by Liu Xiaobo
Confucius from the Heart (Yu Dan), 189
“Confucius in Modern China” (Lu Xun), 196
Constitution, 90, 93, 214, 301; amendments to, 303, 314, 323–324; new, recommendation for, 305; National People’s Congress and, 314, 323–324
Constitutional rule, 305
Consumerism, 150, 225–226
Contract Law, 91
Corruption, 169, 214–215
Covert operator phenomenon, 48
Cowshed, 139, 141
Crazy Stone (film), 181
Criminal Law of the People’s Republic of China, 92, 214, 307, 313, 314, 329, 338
Criminal Verdict, 327–339; charges, 328–329; Internet and, 328–338; reply, 329; findings, 329–330; evidence, 330–337; judgment, 337–339
Crises: examples of, 103, 107, 208; reports of, 108
Crow (Jiu Dan), 159
“Cruelty beyond Words, Extent beyond Measure” (TV report), 104
“Cry from 400 Fathers: Who Will Save Our Children?, A,” 96
Cui Jian, 179
Cui Weiping, 209
Cultural Revolution, 302, 319; Mao Zedong and, xiv–xv, 69, 170; writers during, xiv–xv; end of, 39; Yu Luoke during, 44; Ba Jin and, 137–141; cowsheds during, 139, 141; Tibetans during, 265
Culture: of violence, 22; commercial, 150, 151, 155, 157; popular, 151–152, 155, 185, 225–226. See also Chinese culture; Western culture
Cynicism, 47–49, 53, 75, 226
Czechoslovakia, xix, 186, 205, 300
Dai Jinping, 6
Dalai Lama: Tibet and, 262–266, 273–274; on Charter 08, 311–312
Dalian reeducation labor camp, xviii–xix, xxi, 287, 322
Dang Guoying, 232
Danzhou lyrics case, 212
“Declaration of the Alliance for the Protection of Labor Rights,” 205
“Dedicated to the Brave Warriors of World War Three” (Guo Lusheng), 69
“Deeper Look into Why Child Slavery in China’s ‘Black Kilns’ Could Happen, A” (Liu Xiaobo), 94–106, 313, 328, 330, 333, 335, 336, 337
Democracy: pro-democracy movement, xvii, 71, 205, 226, 257, 301; movement toward, 25, 27–29, 42, 83, 295; dictatorships compared to, 237–239; Hong Kong and, 256, 260–261; hunger strike declaration on, 278–282; Charter 08 on, 304, 306; legislative, 306
“Democracy: The Fifth Modernization” (Wei Jingsheng), 38, 41
Democracy Wall Movement, 38–39, 41–46, 205, 296, 301
Democratic China (Internet magazine), xviii, xix, 329, 330
Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), 79
Deng Haiyan, 217
Deng Xiaoping: on reform, 37, 42–44, 82; Four Cardinal Principles and, 42–43, 49; on communism, 54; patriotism and, 70–73; era, 75, 233; Southern Tour of, 156; Fang Lizhi’s open letter to, 205; on economy, 223
Ding Xikui, 327, 328
Ding Zilin, 3, 4, 134, 135, 206, 297
Dissenting opinion, silencing of, 226
Dollar diplomacy, 234, 239
Dong Wei, 212
Dong Zhongshu, 199–200
Du Daobin, 209, 218, 218n1
Du Guangxue, 8
Duan Changlong, 8
Earthquake, 107
Economy: nationalization of, 22; reforms, 37–38, 82; Mao Zedong and, 64–65, 67–68; impacts on, 72; views of, 77, 127; underworld, 101–102; pretty-girl, 161–165; Deng Xiaoping on, 223; miracle of, 223–227; growth of, 233–234, 237–238; market, 238, 302–303, 323
Egao, 177–184; definition of, 177; on Internet, 177–184; five schools of, 178
Eight Virtues and Eight Shames, 225
Election of public officials, 306
Emancipation Proclamation, 272
Empty chair, xiv
Enemy forces, 216, 231
Enemy mentality, 22–23, 82, 278, 322–323
Enlightenment: new, 41, 42; European, 42
Environment, protection of, 309
Epoch Times, The (website), 333–334
Equality, 304; rural-urban, 307
Erotic carnival, 150–174; in society and politics, 168–173. See also Sex
Ethnic conflicts, 273–274
Evil states, 233
Falungong, 170, 265
Family (Ba Jin), 139
Fan Chunsan, 332
Fan Dainian, 206
Fang Binxian, 209
Fang Lijun, 181
Fang Lizhi, 205, 288, 311
“Farewell, Leighton Stuart” (Mao Zedong), 66
Farmers: land and, 30–36; in communes, 32–33, 38, 88; responsibility system and, 33, 36, 88; as weak group, 34; first and second revolutions of, 36; Mengzhou book case, 212–213
Federated republic, 309, 316
Feng Menglong, 157
Feng Xiaogang, 181
Feng Youlan, 135
Films, 40–41, 81; and television from Japan, 40–41; sex in, 152, 153–154, 156–157, 163; humor in, 178, 180–181. See also specific films
“Final Statement” (Liu Xiaobo), xvii, xx, 321–326
Financial and tax reform, 308
Fireworks, 252n1
First Sino-Japanese War (1894–95), 62
“Floods of Autumn, The” (Zhuangzi), 121
Foreign devils, 66
Foreign policy, 64, 77–84, 233–239. See also Nationalism; Patriotism; specific individuals and countries
Four Cardinal Principles, 42–43, 49
Four Modernizations, 38
Fragrant Flowers of May (TV drama), 167
Freedom: trend toward, 23–28, 42, 45, 83; of speech, 27, 45, 111, 217, 317–319; of assembly, 208–209, 307; demand for, 238; of press, 256, 298; Charter 08 on, 303–304; to form groups, 307; of religion, 307–308
“Freezing Point,” 218, 218n1
Freud, Sigmund, 153
Fu Zhenzhong, 104
Fukuyama, Francis, 25
Gandhi, Mohandas, xv, 128, 130, 288
Gao Hongyuan, 95
Gao Xin, 277, 283
Gao Yu, 311
Gao Zhisheng, 209
Gaotang Internet Post Case, 212, 217
“General Principles of Civil Law,” 90
Genghis Khan, 235
Globalization, 168–169
Golden Age (Wang Xiaobo), 154–155
Gold medal syndrome, 245–255
Google, 232
Gorbachev, Mikhail, 21, 42
Government: lockdown after Tiananmen Massacre, 4; control of speech by, 24; repression by, 28, 40; state ownership of land, 33–36, 85–93; prohibitions of, 56; land development plan, 91–92; black kiln child slavery scandal and, 97–106; ways to defuse hostility and avoid social crisis, 112–113; apologies by, 208, 217; of Taiwan, 264, 274. See also Communist Party; specific countries
Great Britain, 229, 238; Hong Kong and, 256, 260, 264
Great Firewall, xix, 203, 216
Great Leap Forward, 33, 67, 247, 302, 315
Great nations, nine, 228–229
Great power diplomacy, 75–76, 228, 233–234
Great rejection of Western hegemony, 81–82
Green Eyes in Bamboo Shadows (pen name), 160
“Gripping the prison bars” (Liu Xiaobo), 298–299
Gu Cheng, 157
Guo Feixiong, 209
Guo Jingjing, 251
Guo Lusheng, 69
Guo Moruo, 135, 139, 140, 195
Ha Jin, 311
Han Chinese, 262–266, 273
Han Feizi, 197
Han Qiaosheng, 246
Han Shaogong, xv
Hao Ran, xv
Harvest magazine, 151
Hate: hatred of other countries, 52–53; nationalism, sex and, 165–168
Havel, Václav, xv, 128, 186; open letter to Gustáv Husák, 205; as leader, 287–288
Hayek, Friedrich, 42
He Weifang, 231
He Xiquan, 206
He Yongqin, 331–332
Hegel, G. W. F., 194
Heng Tinghan, 95
Hibiscus Town (film), 153
igh Qing, 318
History of the Former Han, The (Dong Zhongshu), 199–200
Ho, Albert, 260
“Homeroom Teacher, The” (Liu Xinwu), 41
Hong Kong, 76, 151, 152; democracy and, 256, 260–261; Hu Jintao and, 256, 258, 260; travel policy to, 256–257; one country, two systems policy in, 256–258, 260, 264; ten years after handover, 256–261; Wen Jiabao and, 257–258, 259; protests and candlelight vigils in, 257–259, 260
Hong Kong Economic Journal, 260
Hong Ying, 171
Hostage diplomacy, 215
Hou Dejian, 277, 283
House arrest, xiv, 322
“How a Rising Dictatorship Hurts Democracy in the World” (Liu Xiaobo), 313, 328, 330, 333, 335, 336, 337
“How Can We Be Sure to Rescue Every Single One?” (Southern Metropolis), 96
“How Did The Analects Become a Classic?” (Qin Hui), 193
Hu An’gang, 234
Hu Dongchen, 212
Hu Feng, 140, 141
Hu Ge, 178, 184
Hu Jie, 134
Hu Jintao: New Three Principles of the People and, 49; black kiln child slavery scandal and, 97, 101, 103–105; policies of, 112, 225, 228, 232, 233–234; Olympic games and, 246, 247; Hong Kong and, 256, 258, 260; Tibet and, 262–264, 266
Hu Ping, xv, xxi; “On Freedom of Speech,” 41, 43–44
Hu Quanzong, 110
Hu Yaobang, xv, 39, 43
Hua Guofeng, 42
Huang Huahua, 219
Huang Jianxiang, 178
Huang Jianzhong, 161
Huang Jinping, 3, 4
Huang Qi, 183
Huang Rui, 44
Huang Wei, 250
Human condition, 118, 125
Human dignity, xviii–xix, 25, 128–130, 287
Human nature, 49, 159
Human rights, 304; diplomacy, 25; basic, 90, 92, 93; statements related to, 205; right to survival as, 224; disasters, 265, 301, 302, 309, 315, 319; guarantee of, 306; agreements, 317–318. See also Charter 08; Rights-defense movements
Human trafficking, 100, 183
Humor: political, 177–187; in films, 178, 180–181; cold, 178–180
Hung, Jackie, 260
Hunger strike declaration, 277–283; participants in, 277, 282–283; goals of, 278–282; basic watchwords for, 282; location, time, and rules of, 282
Husák, Gustáv, 205
“I Love My Home” (Ying Da and Liang Zuo), 180
Imperialism, 67–69
In Search of the Victims of June Fourth, 1989–2005, 3
Incidents: mass, reports of, 34; Weng’an, 107–111; Wanzhou, 110–111; Japanese Flag Clothing, 166–167
India, 77, 80
Industrialization, 33
Intellectuals: Tiananmen Massacre and, 6, 9; role of, 10–12; on Confucius, 198–200. See also Chinese Politics and China’s Modern Intellectuals
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, 301, 318
International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 318
International Monetary Fund, 77
Internet, xvi, xix, 203–210; empty chair phrase banned on, xiv; number of users, xix; information revolution and, 24; leonphoenix post on, 53; nationalism on, 64, 75, 79; black kiln child slavery scandal and, 99, 101, 103, 104; Weng’an incident and, 108–109, 111; censorship of, 111, 203–205, 216; sex on, 151, 159, 160–161, 165–168, 173, 181–182; egao on, 177–184; civil society and, 204, 207–209, 215, 218, 220; public opinion on, 207–208, 211–213, 215–220, 218n1, 234; stars on, 209; Gaotang Internet Post Case, 212, 217; Olympic games and, 246; Charter 08 on, 300; Criminal Verdict and, 328–338
Islamic fundamentalists, 64
Japan: China defeated by, xvi, 62, 66, 301; films and television from, 40–41; China’s relationship with, 77, 165–167, 233–234; China’s victory over, 302
Japanese Flag Clothing incident, 166–167
Jesus Christ, xv, 123, 128, 130
Ji Xianlin, 206
Jia Pingwa, 156
Jia Qinglin, 137
Jiang Jielian, 3, 7
Jiang Peikun, 206
Jiang Qing, 192
Jiang Qisheng, xv, 311
Jiang Yanyong, 209, 297
Jiang Zemin, 63, 259; Three Represents and, 49; state visit to Iran and Syria, 64; era, 75, 233
Jiao Guobiao, 209
Jin Yong, 151
Jinling Evening News, 144
Jinzhou Prison, xxi
Jishan article case, 212
Jiu Dan, 159, 181
Johnson, Lyndon, 272
Joke, The (Kundera), 186
Judiciary, independent, 306
Judou (film), 156
K (Hong Ying), 171
Kang Youwei, 193
Kangxi, Emperor, 235
Kashag (ruling council), 264
Khrushchev, Nikita, 42, 186
King, Martin Luther, Jr., xv, 128, 130, 271, 272
Koizumi, Junichiro, 52, 77
Korea, 67, 79
Kundera, Milan, 186
Labor camp, Dalian reeducation, xviii–xix, xxi, 287, 322
Lam Shan Muk, 260
Lan Qinghua, 211
Land: farmers and, 30–36; privatization of, 31, 32–33, 85, 88–90, 93; nationalization of, 32, 88; collectivization and, 32–33, 35–36; communism and, 32–33; Mao Zedong and, 32–33; state ownership of, 33–36, 85–93; seizure of, 34, 85; forced evictions from, 85–93; developers, 86–87; landlords and tenants on, 88–89; -ownership rights and land-use rights, 91; development plan, 91–92
Lao She, 138, 139, 140, 141
Lawrence, D. H., 152
“Learn from the Lesson Written in Blood and Push Democracy and Rule of Law Forward: An Appeal on the Sixth Anniversary of Tiananmen” (Liu Xiaobo), xviii, 205
Lecture Hall (China Central Television), 188–189
Lee, Ang, 178, 235
Lee, Martin, 257, 260
Lee, T. D., 80
Lee, Yuan-Tseh, 80
Legal Daily, 213
Legislative democracy, 306
Lei Feng, 80, 182
Leonphoenix, 53
“Let Us Take to the Streets to Spread Communism!” (Liu Di), 183–184
“Letter to Our Guangdong Netizen Friends, A,” 219
Lewinsky, Monica, 159
Li Baiguang, 209
Li Datong, 26, 209
Li Fenglian, 251
Li Haocheng, 6–7
Li Heping, 209
Li Hongzhi, 265
Li Jianqiang, 209
Li Ling, 189–192, 198–199
Li Minying, 217
Li Peng, 277–279
Li Runshan, 212
Li Shenzhi, 296–297
Li Shufen, 107–108
Li Xianting, 206
Li Xiaolin, 141
Li Yang (pen name), 231
Li Zongwu, 75
Liang Zuo, 180
Liao Yiwu: in prison, 9, 11, 286; “Massacre,” 11, 286, 287; “Requiem,” 11, 286, 287; Testimony, 286, 287; Liu Xiaobo’s letter to, 286–289
Liberalism, 27–28
Liberation Daily, 319
Liberation of thought movement, 39, 41–42, 151
Lies: refusing to lie, 294–295; reasons for, 295–296; truth undermining, 297–299
“Life is precious” (Petőfi), 294
Lin Bai, 158
Lin Biao, 39, 195–196
Lin Miaoke, 252n1
Lin Yifu, 80, 234
Lin Zhao, 44, 138, 319; during Anti-Rightist Campaign, 44, 134; Mao Zedong and, 134, 135; at Peking University, 134, 135, 136; elegy to, 134–136
Lincoln, Abraham, 272
Ling Shuhua, 171
Literary inquisition, 314
Literature, 40, 41, 43, 139; scar, 40, 41, 141; banned books and magazines, 172, 257; burning of books and live burials of scholars, 199, 211, 318. See also Sex literature; Words; Writers; specific individuals
Liu Binyan, xv
Liu Di, 182–184, 209, 218, 296,
297; Beijing Normal University and, 183; “West Temple Persimmon Oil Party’s First National Congress Convenes at Nanjing,” 183; “Let Us Take to the Streets to Spread Communism!,” 183–184; interrogation of, 311
Liu Junning, 209
Liu Mengxi, 192
Liu Peng, 246, 253–254
Liu Shaoqi, 155
Liu Xia (wife of Liu Xiaobo), 325; under house arrest, xiv; prison visits by, xvii, xviii, xxi; marriage to Liu Xiaobo, xviii; art photographs book by, xix; testimony of, 331
Liu Xiang, 235, 247–249, 254
Liu Xiaobo, xiii–xxii; writing of, xiii, xv, xvii–xviii, xix, xxi–xxii; Nobel Peace Prize and, xiii–xiv; in prison, xiii–xiv, xvii–xviii, xx–xxi, 10, 11, 156, 286–287, 300–301, 321–322, 324–325, 338; Charter 08 and, xiv, xix–xx, 300–301, 310, 313–316, 328–333, 335–336; under house arrest, xiv, 322; early life of, xiv–xv; education of, xiv–xv; “Aesthetics and Human Freedom,” xv; Beijing Normal University and, xv, xvii, 11, 282, 321; black horse reputation of, xv; on Chinese culture, xv–xvi; on Chinese history, xv–xvi; on Western culture, xv–xvi; at Columbia University, New York, xvi; “Final Statement,” xvii, xx, 321–326; Tiananmen Massacre and, xvii, 3–4, 11–12; “Learn from the Lesson Written in Blood and Push Democracy and Rule of Law Forward: An Appeal on the Sixth Anniversary of Tiananmen,” xviii, 205; Liu Xia’s marriage to, xviii; Wang Xizhe and, xviii; in Dalian reeducation labor camp, xviii–xix, xxi, 287, 322; as chair of Chinese PEN, xix; poems to Liu Xia, xix, 288; trial of, xix, xxi, 21, 94, 313, 317, 321, 322, 329, 338; confession of, 11, 337; “To Change a Regime by Changing a Society,” 21–29, 313, 316, 328, 330, 333, 336, 337; “A Deeper Look into Why Child Slavery in China’s ‘Black Kilns’ Could Happen,” 94–106, 313, 328, 330, 333, 335, 336, 337; Chinese Politics and China’s Modern Intellectuals, 117–127; hunger strike declaration and, 277, 282; letter to Liao Yiwu, 286–289; Outstanding Democracy Activist Award, statement of thanks for, 292–299; “Gripping the prison bars,” 298–299; “The Authoritarian Patriotism of the Communist Party of China,” 313, 328, 330, 333, 336; “How a Rising Dictatorship Hurts Democracy in the World,” 313, 328, 330, 333, 335, 336, 337; “The Many Faces of Communist Party Dictatorship,” 313, 328, 330, 333, 334–335, 336, 337; “Who Says the Chinese People Deserve Only ‘Democracy by Party Rule’?,” 313, 328, 330, 333, 334, 336–337; self-defense of, 313–320; Criminal Verdict for, 327–339
Liu Xiaodong, 181
Liu Xinwu, 41
Liu Yandong, 259
Liu Zheng, 324
Lou Shiyi, 206
Love Is a Many-Splendored Thing (film), 152
Love Letters Left Behind (Muzi Mei), 172
“Love Must Not Be Forgotten” (Zhang Jie), 152–153
Lu Xuesong, 209