Hail Mary Baby: A Secret Baby Sports Romance

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Hail Mary Baby: A Secret Baby Sports Romance Page 2

by Kara Hart

  My boss looked at me, rolling his eyes. "God, I thought you had flaked on me. Come on, I gotta get you onto the field right now!"

  I muttered a sad "Sorry, Jake. So much traffic out there today." I walked out to the field and began my first big live broadcast.

  "I'm Laura Alvaroy with Channel 5 News. Welcome to Super Bowl..." You get the picture.

  The whole day was thrilling! I interviewed coaches, celebrities, fans, and of course tons of famous NFL players. And I was killing it too! So when I witnessed the earth-shattering end play by Liam Conway, I ran toward the locker room entrance, in an awkward attempt to cut him off.

  But within twenty minutes or so, I saw him. There he was, running my way. I yelled, “Liam! Liam! How does it feel to win!" Or something along those lines. The words just came out. And when he turned to look at me, I knew he wouldn't give me a real response.

  "Peachy. I'm going to fucking Disneyland." He gave me a cocky smile and had the audacity to keep standing there. He knew how angry I was. But more than that, I was heartbroken. This was my chance to get some words from one of the most famous quarterbacks of all time. Instead, he gave me a half-assed response with a curse word we couldn't even air on television.

  He gave me a card and told me to go to some after party. Of course I told him no. But when he told me there would be an interview involved if I went, I felt obligated to. However, I found myself saying "no" once again. It was a useless display of pride.

  Then he touched my face, running his finger down my cheek. I trembled with excitement. He smelled of leather, sweat, and cologne. A weird combination, yet it almost pushed me over the edge. Still, he was an asshole, right? He turned around and walked into the locker room, leaving me on my toes. So much for my big break.


  "Stop checking out my dick and get dressed, boys! It's time to celebrate!" My words were met with sharp applauds and laughs.

  "Ain't nobody checking out that thing." Jenkins replied, laughing himself.

  "Alright, alright. Out of my way." I said, waving everyone away. I hopped off the bench and got changed as fast as I could. Tonight was the night to celebrate my win. Yes, my win. I'll give Jenkins some credit too, I guess.

  "You ready?" I turned to him, shaking out the water from my hair.

  "Ready as ever. You coming with to get the party favors, bro?" He asked me, showing me his sly smile.

  "You know me, I'm always down for a ride." I said.

  But as soon as I made my way out of the locker room, I was surrounded by the press. Cameras were flashing, microphones were shoved in my face, and at least ten reporters were screaming questions into my ears. You know, just a typical day in the life of Liam Conway. Jenkins was pulled the opposite direction. We quickly lost each other in the scuffle.

  I looked up, trying to see if the lady from Channel 5 was there, but apparently I had scared her off earlier. Shit, I thought. No worries. "Listen, I'm on my way somewhere. No questions today. Thanks!" I gave my best smile, looking "attractive" or at least trying to. Still, the crowd swarmed even more around me, practically pushing me against the wall.

  A voice interjected, "Guys! Get back and give the star player some room!" It was my manager Jonathan Walker. "Thank you, everyone. Liam will be answering all your questions tomorrow at the press conference. If you have something to ask him, you can do it there. Goodnight!"

  "Thanks, brother." I whispered as we snuck out of the building.

  "Hey, I got some things to talk to you about." He said.

  We kept walking, inching our way to the parking lot. I sighed, "You too? Seems like everyone's got something to say to me these days."

  He laughed, "Yeah well, you and Jenkins are the biggest thing since cocaine. I'd hardly call that a bad thing."

  "Yeah, well. I didn't get into this thing for the interviews. I got in for three things: the love of the game, the pussy, and the free drugs." I pushed the door open and walked into the breezy air.

  Jonathan couldn't help but shake his head. "I feel you. But you just won the biggest football game there is. It's time you start thinking about your future."

  "What, like where I want to end up next?" The question was important, I agreed. But it wasn't something I really wanted to think about next. Work, work, work. That's all the suits seemed to care about.

  "Yeah, something like that. Anyway, give me a call this week. We'll meet up and have that talk." He shook my hand goodbye. I gave him a hug instead.

  "See you, Jonathan." I put on my sunglasses and got into my Porsche, one of many rides I had the pleasure of owning.

  I felt alive, you know? Or at least I should have. Instead, I couldn't get my mind off of one thing. The reporter from earlier. I was visualizing her legs poking out from her dress. Those stockings... She was classy. I knew I was an asshole, but that didn't mean I couldn't get her. I just hoped she would be at the party.

  I disregarded my feelings and turned on my Bluetooth, dialing up Jenkins. "Where'd you go?" I asked him.

  "Shit, man. That was chaotic back there. I got out though and am headed to the party with the party favors. See you there?" But just as I was about to answer, an incoming call came in.

  "Damn! I gotta take this, brother. I'll see you at the party." I looked at my phone and shook my head. Cindy. My bitch of an ex-girlfriend.

  "What do you want?" I answered.

  "I saw you on TV." She said.

  "Big deal." I responded. What was she getting at? I really didn't have time for her bullshit today.

  "Well, you're being rude as hell. Why didn't you invite me to the game? You know how much I love watching you roll around on that field." She made a sound into the receiver, as if she was deriving all the pleasure in the world by talking to me again.

  "I didn't invite you to the game because you're psychotic and threatened to sue me for all I'm worth. Remember? That's why we broke up, Cindy."

  "Oh that? You know I was just messing with you, Liam. Besides, don't you miss me at all? Don't you miss my perfect ass? My big tits?"

  I sighed. She knew my weakness. A good ass and a nice pair of tits. Still, her personality was God awful. It wasn't that hard to say no to her. "Look, I told you to leave me alone once. Why don't you ever listen?"

  She giggled. "Why don't you make me listen? I saw how strong you were out on the field. How powerful you are. I've been a very bad girl, Liam."

  "Cindy..." I moaned, getting tired of debating the subject every day of my adult life. "Look, I don't have a date for the party tonight. If I let you go with me this one time, will you leave me alone?" I was practically begging at this point.

  There was a long pause before she answered. "Okay. Fine." She scoffed. And then changing her tone, she screamed, "I can't wait!"

  I hung up the phone, annoyed as ever. If only that reporter had agreed to come, I wouldn't be in this mess.


  "So are you going to go or what?" Katherine was leaning toward me at the restaraunt. She just had to know.

  "I don't know." I said, truthfully. "I mean, he's kind of an asshole."

  She looked at me like I was crazy. "He's the quarterback of the Dallas Cowboys. He just won the Super Bowl. What do you care if he's an asshole or not?"

  I looked at my drink and swirled the straw against the ice. "I don't know..." I sighed.

  "Girl, you just got out of a heavy relationship with that trash of a boyfriend. Seven years with someone is a long time. I think you need a rebound and I think you've found your man." She said.

  "Katherine! Ugh, he is really hot. But he totally ruined my shot!" I yelled, yet I was smiling thinking about him.

  "You're just mad because you know he's right. Those camera shots after the games are so boring." I simply stared at her. "What?" She asked.

  "Alright, alright. I'm going to pretend you didn't just diss my job, and go to this party." I admitted.

  "You are?" She asked, lifting one eyebrow.

  "Yeah, I mean, what do I really have to l
ose? Worst case scenario is I get to go to a party with Liam fucking Conway!"

  She giggled with excitement. "What's the best case scenario?" She asked me. I just grinned and sucked down the last of my mojito. "Oh you're bad, Laura."

  "Baddest bitch in town." I winked. I looked at my phone and the time read 9:00 PM. "Shit! I have to get ready!" I yelled, jumping out my seat. "Here's 40 bucks, keep the change." I said, heart racing. I'm not sure why I was nervous. I just really wanted some time to look my best.

  "Don't worry too much. He likes you. Tonight will be great." She got up and kissed my cheek, giving me a strong hug.

  "I just wish you could come." I found myself saying.

  "Hell no you don't. I'd get sloppy drunk and you'd regret it in an instant. Have fun tonight." She said. I hurriedly walked out of the restaurant, feeling slightly tipsy and ready for the night ahead of me. Luckily I was only a few blocks away.

  When I got home, I ran upstairs to start a bath. If only my wardrobe specialist and makeup team were here to help me get ready for tonight. I ran myself a hot bath and stepped in, feeling the heat radiate up my naked body. I shivered with pleasure. There's nothing like taking a hot bath.

  My whole body inched down into the water. I took a deep breath in, exhaled, and closed my eyes. I usually forgot how much stress I carried inside me. But now, I could feel it pushing past my self.

  "Katherine's right." I told myself aloud. "The past year was difficult. Brad left me. He told me I was worthless. It's about time I find someone who can make me feel special, if only for a night."

  I shaved my legs, making sure my body felt smooth and perfect. Maybe I was getting ahead of myself a bit. Maybe I'd show up and he wouldn't even say anything to me. Maybe he'd ignore me the whole time. Ugh, why did I even care? I decided then and there that if he was worth my time, he would fight to be near me. That's the only way I'd know I was something special.

  I drained the bath, dried myself off, and went to pick out an outfit. Of course when I got to my closet, I stopped dead in my tracks. "Okay, think sexy. What would the quarterback of the Dallas Cowboys want in a woman?" I whispered to myself, biting my lower lip.

  At first, I grabbed the sluttiest dress I could find. It was low cut, heavily revealing, black, and tight around my hips. Sure, it would have worked on most guys. But I knew that Liam was different. I had been watching him storm out of press conferences far too long to think he was like the rest of the guys in the locker room. He was a wild stallion, a stallion who, deep down, wanted to be tamed. I knew it.

  So what did he look for in a woman? Well, I had heard about his ex-girlfriend, an ex-stripper turned well-known magazine photographer named Cindy. That whole affair ended in a flaming ball of shit. There was no way in hell he wanted another girl like her. I knew it. If anything, he wanted a normal woman, whatever that even meant. Still, I was ready to play that person if it meant having a good night with someone for once. At least, tonight I was.

  After a few minutes, I found the perfect outfit. It was simple, yet sexy. A short button up shirt that cut off near the stomach, and a pair of tight jeans. Tonight I would be the perfect southern gal all Texans fantasized about.

  But first, I slipped into some of my favorite lingerie. My ex, Brad, bought them for me, but now it was time to show it off to someone new. They were black and lacey, and I just knew it would be impossible for any guy to resist.

  30 minutes on my hair and makeup and I was ready to go. I grabbed the card that Liam gave me at the game. It had his phone number and the address of the party. Was I really going to go? Even after dealing with his rude behavior. I took a deep breath. Why not? He wanted me to go, right?

  I took a step outside into the night and unlocked my BMW. "If he does anything to wrong me," I said aloud, "he's done. No questions asked." That was my promise to myself.


  Jenkins looked at me like I was crazy. "Don't tell me that bitch is really coming." He said.

  I laughed. "She's coming, man."

  We walked up to the massive warehouse in front of us. The party of the fucking century, decked out in flashing neon lights, a perfect male to female ratio, and all the drugs and alcohol we could get our hands on. The bass was pumping as we made our way inside and people scrambled to be around us. The life of a football star. Perfection.

  "Man, Cindy has got to be the worst human I have ever met. I'm sorry, I know she was like your ex-love and all, but she's a total bitch." He said, as we pushed our way to the VIP area.

  "Yeah I know man. She cheated on me, remember? Me, of all fucking people. Trust me, I hate her more than anyone. There's a reason why I didn't walk in with her." It didn't take much time to find the rest of our crew, the best players on the Cowboys. "We'll talk about it later. Right now, I just want to enjoy my night with ya'll."

  Jenkins nodded in agreement. "Well boys, cheers to that!" He yelled, holding up a bottle of vodka that he found in the middle of he table. A waitress quickly put another one down for us. Everyone, of course, cheered even though they had no idea what they were cheering for. I gave a loud yell in solidarity.

  Truth was, I couldn't even enjoy myself. I kept looking around for the reporter girl and she wasn't anywhere. I should have gotten her number, but I was cocky. Shit, who could blame me? I had just won the Super Bowl for Christ sakes. Now I was paying the price for my actions. I soon felt a hand on my shoulder and heard the words, "Hey babe!"

  I shuddered with fear and anger. Cindy. felt like I was going to be sick. That's how much I loathed this woman. "Cindy, glad you actually made it." I said.

  "You sound excited." She said, knowing full well I didn't.

  "Why don't you sit down." I said, gesturing at an open chair near Jenkins. He gave me a look that said, "What the fuck."

  She pulled the chair over and sat in between us. Great. So now I couldn't even talk to my boy without leaning over this witch.

  "So, do you like what I'm wearing?" She asked me, pushing her ass onto my lap. I looked her up and down and have a half-smile. Despite the fact that she might have been the devil incarnate, she looked hot as hell. She did have that going for her. She leaned in close to me and whispered, "I want you to tear every piece of fabric off of me tonight. I want you to plow me against the wall of your hotel room." She bit my ear and gave a shrill laugh.

  I stayed silent. If the reporter chick didn't show up, I would let her come home with me. But that would be the last time. After that, we would be through for good. Jenkins was just sitting there, shaking his head.

  In front of me was Randy Towman, one of the best defensive guards we had. He busted his ass in every game and got in a good amount of sacks. He spoke up to clear the tension. "Jenkins. Conway. You two killed it out there today. Fuck, Jenkins broke his fucking arm out there for this game!" We all started drinking pretty heavily after that. It was time to celebrate and the music was on full blast.

  "Cocaine anyone?" Jenkins asked, throwing a huge bag of white powder onto the table.

  "Holy shit!" Randy shouted with excitement, emphasis on the word holy. "That's what I'm talking about!"

  He immediately breathed in a big line for himself and almost fell backward in his seat. "Woo-ey!" He yelled. I picked him up and slapped his back. "Your turn, brother!"

  "No!" The words came out of Cindy. "It's my turn!" She selfishly announced. Everyone grumbled and looked at me. I didn't give a shit. There would be drugs waiting for me until the sun came up in the morning. There always was.

  Jenkins wasn't having it though. "Hell no." He said. "I didn't break my arm to watch you steal our party favors." But Cindy had some audacity in her. There she was, already taking two lines to herself. After she finished, she took a swig of our vodka. She cackled with an unnerving amount of energy.

  "It's alright guys. Let her have her fun." I said, trying to be the better man. I could tell Jenkins wanted to throw her out the front door.

  "Alright, Jenkins. You're up." I said, cutting one for him. He smiled
brightly and leaned over the table. "You know," he began, sucking up the drug, "I always feel like a scum bag when I do this shit." He laughed.

  Randy slapped the table, "That's because you are, brother!" We all broke out into laughter.

  Now, of course, it was my turn. Jenkins carefully cut me a line and I turned to inhale the whole thing. As soon as I breathed inward, I saw her. The reporter from Channel 5. I choked with surprise and blew outward. Half of the cocaine went flying.

  Randy couldn't handle it. "C'mon man! Have some self control." He said. I shrugged it off and picked myself off my chair. The coke that I did inhale, made its way through my bloodstream and I felt a rush of euphoria.

  Cindy, on the other hand, wasn't feeling too good. She immediately saw that I was eyeing the woman that just walked in and quickly formed a plan to keep me at the table. "Come on, babe. What's wrong? Don't you want to party with me?" She said, grabbing at my belt buckle.

  I shoved her off me and said, "Just leave me alone will ya?"

  Unfortunately, the girl I had been waiting for saw this and headed for the front door. "Shit!" I said aloud, and chased after her.


  I walked up to the extravagant building where the party was and realized Liam Conway hadn't given me any insight as to how I would get in. I reached into the pocket of my jeans and pulled out the piece of paper the star quarterback had given me.

  "Name?" The door guy asked me.

  I scrambled to answer correctly. "Umm, Laura Alvaroy. Liam Conway told me to come?" I spat out.


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