All Together Now

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  Dane eventually stopped moving against her. He straightened his back and gazed down at her. Her breasts were bared; her legs were wrapped around his hips; her lips were swollen from Cort’s kisses. A smile tugged at his mouth, and he looked up at Taz and Cort.

  “She is the right woman.”

  “Then we must go,” Taz stated.

  Cort nodded. “To the portal, then.”

  Evie fought the sensuous lethargy flooding through her. She’d just had one of the best orgasms of her life, with a stranger. Actually three strangers. And not one of them had penetrated her.

  Holy crap.

  Dane gently lowered her legs to the ground, and the men huddled closer, all of them wrapping their arms around her and holding her near. Supporting her. She felt surrounded, protected, enveloped, by a force she couldn’t name and didn’t understand. Each man raised his head, and suddenly there was a crack of thunder. She looked up, and gasped.

  The dark clouds overheard circled and swirled, as though an unseen deity twirled them with a forceful hand. In ever increasing circles, the clouds spread, until a dark hole appeared in the sky.

  Blinding light lanced down towards them, and Evie cried out in alarm as a roiling, twisting channel of light surrounded them, a cosmic tunnel of pink stars and comets that seemed to suck all four of them upwards.

  Chapter Four

  “Take me back, damn it!”

  Cort slammed the cabin door shut, and winced at the sound of the light crystals shattering against the other side.

  Their consort wasn’t taking her relocation well.

  He activated the lock, and strode down the corridor to the bridge of the ship, where Dane and Taz were checking the controls. He dumped the items he was carrying onto one of the counters and looked up. The view from the panoramic vid-screens showed stars and dark sky. Space.

  Cort didn’t like space.

  He preferred being at home, his feet on solid ground, surrounded by his people. All this travelling was wearing thin, but this journey would be different.

  They’d found her. Their consort.

  And they were bringing her home.

  He watched as Kalina and Kamala busied themselves at their controls. The unclothed pleasure droids had served their purpose well. But now there was someone else to play with. To make love with. Thoughts of the furious woman in the main cabin had his cock thickening like a torque shaft. He couldn’t wait to embed himself within her.

  As though sensing the carnal stirring within their officer’s body, both Kalina and Kamala turned to look at him, identical soft smiles lifting their lips. Their eyes were brown. Ordinary brown, not like his own, or anyone else’s back home on Valdahren, with their unique colour variations. He thought of Evie’s green eyes. He wondered if they would ever glimmer again. Time on Earth had taken the light out of them, but perhaps a little while spent on Valdahren would rectify that.

  Kalina and Kamala were both from the same droid factory, with golden-hued skin and a pearlescent finish that shone during climax. Attractive, but no match for the beautiful woman in the cabin with the long, dark hair, pale skin and ruby-tipped breasts. Gods, he wanted to fuck her.

  “How is our consort?” Dane glanced up from his systems check.

  Cort grimaced. “She still needs a little time to adjust, apparently.”

  “You explained everything to her, though?” Taz left his navigation console to stand between them.

  Cort nodded. “Yes. At first she didn’t believe me. I had to open her vid-screen to show her what was outside the ship.” She’d looked stunned by the scenery, and perhaps a little sickened.

  Dane shook his head. “Marabella did nothing to prepare her for us.”

  “She died, Dane. There’s not many people who could transcend death just to groom and instruct our consort.”

  “But she knows nothing of us! She doesn’t know about the arrangement among our families, or what is expected of her.” There was just a hint of pain, of concern, in Dane’s eyes. Cort could understand. He’d heard stories of betrothed partners resisting the arrangement, and the fallout as a result, of broken promises, severed ties and allies becoming enemies. A rejection of their betrothal could send Valdahren into chaos.

  “She must accept us,” Taz stated, as though it was a given. “Our families made an arrangement. She must uphold her end.”

  “Her family is dead, Taz, remember? Murdered. That’s why Marabella escaped with her in the first place, so that the consort wouldn’t suffer the same fate. Evangeline can refuse, and there is nobody to enforce the betrothal.” Dane ran his hand through his dark hair, his frustration almost tangible.

  “I say we bind her to us, immediately,” Taz stated, lifting his hands to his hips.

  “She’ll accept us, if we give her time. You know it’s easier to catch a peafowl with honey than with a spear. This is the same thing,” Cort cautioned him.

  Taz was the impulsive one of their trio. He made decisions quickly, acted quickly, and wanted things done the day before. Patience wasn’t his strong suit—but ruthless focus was.

  Dane, on the other hand, had the strategic skills and determination that would set them in good stead when it came to ruling Valdahren. He was prepared to wait, when the reward was worth it. He could also analyse a situation quickly and thoroughly.

  Cort, though, had more of a rapport with people, with influence and persuasion, and a diplomacy he used to his advantage.

  “I’d like to catch her with my spear, right now. Gods, I’ve been as hard as a rock since we picked her up,” Taz muttered, rubbing himself through his trowse. They’d all changed out of their Earth clothes once aboard their spaceship, and wore the traditional Valdahrenian apparel they were more comfortable in. The dalabeast leggings were soft and supple, yet durable and breathable, a necessary requirement for their balmy planet. They were all warriors, used to the freedom of going shirtless. Shirts were worn either under battle armour or for ceremonial purposes only. It was nice not to be confined by the strange Earth garments.

  Dane checked his console. “We have approximately two weeks’ journey before we reach home. We must convince her to accept us before we land; otherwise Borjesson will attempt to assert his triumvirate.”

  “And Valdahren will have to endure the rule of a tyrant,” Taz said. “Eliassen and Gulbrandsen are too weak to stand up to him and assert themselves within the triumvirate.”

  Dane nodded. “And a weak triumvirate will ultimately weaken Valdahren. War will result, I know, within Valdahren, and without.” He turned to Cort, his eyes troubled. “Did you explain this to the consort?”

  Cort sighed. “Her name is Evie, Dane. And yes, I told her everything. Right before she threw me out and destroyed everything in the cabin that wasn’t bolted down and that I couldn’t grab on the way out.”

  Dane’s lips quirked. “I like a wench with spirit. I just wish she didn’t have quite so much of it.”

  “She will need it, to consort with us,” Taz said. “But she needs to accept us, and she needs to bond with us before we arrive on Valdahren, to eliminate any question of our rule.”

  Dane nodded. “Agreed.”

  “We have some time. We have two weeks to prepare her for the Valdahrenian court. Let us take it one step at a time,” Cort advised. “She’s been with us for a few hours, now. Let us prepare a meal for her; give her some time to rest, to process everything. Then we will try anew.”

  Taz nodded. “You’re right, Cort. I’ve been selfish. I haven’t really considered it from her position. I’ll prepare the meal for her, and make sure she knows she has nothing to fear from us, that we will not force her into anything against her will.”

  Taz strode from the room. Dane and Cort watched him leave, and then Dane turned back to Cort.

  “I didn’t expect Taz to agree, just like that,” he said, clicking his fingers.

  Cort shrugged. “Neither did I, but it’s nice to know I can talk some sense into him, once in a while.”
/>   Dane shifted in his seat. “I’m like Taz, though. Our cons—”he paused. “Evie,” he corrected himself—“must accept our bond before our return home. I don’t think I can wait long before we have her, though.”

  A flash of need coursed through Cort at the thought of taking Evie—in her pussy, in her mouth, in her ass—everywhere and anyhow. He beckoned the pleasure droids over. “Fortunately, I know a way to take the edge off,” he said, as he untied his trowse and let his hardening cock spring forth.

  Kalina smiled as she knelt at his feet and wrapped her hands around his cock. She flicked her tongue out, and Cort shuddered at the light, delicate contact. These droids were the best on the market, a necessity for any space journey, particularly with an all-male crew, as theirs was. As a triumvirate, they enjoyed sex with each other, but having a female pleasure droid around certainly relieved the strain of their sexual natures. Valdahrenians were a highly sexed race, and regular bouts of sex were a necessity, like food. Without sex, they became aggravated, confrontational, and reckless—a combination that ultimately resulted in death, somehow. Sex soothed them, fed them, and some time with Kalina and Kamala would give them the energy and patience to court their consort.

  Kalina leaned over and wrapped her lips around his cock. Cort hissed as the wet warmth enveloped him. Dane watched him for a moment, before nodding.

  “You’re right.” He gestured to Kamala, who obediently rose and approached him, her small breasts bobbing with each step. He unlaced his trowse, and when Kamala was within reach he pulled her onto his lap, shoving his cock into her ever-ready channel.

  Chapter Five

  “Get out!” Evie yelled at the one called Taz Dorren-something-or-other. He stood just inside the doorway, tall, golden and wary, holding some sort of tray in his hand. She looked around for something to throw. Damn it. The one named Cort had already removed as many items as he could in a quick dodge before he’d left last time. She’d broken the weird little light rocks. The cabin was now bathed in a soft, weak light from the remaining shards. Most of the furniture was bolted down. The only thing she could get her hands on were the pillows that rested on the massive platform that she could only guess was supposed to be some sort of bed. Either that or a massive soft-fall sparring mat.

  He held up a placatory hand. “Wait—” he began.

  “I want out of here, now! I want to go back home!” They were in space, for Pete’s sake. She was still finding it hard to adjust to the cockamamie story Cort had told her, about some sort of special relationship expected among all of them. Three guys! Puh-leeze. She had a hard enough time keeping one man happy, but three! She ignored the little frisson of arousal that sparked deep inside her pussy at the thought. She’d often had a fantasy of having more than one man at a time, but, for crying out loud—that’s why they were fantasies! Not expected to happen in real life.

  She picked up a pillow and threw it. Not surprisingly, Taz dodged it easily. “Take me back home!” The hardest thing to accept was the space. She would have thought Cort was a prime candidate for the loony bin with his far-fetched story—if it hadn’t been for the group hug transport experience, and the stars floating outside her window, or the weird-ass technology on this spaceship. It had taken her two hours to figure out that what she’d initially thought was an escape hatch was actually the bathroom. She still wasn’t sure if she’d used it properly.

  “We are taking you home, Evie.”

  “I mean my home, not Valda, Valhalla, whatever!” Evie cast about for something else to throw, and then ended up pulling a shoe off and hurling it at the giant at the door.

  Two dark shadows loomed behind Taz. “What is going on?” Dane inquired in his deep voice. Just remembering the feel of his cock nestled between her thighs in the dark alley was enough to tighten her nipples. She’d managed to tie her torn blouse together, an attempt at modesty, but, when Taz’s eyes dropped to her chest, she realised he could see her arousal.

  Taz lifted the tray. “I brought you something to eat and drink.”

  Evie snorted. “Right. Is this your lame attempt at drugging me? No, thanks.”

  Dane shouldered his way past Taz, farther into the room, and Cort followed.

  “You need sustenance, woman. You need to keep your strength up. We would not drug or poison our consort.”

  Taz frowned as he glanced briefly at the tray. “Of course not.” His green eyes flared with golden sparks. “You’ve been in here for hours. Surely you’re hungry?”

  She opened her mouth to deny the suggestion, only her tummy rumbled loud enough to prove his point. Dane sighed and turned to the tray Taz held.

  “Taz brings you some sample sweetmeats from our land, and some zalas jus.”

  Yeah, and they’d kidnapped her, and she wouldn’t put it past them to drug her. Evie took off her other shoe, and hefted it meaningfully in her hand. There were three of them, all bigger than the average NBA star, and only one of her, but by golly she’d put up a fight if necessary.

  “You seriously expect me to trust you?” she asked with an all-too-sweet smile.

  “Look, I’ll show you,” Dane told her, and raised the drinking glass to his lips and took a big swig of the blue nectar.

  “Uh, Dane—” Taz said.

  Cort held up a hand. “It’s all right, Taz. This will show Evie she can trust us.”

  Dane handed him the glass, and Cort took a sizeable gulp before offering it to Taz.

  “Drink, Taz.”

  Taz stared at the drink for moment, then shrugged. “We are all in this, together,” he said cryptically, before taking a long sip, then offering the drink to Evie.

  She stared at the strange blue liquid. Apart from the colour, it looked harmless. She glanced at the three men. Each stared at her, waiting. They all seemed okay, no choking, gasping or rolling on the floor, no collapsing unconscious. And she was thirsty. This drink looked like nothing she’d ever seen before, but it seemed innocent. Could she trust these men? They’d kidnapped her, but had treated her well. Again, she squelched the memory of her mind-blowing orgasm from the alley. So maybe a bit better than that. And yes, they were now in deep space, travelling to who-the-hell-knew, but she sensed no malice, no violence towards her from these three large, gorgeous, bare-chested men.

  She drained the glass, suddenly very thirsty. All three men nodded in approval, before Taz stepped forward and offered her the tray again. “Something to eat, Consort?”

  She frowned. “I’m not your consort,” she snapped. She felt edgy, antsy. She accepted the tray from Taz. It was probably the sight of the food, but suddenly she was ravenously hungry.

  The men stood before her, golden-skinned, with well-developed, well-defined muscles exposed by their shirtless state. She’d wondered what they’d look like naked, back at the pub. Now she had a better idea. They were the sexiest men she’d ever seen. Her breasts swelled, the silken shirt providing an almost unbearable friction against her nipples.

  Dane’s cheeks had bloomed with colour, and he shifted on his feet. Both Cort and Taz seemed likewise uncomfortable.

  Evie selected a portion from the tray and popped it in her mouth. A delicious flavour-bomb exploded in her mouth, and she closed her eyes as she chewed the meat slowly, savouring its juicy tang. She moaned. It was glorious, like nothing she’d ever tasted before. Her heart rate quickened and moist heat gathered in her pussy. Her eyes sprang open. It was an unexpected reaction to the food.

  She glanced at the men, who all stared at her with their swirling eyes. She looked at Dane in particular. His cheeks were flushed, his breath rasped through parted lips as his gaze dropped from her mouth to her breasts. Hot sensation flooded her, and she gasped as her nipples tightened painfully under his regard.

  Hot. It was all so very hot. The clothes felt as though they burned her skin. Arousal swamped her, molten desire pooled in her panties, and she noticed Dane’s nostrils flare as he caught her scent. She was so horny, so hot for his cock. Her gaze switched fr
om Dane to Taz.

  His golden-green eyes flared with a desire she knew was mirrored in her own eyes. She gasped at the realisation.

  “What did you give me?” she whispered. She needed to be touched. To have hands roam all over her body, inside, outside, everywhere. She raised her hands to her breasts, and stroked her nipples through the torn silken shirt, shuddering at the intense sensation. For a brief moment she felt relief. Then her body demanded more.

  Dane’s head whipped to Taz. “Aniseegen?” He growled. “You’ve given us Aniseegen?” He rubbed himself, and, even from their distance, Evie could clearly see the hardening ridge pushing at the laces of the strange pants he wore. She trembled. She wanted that cock.

  She untied her shirt, enjoying the full, free sensation of her swollen breasts as she let the silk slide from her shoulders.

  She heard a hiss, and looked over at Cort. His cheeks were flushed, his eyes bright as he unlaced his pants, his chest muscles bunching with the movement. Heat seemed to flare inside her pussy, and rose like a tidal wave of all-consuming arousal. She groaned, pulling at her nipples. Somewhere deep inside her brain, a small voice registered shock at her behaviour, but it was quickly swallowed by lust at the sight of Cort’s cock as it jutted from his pants.

  Oh, yes! It was a sizeable length, and as thick as her wrist. She licked her lips. She wanted that cock. Her liquid desire slid past the seam of her panties, coating her thighs in a fragrant musk.

  Taz nodded. “I couldn’t wait,” he growled, and she watched as the man tugged forcefully at his laces.

  “I can’t either, now,” Dane agreed.

  Within moments, all three men stood before her, naked, their pants kicked to the side. Three massive erections bobbed to attention in front of her, and liquid streamed from her pussy at the sight. She was greedy, swept up by a carnal appetite she couldn’t control. Each man was similar, yet different. Each was well-muscled, from his smooth pecs to his thighs and calves.


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