A Club Esoteria Wedding [Club Esoteria 11] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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A Club Esoteria Wedding [Club Esoteria 11] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 6

by Cooper McKenzie

  She felt the smile on his lips as he brushed a kiss over the back of one shoulder. “And now we can begin.”

  It took a moment for her to decipher the meaning of his words, but when she did, she began to stiffen up again. If they had not already entered the scene, then what did he have planned?

  “Breathe, mouse. In. Out. In. Out.”

  She followed his verbal lead and turned her focus on her breathing. She thought she heard him move around but could not be sure of his actions until she heard the sound of leather on flesh just as she felt multiple strands land on left shoulder in a gentle slap of a flogger. He then struck her right shoulder with the same gentle stroking before moving down her back in slow, gentle, rhythmic strokes.

  By the time Taurus worked over her ass, she was panting for breath, and her entire mound was wet with her juices as her muscles tightened with arousal and not pre-wedding stress. Instead of acknowledging her sexual need, he began moving up her body again. This time the flogger’s strands struck slightly harder but in the same slow, measured pace.

  By the time he reached her shoulders again, her juices flowed freely. She shifted her hips, trying to loosen her bonds as her need wound tighter. But Master Taurus had bound her so her clit was just an inch from the edge of the table, too far away to make the contact needed to flip her over the edge of the orgasm that was gathering around the table.

  She gasped then moaned when Taurus exchanged the flogger for a cane and used gentle bouncy slaps to massage his way down her back once again. Then the cane was gone.

  “Mouse, you’re all tense again,” he observed.

  Two fingertips stroked down between the globes of her ass then farther until they slid into her open cunt to the first joint. He twisted the fingers slowly back and forth, going no deeper, but not retreating either. The teasing touch sent Whitney closer and closer to her orgasm but not close enough she could reach it.

  “Yes, Master,” she moaned, arching her back to try and take his fingers deeper into her open, wet pussy. “Please, Master.”

  “Please, what, love?”

  “Please make me come, Master,” she demanded.

  Taurus leaned down and kissed the back of her neck before whispering, “No,” just as he pulled his fingers from her core.

  “Pleeeease,” Whitney whined and then yelped when he slapped hard between her legs.

  She had barely gotten over that shock when she felt him dribble cool wetness down her ass’s crease and over her puckered star. She inhaled sharply when a single finger slid into her ass, spreading lube into her back passage. When her muscles relaxed around his digit, he pulled it out and a second later returned with two fingers.

  Her orgasm remained close enough to touch, though it ebbed back just a bit as he stretched her hole. Then his fingers left her once again, causing her to sigh a whine until she felt blunt intruders press through both ass and cunt entrances.

  “Deep breaths, and relax your holes, mouse,” he instructed. “You cannot come until I say so, do you understand?”

  “Yes, Master,” she responded.

  She did as ordered and worked hard to relax everything south of her waist as the phalluses pressed deeper and deeper in both ass and cunt until they filled her completely. She felt the base of whatever new toy Master had concocted press against the skin surrounding her two holes.

  Then she felt Taurus move up the side of the table. “Open your mouth.”

  Whitney immediately did as ordered and smiled when she tasted Taurus’s essence on the tip of the cock, which brushed across her lips before passing into her mouth.

  She closed her lips around the head and swirled her tongue around it, smiling around the thick flesh when her Master hissed in response. Moving her head forward, she took more of his length in, focusing on the blow job instead of the imitation cocks that filled her. In just a few minutes, Taurus began to pant as his hips jerked in response to her attentions.

  Then a hand stroked over her ass and over the skin of one inner thigh and then the other. Then the cocks inside her began to move and split her attentions between what was going on in her mouth and between her legs. As she bobbed on Taurus’s cock, taking it deeper and deeper, her hips began to move the little bit they were able, fucking the twin cocks harder.

  Her orgasm wound tighter, and only by focusing on giving Taurus pleasure was she able to keep from coming.

  Finally Taurus’s hips began to jerk as his breathing hissed. “Come with me, mouse. Now,” he ordered sharply.

  His hand released the double dildo and moved down to take her clit between two fingertips. He pinched and twisted, sending fire through every nerve ending. She screamed around his pulsing cock as she catapulted headfirst into the fiery pit of her orgasm.

  * * * *

  Though he could barely feel anything below his waist from his own orgasm, Taurus remained on his feet as he tended to his mouse. He pulled the double dildo from her and then undid the straps binding her to the table. Grabbing a soft blanket from his bag, he wrapped her in it then picked her up and staggered to the closest well-padded club chair.

  Snuggling his woman as they both recovered, he watched as Taurus and Gentry cleaned up the mess he had left behind. Though club rules demanded he clean the station up himself, he had arranged with Jenna earlier for this special consideration. After all, he was the boss and getting married in the morning.

  Once they finished, the two slave-mates looked his way. He nodded his thanks then waved them away. Looking down at his mouse, he saw she was asleep. She had been so filled with stress these last few weeks she had barely slept. As soon as he was able to feel his toes again, he would take his woman upstairs and put them both to bed.

  Chapter 10

  Opening her eyes, Whitney found herself alone. She barely remembered Taurus bringing her upstairs and tucking her in before she drifted off again. Looking around, she was disappointed, but not surprised, to find Taurus was not in the bed next to her. His side of the bed was unmussed, and she knew he had not slept with her. Though he played it down, she knew he was really a romantic traditionalist at heart. He had slept in the night in the guest apartment next door and would probably remain out of her sight until she walked into Jenna’s garden at two o’clock that afternoon.

  Rolling to her side, she felt a chain around her neck shift and heard a soft clink. She usually did not wear necklaces, but knew she would wear this one until her death and beyond. Climbing from bed, she stretched, and several muscles twinged slightly in complaint. She went to the bathroom and, after answering nature’s call, moved to the mirror.

  Her eyes immediately went to the chain that rested around the base of her neck. It was a heavy silver chain but did not appear to have a clasp, except for the two-inch heart that rested against just below the notch in her collarbone. There was an intertwined TG monogram engraved in the center of the heart. Looking closer she saw a small W in the center of the monogram. Turning the heart over, she found a keyhole. So, the heart was the lock and the chain was her new collar.

  Returning the collar to its place, she looked closer at the monogram. It took another moment before she realized it meant so much more than it first appeared. She smiled and fingered the heart as she turned and left the bathroom. Relaxed to the point of near bonelessness, she went to crawl back into bed. A strong knock on the door stopped her. Sighing at the intrusion to what was supposed to be a quiet, uneventful morning, she grabbed her robe and put it on as she hurried to answer the door.

  As she reached for the knob, she absently wished for a large, strong cup of coffee. Opening the door, she bit back a moan as the aroma of coffee surrounded her, making her crave the dark substance even more.

  “Good morning, are you ready?” Jenna asked, sounding way too cheery.

  “Ready for what?”

  Whitney blinked and stepped back when Jenna pushed her way into the apartment. Sloan followed on her heels, carrying a tray with three large mugs, an insulated coffeepot, and a box from the
local donut shop.

  “What time is it?” Whitney asked as she followed the duo to the small dining area.

  “Nearly nine. You need to get dressed if we’re going to make our appointment,” Jenna said as Sloan poured a mug of coffee and handed it to her.

  “Appointment? What are you talking about?” Whitney automatically accepted the coffee.

  “Take a deep breath and ask that question again,” Jenna said, her Domme voice sending a shiver of fear through Whitney.

  “Sorry, Mistress Jenna,” Whitney said without hesitation. “I did not realize I had any appointment today other than the one when I’m to meet Master in the garden.”

  Jenna shook her head and tsk-tsked as she checked her watch. “I owe your Master a punch in the arm. He set up a morning at the spa so you don’t have to worry about anything except getting into your dress. You have fifteen minutes to jump through the shower and get dressed.”

  Whitney nodded and immediately headed for the bedroom.

  * * * *

  Taurus spent the morning with Dane, Merlin, Antony, and Gentry, preparing the garden for the wedding and reception from a long list of precise instructions Jenna had left with her slaves. At one point, he heard his woman’s voice. Though tempted to go out and say good morning to his lovely mouse, he took a deep breath and tapped into his Dom’s willpower to remain where he was. A few moments later, a car started and pulled out of the parking lot.

  Once the engine sound faded away, he turned his attention back to hanging the white lace around the roof of the gazebo. Knowing where the women were going and what he had scheduled for mouse to have before returning here in time for the wedding, he could not help but smile.

  His intention was for her to be pampered as every bride should be, while at the same time keeping her calm and relaxed. He only hoped that Jenna could keep from flipping into Domme mode, for that would do nothing to keep his mouse in the right mindset.

  He jerked and grabbed the swaying ladder when the phone on his belt rang. He quickly climbed down, and as soon as his foot touched the ground, he grabbed the phone and lifted it to his ear. “You’ve got Taurus.”

  “Good morning, Master. I love you.”

  “Good morning, my sweet mouse. I love you, too.” He turned away from the other men, who were openly eavesdropping and began calling and making kissing sounds. “Are you all right?”

  “Yes, I’m fine. I just needed to call and make sure this was your idea and not something Jenna had railroaded you into.” Whitney’s voice sent electric shivers through his body, causing his cock to grow half-hard just from hearing her voice.

  “Don’t you worry about it, little one. Mistress Jenna may be my cousin and business partner, but she does not tell me how to take care of my sweet mouse.”

  “Don’t work too hard this morning, Master. I don’t want a worn-out husband before we even go on our honeymoon,” she teased.

  Taurus chuckled and had to adjust his cock. “Don’t you worry, I’ll be just fine.”

  “Where are we going, anyway?” she asked even though he had told her it was a surprise.

  “You’ll find out tonight, and if you ask me that one more time, my first act as your husband will be to give you a bare-assed spanking in front of all our wedding guests.”

  “You wouldn’t,” Whitney responded, sounding a little more breathless.

  “You know me better than that, sweet mouse. Now go and enjoy your pampering. I’ll see you at two.”

  After ending the call, Taurus returned the phone to his belt before repositioning the ladder and getting back to work. His hard cock and thoughts about the upcoming events kept him from focusing fully on what he was doing. Since he was almost done, he stretched to attach the last foot instead of climbing down and moving the ladder one more time.

  “Aaarrrggghhh,” he screamed as the ladder tilted over and he went flying.

  He did not get too far as his left leg got tangled in the ladder. In the next instant, he landed on the walkway, and red-hot pain shot through his right wrist and left ankle.

  “Holy shit,” he heard someone yell as a gray haze descended. “Merlin, get your ass over here. Taurus is trying to kill himself.”

  Never one to handle extreme pain well, Taurus kept his eyes open long enough to meet Merlin’s eyes. “Right wrist, left ankle. And no one tells Whitney,” he said, looking from the doctor to Dane just before his eyes rolled back in his head and he passed out.

  “Yeah, right, like she’s not going to notice,” Antony snarked, earning himself a slap to the back of his head from Gentry.

  “If you’re not going to help, then go call 911,” his best friend and brother slave said with a disapproving frown.

  “Don’t call the ambulance just yet,” Merlin said, kneeling beside the unconscious man and quickly examining his affected limbs. “I don’t think we’ll need them if we can get him to the urgent care. It will be faster and easier. But I agree that no one needs to tell the women.”

  Gentry nodded in agreement. “Why don’t you go with them, Antony? Dane and I can stay here and keep working.”

  Dane nodded, looking three shades of green. “That sounds like a really good idea.”

  Taurus came around as they were lifting him to his feet. He pulled away and looked at his friends. “I’m fine.”

  “No, you are not fine,” Merlin said when Taurus flinched after putting his left foot on the ground. “You and I are going to go and get your wrist and ankle looked at. Dane, help him into the SUV.”

  “No, not Dane,” Taurus said with a weak smile. “I don’t want him passing out and falling on me.”

  The snarky remark reminded everyone of how Dane had passed out and broken his arm when Sloan had given birth to the triad’s twin babies the year before. As Dane turned and walked away, Antony helped Merlin get him into the SUV.

  Once the two men were on their way, Antony pulled out his phone and called his Mistress. She needed to know of this kink in the morning’s plans. After telling her of Taurus’s accident, he began to call for reinforcements. If this wedding was to take place as scheduled, they were going to need help and a lot of it.

  * * * *

  When the women returned, Sloan noticed a number of vehicles in the parking lot behind the club that had not been there when they had left a few hours earlier. Dane’s SUV was conspicuously missing. Jenna had gotten a phone call shortly after their arrival at the spa but had not shared the topic. Had something happened to one of her men?

  While Jenna and Whitney went upstairs to change into their wedding finery, she hurried to the enclosed garden. The gate was half-open, so she pushed it open and walked inside to find a wedding wonderland.

  Looking around, she saw men working quickly under the direction of Sasha and Sinclair, who each held a clipboard. She found Dane, Antony, and Gentry but did not see Merlin or Taurus. She tried to calm her racing heart as she hurried to her Master, who was setting up tables on the other side of the garden.

  “What’s happened?”

  “What makes you think something has happened?” He turned to her, and she could tell his smile was forced.

  “Your SUV isn’t in the parking lot, and Taurus and Merlin aren’t here,” she pointed out.

  Before Dane could respond, the familiar sound of the SUV grew as a vehicle pulled into the parking lot before going silent as the engine was cut. Sloan watched as the men headed to the gate while trying not to look like they were hurrying. Sloan followed slower, but she was still in time to see Merlin help Taurus climb down from the truck then turn and collapse into a wheelchair.

  “What the hell happened?” she demanded as she crossed the parking lot to stand in front of the wheelchair.

  “Language, angel,” Dane warned with a slight frown.

  Sloan wrinkled her nose at him before turning back to Taurus, who looked relaxed and in no pain despite the sling and bulky bandage on his right arm from fingertips to elbow, and the air cast that covered his left leg from his
knee down.

  “Master Taurus? What happened?”

  Taurus’s head bobbled as he turned to look up at her. He blinked and then smiled. “Had a close encounter with a ladder, but not to worry, I’ll be fine.” He slurred his words, proving he was not quite as fine as he appeared to think.

  He pointed to the door that led into the club. “Mush, Merlin. I’ve got a wedding to prepare for.”

  Then he began to sing, off rhythm and out of key, “I’m getting married in the morning…” as Dane began to push him across the parking lot.

  Dane looked at her and winked. “We’ll take care of him. You go help Whitney get ready for what might not be the wedding night of her dreams.”

  “Yes, Master.” Sloan nodded as her body responded automatically to the Dom’s iron-toned voice.

  Chapter 11

  The massage and having her hair and makeup done relaxed her morning-of-the-wedding jitters enough that Whitney was able to pick at the house salad and crab-stuffed mushrooms she ordered for lunch. They returned to the club with just enough time to change and primp before heading down to Jenna’s garden where they would meet the minister, wedding guests, and their men for the wedding.

  When Sloan joined them in Taurus’s apartment, she had a few words with Jenna in the living room while Whitney changed into the wedding dress that she and Taurus had decided upon.

  The white, lace-covered corset pushed her barely there tits up and together, giving her the illusion of cleavage. The short, matching skirt was full enough that if she twirled too fast, it would flare out and show off the teeny-tiny thong that barely covered her newly waxed mound. The skirt’s hem ended just inches below her pussy and showed flashes of the garter she wore on her bare thigh. She only hoped she had no reason to bend over, or she would be flashing anyone who cared to look. Just before they left the apartment, she would put on white stiletto pumps that she had finally gotten used to walking in after hours of practice over the last few weeks.


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