All Together Now

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  “Oh God, yes. I’ve been waiting for you guys to fill my holes forever. Just shove it in already!”

  Lorne crouched a little to get in the right position behind her, and with one quick push, he thrust into her experienced asshole. She yelled out, a mixture of pleasure and pain.

  “Yes! Punish my asshole and pussy with your cocks!”

  Antony and Lorne gladly obliged, thrusting and ramming with the precision of two masters of fucking. Her large tits were yanked forward and back with the intense motion of their bodies, which elicited even more cries of pleasure from the wanton Denise.

  “Oh God, oh yes, I’m ready. Fuck me harder!”

  Lorne looked to Antony to see if he was ready to come. Antony nodded, and they both unloaded into Denise, her cries mixed with theirs as they all came in a frenzy of spasming orgasms.

  Lorne pulled out of Denise’s ass, holding the condom in place, and Denise fell on top of Antony’s strong, muscled chest. Still panting hard, she managed to choke out, “That was the most amazing fuck ever!”

  Lorne tossed the used condom into the trash by the nightstand, and came over to unhinge Denise’s punished nipples, and take off Antony’s collar. After taking the clamps off her, he leant down to give each now elongated tip a soft kiss. Denise smiled at his gesture.

  “The two of you are such sweeties. When are you going to settle down with some nice girl that you can both grow fuckably old with?”

  That’s the question, now, isn’t it? thought Lorne. When would they?

  Chapter Three

  “That was an awesome film,” gushed Jill as they got out of the taxi to go into the after-party.

  “Yeah, it was okay,” responded Alexa.

  She nervously gathered her coat about her and adjusted her red silk cocktail dress that she had spent way too much money on. She felt ridiculously out of place among so many celebrities and the whole film world in general. It didn’t help that she had been stressing about this party throughout the whole movie. She had put too much emphasis on a silly party where she’d know no one except for her friend, who was already trolling the surroundings for a hot guy. Alexa checked to make sure she had enough cash for a taxi home; she could already see where this evening was headed.

  They approached the new, trendy restaurant that had been taken over for the evening, and gave their names to the attendant at the door. After checking his list, the tall, impeccably dressed man undid the rope and let them pass, eyeing them up and down like they were prize cattle. Alexa realised at that second that she was not cut out for the meat-market lifestyle. She wanted an erotically charged lover, but she didn’t want to have to go through this leer-fest to get there.

  Once inside, however, she decided she didn’t have to worry. There were so many gorgeous females dressed to the teeth in hot designer outfits with amazing bodies, she doubted any man would even glance at her. She drank in the sights and sounds of the rich and successful, all glorying in their latest triumph, while the rest of the party-goers did their best to absorb what they could by basking nearby.

  As one of the designated baskers, Alexa turned to comment to Jill that the opulent gold filigree decor was a bit much, and discovered her friend was nowhere in sight. Instead, she locked eyes with the most glorious hunk of male flesh she’d ever had the chance to see this up close and personal. Like a blond Adonis, he was tall, with blue eyes and an obviously muscular frame that was being held at bay by his tuxedo. Alexa couldn’t believe such a creature stood next to her. His eyes lit up as he gazed down at her, and she noticed he took a quick peek at her neckline before looking back up. Alexa flushed, silently thanking the garish restaurant for having the wisdom to install dim lighting, and she smiled what she hoped was not too brazen a smile.

  “How lovely,” she thought she heard the Adonis say.

  “I’m sorry?” she said. The laughter, chatter and live blues band were making it almost impossible for her to hear.

  He leaned in closer to her and she caught her breath as she felt his warmth near her ear.

  “My name is Lorne.”

  She inhaled his scent; a strong, earthy masculine smell that made her heart start to beat a little faster. This was not cologne—this was him.

  “I’m Alexa. Are you involved in this film?”

  She immediately regretted saying it, but he had caught her by surprise. Now she sounded like some hanger-on. Maybe he would think she was some desperate actress who had blown someone to get on the list.

  “Yes, you could say that. Are you?”

  He had a sort of playful look in his eyes, and she felt like such an idiot. To make her feel even less confident, Jill picked that moment to re-emerge.

  “Ooh,” she gushed as she appeared on the other side of Lorne. “Introduce me to your yummy friend!”

  Alexa watched in dismay as Lorne turned and gave Jill an appreciative look.

  “Jill, this is Lorne. Uh, we actually just met.”

  “Oh, I’m sure you’ll get to know each other much better,” Jill continued as Alexa pondered how she could escape this mortifying moment.

  “Hello, Jill.” Lorne extended his hand, an oddly formal gesture. He hadn’t shaken her hand, so she tried to ascertain what that meant.

  “Well, very nice to meet you, Lorne,” said Jill, almost laughing.

  Alexa was sure these two were going to hit it off, and that she would be hailing that taxi in no time. She had known this man—if you could even call it ‘knowing him’—for all of sixty seconds, and yet she knew she would feel bad if he took up with Jill instead of her. And why

  wouldn’t he pick Jill? She was beautiful, experienced, and could say all the right things. Plus, she was scorching hot.

  “I just came over to let you know that I ran into Bob. I don’t know how he snaked his way in. Anyway, we’re taking off—this party is pretty lame. Will you be all right?”

  Alexa could have sworn she saw Jill wink. She hoped Lorne hadn’t seen it.

  “Of course,” said Alexa. “You guys have fun. I was just getting ready to take off anyway, too.”

  “Okay, sweetie, see ya later!” And, with that, Jill disappeared through the masses of party-goers.

  Alexa looked back to see Lorne staring at her, not looking after Jill at all.

  “Jill’s a colleague where I work,” Alexa stammered, trying to make conversation.

  “You weren’t serious, were you?” said Lorne.

  “About her being my colleague?”

  Lorne laughed. “No. I mean about taking off. I would like a chance to get to know you better.”

  Alexa was not at all used to such a direct approach, especially from such an incredible-looking man. Just then, the lead actress from the film, a stunning brunette, approached Lorne, completely ignoring Alexa.

  “Lorne. Baby!” she cooed. “Your music made that film. It was so exciting, so thrilling.”

  She was very close to him, practically rubbing herself on him. She was average height, even in her stiletto heels, and he was taller than most men.

  He looked down at her. “You were what made it thrilling, Veronica,” he said politely, “but my friend Alexa and I were just leaving. You look stunning, by the way!” He grabbed Alexa’s hand and directed her towards the front door, as they wound their way through the boisterous crowd, leaving a confused Veronica in their wake. Speechless, Alexa waited until they were outside in the cool night air to stop him.

  “What was that all about?” she said.

  “I’m sorry about that,” said Lorne. “Sometimes she can be a little demanding. I don’t have any relationship with her of that sort.”

  “Oh,” said Alexa. “I didn’t mean to… I mean, that’s none of my business. So, what music was she talking about?”

  “I’ll tell you what,” said Lorne, “if you will let me take you somewhere much quieter and less pretentious, we can relax and talk without any of these unnecessary interruptions.”

  Stunned at this fortunate turn of events, Ale
xa agreed.

  * * * *

  Later that night, Alexa found herself also agreeing to go home with Lorne, essentially a complete stranger. True, they had spent almost two hours at a pub having sandwiches and ale and getting to know about one another, but still, this was so unlike her. The bar had been closing up, and he had suggested they go back to his place for some coffee so that they could continue talking. It seemed innocent enough, but could she really believe this hunk wanted her to have coffee and biscuits at two in the morning? Or was it more likely she was supposed to be the dessert?

  She had to be honest with herself. She wanted to be his dessert. She had never hungered for a man the way she was hungering for him. He was sexy, handsome, intelligent, had a great sense of humour, and was obviously talented. Finally, why waste a perfectly good bikini wax?

  When they arrived at Lorne’s penthouse suite, Alexa looked around the large living room that was done in chrome, glass and white leather furniture. He had a gorgeous view of the upper Manhattan skyline, and more square footage than she was accustomed to seeing in a New York City abode. As she took one step down into the living room, to the left was a stunning white grand piano, and she realised that his composing for film was probably done on this very instrument. The way everything was laid out in the room told her this was a very particular man who only loved the finer things in life.

  She felt his light touch on her shoulders as he carefully slid her coat off. “Please,” he said softly near the back of her neck, “make yourself at home.”

  Not daring to turn around and look at him—he would be so close to her their lips might touch—she stepped all the way into the room and sat at one end of the expansive leather sofa. Lorne carefully laid her coat on the love-seat at a right angle to her, then stepped over to the piano and sat down. He kept his eyes trained on her as he began to play a lovely melody that she soon recognised. It was the theme from the film she’d seen that night. It had such a different feel when stripped down to its organic basics. He didn’t say a word until he’d finished.

  “Come sit with me.” He indicated next to him on the bench.

  Alexa got up from the sofa, wondering just what he was up to. As she sat down on his right, he took her hands and laid them on the keys. She quickly pulled them back.

  “Oh no, I can’t play,” she said.

  He chuckled lightly. “That’s okay. I just want to show you something.”

  She felt insecure, and didn’t want him to see her looking inept, but also didn’t want to be a bore. She put her hands back on the keys.

  “What should I do?”

  “Well,” he said, “music has a few basic elements. The part that I’m going to show you up here is the treble clef, the higher notes. I’ll play the bass, or the lower notes. Typically, in choirs, the female voices sing the higher notes in the treble clef; alto and soprano. The men sing tenor and bass in the bass clef. Together, they make a complete song. Alone, it isn’t full or complete. Together, well, it becomes music.”

  “Wow.” What he said was so beautiful, she couldn’t think of an equally meaningful response.

  He showed her a few notes, and let her play them over and over. Then he started to play some notes on the lower keys, and she got mixed up.

  “That’s okay,” he said. “Try it again.”

  This time she was able to keep doing her part when he added his.

  “You’re a natural,” he said, somewhat cryptically.

  They repeated it a few times and she couldn’t believe it. Here she was, playing music with an award-winning composer who was also one of the hottest guys she’d seen in a long time. Definitely the hottest she had ever been alone with before. It had been quite a week so far. How could it get any better?

  Lorne showed her exactly how by turning to her and taking her face in both his hands. He then lowered his lips to hers and began to softly explore the inside of her mouth with his tongue. As he started to move his tongue deeper, he slipped one hand down to her waist and drew her closer. Her response to his need was stronger than she could ever have imagined with a man she’d just met.

  He broke the kiss just enough to whisper to her, “Come with me.”

  Alexa felt as though she would follow any command Lorne gave her at that moment, and with heightening anticipation she allowed him to lead her over to the sofa. He motioned for her to sit, and then he went around and dimmed the lights. She was wet and willing, but also overwhelmingly aware that she might just be the flavour of the day. However, her mounting desire for Lorne took over, and she decided she would just go with it and field the possible fallout later.

  “Do you like red wine, or would you prefer champagne?”

  Letting her choose was a nice gesture

  “I love red.”

  He smiled. “Me too. I have an excellent Northern California Cabernet. Would you like to try it?”

  “Yes, I would love to.”

  He went about the room getting glasses and the wine, starting a fire in the fireplace and lighting candles. The delay was getting her nerves all worked up, and she hoped she would be able to relax enough with him to enjoy what was sure to be an incredible interlude. When he finally came back over and sat next to her, he apologised.

  “Sorry to keep you waiting. I honestly hadn’t thought this would happen tonight. I guess I’m not enough of a player. I would have had everything all set up already, just in case.”

  She wanted to believe him when he said that, but only time would tell.

  “I’m not interested in a player,” she said, “so no complaints.”

  “Excellent. Shall we drink to no one being a player?”

  “Works for me.” She raised her glass.

  After a large swallow of wine, Lorne set his glass on the coffee table and leaned into Alexa. He looked directly into her eyes, and locked his lips on hers once again. She melted into him, allowing herself to shut her eyes and feel the moment. Lorne used both hands to explore her body, sliding up and down her, briefly fondling her breasts, stroking her hair, petting the side of her face. Alexa began heating up again, and reciprocated by rubbing his broad, muscular chest, and caressing the stone-hard tops of his thighs.

  Abruptly, Lorne pulled back and stood up. He looked down at her as she leant back against the arm of the sofa, and began to unbutton the white tuxedo shirt he was wearing, throwing the bow tie to the ground. His chest exposed, Alexa feasted her eyes on just how well built he was, with just a light smattering of golden hair. He undid his belt and slacks, which were also then cast aside. He was left standing in black briefs that strained under the hardness of his generous cock.

  “Would you like to do the final honours?” he said to her, a mischievous tone to his voice.

  Alexa wanted to rip the fabric from his body to get at what was being held prisoner beneath. She leant forward so that her face was even with his crotch. Feeling lightheaded from the wine, and maybe a little dangerous, she grabbed the elastic waistband with her teeth and began tugging it downward. He was so hard, it was difficult to get the underwear to cooperate, so she gave it an extra tug with both her hands.

  Finally his large prize was free, and she immediately caught it with her lips, licking and tonguing the shaft, teasing the tip as she eased it in and out of her mouth. Lorne placed both hands on her head, moaning, and began to thrust his cock deep into her, pushing at the back of her throat as she opened up to take as much of him as she could.

  Lorne held her head fast in his hands, so Alexa was free to begin sliding out of her silk dress. As it fell to her waist, she lifted up slightly to get it the rest of the way off. She sat perched on the edge of his white couch in a red satin lace bra and thong panties. She saw Lorne looking down at her and hoped that the sight of his thick prick ramming into her face and her full C-cup breasts bouncing in the red push-up bra was bringing him true delight.

  She was briefly unsure of herself as he pulled his dick out of her mouth, but he reassured her. “You are way too sexy in th
is outfit, with a sweet, sumptuous mouth. I’m afraid I won’t be able to contain myself.”

  He knelt down in front of her and began to kiss her again, and she could feel that her mouth was sloppy and her lips were swollen from the recent assault of his shaft. Her cheeks were flushed, and he watched as her chest rose alluringly with fast breath. He began to explore her again, and he made it clear it was time for the rest of her clothing to come off. He undid her bra, and she helped move things along by sliding her panties off.

  “I appreciate your enthusiasm,” he said, locking with her eyes again. “I plan to reward it.”

  He pushed her back on the couch, lifted one of her legs up against its back, and positioned the other so that her foot touched the floor. With her splayed before him, he began to caress and rub the inside of her thighs, reaching higher towards her hips, and rubbing her stomach. She leant back on her elbows and moaned. He reached a little higher and cupped both breasts, pinching and rolling her nipples until they were hard.

  “Oh, yes,” she whispered. “That feels so good.”

  As he continued to work her nipples, he slid closer to her until his mouth reached her inner thighs, where he nipped and licked at the sensitive skin. He alternated licking, love-biting, and brushing his lips back and forth on each side, moving ever closer to the lovely folds between her legs. She was beginning to move slightly under his ministrations, her hips thrusting forward, closer to his busy mouth.

  “Oh, Lorne, please,” she begged. “Please…”

  “Mmmm…that’s nice, the way you’re asking. I think I should give you your reward…”

  Lorne’s tongue thrust deep between her wet pussy lips and soft, trimmed curls and searched for her waiting clit. She cried out in pleasure, and began to buck more insistently beneath his lips. Clearly inspired by her obvious enjoyment, he slicked his tongue around and over her clit, furiously bringing her to a frenzy. Just when it seemed she would lose control, he backed off, and let his tongue go to other parts of her most intimate area.

  First he pushed into her vagina, his strong tongue acting like a little cock as it rammed into her. Then he lifted her hips a little more, and his tongue travelled further back, teasing between her back cheeks, searching for her other entrance. He swiped his tongue at the hole a few times, and Alexa responded to every little thing he did with all types of cries of pleasure. Lorne laid her down, and began to move back up to her throbbing clit. This time he furiously wiggled it with his tongue, not letting up for a second. Alexa’s whimpers and cries were becoming stronger and more rhythmic, her hips keeping time with the dance of Lorne’s tongue.


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