All Together Now

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  “You both…” I began, my voice little more than a gasp. “You feel incredible…”

  They quietly chuckled, and as Damien continued creating the most wonderful sensations upon my breasts with his fingers, lips, and tongue, Parker trailed his hand back down my body, grazing the side of my breast and stomach, which trembled at his passing. He lightly stroked a finger at my opening, now moist with desire, then slid it through my folds to tease my sensitive clit. I cried out and Parker’s mouth was on mine as he slid one, then two fingers inside me. “Parker!” My cry was muffled by his lips. “Oh, God!”

  He groaned into my mouth, his tongue dancing with mine.

  I heard movement and opened an eye to see Damien sitting up on his knees, watching as Parker pumped his fingers in and out of me, trailing his lips down my neck, my head thrown back in pleasure. In the dark shadows, I could see his silhouette as he stroked himself. “Beautiful,” he murmured.

  “Come here,” I whispered. He knelt beside my head and I took his hardness into my hand. Parker moved down my body out of the way and soon replaced his fingers with his tongue. I sat up on my elbow and slid my mouth down over Damien’s length. The inside of the tent became a cacophony of groans and hisses as Parker pleasured me and in turn I pleasured Damien. Parker sucked at my clit and he slid his fingers back inside my dripping cunt. Before long my inner muscles began to clamp around them. “That’s right, sugar, come for me,” he murmured as I fell hard off the edge.

  Damien pulled his cock from my mouth, bending his head to capture my lips with his once again. “Fuck, Lexi,” he groaned. “Nothing I ever could have imagined could compare to this right now.”

  As I came down from my high, he reached into his jeans and pulled out his wallet, fishing out a condom, passing one to Parker. “Safety first,” he smirked, and I appreciated that, even in this moment of reckless abandon, he had the sense to insist upon the proper precautions.

  “Allow me,” I said, taking it from him. “Lie down.”

  He did as I said and, holding the condom in my mouth, I slowly slid it down his impressive cock as far as my throat could take it, using my hand to unroll it the rest of the way.

  “Nice,” he said with a contented sigh. I then positioned myself so that I was straddling him and slid down on his length, letting out my own sigh of pleasure at having my aching void filled at last. I moved up and down on him slowly and then, remembering Parker, looked over my shoulder to see him on his knees behind me, the condom already in place. He was squeezing something from a small bottle into his hand.

  “Is that…?” I began.

  “Lube,” he confirmed. At my perplexed silence and Damien’s chuckle, Parker continued. “It’s kind of like duct tape. Always have some handy, ‘cause you never know when you’re gonna need it. Now lean forward and relax.”

  I leaned over Damien, capturing his lips with mine, slowing my movement when I felt Parker pressing against my other entrance. He began to push in and I tensed. “Relax,” he repeated in a soothing, albeit strained, tone of voice. I rested my forehead on Damien’s chest as I willed my body to relax and accommodate this intrusion. It wasn’t the first time I’d been taken anally, but it was certainly the first time it’d happened with my pussy already occupied. Parker drew back a little before thrusting forward again, seating himself within the tight space. I lifted my head and exhaled, all movement stopping for a moment while my body adjusted to having them both inside me. Parker kissed my neck and shoulders, murmuring how warm and tight I felt. Damien lavished kisses on my mouth and throat. I rolled my hips once as a test and then Damien gripped them as he bucked up gently, causing me to moan. I was ready.

  After a few strokes we found our rhythm and I was soon in a state of euphoria unlike anything I’d ever experienced. When my muscles began to tense once again, my boys were ready for me, their thrusts hitting all the right places and pressing me forward to my release. With Damien tightly holding my waist, and Parker gripping my shoulders, we met our release together, our voices filling the night air. I collapsed onto Damien’s chest and Parker fell beside us as we all panted and gasped for air.

  “That was amazing,” I rasped.

  Damien nodded. “You’re incredible,” he whispered.

  I knew then that breaking up with Jarrod was going to be the right thing to do, because I’d never experienced anything like this, regardless of Parker’s participation. There was something more here, something I found myself wanting to explore further.

  Parker’s voice interrupted my thoughts. “How about you guys, did you enjoy the show?”

  I sat my head up and looked at Parker. “What the fuck are you talking about?”

  He pointed towards the doorway of the tent, which he apparently had neglected to zip up on his return from his naked stroll. Standing next to the picnic table, with a perfect view of the inside of our tent, were Corey, Tasha, Mark and Natalie, clutching their blankets around them, their expressions aghast.

  Parker addressed them, gesturing to Damien and me. “These two play one wicked game of Truth or Dare. I think Alexis won.”

  Chapter Two

  Breakfast was more than a little awkward the following morning. I found myself seated between Damien and Parker as I studied my paper plate while nibbling on a piece of bacon. Both men were touching me in some way as they ate—Damien had his left hand on my thigh, stroking absently with his thumb, while Parker had slid a foot between my legs and was occasionally stroking and moving his foot up and down my lower calf and ankle. It wasn’t unpleasant. But our friends’ reaction to our antics was varied and somewhat uncomfortable. Natalie was giving me the cold shoulder—whatever, fuck that bitch at this point in the game—while Mark seemed amused by the entire situation. Tasha and Corey had hinted towards wanting to join in the next time. Yikes.

  What I had done with Damien and Parker the night before was extremely uncharacteristic, but I couldn’t say I had any regrets. It had been an amazing experience, and though I was saddlesore, I felt it had been totally worth it. I was pretty sure, however, that I did not intend to add having an orgy with my lifelong friends to my apparent list of ‘crazy deeds I accomplished after college graduation’. Tasha and Corey would just have to understand.

  We began to break down camp once we’d finished eating. We’d come in three vehicles, me with Corey and Tasha in Corey’s crew-cab pickup, Natalie and Mark in Natalie’s Land Cruiser, and Damien and Parker in Damien’s Super Duty. We began to make piles according to what items were leaving with whom. Tasha happened to pick up my duffle bag and take it over to Corey’s pickup; Damien saw this, walked over to the pickup, retrieved my bag and carried it to his truck.

  “Uh, Damien? What are you doing with my bag?”

  He opened the rear passenger door and set it inside. “Loading it in the truck, Lex. What does it look like I’m doing?” His expression was innocent, but he had a firm set to his lips that discouraged argument.

  “But I rode here with Corey and Tasha.”

  “That’s great, but you’re riding back with me and Parker.”

  I opened and closed my mouth a few times, probably causing me to look like one of my mother’s koi fish before I found my words. “And you took it upon yourself to decide this why?”

  “He and his loser friend want to do another double-team on you, Alexis. I’d think that’d be pretty obvious, even to you,” Natalie sneered. I felt my face flush instantaneously while Tasha and Corey gasped.

  “Nat!” Mark admonished. “What the fuck?”

  “I’m only saying what everyone else is thinking, Mark! I mean, I know you two had your little puppy love back in eighth grade, but come on. Could she be even more of a slut? I’m surprised she didn’t put out for you too!”

  My eyes met Mark’s for only the briefest of moments and I heard Parker try to cover his chuckle with a cough. Natalie didn’t miss any of it. “Oh, you have got to be joking. Eighth grade? Really, Mark? God, Alexis, you are a whore.”

threw down the mat I was rolling and stormed over to Natalie. “Fuck you, Natalie, you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about!”

  “Seems like Corey’s the only guy here you haven’t banged, Sexy Lexi,” Natalie mocked. “Tasha, can she borrow your boyfriend for a minute?”

  Before I knew what I was doing, I’d crossed the six feet separating us and slapped the shit out of her. “Bitch!” Before she could recover, I shoved her, causing her to land hard on her ass. I made a move to lunge onto her when I felt a hand on my shoulder gently pulling me back.

  “I think she gets the point, sweetheart. Sis, if you don’t want Lexi to finish whipping your ass, I suggest you apologise.” Damien’s voice was calm, but the look in his eyes was like cold steel. “And I don’t ever want to hear you speaking of or to her in that way again. You don’t know half the shit you think you do.”

  “Like hell I’ll apologise!” she sputtered. “She hit me! I should have her whore ass arrested for assault!”

  “I didn’t see anything.” Mark’s words both surprised me and reminded me why he’d been my best friend all these years. I knew he loved Natalie, yet he hadn’t hesitated to defend me.

  “Neither did I,” Tasha agreed. “Me either,” Corey added with a shrug.

  I fucking loved my friends.

  But Mark wasn’t done yet. “Oh, and Natalie? It wasn’t eighth grade; it was the summer before our junior year in high school, before we met you and Damien. We were each other’s firsts and I have no regrets over losing my virginity to my best friend. Do you, Lexi?”

  I met his eyes, blinking back tears as I shook my head. “No, Mark. I don’t.”

  “Good. Now, Natalie? Get your ass in the car. I think you’ve done enough damage today.”

  It was Natalie’s turn to gape. It was rare that Mark stood up to her, let alone spoke to her in such a manner. She sat on the ground, and briefly struggled to formulate a response, before getting up, dusting herself off, and stomping over to her car. “Find your own ride home, Mark.”

  She started the engine and quickly peeled off, throwing back dirt and rocks in her wake. “Fuck,” Mark muttered. “Corey, can you guys give me a lift back?”

  “Only if you tell us exactly when the fuck this happened and why we’re just now finding out about this,” Tasha spouted incredulously. She stared at me like I’d suddenly grown two heads. “Seriously, Lex, we’re supposed to be best friends!”

  I sighed, sinking down to sit on my rolled sleeping bag. “This is precisely why we didn’t talk about it, everyone’s flipping out. It was no one else’s business but mine and Mark’s and we chose to keep it between us. You guys would never have known unless…” I trailed off as I met Mark’s eyes. “I’m sorry, Mark. Natalie guessed, but I did tell Damien and Parker last night while we were playing Truth or Dare, which eventually led to…what you all witnessed.” I tried but failed to keep the shame out of my voice.

  Mark shrugged. “Don’t worry about it, Lex. We’re all adults now, in theory,” he added bitterly, obviously referring to Natalie. “No harm in that secret being out in the open now.” I stood up and hugged him, before turning back to address Damien. Tasha, Corey and Mark went to finish loading their things to give us a little privacy. Apparently, we’d over-shared enough for the day.

  “Now what’s this with me riding back with you two? Because you need to know what happened last night was a one-time only deal. If you guys are looking for…” Damien held up his hand and I fell silent.

  “Nope, that’s not why. I just want you with me. I think we have some stuff we need to discuss.”

  I tensed. “You’re not going to tell me you have some kind of STD or something, are you?”

  He chuckled. “No, sweetheart. I’m clean and we were safe. But I believe you were saying something last night about breaking up with Jarrod?”

  I groaned, clasping my hands over my eyes. This was quickly becoming the longest day ever. “God. Yes, I have that pleasant business ahead of me too. What an awesome way to end this little vacation. But what does that have to do with you?”

  “Let’s talk on the way home, okay?” Damien suddenly looked nervous, toeing the ground with his hiking boot.

  “Damien, I agree we need to talk, but I really want to handle this shit with Jarrod first. Let me talk to him and then I’ll call you and maybe come by after, okay?” I didn’t want to end up ‘distracted’ by Damien and Parker before talking to Jarrod. I took my bag from him and carried it back to Corey’s truck.

  Damien sighed. “Fair enough.”

  Chapter Three

  After we’d dropped Mark off, Corey brought Tasha and me back to the apartment we shared. Thankfully, everyone had quit grilling me for details by the time we got there, having got the message that I really, really didn’t want to talk about it.

  Mark, of course, was the most understanding of my predicament. “You know I’m here for you if you need me, okay?” he’d asked me as he’d exited the truck. At my nod, he’d kissed my cheek and gone inside to face the music with Natalie.

  Corey and Tasha stayed at the apartment only long enough for Tasha to dump her bags in her room and grab a change of clothing in an overnight bag to take to Corey’s house. “I’m cutting you slack and giving you your privacy now,” she said. “But there will be an inquisition at some point, so be ready for it.”

  Once I had the apartment to myself, I took a blessedly long shower, draining the hot water tank, noting the light bruises that strong hands had left on my hips and shoulders. I wouldn’t deny that my experience had been amazing, because it had. I just wasn’t so sure where that left me with Damien, let alone Parker. I’d had a very casual friendship with the two up to this point, occasionally sleeping over at the apartment they shared when Tasha needed privacy in our place, or after fighting with Jarrod, which had been happening more frequently. They’d console me with bad comedies and alcohol and I’d crash on the couch or even in one of their beds—fully clothed, of course—and neither had ever made a move on me. Sometimes they’d call me to come hang out for the night just because they were bored and had nothing going on. Well, I wasn’t so sure those sleepovers were going to be happening anymore after all this.

  I got out of the shower and heard my phone ringing. Hurriedly wrapping my hair in a towel and tying on my terry robe, I ran into my bedroom to answer.

  “Welcome back, Lex.”

  “Hey, Jarrod.”

  “What’s the matter? You’re not hungover, are you? I fucking told you…”

  I scowled into the phone. “Simmer down, Jarrod, I’m not hungover, just tired. It’s been a long weekend.”

  “Hmph. Well, I’ll be there in an hour; I thought you and I could spend a little quality time together before going to Mom’s.”

  May as well get it over with then. “Uh, sure. That’ll be fine. I just got out of the shower.”

  “Oh, did you now? Send me a picture.” I could hear the lecherous grin in his voice. Wasn’t gonna happen.

  “Sorry, I’m dressed now,” I lied. “I’ll see you in an hour, okay?”

  “Sure thing. I love you.”

  “Mm-hmm, me too. Bye.” I hung up hurriedly, feeling I’d just flashed a neon ‘I’m breaking up with you!’ sign through the phone somehow. My battery was low, so I plugged my phone into the charger on my night stand.

  As I combed out my hair, I noticed a little love bite just below and back from my earlobe. Looks like I’ll be leaving my hair down, I thought to myself, and plugged in my hair dryer to dry it. I dressed simply in a pair of slim-cut cargo pants and a long-sleeved thermal with a T-shirt layered over it, putting on only minimal makeup. I had a hunch tears would be involved in the upcoming conversation.

  I just didn’t know how many.

  When Jarrod arrived he didn’t bother to knock, opting instead to let himself in then slam the door shut behind him. I jumped, feeling the adrenaline course through me in my shock. “Jarrod! Hey. Um, what’s going on?”

�Maybe you should fucking tell me what’s going on, Alexis. I received a very interesting text from Mark on the way here. Wanna tell me what happened last night? When you were ignoring my texts?”

  Now why the fuck would he have told him—oh, Natalie, that fucking bitch. But how had she got Jarrod’s number? He wasn’t exactly forthcoming with my friends. “Wow, okay, slow down, Jarrod,” I began, deciding to play dumb at first and find out exactly what information he’d received and from whom. “You received a text from…?” I paused, waiting for him to fill in the blank.

  “Your buddy, Mark. He decided to do me the favour of letting me know that next time you’re down for a three-way we should give him a shout. Oh, and that it’s a miracle that you’re not walking bowlegged today. Wanna fill me in on what the fuck that’s supposed to mean?”

  I sighed, running my hand back through my hair in frustration. “That wasn’t Mark; Natalie must have used his phone.” I heard him gasp and, remembering the mark on my neck, I let my hair fall from my hand. God, I’m so stupid! He reached over and yanked my hair back from my neck, gripping it hard enough to hurt. “Ow! Jarrod, that hurts!”

  “Nice fucking hickey, Lex! I don’t care who the fuck sent me the text, I know you didn’t get that mark from me!” He shouted, shoving me back with one hand, pushing me towards the wall. “So, who were the lucky participants, huh? I’m guessing Mark, if Natalie was mad enough to rat you out. Who else? Corey? Damien? All of the above?”

  “Can we just sit and talk about this? You’re scaring me, Jarrod.”

  “No, we can’t sit down. Start talking and it had better be the truth. You owe me that much.” He crossed his large, tanned arms and stared at me menacingly. He was already mad; it was time to rip off the Band-Aid.


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