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Erotic Teacher

Page 18

by Skye Reed

  Lili opened up to me as well. She had been married five years. She was thirty-three and had no kids. Her husband, Scott, was the chief financial officer of a family-owned group of gentlemen's clubs. The clubs were scattered all over the country. Each had an attached apartment and he would travel to the various locations to review the books and sometimes spend as much as a month on each trip.

  Lili was a dancer at one of the clubs when she met Scott. He made visits to her club and eventually they began a relationship. She knew that Scott had a "favorite" at each of the clubs but married him anyway. She was faithful to him. She gave up dancing when they became engaged. She moved to the Midwest to establish their home after they married. She had a good life as evidenced by the hot car she was driving. She also knew that Scott would continue to be tempted and that he could not resist. They never talked about it, but there was a silent acknowledgment.

  Sitting in a desolate parking lot with a beautiful woman sharing a deeply personal aspect of her life, I could not resist reaching for her hand to offer some comfort and creating more of a connection. She did not resist, adding her other hand to our link and turning to face me.

  As each of us pondered our next words, both phones rang. Sensing the discomfort of speaking to our respective spouses side-by-side, I stepped out of my car as I greeted Ellen.

  "David, the airline is putting us up for the night. Delta is not going to allow this plane to continue and a substitute plane is not available. Why don't I call in the morning? If you leave for the airport as I board, you should have plenty of time to get there for my arrival. I can't wait to tell you about the trip," Ellen reported. I said I'd wait for her call and hung up.

  I looked into the car as Lili ended her call. As I returned to my seat, she exclaimed, "Well, that's the best news I've heard all day!" and threw her arms around my neck and pulled herself close enough to me to plant a kiss on my lips. Instinctively, I wrapped my arms around her to prohibit any retreat.

  "And what news is that?" I inquired.

  "You know. The flight is delayed until tomorrow, and Scott is staying at the St. Louis club so I know he won't be hurrying home anytime soon."

  Sitting there with our arms around each other suggested that we were in no hurry for this evening to end. With this realization, a longer passionate kiss ensued. My cock had stirred throughout the evening, tingled when I first noticed her perky nipples, jumped when she shared that she had been an erotic dancer, and grown rock hard with this continuing kiss. Reaching around me had caused the yellow sweater to rise above her waist and my embrace had discovered the soft skin of her back. Wanting to bring my hands up to feel her bare back and eventually expose her luscious tits, I considered our surroundings and asked.

  "Should we get a room?"

  "Don't you think it's exciting to be here daring to be discovered?" she asked but clearly expressing her preference.

  With that my hands traveled upward sliding the yellow sweater up to her shoulders. As she raised her arms, I pulled the sweater over her head and tossed in the back seat. My golf shirt soon joined the sweater as I stared at erect but puffy nipples that appeared as miniature titties growing from the end of her plump breasts. I leaned down and sucked them into my mouth and her chest heaved. A hand squeezed by cock in response.

  I kicked off my shoes and stepped out of my car. I glanced around to see if any cars or people were in the area and removed my jeans and boxers. As I trotted my naked self to the passenger's side, I found Lili had slipped from her yoga pants with no panties in sight. I took the seat and she climbed on top me. She reached for my cock and proceeded to slide her glistening pussy over the top of it. Illuminated by the moon, I saw that she was a natural redhead and buried my face between her breasts.

  Our kisses were the perfect mixture of lips and tongue and warm saliva. She enjoyed dragging the hard tips of her precious nipples across my chest. I continued to grow inside her as I pressed my thumb on her clit and sensed her enjoyment. My balls were boiling. She was controlling our movements much to my pleasure and hers. She whispered.

  "David, you can cum in me." And I nearly did just that at the mere suggestion.

  I could tell she was manipulating my hard cock in an effort to touch all the right places inside her red-capped love canal. I worked her clit to add to her pleasure as she threw her head back nearly knocking the visor from the roof of my car.

  Lili's screams of pleasure echoed across the cell phone lot near an airport that had been silent for some time. As her orgasm subsided, she began to rise and fall on my cock, pulling me back into to her warm breasts now wet with perspiration. I began to deliver my load and with each spurt she squeezed my grateful cock with muscles of magic within her.

  We held each other in silence. We kissed with appreciative warmth but with a resignation that this moment was not likely to reoccur. I felt a tear fall. Was it hers, or mine?

  "You charged more than your cell phone in this car and I will never forget this moment, Lili with two "L's" and two "I's", I quipped.

  We laughed and I felt the semen run from her pussy. She scooped up a fingerful and put it between our lips as we kissed.

  A flashing light split the sky as a security vehicle rolled down the road toward the cell phone lot. I reached for the yellow sweater and watched as Lili pulled it over her head as I handed her the yoga pants. She scampered to her car as I followed her, naked, to my side of the car and my awaiting jeans. Pulling them on in a flash, the golf shirt followed and I was sitting in my car, shoeless, as the security officer asked if we were okay.

  Lili was about to pull away when I noticed her phone still charging in my car. I waved the phone out the window. As she rolled her window down, I asked for her passcode. She hesitated but told me and I entered my phone number in her contacts along with my full name.

  As I handed it to her, I asked her to call me so I'd have her number. She smiled, blew me a kiss and pulled away.


  Fighting sleep, I returned to the airport later the following day. Ellen met me with a smile as I threw her bags into the trunk. A quick kiss and I could tell she was anxious to tell me about her trip.

  "The trip was great and oh, do I have some stories to tell, but the best part may have been the trip home."

  "Really?" I asked.

  "Yes! As we left the plane in St. Louis, Delta was all screwed up trying to find accommodations for us. The girl who sat next to me told me she talked to a guy that had an apartment available to him and we were welcome to stay there. She then told me the guy is a CFO for strip clubs and that the apartment was over the St. Louis club. She asked if we could both come along and he said 'the more the merrier' and it was very merry!. So that's where I stayed last night and we took a later flight out today" she chirped.

  "Some people have all the luck," was all I could say in response as my phone vibrated with a text message from Lili.

  "You won't believe this! Call me." She said.

  Brother and Friend Offer Comfort

  I was looking forward to the weekend. It had been a hard week at school. Finals week was hard enough, but in the middle of the week I caught my boyfriend Roy making out with another girl. I decided to meet him after one of his finals and as I headed to the building I saw him pressed up against some chick. I was angry, very angry.

  I walked up behind him, "Having fun?"

  He spun so fast he knocked the chick to the ground.

  "Michelle," he said. "What are you doing here?"

  "Well," I replied. "I was coming to surprise you, but I guess you surprised me. Asshole." I turned and walked away.

  "Wait, Michelle," he yelled as I walked away.

  As I left I heard the girl yelling at him, "You fucking asshole. You have a girlfriend?"

  I didn't turn around. I just kept walking. I was mad, I was hurt, and I was crying. It was time to leave school and head home. I couldn't wait. I had two more finals and then I was done.

  My boyfriend called like
20 times the next day, ex, boyfriend. He tried to catch up with me. Once walking through campus he grabbed my arm. I pulled away and told him next time he touched me I'd call the cops. The calls stopped after that.

  I struggled through my last two finals trying to focus on that and not Roy. I'd finally finished and was on my way home for the summer. I knew mom and dad were gone for two weeks. They had planned a vacation. Initially I was going to visit with Roy and his family and then head home but now that that was out but they'd still had plans.

  My brother Barry was going to be home. His college break started a week before. At 19 he was a year older than me. He was a great guy and a great brother. I was kind of glad he'd be there. He'd be sympathetic about Roy.

  The drive home was four hours. Not bad but still boring. It gave me time to think about Roy and me. I met Roy my first week at school. He was handsome and confident. Within a month we were dating. By six weeks I was no longer a virgin. He could be a bit arrogant. Thinking more about it, I realized there were times he was missing when he shouldn't have been. Could he have been seeing someone else then?

  Then there was the self doubt. Was she prettier than me? I knew I was cute. Everyone said so. At 5'2", 130lbs, I wasn't a skinny minnie, but I looked nice in jeans. With my brown hair in a pixie cut people would say I looked like some kind of fairy. I spent the drive home between seething mad and crying.

  When I got home my brother's car was in the driveway and there was another car in front of the house. I wasn't in the mood to face anyone. I knew my eyes were red from crying. I snuffled up and tried to compose myself, then I went in.

  The first thing I saw was my brother. He and a friend were playing a video game. He paused it and jumped up.

  "Hey sis, I was wondering what time you'd get home."

  He saw the bag I was carrying. He took it from me, put it on the floor and gave me a big hug. It felt good to be wrapped in the arms of someone who I knew loved me. I just leaned against him.

  "Is there more stuff in the car?" he asked.

  I nodded.

  "Cool, let me help," he said.

  As he headed out the door, his friend Jim stood up and said, "I'll help too."

  I'd always liked Jim. He was Barry's best friend. In reality I liked all my brothers friends. Barry was a great guy and hung around with nice people. The two of them helped me bring all my stuff in.

  It wasn't till we were done that Barry noticed my face.

  "Have you been crying?" he asked with concern in his voice. Jim looked on with the same look of concern.

  "I'm sorry," I said. Does it show?

  "What happened?" Barry asked.

  "It's stupid," I replied.

  "If it made you cry, it's not stupid," he answered.

  I took a deep breath. "I saw Roy kissing another girl," I said, and then burst into tears again.

  Barry had never met Roy. He scooped me in his arms and hugged me. "I'm sorry sis," he said. "What an ass."

  I leaned my head against his chest and cried. As I did he stroked my hair and told me the guy was crazy and that he didn't deserve me. I was comforted by his strong arms. Barry was 6' about 180. He hit the gym 2-3 times a week. He wasn't crazy but he had strong arms and a muscled chest. I felt protected.

  Jim, for his part, also tried to comfort me with words.

  "Geese, what a jerk. He has the perfect girl and he wants someone else? What kind of moron is he? It's like having the Mona Lisa and trading it in for dogs playing poker."

  That made me laugh. I snuffled a bit more and said I was going upstairs to clean up and change. Barry kissed the top of my head and said, "Ok, we'll be here."

  He walked me to the stairs. "Jim was going to spend the weekend, but if you'd rather he didn't we'd understand," he said quietly.

  That was sweet, but I liked Jim. Jim and Barry had been friends forever and he was like another brother to me. Once, I was on a date and the guy was pushing too hard. I called Barry to come get me but Barry was too far away. Instead, Jim showed up in minutes. When I was younger Jim would help me with my homework. He was a great guy. Besides, I really didn't want to be alone so having company would be nice. I told my brother it was fine and headed up the stairs.

  As I headed up the stairs Barry asked if I'd eaten. I told him I hadn't.

  "Would you like anything?" he asked.

  "Ice cream," I quipped, followed by "Whatever is ok with me." I continued upstairs.

  I got to my room and sat on my bed. I wasn't really sad about losing Roy, I was more mad at myself for being fooled. I also again started worrying about if I was pretty. I started to cry again.

  I started to undress. I pulled my top off and then my jeans. I stood in front of the mirror. I wasn't a skinny flat bellied, rib cage showing, girl. I was a 34c and size 5. I had curves, but i still doubted myself, I knew plenty of size 0s and 2s. I resolved to lose weight and run more than my current 2-3 times a week. I pulled off my bra and panties and now, mad at my body, climbed in the shower.

  After my shower I pulled on a pair of yoga pants and a long loose tank top. I didn't bother with underwear. I finally headed downstairs. When I got there the boys were in the kitchen sitting at the table. They had chocolate ice cream, pizza, and diet soda. All my resolve from 10 minutes ago flew out the window. I kissed Barry on the head and said thank you.

  "Hey," said Jim.

  I laughed and walked over to him and kissed him on the head. "Better," I laughed.

  "Well of course," he said. "A kiss from a pretty girl makes everything better."

  That deserved another kiss. I placed one on his head and sat down to eat.

  I took a slice of pizza. The great thing about Barry and Jim is there was no forced conversation. Everything flowed smoothly. We talked about Roy, about school, about my summer plans. The guys made me the center of attention and soon I'd forgotten all my troubles and was just happy to be home.

  After we ate the guys cleaned up and asked me if I wanted to watch tv with them. I didn't want to interrupt their video game and told them so.

  "We were almost done anyway," Jim said.

  "Just cause I was kicking your ass," quipped Barry.

  "Well, we'll never know now," laughed Jim.

  We sat on the couch with me between them and snuggled into Barry. We picked a movie and settled in. Barry put his arm around my shoulder. I leaned my head on his shoulder. I felt safe and loved. We watched the movie.

  After the movie I was exhausted and decided to head to bed. I thanked the guys for being so sweet and told them I'd see them in the morning.

  They both responded with how nice it was to see me and that they were sorry I was going through what I was and said if I needed them to wake them.

  I thanked them and headed to bed. I stripped off my yoga pants and climbed into bed. After 2 semesters of school there's always something comforting about being in your own bed. I thought a bit more about Roy. This time I was more angry than sad. As I started drifting off, my mind shifted to the pleasant thought of being cuddled and comforted in my brother's strong arms. I fell asleep.

  I woke up about 2am and decided to go to the kitchen for some water. I headed down the stairs to the kitchen and got a glass out of the upper cabinet. I'm 5'2" so I had to stretch to reach them. I started pouring myself some water when I heard Jim.

  "Everything OK?" he asked.

  He startled me and I gave a small yelp. I'd forgotten he'd be sleeping on the couch.

  "Yeah, I'm fine. Just needed a drink," I responded.

  I could now see his face. He was smiling at me. All of a sudden I realized that his head was low to the ground, I'd stretched to reach the glasses, and I wasn't wearing underwear.

  I started to blush. I turned my head, looked at the cabinet, the. Looked back at him. I realized he must have seen my entire ass as I reached for a glass.

  "Oh my god," I said, tugging down on the hem of my tank top. "I'm so sorry. I didn't realize you were there.

  "Why are you sorr
y? It didn't bother me. Of course at first I thought I was having an amazing dream. Then, when I realized I was awake, well, it was even more amazing." He laughed.

  "Pig," I said jokingly. "Why didn't you warn me?"

  "By the time I realized what was happening it was already over. So I thought why embarrass you," he replied.

  Well, that made sense. I relaxed. We chatted a bit while I drank my water.

  "Well, back to bed," I said.

  "Goodnight," he replied. Then he added, "By the way, you've got a great ass."

  I blushed again and said, "Pig," but I wasn't mad. Actually there was a part of me that liked the compliment and felt a little naughty that he'd seen my ass. I walked up the stairs wondering if, from his position, he could see up my tank top.


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