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Hot Girlz: Hot Boyz Sequel

Page 14

by Monteilh, Marissa

  His voice was deep. “First of all, you’re a beautiful woman. I’m sorry about what’s going on. I wish things were different.”

  “I’ll tell you now, I wish things were the same as they were before I met you.”

  He maintained a clam tone. “Your husband seems to be a reasonable man. Surely he knows what he has.” He paused. “You’re right. We made a mistake. But it was only a kiss.”

  “You’re single. For you it was only a kiss. For me it was infidelity. Goodbye.”

  “Goodbye. And I hope to see your husband around in these arenas. He’d be great.”

  Mercedes hung up without further reply.

  She called her husband but he didn’t answer.

  Her voicemail message was, “Please call me. I love you. It’s too damn quiet. Come home.”

  Mercedes fought back the tears and went upstairs. She ended up in Mattie’s room. She sat on the bed, and asked out loud. “Mamma. Why?”

  She looked to the side on the nightstand and saw a plaque with a figure of an angel. A plaque that Mason must have left.

  It read: John 14:1 Let not your hearts be troubled. Mercedes nodded that’s right.

  She held the plaque tight and laid down, giving in to the mattress. She snuggled up to the jade blanket and sniffed it. It still contained the scent of Mattie’s White Shoulders perfume.

  She dozed off in the safety-kiss of the room’s essence.

  Nadia lay at the side of the bed, safe as well.

  Both broken hearts praying for mending.

  In time.



  “. . . I’m not his real mom.”

  Claude had only been home for a little while after a long day of driving from Laguna to the Ladera office. He had stopped by the old house and back to the new office. He looked drained.

  Though it was nearly seventy degrees outside, the fireplace was lit for pure ambiance. It was a quiet moment after enjoying the soulful ox-tails and green beans and rice that Venus made for dinner. She now had time to cook and be the housewife they agreed she would be.

  It was a night of Claude and Venus enjoying their new home. Just being. Even if only for a few minutes. Especially since Skyy was around the corner visiting a friend from her new school whose mom promised to bring her back by nine. It was eight-thirty.

  They were in the family room curled up together on the sectional, legs intertwined, talking. On the oversized oak coffee table before them, two rum-mojito cocktails awaited their respective sippage.

  Claude asked no questions about Owen.

  Venus asked no questions about Mary.

  “I really do love this place,” Venus said, looking up at the marigold and white trey ceilings. “Even the city. This was a great idea.”

  “I agree. I’m glad you approve.”

  “Are you okay dealing with all that’s happened? With Mattie I mean.”

  Claude said, “I’m still trying to adjust. For years I’ve tried to brace myself for the reality of living life without her. I still can’t believe it. Like this morning when I was driving into L.A., I thought about stopping by Mason’s house to see her and then I realized that won’t happen anymore.”

  “It does seem like a dream.” She snuggled closer. “But, it was great having everyone over for the repast. We’ve gotta have the family over again, but next time it needs to be for a positive celebration. We need to make sure we take time to get together like we used to.”


  “Maybe even for your birthday in November.”

  “Maybe.” Claude leaned over to take his glass in hand. “You want your drink?”

  “No. I’m fine. Thanks.”

  He took a big sip and placed the glass back on the table. “So, where’s Cameron? I noticed his car was gone.”

  Venus said, “Honey, you know where he is.” She watched his facial expression.

  He looked bothered. “Does he even come home anymore? What’s he doing with his life? He’s supposed to be looking for work and going to school.” At that moment, Claude’s cell rang from the end table. He untangled himself from Venus and sat up, putting it on speaker. “Hey. We were just talking about you. What’s up?”

  “Not much.”

  “When are you coming home?” Claude asked, looking at Venus who listened intently.

  “In the morning,” Cameron replied and then said, “Hold up, Dad. I called because Penny wants to talk to you.” There was the sound of a muffled handoff.

  Claude looked like he was in no mood.

  “Hi, Claude. How are you?” Penny asked, sounding cheery.

  “Penny. I’m good.”

  “I wanted to tell you I found a few properties in Newport Beach. Do you know that area?”

  “I do.”

  “You think if I email you the links today you can make arrangements for me to see them this weekend? Well, Cameron, too.”

  “I don’t see why not.”


  He pressed mute then looked at Venus. “I want to tell her so bad.”

  She agreed with him, giving an approving glance.

  He released mute and resumed by saying, “Penny.”

  “Yes,” she replied.

  “Put my son on the phone.”

  “Sure. Hold on. Talk to you later.”


  Cameron took the phone back. “Hello?”

  “Listen. I don’t want to embarrass you, but we need to talk. You’re headed down a path where you’re so into these women that you’re wasting your time.”

  “Dad.” Cameron sounded like he dreaded his dad’s next words.

  “Son, you just lost your grandmother. She would want you to make something out of your life. It’s time you come home and set some serious goals. Get your resume together. Look up schools you can apply to and get your BA, finally. You’re less than a year away. We talked about this before we moved and you agreed, but I don’t see you trying. It turns out Berkeley is sealing the issue of the violation of policy because my attorney kept pushing them, but that’s the best I could do. There’s no getting back in there.”

  “That’s cool,” Cameron replied.

  “It’s not cool with me. It’s still time wasted. That money I paid the attorney went straight down the drain. And I’m still the one doing all of this follow-up.” Claude said, “It’s like I care more about your situation than you do. All you’re doing is screwing some woman who’s old enough to be your mother, Cameron. This has to stop.”

  Cameron was quiet.

  “And also, just so you know. It’s true that Candy admitted to her involvement in the break-in, but today she was arrested as an accessory. It’s not her first offense so chances are, she’ll do some time.”

  Venus just listened. It was all news to her.

  “Oh man. Okay.”

  “They found everything that was taken during the burglary between her and two guys. Even your mom’s ring. And also, Cal Berkley decided to kick her butt out for writing your paper.”


  Claude raised his eyebrows. “So few words from you. I guess you’re just like, on to the next one, huh?”

  “Well, I can’t really talk.”

  “Oh really? Man, Cameron, come on.” His voice was intense. “I move us to Orange County and in two-point-two seconds you latch on to this woman with money, and you remain in neutral. I’m telling you now I’m not having it. I’m at my wits end.”

  Venus sat up and took hold of her cocktail, sipping from the glass, holding on to it with both hands.

  “Dad,” Cameron said, lowering his voice. “I’ll be home tonight.”

  “We’ll see. All I know is by the time I get home from work tomorrow I want to hear about your progress with your future plans.”

  “Agreed. Bye.” A voice in the background was heard. Cameron quickly told his dad, “Penny says, bye.”

  “Tell her bye.”

  “I will.”

  Claude shook his he
ad as he hung up and reached in his pants pocket. He pulled out Venus’s emerald ring. “Anyway, I stopped by and identified the jewelry. I had this cleaned. The rest we’ll need to have delivered.”

  “Oh my.” Venus set her drink down and took the ring from Claude and placed it on her right middle finger. “Thank you.” She planted a kiss on his lips. “I’m so glad to have it back.”

  “Not sure what happened to the box it was in. Most of the jewelry boxes are missing because a lot of that stuff was pawned. But, everything was recovered, so, that’s that.” He picked up his drink.

  “I’m glad. You really did have a full day today, didn’t you?”

  “I did,” he said, taking a sip as the doorbell sounded. “Is that the lady bringing Skyy home?”

  “Probably.” Venus held out her hand in front of herself and looked at the ring that shined as she got up. “It’s beautiful as ever.” She walked toward the front door, lowering her voice. “Oh, I was gonna say, I think that because Cam lost his mom so violently, it’s coming back to haunt him. I mean, after all, you’re not his real dad and I’m not his real mom.” She spoke softer. “And the man who is his real father is in jail for killing his mom. That’s a lot, honey. Maybe that’s why he’s so attached to certain women. Seems he lets them do things for him. You ever think about that?”

  Claude replied, looking doubtful, “No. He’s still a man. Therefore he needs to act like a man and handle his business. I’ve tried to show him that. No more excuses. You take what life has dished out to you and instead of blaming the curse, you make your own course.”

  She stood before the door with her hand on the knob. The doorbell rang again. “Well, I just might be right. I mean for once maybe. Ya think?”

  Claude took his last sip and swallowed, and said with a half-grin, “Open the damn door.”



  “. . . up to her old tricks again.”

  When is Kyle Jr. coming?” Mercedes asked Sequoia while Sequoia drove toward Santa Monica. It was a Thursday afternoon around four o’clock.

  Mercedes was at home relaxing, having just worked out at the gym.

  Sequoia said, “Torino and I talked about calling Kyle Jr. KJ since he’s a Wilson now and not really a junior to Kyle Brewer. Actually, we pick him up from school next Friday and we’ll keep him over the weekend, then drop him off at school on Monday.”

  “I see. Is that so you guys don’t have to see her?” asked Mercedes. “I mean most guys pick their kids up from the mom’s house.”

  “That’s what she requested, not us. I’m sure there’ll be times we’ll have to go by each other’s homes and drop off, pick up. It should be interesting.”

  “This has got to be tough on everyone.”

  “There’s no getting around it.”

  “True. So, I’ll have a new nephew. And you’ll have another son.”

  “Yes.” Sequoia made the turn from Santa Monica Boulevard to Lincoln.

  Mercedes asked, “Have you thought that maybe it would’ve been nice if Mamma could’ve met him?”

  “I didn’t mention it to Torino, but yeah, I did think about that.”

  “Actually, this is kind of exciting. Are you okay with it?”

  “I think so. That is if he is Torino’s son.” Sequoia watched the street signs.

  “He said you’ll do the test first thing though, right?”

  “He did. But, the fact remains that he and I have got a KJ and a TJ. That’s all I know.”

  “True. It’ll be interesting to see how the boys get along, how he relates to the two of you, and just what it is that he knows.”

  Sequoia said, “You know how kids are. He and TJ will hit it off. Kids know no strangers.”

  “I know that’s right. Where’re you headed?”

  “To a client’s house. They’re throwing an engagement party for their daughter. It’s over here in Santa Monica. Should be pretty nice. My assistant is already there. How about you? I know you’ve been working out trying to lose some weight.”

  “To lose weight, yes. But also, I have to do something other than work, or else I’m gonna lose my mind.”

  “You hanging in there?” Sequoia asked.

  “Trying. Mason came and got some more of his things. After that visit he stopped taking my calls. I’ve been wanting to tell you that. I called Ryan so Mason could talk to him. It backfired. He’s even more pissed at the fact that I even had his number.”

  Sequoia sounded surprised. “I’m sure he was.”

  Mercedes’s voice sped up. “Girl, he went searching through my phone and came up to me asking why I had the number, so I just dialed it.”

  “Oh, now see, he’s not done. How could he really be done if he gives a damn about whose number you have in your phone?”

  “You never know with Mason. He could’ve been looking for something to start some more mess about. Like looking for an excuse,” Mercedes said.

  “Oh, I doubt it. It’s just his pride. You know how men are. Have the kids been home since the funeral?”

  “No. Rashaad has a tournament coming up. I’m driving down to San Diego to watch him. It’s been a while since I’ve done that. I’m not sure if Mason is going or not.”

  “Good. Glad you’re getting to see him play. Listen, I’ll call you later. I’m here now.”


  Sequoia parked along the curb a few houses down and looked at the random people who walked toward the house at the end of the cul-de-sac, her destination. She said, “Mercedes, you know what? I can’t believe it. I see Kyle walking up. And he’s not alone.”

  “What? I just know he’s not with Colette.”

  “No. But he is with an Asian chick.”

  “Damn, he moved on fast.”

  “I guess so. Unless she’s just a friend,” Sequoia said, turning off the ignition.


  “But they are hand-in-hand.”

  “Hmmm. Small world. You gonna talk to him about Kyle Jr., I mean KJ?”

  “No. I’ll let Torino do that.” She grabbed her iPad and handbag. “Listen, you have a good day.”

  “You too. Good luck with the event.”

  Sequoia got out of her car. “Thanks.” She hung up and proceeded down the street and up the walkway to the ranch style house. The front door was open and the owner stood before her. She said, “Hi, Mr. Brown.”

  “Hi, Sequoia. This is my wife, Irene.” He looked to his wife. “Irene, this is the caterer who was referred to us a few months ago.”

  Sequoia said, “Nice to meet you.”

  They shook hands.

  His wife said, “Sequoia. Some of your team is already in there setting up, working very hard. They’ve been passing around hors d’oeuvres and serving beverages. They’re doing a great job.”

  “Well good. Is the kitchen that way?” she asked, pointing past the dining room.

  “Yes, right through there,” said Mr. Brown, pointing as well.

  “If you’ll excuse me, I’ll head on into the kitchen. Please let me know if you need anything. I’ll check back with you.”

  “We will. Thanks.”

  Not even twenty minutes later as Sequoia made her way from the small house, into the huge, tropical style backyard, she was greeted with a tap on the shoulder. “Hello, Sequoia.”

  She turned around. “Hi, Kyle. How are you?”

  “I’m good, thanks. And you?”

  “Good.” She looked at the slender, pretty young woman with Kyle. Her hair was jet black and so long it looked as though she could sit on it. Her lashes looked like they could reach out and touch someone. “Hi, I’m Sequoia.” Sequoia nodded.

  “I’m Yasmin.” Yasmin nodded.

  Kyle said, “Yasmin is a former firefighter. We used to work together. I’ve known her for years.”

  “Oh, really? I find that interesting. Are there a lot of female firefighters?” Sequoia asked, looking to get a conversation started.

  “Not that
many,” Yasmin said, sounding as if she could not have cared less.

  “You enjoy it?” Sequoia asked, looking her up and down, noticing her St. John suit and gold Jimmy Choo wedge sandals.

  “I do.” Yasmin looked at the people next to them, the people behind Sequoia, and then at the people sitting at a patio table nearby.

  “Good.” Sequoia looked at her like she was trying to figure her out.

  Kyle said, “So, I understand from Torino that things didn’t quite go as planned.”

  Sequoia was ready to talk about anything other than trying to talk to Yasmin again. “Not quite. But we’re ready.”


  “I’ll be right back. Excuse me.” Yasmin walked away toward Mrs. Brown and they hugged.

  Sequoia watched. “She knows the Browns, or you do?”

  “Her cousin is actually marrying my brother. I introduced them.”

  “Oh, I see. So you and her are like, dating?”

  “We are. All of a sudden we just clicked.”

  “Really? She doesn’t look like a firefighter.”

  “She was. Take all that glamour off of her and she’s pretty athletic.”

  Sequoia took one last look at her. “I see. Well, you deserve to be happy.”

  “I hope to be.” He then asked, “You’re catering this party?”

  “Yeah. It should be a small group and just take a few hours. They’re nice people.”

  “They are.”

  “So, you have a brother, huh?” she asked.

  “I do. I have two brothers. Just like Torino.”


  They stood and a few more moments passed.

  Sequoia asked, “Kyle, I have to ask you. How are you dealing with not seeing Kyle Jr.?”

  “I’m not. It’s tough.”

  “Then how are you gonna handle it long term? I mean, did you and Torino talk about you seeing Kyle Jr. while we have him?”

  “I don’t think that’s gonna fly with Colette. She’s pretty mad at me right now. But I had to do what I had to do.”

  “You’re just letting go?” she asked, looking as though she didn’t quite get it.


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