Erotic Teacher

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Erotic Teacher Page 29

by Skye Reed

  "Turn over.' I said, flipping her myself as I said it.

  "My ass?" she asked as I pulled her hips up lifting her ass towards me.

  "Not yet." I said taking my cock and working it back into her pussy from behind. I gave a few slow thrusts before gaining full momentum again. She set herself on her elbows with her face in the pillow.

  "My baby likes to, ah, take control huh? Baby, hmmm, likes his new toy. Oh, Ohhh, I'm so happy." Her tits were swinging slightly. She looked back at me and I could see she was almost drooling.

  I loved the idea of her being my live in slut to use whenever the mood takes me.

  "You like fucking mommy? I know how much you've wanted mommy for so long. I'm sorry I had to make you, ah, god. Make you wait baby. Fuuuuuck. Ohhh. But now I'm all yours. Ahhh. All yours."

  That was it. I was over the edge and came again inside her tight pussy.

  "Mommy! AHHH"

  "Yes baby. Cum for mommy. Give me everything!"

  I was spent. Exhausted. My arms and legs were burning like fire. We couldn't have been at it more than a few minuets but my body let like I had run a marathon. I pulled out and collapsed next to her. Mom took a moment to compose herself then layed down next to me. Both of us naked above the covers.

  She stroked my cheek and said, "Happy Birthday." then leaned over to kiss me. Our kiss was deep and passionate. We held it for some time before drifting into a deep sleep.

  Zucchini Cake

  Mmmm. Another event to celebrate—my husband's birthday. I pulled the covers over my head and slithered down his body, stopping first at his nipples, then at his belly button and then at his stiff prick. With the covers surrounding me it was like I was in a dark cave, so dark that I could only find my away around by touch. Of course, I was using the tip of my tongue to do the touching so I used my imagination a lot to help me visualize what I was doing. That upped the level of intensity quite a bit.

  I dragged my tongue along the bottom of his cock until I reached his opening, pausing a moment to taste the salty precum. Swirling my tongue around, I put just the slightest amount of pressure on my lips and began to leisurely take him into my mouth.

  A thrill ran through my body when he moaned. I trembled when he reached down and ran his fingers through my hair. When he applied pressure to the back of my head, forcing me down on him, I almost came. I was ready to begin some serious sucking when, unexpectedly, he yanked the covers off my body.

  As I adjusted to the dim light in the room I heard him whisper, "As much as I was enjoying that, I want to see you. Come on top of me."

  It was his birthday. I was supposed to be pleasing him. Our love-making was so intense, though, I'm not sure who got the most pleasure. Not only did I climb on board and take him inside me as deep as I could, I leaned back, placing my hands on his knees, so he could watch his cock slide in and out of me. When he squeezed my nipples I just about exploded, my orgasm fueled by the hot jism he was blasting inside me.

  I fell forward on top of him, gasping for air, and laughed. "That was fast," I said.

  "And fantastic," he said. "Am I gonna get my usual birthday present later tonight?"

  I sat up a bit and smiled at him. "Of course. Along with another one of your favorites—zucchini cake."

  "Oh, man," he said. "Zucchini cake and..."

  I put my finger on his lips and whispered into his ear. "Shhh. Don't say it. Just thinkit. Think about it all day."

  He put his hands behind his head and sighed. "As if I'll be able to think about anything else."


  Well, I could hardly think about anything else either. My legs were still wobbly when I got to work. It was as though my orgasm and my anticipation of giving my husband his birthday present had sucked all the energy out of me. I don't know how many times I had to go to the ladies' room to rub my clit, but doing that only increased my lust. I mean-seriously-I wasn't about to come in the rest room. I'm too noisy for that, so I just let my frustration build.

  I left work two hours early to get the groceries I needed for the birthday celebration—filet mignon, some champagne and, of course, zucchini. My recipe called for two cups of grated zucchini and experience told me that an eight inch zucchini would suffice. I could get a bigger one but, you know, waste not, want not.

  As I perused the bin holding the zucchini I found an unusual one. It was the right length—eight inches—but was also shaped like the letter J. The end of the zucchini curled around and was about three inches long and, unlike the rest of the zucchini in the bin, still had a lot of the stem attached. That part was brown with a rough texture. As I stared at the somewhat mutant zucchini it seemed to be calling to me—buy me, buy me. I decided that it was a zucchini fit for a special occasion, so, of course, I bought it.

  I raced home and got everything ready to make the cake—bowls, mixer, flour, eggs, nuts and my food processor. I'm not one to shred a zucchini by hand. It's too time-consuming and I usually wind up scraping skin off my fingers. Satisfied that I could make the cake as though I were on an assembly line, I jumped in the shower, dried off and put on my favorite royal blue short robe—and only my short robe.

  My first chore was supposed to be the shredding of the zucchini. When I picked it up, however, I squeezed it to check its firmness and was shocked that it felt exactly like a stiff prick. It was firm but still gave just a little bit. On top of that the skin was smooth and almost silky. Again it seemed to call to me—use me, use me.

  Use me? What could it mean? I began to think that the zucchini was demonic because, after about a minute of staring at it, I understood what it was telling me. I almost ran to the bedroom, whipped off my robe and slowly—very slowly—began to ease the zucchini into my pussy. Oh, God. It felt so good. The cool skin mixing with my hot innards created an unbelievable sensation.

  When I had it about six inches inside me the stem began to press against my back door. Dare I? The demonic fruit called to me—do it, do it. "Yes," I whispered. "I will."

  Moving even more slowly I slid the fiendish fruit even deeper, moaning as the rough edges of the stem caused me both pain and pleasure. "Harder," it said. "Faster."

  I jammed the green monster into both my openings as deep as I could and turned it into a piston that plunged in and out of me. I screamed at the top of my lungs when I came but, before my orgasm subsided, the zucchini whispered, "Again. Harder and faster this time."

  Harder and faster. I thought that was impossible, but it wasn't. I used both hands to jam it inside me, moaning, "Uh...uh...uh...uh..." with each thrust. Finally I let out an animalistic howl that echoed throughout the entire house.

  I was spent, almost unable to move. The demon zucchini, however, was buried so far inside me that it required quite the effort to remove it. When I did a torrent of my juices flowed out of me, creating a puddle on the bed. "Just great," I mumbled. "I'll have to change the sheets." I sighed and, using one finger, picked up the zucchini where it curled upward. I couldn't believe how my juices made it shine. I was also fascinated by the long strings of viscous liquid that dangled from it.

  Naked, I made my way carefully to the kitchen. I cut off the stem and, without washing the zucchini, dropped it into my food processor and shredded it. My juices seemed to coat the sides of the food processor so, not wanting to waste them, I used a spatula to scrape the shredded zucchini and my juices into a bowl. I then assembled the cake, shoved it in the oven, changed the sheets, showered again, flopped onto the bed to rest a bit, played with myself in both the places the zucchini had been, put on my robe, ran back to the kitchen, took the cake out of the oven and ran back to the bedroom again. I was unable to relax, though, because my husband walked into the house and called to me.

  I was so weak from my orgasms that I could barely walk, but the lecherous look my husband gave me seemed to energize me.

  "Wow," he said. "You look fantastic—kind of wild. Anything happen?"

  "Uh uh," I said. "I was just rushing around to get the cake
done. Would you care for champagne?"

  "Sure," he said. When he tried to undo my robe I slapped his hand away. "You're just gonna have to wait." I was about to tell him about the filet mignon when I heard the zucchini's voice in my head—eat me, eat me.

  Trembling, I said, " some filets but I...I think we should have some cake and then, you know, I'll give you my present."

  "Sounds good to me," he said.

  My hands were shaking as I cut off two slices. When my husband opened his mouth to take a bite all I could think of was his cock in my mouth. I almost giggled when he said, "Oh my God. This is the best you've ever made. There's something different about it, something I can't put my finger on."

  I slid off my robe and pressed against him. "Yeah," I said. "It's a secret ingredient. A special one. Come on. It's time for your present."

  Normally I would have gotten our tube of lube but the demon's words echoed in my mind. "Eat me," I whispered. "Eat me."

  Oh my God. I writhed and wiggled like a maniac as his tongue probed me. After a couple of minutes I rolled onto my stomach and repeated the zucchini's words. "Eat me," I said. "Eat me."

  I came in a heartbeat when his tongue probed my tight hole. The next words out of my mouth were mine, not the possessed zucchini's. "Fuck me," I cried. "Take your birthday present."

  "I...I'll get the lube," he mumbled.

  "No," I shouted. "Just do it." After all, I had done a lot of preparation with the zucchini and was ready for him.


  Well, he really enjoyed his present—twice. I could barely move afterward, but had enough energy to laugh when he said, "I don't know what got into you but...well, let's just say that the lack of lube made my present even more intense."

  What got into me? I'll never tell.

  Then he added, "Whatever that secret ingredient was, use more the next time. The taste was unbelievable."

  "Mmmm," I murmured. "Okay. I'll use more." I guess I'll just have to get a bigger zucchini.

  Daddy's Gloryhole Girl


  I couldn't believe what my friend was telling me.

  "I'm sorry Steve, but I'm not making this up. She was there, and she went in that booth, and then a line of about three guys took turns going in the other one. When they were done, she came out. I went and checked the booths out, and there was, no shit, a glory hole."

  I was devastated. My 18 year old daughter was on the working side of a gloryhole. A million questions were going through my head. How many times has she done this? Did she lose some kind of bet? Is she a whore? I dropped to the couch, barely able to process what my friend was telling me.

  "I hid behind the racks of porn movies in the store, and she walked up to the clerk, and they handed her a fat wad of cash. And, Steve, to be honest, I have used that hole a time or two, and, well, um, I may have gotten sucked off by Lauren too. I don't know for sure, but I feel guilty as hell."

  "If you didn't know, I can't be mad," I answered, still in a stupor. "But, since you know she's been doing that now, can you avoid it till I have it all sorted out?"

  "You didn't have to ask. I'm done with it. Who knows whose wife or daughter has blown me in that thing."

  "Thanks, Bill. This is a lot to process, so I'm gonna let you go so I can get me head wrapped around it."

  With that, I hung up the phone and tried to process it all. My wife died from cancer a couple years before, when Lauren was 15. She had taken it hard, and I tried my best to help her through the grieving process. Despite my efforts, she began to rebel, and started acting out. She started dressing more provocatively, and hanging out with kids who I didn't feel were good for her. Her friends came to me and told me they were concerned, and I would try talking to her, and she would lash out at me. One time she even blamed me for her mom's death! So I did my best to keep the peace with her, and hopefully she would come around.

  One night I came home from working late, and walked in on her and some boy that I didn't know having sex. I walked in on them mid coitus.

  "Daddy!" She yelled.

  I immediately covered my eyes and apologized, before closing the door. After the boy left, I gave her time to compose herself, and went to talk to her.

  "Sorry I walked in on you. If you are expecting me to scream and yell, I won't. But, please for God's sake, use protection. How long have you been having sex?"

  "A couple months," she answered, seemingly unashamed. "Don't worry, I'm started in the pill the last time you took me to the doctor, and I always have him wear a rubber."

  "That's good. Just be careful."

  "I will, Daddy."

  And after that, our relationship started to turn the corner, and we began getting closer again. That was just after her 18th birthday, but here just three months later, she is working a gloryhole.

  A little while later she came in the front door.

  "Daddy, I'm home," she called.

  Do I confront her now, or do I wait? I weighed the options, and decided I wasn't up to what would surely be a knock down-drag out fight.

  "Hey. How was your night?"

  "It was good. I went and hung out with friends. Probably doing the same thing tomorrow night."

  "Will you be out this late again?"



  The next evening, as she was getting ready, I made note of what she was wearing. She was wearing a skirt that was low rise on her hips, and came down to mid thigh. She was wearing a super tight midriff blouse, and what looked like a push up bra that seemed to lift her C cup tits out of her shirt.

  "Daddy, I'm getting ready to leave," she called.

  "Ok, have fun. I'm getting ready to go eat dinner at Bill's. Don't get in any trouble," I answered.

  As I walked up the hall way, she had her back to me getting her things together, and she dropped her keys. She bent over to pick them up, and I was flashed with a lacy pink thong.

  After she left, my head was reeling. I made a plan to follow her and see where she went. But what was I going to do if I caught her at the store working that God-forsaken booth? I didn't have an answer, so I jumped in my car and started driving across town.

  When I got to the store, my heart sank when I saw her little red Focus parked out front. Just great, my daughter is a cock sucking slut, I thought. And while I should have been going to Bill's I couldn't stop myself, but I started to go into the store. Inside, I felt like I was riding in someone else's body. I was on complete auto pilot as I walked to the counter and asked how much the booths cost.

  "$50," the guy behind the counter answered. "And tonight, you are gonna services by one of the hottest 21 year olds I've ever been blown by."

  "She is?"

  "For sure. Nobody works that booth without sucking me first."

  I was amazed my daughter blew this guy. He was about 5'8" and had to way close to 270 pounds, and was as greasy as he was hairy.

  I was still on autopilot as I pulled out my wallet and laid the money on the counter. Was I really going to pay for a blowjob from my daughter? I knew it was wrong, but she had apparently blown everyone else in this town. Why not?

  After I got my receipt, I went to the booth with the "Open" light on it. There was some random porn playing on a wall mounted tv, what looked like gloryhole porn. As I was still debating if was going to do this, there on the screen was my daughter, giggling as a cock came through the hole. She immediately started jerking it, and with a laugh and smile to the camera, turned and wrapped her lips around the head.

  I was shocked! My daughter was on a porno, and what threw me off, was that my dick was starting to react to her video.

  "Hey, sweetie, I am ready for you whenever you are. Just remember, when I tap the head, you're done," came the disembodied voice of Lauren through the hole. I immediately unzipped my pants, and presented my growing cock to the hole.

  As soon as my dick was through the hole, I felt her hands wrap around the shaft.

  "Mmm, you
've got a long thick one, baby. I can't wait to see how big I can get it."

  "Please, call me Daddy," I said changing my voice.

  "Ooh, naughty. Do you want your baby girl to suck Daddy's big long cock?"

  With that, she pulled the skin of my uncut dock pack and swirled her tongue around my still growing head. It felt amazing! If Bill did get his cock sucked by her, I don't know why he would have ever felt guilty. Soon, she had my cock to its full 10 inches in length, and nearly two inch diameter.

  "Daddy, it's so big! How will I ever get all that in my little mouth?"

  She wrapped her lips around my head, sucking and rubbing her tongue on the sensitive underside of my cock tip. Then she would slowly force as much of my cock into her mouth as she could, and suck on it as she pulled off with a pop.


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