All Together Now

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  They both laughed aloud, the tension breaking a little between them.

  “Yeah. I guess.”

  “I’ll tell you what,” said Antony. “Let’s take a week or two off from our nocturnal acrobatics, and see how we feel. I’m working on some new arrangements anyway.”

  “That’s actually not a bad idea,” agreed Lorne. “I need to review a new film I’m up for as well. This is probably all a good thing.”

  Having the film to screen really was a good thing in Lorne’s mind. Because he knew one thing was for sure—he really liked Alexa, and he needed something to get his mind off her.

  Chapter Five

  “Lorne, you are seriously bumming me out,” sighed Antony as he stepped out of the shower, dick swinging, and droplets of water still clinging to his muscular, tanned chest.

  “We just had a really hot piece of ass that wanted us to do all kinds of filthy things to her, and you’re moping around like someone pissed in your cereal.”

  Lorne looked at Antony through the mirror’s reflection as he rinsed off his toothbrush and frowned. “I can’t always be one hundred and fifty per cent, you know.”

  It had been three weeks since Lorne had introduced Alexa to Antony, and his worst fears about the possibility of all of them getting together had been realised. Even though he was uncharacteristically down, he understood that Antony had arranged the sex romp they’d just enjoyed to cheer him up.

  “Didn’t you notice what Leanne said at the end of the evening, you know, after everything that we did to her?”

  Antony was vigorously towelling off his hair. “Uh, that she hoped we would double stuff her again sometime?”

  “No!” Lorne was trying his hardest not to sound angry. It was getting difficult for him to control his grouchy behaviour lately, and he was sure it must be getting on Antony’s nerves. “I’m talking about her observation that we’re so caring and concerned, that we seem more like relationship guys, not party guys. Remember back when Denise said we should find someone to grow old with? That’s what I’m talking about.”

  Lorne shoved his toothbrush back into the holder, and stomped out of the bathroom. Maybe this isn’t going to work out with Antony after all. He couldn’t picture being without him, but now he could finally admit to himself that he couldn’t picture being without Alexa, either.

  “Talk to me.” Antony had followed him into the bedroom. “It’s Alexa, isn’t it?”

  Lorne couldn’t help but sigh out loud. “Yes. But my frustration is that you won’t even give it a try. You might be right—she might be totally wrong—but we’ll never know, will we?”

  Antony looked down. Lorne was terrified that this might be what finally did their relationship in. Then he looked back up at Lorne and gave him the seductive Antony smile. “Then I guess we’d better find out for sure, hadn’t we?”

  * * * *

  The three weeks since Alexa had been plunged into repeatedly in entirely new ways had been agonisingly long, but what had really stayed with her was how warm and wonderful she’d felt as Lorne had held her through the night. Their passion had been astounding, but so had the tenderness. At least, she’d thought it had. She now had to realise that she’d been a one-night stand after all.

  He had asked for her number that morning before they’d left for breakfast, and she had been almost giddy. She was sure now it had been sleep deprivation and a prevailing hangover that had made her think it was more than it was. She’d sensed things had changed after his friend Antony had arrived. It was like they were sending each other secret signals or something, and Antony had somehow communicated to Lorne that she was a ‘no’. It was the oddest impression. She knew it was ridiculous to think that way, but something had definitely shifted.

  Regardless, it was obvious after three weeks that he would never call. She was amazed at how depressed and sad that actually made her feel. She thought about being reckless to help get her mind off him. It wasn’t fair. He had opened her up to a host of new erotic feelings and desires, then had just disappeared from her life. Since she’d given up on Lorne, she left a message for a guy she’d dated a couple of times the year before, and thought if he called, she would just invite him over and open the door naked and see what happened.

  She almost jumped out of her chair when the phone rang. Her heart was beating so fast, she had to take a moment before she answered. Would she really have the guts to invite that guy over?

  “Hello, Alexa? This is Lorne.”

  Now she thought her heart was going to stop.

  Chapter Six

  Alexa sat in the nightclub in the corner booth of the VIP section. The theme of the club was very opium den, with stained-glass lanterns lit with glowing candles, floor pillows, incense holders, and all sorts of interesting people lounging about. At the far end there was a jazz band playing by a small dance floor that occasionally featured a couple or two slow-dancing. She took in the scenery while clutching a vodka martini, and tried to absorb what Lorne had just said to her. His friend Antony had said nothing, and she was desperately trying not to look at him, even though she knew he was watching her carefully. No doubt gauging her reaction to what Lorne had just confessed.

  Confessed was maybe the wrong way to put it. He wasn’t treating his revelation as though it were something wrong. Not at all. He was actually proposing to her that she not only perform more outrageous sex acts with him, but that his friend Antony be allowed to participate, and that the three of them would be like a couple. Or whatever they would be called. That Antony would not only fuck her this time, but that being with him was also an actual condition of being with Lorne ever again. What a nightmare scenario. When Lorne had finally called, she had been so relieved and thrilled. But now this. Unbelievable.

  “Please, honey. Tell me—tell us—what’s on your mind.” Lorne took Alexa’s chin gently in his hand and connected his eyes with hers. She could see he was being sincere, that he was genuinely imploring her to consider this bizarre possibility.

  “I don’t know where to begin,” she said truthfully. “I barely know you, and I really don’t know him at all.”

  She gave a slight glance in Antony’s direction. She was positive he was not interested, and was completely perplexed as to why he was agreeing to this.

  “There have to be other things you’re wondering?” said Lorne.

  “Probably a million.” She allowed herself a light laugh. “But I think what has me the most confused is what do you, Antony, have to say about all of this? I’m usually pretty good at picking up vibes off people, and I don’t feel you have any sort of attraction to me. I mean, even if I would ever consider such a thing. Which I’m not. But still, I’m curious why you’re here.”

  Antony, staying true to form, didn’t answer. He stood up and extended his hand to her.

  “Will you join me on the dance floor?”

  Alexa shook her head in wonderment, but slid out of the booth towards him. Why not? she thought. The night couldn’t get any weirder. She decided she might as well try to find out as much about what was going on with these two as possible. Especially since her hopes of being with Lorne had been completely dashed. That little thought gave her a twinge. She was afraid she might actually have to fight off tears contemplating.

  She sighed and allowed Antony to lead her by the hand to the dance floor. As the impressively muscular and tall Antony took her into his arms, she was able to look past his shoulder to Lorne, who was sitting in the booth, watching them. She had the oddest flash of a thrill at that. Phew, she thought, I’d better stick to one martini. I’m getting all jumbled up.

  They danced close together in silence to the moody jazz tune for a few minutes before Antony spoke. “You’re completely wrong about me not being attracted to you,” he said close to her ear, as he lightly brushed his lips against her hair, and she relaxed into his assured embrace. “But I would have to ask, are you attracted to me?”

  She inhaled s
harply. Truth be told, how could she not be attracted to him? But it was a purely chemical thing, not like what she felt towards Lorne. Although, she had to admit, it had been nothing but physical at first with Lorne as well. It wasn’t until they’d talked at the pub, laughing together and sharing stories, that she’d felt the hint of anything more.

  “I think you’re very attractive,” she said. “But I already have feelings for Lorne, so it feels…wrong, I guess, for me to be feeling that way about two men at once.”

  “Is it wrong because you believe it’s wrong, or because you’re afraid of Lorne’s feelings? The typical male jealousy and possessiveness over his ‘woman’? Lorne and I, as he explained, don’t feel that way at all. I should also say it doesn’t lessen the intensity of his feelings towards you. He’s been like a lost puppy-dog these last few weeks.”

  Alexa felt her heart leap at his last comment. But she still couldn’t reconcile why Antony had to be involved, and if she would ever be able to consider doing such a thing with the three of them together, and only the three of them together.

  “So,” continued Alexa, “You guys really are committed to one another, and also committed to having the same woman together?”

  “Exactly,” said Antony, “it’s that simple. And that difficult. We thought we had it one time, but ironically, I now believe she was just playing us. Lorne thinks you could be our perfect third, but I can’t picture it. Again, it has nothing to do with your attractiveness, I find you quite delicious. I’m just not convinced you’d be able to handle this type of lifestyle, and I don’t want Lorne to be hurt like he was last time. By the same token, I agreed to this tonight because he has been so miserable over you. So, whaddya say, kitten? Want to give it a go?”

  He gave her his one arched eyebrow look and twirled her around once, then pulled her back to his solid, muscled chest.

  She wasn’t sure if it was the martini, or the ‘delicious’ remark, but she was finding herself actually contemplating it. Lorne wasn’t the only one who had been miserable during the last few weeks.

  “Okay”, she said, and Antony came to a complete stop. “On one condition, though.”

  “Mmm,” said Antony. “Conditions. Not my favourite.”

  “I’m just saying, this is a big step for me all at once. What if tonight we try it, you know, the three of us, but you just watch. No touching.”

  Antony started swaying her back and forth a little as he mulled over her demand.

  “Well…” he said, “it just so happens that I am quite the voyeur, so I might be okay with that. But let’s clarify, shall we?”

  “Like what?” Alexa responded suspiciously.

  “I can touch myself. And I get to see everything in vivid, lurid detail, in close proximity. No under the covers, in the dark type of thing. Agreed?”

  “You only touch yourself?”

  “Just myself.”

  Alexa took a deep breath.


  * * * *

  Alexa pulled her wrap closer around her, as if it might protect her from the uncharacteristic leap she was taking with these two men. No one could argue that either of them wouldn’t be the most amazing catch ever, and many women would give up almost anything to be with even one of them. Here they were, both wanting her—and she was still questioning everything. Yet, there had been a spark when she and Antony had danced back at the club, so maybe…

  What was she was thinking? She was almost behaving as if she would really do two men at the same time. That was impossible. She had been raised to believe in love between two partners who remained faithful and devoted only to one another. Although, she was very touched by what she saw as an obvious bond between the two men that had nothing to do with sex. There was genuine loyalty and friendship that had been in existence for at least ten years. That was rare.

  This was all so confusing, and the drinks had not helped, either. She probably shouldn’t have had that final martini, but she had known she was going to need an extra nudge tonight to allow herself to be naked and vulnerable in front of two men, one who would be watching. An image flashed through her mind of a naked, muscular Antony, his shoulder-length black locks framing his chiselled features, as he looked down on her and Lorne, coupled in the heat of passion, Antony’s fingers tightly curled around his…

  That was it. She couldn’t go through with this. That one quick thought alone had already made her tingle between her legs. She was turning into some sort of wild trollop or something. All it had taken was one night of true passionate abandon, and she was thinking all of these kinky thoughts.

  Their limo was pulling up to the front of the building.

  “Uh, Lorne, Antony, I was thinking…”

  “Yes, angel?” Lorne was leaning into her, brushing his full, warm lips against the side of her neck, his hot breath heating her skin and reminding her of their previous union. His musky, masculine smell also took her back to those moments where she had been crying out in ecstasy with a freedom she had never enjoyed with any other lover. She tried to turn away, and met Antony’s dark, heavily lashed eyes. They were large and smouldering, and they were drinking both her and Lorne in. How much more sensual would those eyes become if she were exposed, her flesh bare and her body writhing in response to Lorne’s touch, his mouth, his cock?

  “Uh, I was thinking I could use another drink.”

  Lorne chuckled next to her skin, his mouth vibrating and stirring the inner flame already. “You can have whatever you want.”

  They got out of the car, and Alexa tried to ignore the interested stare of the driver as he pulled away.

  Antony was careful to walk close to the two of them as they went through the lobby and into the elevator, but only Lorne held her hand or touched her in any way. Antony’s presence felt intimate yet removed at the same time. She really felt the three of them were together, yet Antony was abiding completely to his promise of looking, but not touching. The tease of Antony staying just out of reach was greatly heightening the sexual tension. It was starting to really turn her on.

  When they reached the door, Antony took the liberty of unlocking and opening it, then stepping aside just enough to allow her and Lorne through. Lorne’s arm encircled her waist and guided her past Antony. Antony’s eyes never left them and he didn’t say a word, though he was so close that her wrap brushed his arm briefly.

  This time, Lorne scooped Alexa into his arms, and carried her straight into the bedroom. He gently laid her across the black satin comforter, with the velvet edging and gold threaded filigree. She felt like a princess on this massive, luxurious bed, and when she turned her head towards the bedroom door, there was Antony, with his eyes trained on her, pulling his silk scarf away and tossing it on the back of the chair, beginning to kick off his shoes and get comfortable.

  Alexa let her wrap fall away, and Lorne leaned over and pulled it from under her. He tossed it on a chaise longue over by his side of the bed, and began to undo the buttons on her long, purple silk blouse, finally tossing it aside as well. He grasped the waistband of her black leggings, and pulled them down, removing her thick, ankle-strapped heels at the same time. She lay on the bed in her purple thong and lace bra set, her favourite one that always made her feel so sexy. Antony was continuing to undress, and Lorne began to join him, one on each side of the bed, staring down at her form as they did so.

  “What can I get you to drink, sweetheart?” said Lorne smiling. She smiled back, with what she hoped conveyed true affection.

  “I would really love another vodka martini, if you have it.”

  “Ketel One, Stoli or Grey Goose?”

  Well. She laughed a little, starting to feel a bit less nervous, and becoming charmed by Lorne all over again.

  “I would love the Ketel One.” She turned as he started to leave, remembering all too well that Antony would be alone here with her, standing in only his silk boxers.

  “Make me one, too,” he said as Lorne passed him.

got it, bud.”

  She was still trying to wrap her brain around this whole arrangement with them. They were both so obviously masculine, and treated each other as such. She caught Antony’s eye. He lifted one eyebrow slightly.

  “You’re still not so sure about all of this, are you?”

  Her cheeks flushed a little.

  “I can tell that you and Lorne have an incredible bond. I guess it never occurred to me that this type of situation could happen, or work out really well with two men. You know, like this.”

  She was stammering, and felt completely out of her realm of understanding. She didn’t want to seem like a naïve fool.

  “It isn’t typical, to be sure. There just has to be the right synergy for it to work. Lorne and I discovered it naturally, and I know he’s hoping that the same synergy will happen with you so that you can become a part of the three.”

  “But you’re not so sure about that.”

  Antony grinned, not at all condescendingly. “I want Lorne and me to be happy, and together. I also want there to be the perfect third to our chord of togetherness. Whether I’m sure or not right now is meaningless. You are far from sure. Let it go where it takes you, and then the three of us will find out.”

  Antony was beginning to really grow on her. His physical attractiveness had never been in question, she just hadn’t seen the same glimpse of heart and soul that Lorne had shown so easily. Antony was harder to read and had that darker edge. What he had just said to her, though, made it very easy to understand why Lorne cherished him so closely in his life. It was obvious to her they were both willing to sacrifice their own personal desires and wants in order for the other to be happy. What better testament to true love was there than that?

  Lorne re-entered the room with drinks for all of them on a tray. He set them down on the dresser near Antony, and Alexa propped herself up on her elbows. Lorne took the glasses and passed them around. He raised his and said, “Let us celebrate the beauty that lies before us. In thanks for her willingness to share her luscious fruits with us.”


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