell in a puddle at her bare feet, then slipping her plain cotton panties from her legs. He traced the slender line of her thighs, leaning to caress her buttocks. She shivered violently as his hand breached the V where her thighs met to outline the shape of her pussy. While Dex bit down on her lips, Cary’s fingers pushed open the hot lips of her pussy to feel the trickling moisture building there. His thumb slid over her clitoris, making it ache deliciously. She moaned and arched it into his hands. Her breasts were already thrust out, inviting Dex’s hands to cup them and tenderly squeeze the turgid nipples.

  Somehow they reached the narrow bed and tumbled onto it in a heap. Rough denim-clad legs abraded the sensitive inner curve of her thigh. Isabel was naked while Cary and Dex were both still fully clothed. She scrambled to her knees and with something like a sob started ripping off shirts and tugging at belts. They helped her ineffectual struggles by swiftly stripping off.

  They were beautiful. Both utterly masculine and utterly different. Dex was lean and leggy, while Cary was tougher and more muscular. Both were tall and broad-shouldered and too gorgeous to be believed. Their cocks were both bigger than average and, just as she’d imagined, Dex’s penis was rosy pink and Cary’s cock somewhat paler, a pastel, candy colour. Isabel’s mouth watered to taste them both.

  But she would have to wait. The men had other plans for her.

  Seated on Cary’s lap, her thighs spread against his belly, they made out with tongues twisting together while Dex kneaded her breasts from behind, his cock hitting her softly in the back. Then she twisted around to face him, letting their mouths meld together while he stroked her thighs and Cary moved his fingers lightly over her wet lips. She moved against his hand and he pushed two fingers harder against the opening of her pussy, but he didn’t enter her. Not yet.

  Her nipples felt hot and, when she looked down, she saw that they were stiff and distended.

  “Suck me,” she murmured.

  Her men hastened to comply, propping her up against the headboard of her small bed and perching on either side of her. She smiled at the sight of their two heads, one dark and one fair, nuzzled against her breast, and a deep warmth spread up through her belly to fill her entire body. Her men. She loved them both so much. But, even in the midst of her arousal, she wondered… Did they love her in the same way?

  Dex licked and tickled her right nipple with his tongue while Cary tenderly bit down on her left. They teased her, drawing out the interminable wait until her head moved from side to side in desperation. She needed them. Now.

  As if she’d given a silent signal, they both drew on her nipples together, the movement sending twin shafts of pleasure and pain straight to her pussy. Their suckling only increased the pleasure until the ache disappeared, subsumed beneath the insistent throb coming from her clit. Soft cries filled the air.

  Cary’s hand strayed to her thighs and this time he circled her clitoris with lazy fingers. When he thrust his finger inside her sopping cunt, it was a complete surprise. But not for long. It only took a few seconds for her vaginal muscles to start milking his finger.

  Dex kissed her fully on the mouth, muttering, “Easy, darlin’.”

  It was then that she realised the soft little cries were her own and they were rising in volume, nearly becoming screams.

  “Fuck me,” she sobbed.

  Cary’s head lifted from her wet nipple. His silver gaze was wicked. “Oh, we will.”

  “All in good time,” Dex agreed.

  They meant it, too.

  Cary moved his finger out of her pussy just as she started thrusting hard against his hand, wanting to come. He wouldn’t let her—and she was so close.

  Not wanting to wait, Isabel scrambled away from them and onto all fours in the centre of the bed. She knew that the invitation would be irresistible and they accepted it after a slight pause. Somehow, without seeing, she knew that the pause allowed for a silent look to pass between them, for them to decide without speaking which one would have to wait.

  A warm mouth settled over her exposed pussy lips, the tongue licking a path of fire. Isabel squeaked and reared back, wanting more, but a strong pair of hands kept her in position and a stiff cock soon filled her vision.

  “Mmm,” she murmured, already moving her mouth towards the candy-pink penis.

  As Dex devoured her pussy, lapping up her thick cream, Isabel licked Cary’s cock like an ice cream cone, letting the drops of hot pre-cum dribble onto her chin. After making the long length of it wet with her saliva, she finally sucked the velvet head of his shaft beyond her lips, rolling it around her mouth like a jawbreaker. She sucked harder and longer until Cary drew her gently away and his cockhead popped out of her lips. Undeterred, she twisted her head to the side and nibbled along the length of his shaft. At the same time, Dex took her entire clit into his mouth and pulled hard while pinching her nipples lingeringly.

  One more deep pull, she urged Dex silently as she worked her way down to Cary’s balls, nuzzling them with her lips.

  Instead, she found herself abruptly seated in the middle of the bed with both of the cocks she craved at least a foot away from her mouth and hands. Cary’s cock glistened wetly from her suckling.

  She was so busy eyeing them that Isabel didn’t realise what a delectable sight she made for the two men, her reddened nipples peeking through her curtain of dark hair, her parted thighs showing a hint of swollen pussy lips, her face and body flushed with desire.

  “We need to talk,” Cary said.

  “What? Now?” Isabel gasped. “Why?”

  Dex picked up from his brother. “Because we need to know what this is to you.”

  Biting her lip, she looked away. Was that what was wrong? Had they guessed that her feelings went far deeper than their own?

  “Isabel.” Cary brushed his hand against her cheek. “Our beloved Isabel. Don’t you know how much we want you? How much we love you?”

  Startled, her lowered head jerked up and she met first his silvery gaze and then Dex’s true b
lue one.


  “We love you, darlin’,” Dex continued. “With all of our hearts. You’ve always been the only woman for us.”

  “And, after a lot of jawing back and forth, we’ve decided that we can share you,” Cary finished. “That is, if you’ll have us.”

  Isabel’s eyes filled with tears that overflowed onto her lashes. “If I’ll have you,” she repeated. “Are you crazy?”

  Through her watery vision, she saw Cary and Dex look at each other.

  “I think that’s a yes,” Dex said.

  Cary smiled. “I think you’re right, little brother.”

  Isabel reached out for them and she soon found herself enveloped in four strong arms. Her men. Her own true loves.

  The chaste embrace soon took on a darker quality and Isabel found herself kissing first one brother and then the other in rapid succession. It was an intricate play of movement, but after such a long time together, the Armstrongs had it all worked out. And, just like in her fantasies, Isabel soon found both her hands occupied with two thick, hard cocks.

  She squirmed onto her back and spread her thighs for Dex, and as he slid into her wet, hot pussy, she made out with Cary for all she was worth, sucking on his tongue and lips in time to Dex’s thrusts.

  Dex fucked her with a violence that was very different from his usual tenderness and her pussy gloried in the strenuous pistoning. Soon she was gasping and crying out, unable to keep her lips on Cary’s and simply revelling in the hot fucking her pussy was receiving.

  Dex came in a hot gush inside her and before she knew what was happening, his cock slid out of her and Cary’s took its place.

  Cary’s fucking was slow and expert. She could feel every inch of him as he thrust inside her, long and deep. She cried out and her moans were stifled by Dex’s tongue as they explored each other’s mouths thoroughly.

  Cary lifted her hips and began to enter her rapidly, building up the momentum until she felt him come inside her. Her own body began to shake and quiver and in another instant she screamed out her own orgasm against Dex’s mouth. It was the most intense, wondrous climax she’d ever felt in her life.

  A few minutes later, she lay between them, their bodies angled towards her so that they could all fit on the narrow bed. Dex caressed her body, this time soothing rather than inflaming it, while Cary lay with one of his hands beneath his head, naked and relaxed. After a moment, he shifted, stretching briefly. Then he stilled, his expression growing puzzled.

  Isabel watched as he groped beneath his pillow and extracted a thick length of pink plastic. Her vibrator.

  He grinned as he held it up. On the other side of Isabel, she could feel Dex chuckling.

  With a deft movement, Cary tossed the vibrator onto the floor where it landed with a broken thud.

  “You’re not going to need that any longer,” he told her as he took her hand and guided it down to his wakening cock.

  Her other hand found Dex’s cock, already fully aroused.

  He was right. She wasn’t going to need one of those things ever again.


  Isabel lolled in bed. She was surprised at how quickly she’d got used to the big, custom-made king bed. When she was in it alone, she felt like she was swimming in a cushiony soft ocean. Thank goodness that she was never alone for more than a few minutes at a time.

  “Good morning, darlin’.” Cary sauntered in from the en suite bathroom, wearing nothing but a towel. When he landed on the bed, he gave off whiffs of soap-clean fragrance.

  Isabel nuzzled her nose into his shoulder. “Mmm, you smell yummy.”

  He grinned, removing the towel with a flip of his hand and exposing his hard cock.

  “Wanna taste?”

  His eyes were soft and warm and filled with laughter. How long had it been since she’d seen him laugh like this? Too long. But, like the bed, it was getting to be something she was used to.

  He’d laughed so much at their wedding, the private affair held in back of the ranch house, attended only by a few trusted friends. And Mary Jo. It had taken some serious discussion, but the old housekeeper had finally come around to accepting the new arrangement at the Armstrong ranch.

  “What’s the matter?” Cary asked when he saw her distraction. “Not hungry?”

  Isabel licked her sleep-swollen lips. “Oh, baby, I am always hungry for that sweet cock of yours. I was just thinking, is all.”

  In the past few months, she’d also shed the last of her city twang, slipping easily back into the speech patterns of childhood. It felt so natural. Plus, now, she never had to search for words, scrutinising each sentence before she uttered it aloud, fearful that she would say the wrong thing and embarrass herself—or Jason.

  Jason. That was a name she’d hadn’t thought of in months.

  Cary examined her averted face closely. “What are you thinking of?” His voice suddenly roughened in mock savagery. “It had better be your husbands, lady, or else we won’t take kindly to all of this thinking.”

  Isabel smiled. “I was thinking about our wedding.”

  He flung a big hand around her waist, his mouth at her throat. “Funny. I was just thinking about our wedding night.”

  The door swung open to reveal Dex, his hands full with a tray of breakfast items and a tall, steaming carafe of coffee.

  He’d obviously heard the tail end of their conversation for he laid the heavy tray on the dresser and said, “How crazy, that was exactly what I was thinking about too. What a night.”

  Isabel lowered her eyelashes to hide her expression. “What a week,” she murmured. “What a month.”

  Dex climbed into the bed on her other side and took her hand tenderly in his. “Three months and seven days, to be exact, from the moment you agreed to be our wife. And six months exactly since we proposed.”

  She felt her cheeks warming. She remembered the moment in the rose garden when both Armstrongs had stopped in front of her and dropped to one knee in complete unison. Her heart had stilled for a moment in awareness and ecstasy, and sometimes she had to press her palm against her chest to make sure it was beating, for her life with these two incredible men was so perfect.

  “Look at that,” Cary murmured. “She’s blushing. I would have never thought it possible.”

  But Isabel was blushing for another reason. Last night had been the first time they had enacted one of her fantasies, the one she’d once saved only for her sessions with the vibrator. Both men had been inside her at the same time, filling both her asshole and her pussy, pumping against her in a rhythm that was doubly pounding, doubly satisfying. They’d all enjoyed this newest form of lovemaking and, with this final fantasy becoming a reality, Isabel was wholly satiated. Well, for last night at least.

  Cary turned her chin so that they kissed, their tongues warring with each other. Then Dex demanded his turn by moving his mouth to her cheek and seizing her mouth, fresh from Cary’s passionate kiss, to mould her mouth in his image. Their kiss was sweet and tender.

  Her pussy was already throbbing and the feeling was slowly spreading.

  They were so different, these two men she loved, yet they complemented each other well. They were a package. And they were hers. She held them both tightly in the depths of her country heart.

  About the Author

  Nan Comargue lives in Toronto, Canada and has been reading romance novels since she could read! She blogs about her writing journey and other interesting topics (zombies!).

  Email: [email protected]

  Nan loves to hear from readers. You can find her contact information, website and author biography at

  Also by Nan Comargue

  Captive Angel


  Shannon Peters


  For the Writers’ Coven—thank you for all your support, advice and TimTams!

  Trademarks Acknowledgement

  The author acknowledges
the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

  Polo Ralph Lauren: Ralph Lauren Corporation

  Calvin Klein: PVH Corp

  Chapter One

  “He’s still watching you. They’re all still watching you.”

  Evangeline Flint frowned at her girlfriend Melissa. “I don’t care. I’m not here to pick up. I have to be back at work in fifteen minutes.” She sipped from her straw. She was on to her second scotch, and it still wasn’t going to be enough anaesthesia for the coming afternoon’s budget meeting.

  “C’mon, Evie, live a little,” Melissa urged as she put her wine glass on the table. “They’re definitely interested.”

  “How can you tell? They’re all wearing sunglasses.” Inside a pub. On a dark and gloomy afternoon. Go figure. Yet they didn’t look ridiculous. They looked—well, hot.

  “He’s obviously into you. He and his friends have been staring at us—you, for over half an hour.”

  And that’s exactly why she wanted to run back to work. She wasn’t the blonde nympho type that Melissa was, or the hot-man magnet that their other friend, Paris, was. She was Evie. Tall, dark, blend-into-the-background Evie. She made the effort to disappear in a crowd, and, at six foot, she was used to some stares, but only because of her above-average height. She never attracted any other kind of attention, and didn’t know what to do with it when she did. They were looking at her. Staring—at her. Her nipples peaked in her lacy bra. She’d checked the men out, too, but hopefully nowhere near as obviously.

  Evie glanced surreptitiously over her shoulder at the gentlemen at the bar. They stood out like construction workers at a tea party. Three of them, all tall, broad-shouldered and lean-hipped, with expensive sunglasses masking their eyes. The one with the dark hair kept drawing her gaze. She wished she could see him clearly. His curly dark hair brushed the collar of his shirt and should have looked scruffy, but instead it looked rumpled and sexy, begging for a lover’s touch.


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