Hail Mary Baby: A Secret Baby Sports Romance

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Hail Mary Baby: A Secret Baby Sports Romance Page 15

by Kara Hart

  “We’re here.” Our driver said. He turned to look at me and said, “No being sad or angry, or any of those other negative emotions. You’re a strong woman, you hear me? You’ll be a great family someday. Just listen to him. Hear him out. You’ll figure it out together. I know you will.”

  “I’ll try.” I said, fondling a wad of cash in my purse.

  He waved my hand away. “No need. Just give me an even $60 and we’ll call it a day.”

  “You serious?” I asked him, grabbing three 20’s from my wallet.

  “I just want to see you two flourish. I’ll be watching the TV for updates!” He laughed and honked the horn. “Alright, out of my cab. Both of you!”

  I jumped out, holding Alex and running to the nearest outside ceiling. I was soaked from head to toe and so was Alex, though he was remarkably calm. I called Liam and he answered almost immediately. “Hey, is everything alright?” He asked me. I could hear the same thunder in the background of his phone.

  “Are you home?” I said, wiping the rain from my eyes.

  “Yeah. Wait, why? What’s going on?”

  “What floor?” I asked him, ignoring the question.

  “Third floor. Room 32. Can you tell me what the hell is going on?” He asked me.

  “Nothing. Everything is fine.” I said, hanging up the phone. I ran up his staircase and found door number 32. I knocked carefully and waited for my man.


  “Laura?” There she was, in all her beauty, the love of my God damn life.

  “Hi Liam.” She whispered, shivering and covered in rain and leaves. Alex coughed from the cold wind outside.

  “Come in! Sorry, I would’ve cleaned if I knew someone was coming.” Beer cans were littered across the floor. Clothes were everywhere. It was all to be expected when you went through a breakdown like I did.

  I grabbed Alex gently from her arms and kissed his forehead. He felt cold. “We should run him a warm bath. I don’t want him getting sick.” I said. “I’ll heat up some milk from the fridge.”

  I bundled him up in a fresh towel and set him on the coach. I then ran into the bathroom and began running a warm bath for him. “Thank you.” Laura said from the living room.

  “It’s no thing. Really. I’m happy to do it.” I said. I made sure the water was at a good temperature. Once the water got to a good level, I stopped it short and settled Alex into the water. He simply smiled the whole time, completely calm and happy to be alive.

  Laura placed her hip against the bathroom door and watched as I began playing with him from the outside of the bath. There wasn’t much, but I did have some old toys from when I was a kid hidden away in a drawer off to the side. I grabbed an old plastic boat and placed it in the water. He instantly took a liking to it, splashing water at the little tugboat.

  “There you go!” I said enthusiastically.

  “Can we talk for a second?” Laura asked me suddenly. Her voice sounded as if it had a slight tinge of sadness to it.

  “Yeah, of course. But before you say anything, I just want to say that I’m sorry and I’ve thought it all through. I’m okay with it now.” I said. “You know, I wasn’t before, but now I think I am.” But I wasn’t acting normal and both her and Alex could sense it almost straightaway.

  “Then why do you sound so weird?” She asked me. Then she moved a little closer to me and sat down. “Something tells me you’re not okay with the way things are.” She put her hand on my thigh suddenly.

  “I…” I tried to speak, but she cut me off before I could get a word in.

  She held a finger up to my mouth. “Shh. It’s okay. I’m not either. At least I think I’m not. I was wrong. Wrong about everything.” She said.

  I couldn’t hold back my confusion. None of this made any God damn sense. “Excuse me? Is this for real?” I waited for Alex to pinch me so I could wake up from this fantasy, but he didn’t. This was real alright. She was coming back to me.

  “It’s real. I’m real. You’re real! And I need to stop pretending I don’t love how insane you are.” She said, now holding my face. I kissed her as fast and hard as I could.

  “I’ve been praying to hear you say those words. Did you see the press conference? I want you forever, Laura Alvaroy. I want to raise our boy together. I want to support you and to watch your career blossom. Shit, I want to put another baby in that basket and I want to be the best fucking father on this planet. If you just give me a chance I’m changing everyday and I’m changing fast. I promise you. This time I won’t let you down.” I said, exhausted from letting out all I had held in. I stared at her, waiting for a response. Anything, I just wanted to hear her speak again.

  “Just promise me you’ll win this Super Bowl. Okay?” A short smile came jutting across her cute face.

  “My brown eyed girl.” I whispered, feeling her soft hair between my fingers once again.

  “Like the song.” She whispered back, getting closer to me.

  “I always loved that song. I love you even more though.” I said to her. But reality came and hit me like a ton of bricks.

  I looked at her gorgeous face, only I was troubled now. “They want me out of the game, Laura. I don’t know what to do.”

  “They want who out of the game? You? Like hell they do!” She exclaimed. Alex splashed around in the water more, upon hearing this.

  “I’m serious. I saw Jenkins today. He’s got word the networks think I’m too irresponsible to bank on. My record has been too shaky this past season and now I’m fucking 33 years old, three years older than the average player in the whole league. I’m telling you, they want me to fail.”

  “Liam, why would they want you to fail? I just don’t get it.” She said, draining the bath tub for me. I quickly grabbed a clean towel and wrapped Alex up in it, rubbing his hair dry. Someday he’d be my age and I prayed he wouldn’t have to deal with any of this bullshit. He’d be a doctor, or a lawyer, or just a regular working guy who owned a house on the shore of San Diego. Anything but a ball player.

  “I don’t know, Laura. I really don’t. It’s like I said. Maybe because I’m too reckless. I wasn’t playing well until I got to the playoffs.”

  “I need to make a few calls.” She said, drying her hands off and walking out of the bathroom. Her heels clicked against the smooth tile floors.

  “Laura, don’t.” I said, but it was too late. She was on the balcony making a call to her network to get some information out of them.

  Outside, I could see her throwing her hands up wildly, arguing into the phone. I couldn’t make out the words, so me and Alex just sat staring at her with confused looks on our faces. Finally, after a few minutes, she walked back inside and shut the sliding glass doors.

  “Someone is lying to you.” She simply said.

  “What do you mean someone is lying to me?” I asked her, picking myself up off the couch in the living room.

  “I mean, either Jenkins is lying or someone is lying to him. I don’t know who the hell is, but someone is! I just called Jacob and he said nothing like that is going on. They’re all banking on you winning. The networks, the ad agencies, fucking Wheaties. They all want you to win this, Liam.” She stood in front of me, arms crossed.

  “What’re you saying, Laura? You really think Jenkins wasn’t telling me the truth? I’ve known him forever. We made a pact together. We promised each other we’d always be there for each other. Why would he do that to me?” I said, justifying everything. I don’t know why I was fighting it so hard. This industry was cut-throat and I knew Jenkins had the drive to win. Maybe she was right.

  “Isn’t it obvious? He wants to get into your head, Liam. He wants you to lose. For Christ sakes, he’s on the opposing side now. There can only be one winner, right?” She looked at me as if I needed some waking up to do.

  “Holy…” I whispered. “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”

  Her eyes widened. “Holy shit. It was Jenkins who went to the Enquirer and told them you were seeing Cind
y again. He knew it would cause controversy and hoped it would bleed into your skills out on the field!” She exclaimed.

  “Laura, I called her today. When I met with Jenkins I called her up to run a piece in her magazine on the new Liam Conway.” I bit down hard and felt my temperature begin to rise.

  “The new what?”

  “You know, a rebranding for my image. Nice guy Liam Conway. I was going to get rid of the whole bad boy image.”

  “He’s making you look weak, Liam. You run that piece tomorrow and come Sunday you’ll look like an old man who’s tired of the game. Not only that, but how’s it going to look to the rest of the world when you’re seen with Cindy again?”


  “No buts about it. I appreciate the gesture, trust me. But you don’t want to do this. When were you supposed to meet with her?” She asked me as she dressed Alex in some new clothes. He was making noises, laughing to himself. I appreciated his light hearted vibe, but now was not the time.

  “Now. I was supposed to be there now.” I said, feeling frantic.

  “Alright. Well, you dug your own grave. Now we have to offset this thing. Call your driver. I’m coming with you.”

  * * *

  “I cannot believe you called me! I just can't!” Cindy squealed excitedly. She ran like a goose toward me, nearly falling over in her stilettos and black dress. As she hugged me, she turned her head to look at Laura. “Hello.” She said out of spite.

  “Believe it.” I said. “But don't get used to me doing this. This is the last time.” A makeup artist was preparing my face for the photo shoot.

  “Oh, I do not think that's true. You've always been infatuated with me, Liam.” Her brows were raised, along with her chin. She loved to try and bare the look of sophistication. Only, she wasn't sophisticated. She was sloppy and embarrassing.

  Laura couldn’t help but shake her head. She said, “Look, Cindy, we didn’t come here to play catch-up. I get that you’re obsessed with my boyfriend and father of my child, but we need this to go to print as fast as possible.”

  Cindy gave a loud sigh and yelled, “Can someone get me a martini, God dammit?!” Then she turned to both of us and smiled, “Of course! Let’s get started. You said you want to transform your image?”

  Laura chuckled loudly. “Not exactly. We need you to run a piece on how he’s going to win the Championships again. Talk about his stats. Talk about his and Jenkins’ history together. Present it as the ‘showdown of the century’. People love that sort of thing.”

  “Sounds easy enough.” She smirked.

  “Make me look as bad as I really am.” I said. “Talk about all the trouble I’ve gotten in. All those fights, I’m a loose cannon. And yet, I’m bringing New England back to the Championships for one incredible game.”

  “And your agent is okay with all of this? I don’t want to get a call at four in the morning from some coked out asshole asking me how I had the audacity to run this piece without him approving it.”

  “They’ll be fine. At this point, it doesn’t matter what I do as long as I win.” I said.

  “That’s right, baby. You’re hot right now.” Laura said, coming up behind me and kissing my neck. Goosebumps shot through my body.

  “You two make me sick.” Cindy said. “Okay, we’ll get some shots taken. We’ll need a few quotes from you. Send us those stats too. I have to say, Liam, Jenkins will not be happy about all this.”

  “Good. I’m slowly burying him in his own grave.”


  “This is where it all takes place.” He said to me, arms stretched out wide and eyes closed. It was as if he was living the glory of winning the game right now.

  I sat in the front row of the empty bleachers. Alex, luckily, was with an expensive sitter, provided by the Patriots themselves.

  “I can’t believe you snuck me in here.” I said.

  “I can’t believe you you’re even here. Come here.” He said to me. I got up and walked toward him. “Look.” He pointed up at the giant screen.

  “What? The screen? It’s off.” I said to him.

  It suddenly turned on. “You never answered me.” He said. The lights also turned on, one by one. Music started to play. It was the song “Brown Eyed Girl.”

  When I had turned to look at him, he was on one knee. In his hand was a giant diamond ring, delicately resting in a black box. “Laura.” He smiled. Tears fell from my eyes instantly. I was so shocked. “Ever since I met you, my life has changed for the better. You’ve taught me how to be a better man, shown me how to grow as an individual, and made me realize that love is reality. We’ve had our ups and our downs. You’ve seen the worst of me, while always giving me the very best. And then there’s Alex. Never in my life did I think I would make a good father. But now, after seeing the little guy, I know that my destiny in this life is to be there for both you and him. I just have one small question to ask you. Will you, Laura Alvaroy, be my wife? Will you marry me?”

  I clasped my hands around my mouth. I fell to the AstroTurf and wrapped my arms around his muscular body. Will you marry me? “God, yes! Of course I’ll marry you. You’re the best and worst thing that’s ever happened to me.” I laughed, even though I was completely choking up on that field.

  “Let’s see how it fits.” He said, quietly. I quickly wiped my tears away and extended my hand out. It was a perfect fit.

  “I can’t believe it. I’m going to be Mrs. Conway. That makes me the baddest woman in town, right?”

  “So I see you’ve read the article already.” He said with a sly smile on his face.

  “It was wonderful, darling.” I started to mimic Cindy’s obnoxious voice. “Jenkins will not stand a chance out there.”

  “Ha! I can just see his face now. He’s probably ripping his copy to shreds. I can’t wait to face him on the field tomorrow.”

  “You’re going to be so great, Liam. You always are.” I said, leaning my face against his warm chest. I then slowly looked up at him. It wasn’t long before he knew what was on my mind.

  “You know,” he began saying, “It’s just us in here until practice. Now that you’re my girl…” He gestured to his shorts. An indent was slowly forming around his growing cock.

  “It’s been too long.” I said as he pushed my head downward into his lap. I pushed the back of my dress up so that my ass was exposed. “Finger me while I swallow that cock.”

  “You’re perfect.” He said to me. “You’re an angel from heaven.” He ran his hands down the middle of my back, across my spine, until he felt my cheeks. He lightly gave them each a slap and they bounced up and down.

  I reached inside the legging of his shorts, realizing he wasn’t wearing any underwear. His cock had already grown to an immense size. I slowly ran my fingers over the erect and veiny cock and lightly lapped on his balls with my tongue. Pushing three fingers together, he massaged the folds of my aching pussy, every so often inserting a finger or two inside.

  Our sex that morning was adoring, impassioned, and perfect as ever. We hadn’t been together like this in some time and because we were going to get married, it was a reintroduction of sorts. It was like we had just met again.

  As he was thrusting himself inside of me, I grabbed onto his hand with mine. My ring was reflecting off the lights of the stadium. Shining in my pupils was the reflection of his strong body, pushing in and out, closer than ever.

  I held his hands tight, kissing and licking his fingers as he moved them across my tongue. He was here. He was really here. I wondered if he was thinking the same thing. There was so much push and pull to our relationship that when it finally was fixed, it felt completely surreal and beautiful. I gasped and moaned. He grabbed and groaned. Together, we connected in a way I had never experienced more. By the end of it, we were covered in our own sweat, unable to move. We just sat there, breathing deeply, feeling every ounce of pleasure move through our bodies.

  We sat in the middle of the field now, holding each other. �
��I wonder if any of the players tomorrow will know your cum has fallen on the field.” I joked, running my hands across his chest and perfect abs.

  “Oh, God.” He grunted. “That is hilarious. Not only am I going to beat them tomorrow. I’m also going to tackle them where my cum landed.”

  I playfully smacked his arm. “Gross!” I exclaimed.

  “Hey, you started it.” He said.

  Then I realized what time it was. He would have to practice before the big game tomorrow. And tomorrow, he would he have to prove himself, a million times over, that he was still the best football player in the league. I believed in him, no matter how difficult the pressure was for him. I felt my gaze turn serious.

  “Just promise me you’ll be careful out there, okay? I don’t want Alex to have to visit his injured dad in the hospital.”

  He looked at me with all the love in the world. “I promise you, whatever happens, I’m going to win that game. And right after I do, we’re getting married. And it’s going to be the best damn marriage anyone’s ever laid eyes on. Alex will be the cutest ring bearer in the world.” He said. He kissed my lips and then my cheek. “I’m never leaving your side. No injuries, no nothing.”


  The Championship game had finally arrived and Liam “The Shooter” Conway ran onto that field like a fucking cannon. I was about to win this game like a true baller, despite what the odds said about us winning.

  Coach Stevens had told us at least four times that the bookies had all their money set against us. In their eyes, Jenkins was the one who was going to bring it on home, not me. Well, I hated to be the one who spoiled the party, but I knew in my gut that I had this in the bag.

  But the feeling was bittersweet. When I looked into the crowd, Laura was there with Alex, eating their hot dogs. I wanted to throw the ball onto the grass and run into their arms. I wanted to leave it all behind. Football just didn’t compare to shit. But there was a lot riding on this game. I knew that much at least. I gave Alex a thumbs up as I threw the first touchdown pass.


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