Evan's Alphas

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Evan's Alphas Page 7

by D. J. Heart

  Trick opens his mouth to say something, but then snaps his jaw shut. When he speaks, his voice is defeated.

  “It doesn’t matter what I want, does it?”

  Evan fidgets, wondering how to make Trick feel better. Looking around the depressing barracks, he can’t think of anything.

  “Maybe you’ll feel happy about it when you meet your new alpha,” Evan says, wincing at how patronizing he sounds. Trick looks dubious, but then his expression smooths out and he laughs without humor.

  “Who knows? I thought you were deluded when you said your alphas were coming for you. Maybe you’re right about this, too.”

  Evan tries to smile, but it falls flat.

  “Maybe. Have you been okay, though? I was worried about you,” Evan says. Then, feeling guilty, he looks to his left, “And everyone else.”

  “We’ve been fine, at least since our heats ended. Just bored, but that’s normal.”

  “Bored? What do you do all day?” Evan asks, looking around the room. It’s bare and stark empty except for the beds and the omegas sitting on them.

  Trick and the others must be bored to death, if all they do is sit and wait all day. Hopefully Chad and Dawn have provided them with something to pass the time, and Evan just hasn’t seen it.

  “Nothing,” Trick says. “We eat twice a day, and the nurses come in and check our blood pressure before the lights go off. That’s it.”

  Evan frowns. That isn’t good. Anyone would get depressed if they were made to sit in a barren room and just wait all day. It’s like they’re in prison.

  “I’ll ask Chad if he can find something to help you pass the time, okay? He’s just been so focused on finding you new alphas, it probably didn’t occur to him that you’d all be bored. I’m sorry,” Evan says, finally having something he can do to help.

  “That would be nice,” Trick says. He’s looking less angry than he was when Evan first came into the room. “So what’s going on with you? Did your alphas really send you to school like you were talking about?”

  Evan grins, but then feels bad. He doesn’t want to rub it in what a great life he has. But… Trick asked.

  “They did. It’s really fun,” Evan says. Trick’s eyes widen.

  “Seriously? They actually let you go?”

  Evan nods. “Yes, but I have to have a bodyguard to make sure nothing happens to me. He’s nice.”

  Trick looks overwhelmed. “My alpha used to promise me things all the time, but he never meant it. You’re really lucky.”

  “I know,” Evan says, biting his lip. He is lucky. He’d known it before he was kidnapped, but seeing how bad it could be—living it—brought it that much closer to home.

  Evan and Trick talk for another ten minutes, but Evan can’t shake the feeling that he’s lording his good fortune over the other omega. Evan’s whole life is like something out of a fairy tale, and even if Trick gets a nice alpha, the other omega probably won’t be treated as well as Evan is.

  When he says goodbye and leaves, promising again to ask Chad for something to help them all pass the time, he feels relieved. A few of the other omegas smile and give him a little wave as he passes by, making Evan feel awkward as he knocks on the door to be let out.

  The nurse opens the door for him, closing and locking it behind him.

  Evan shudders, but he doesn’t regret coming, if for no other reason than to let Trick and the others know what lies in store for them.

  “Your alpha is upstairs in the office. I’ll take you to him,” the nurse says, walking and expecting Evan to follow.

  He does.


  Evan doesn’t want to ask Chad any of his questions with Dawn in the room, so he waits until he and Chad are out of the building and in the car. Chad has one hand on the wheel, looking happy and relaxed, glancing at Evan out of the corner of his eye.

  “What?” Chad asks, lips pulling up in a wide grin. He’s wearing sunglasses, and when he smiles his perfect white teeth are on display. He looks like a movie star. “I thought you said your meeting with Trick went well.”

  “It did,” Evan says, playing with the hem of his coat. “It’s just… I think he’s a little bored. There’s nothing to do there but sit on the bed and wait. Can they have a TV or some games or something like that to pass the time?”

  Chad frowns, looking thoughtful. The sun is setting, casting an orange glow over the alpha that makes him look positively radiant.

  “You’re right. All they do is sit there. Of course they get bored. I’ll talk to the nurses and we’ll figure something out, okay?”

  Evan nods, happy. If they weren’t in the car, this is the point where he’d be crawling into Chad’s lap and snuggling in close against his chest.

  “Was that it?” Chad asks. They’re almost home, just a few blocks away from their building. Evan can’t wait.

  “I told them that you’re going to find them new alphas. Is that okay?”

  Now Chad just looks confused. “What are you talking about? They know that we’re looking for new—”

  Chad stops mid-sentence, like he’s just realized that they’ve never once explained to the omegas what they are doing.

  “Well, fuck. That’s not good,” Chad says, grimacing. “Did you explain it to them at least?”

  Evan nods. “I just said that you were finding them nice alphas to bond with. I didn’t say anything else.”

  The truth is, that’s about all Evan knows. He’s heard Chad talking with someone on the phone about legal stuff, but he hadn’t really understood it out of context.

  But Evan trusts that Chad will do right by the other omegas, and that he will do his best to find them good alphas.

  “Have you found any alphas yet? I mean, ones that are going to bond with one of the omegas?” They’ve reached their building, and Chad pulls into the underground parking garage.

  “We’ve got alphas for almost everyone, but I want to talk to them all before I sign over anyone. They’ve all passed the background checks, and they seem like nice guys, but I want to make sure. I have the first interviews tomorrow.”

  “What happens if you like them?” Evan asks. He hopes the alphas Chad has found really are good people.

  “We’ll let them pick someone. We’ve set up one of the observation rooms so that they can see and talk to the omegas, get an idea of who they want without sending them all into heat. It’s not perfect, but it’s the best we’ve come up with.”

  “Do the omegas get a say?” Evan asks when Chad opens his door and helps him out of the car.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, what happens if someone doesn’t like the alpha that picks them?”

  Chad doesn’t look like he’s considered this possibility. He pushes the button to summon the elevator, looking like he doesn’t know how to answer.

  Or like he doesn’t want to.

  “I don’t think we need to worry about that. I think they’ll be happy just to have a new alpha, don’t you?”

  Evan thinks back on Trick’s bitterness, not sure he agrees.

  “It just doesn’t seem fair, you know? Why should alphas—”

  Evan stops talking when he sees the annoyed look on Chad’s face.

  “Sorry,” he says, feeling bad.

  “I think we’re doing a pretty good job here, Evan,” Chad says, sounding curt and defensive. “Do you have any idea how much money we’re spending on this? How much money we’re missing out on by not just selling them all to the highest bidder? No one else would have tried to help your friends like this. It wouldn’t kill you to acknowledge that I’m doing the best I can.”

  Evan looks at the floor, feeling like he’s going to cry. He hadn’t meant to make Chad feel like he didn’t appreciate what he was doing. He does. He knows that Chad and Peter are going above and beyond.

  Chad doesn’t say anything else, nostrils flaring as he crosses his arms. Evan wants to say something, but there’s a lump in his throat that won’t let him talk. By
the time the elevator reaches the penthouse he’s sniffling and blinking back tears.

  “Are you crying?” Chad asks, still sounding mad. Evan shakes his head no, bending his neck further to hide his face.

  The elevator doors open, and Evan steps out. Chad lets him go, offering no objection when Evan walks ahead of him into the apartment. Peter’s shoes are by the door, and Evan picks them up and puts them into the closet along with his own before hanging up his coat. As Chad starts hanging up his jacket, Evan rushes away.

  This is the first time Chad has ever been mad at him, and Evan isn’t sure how to handle it. Without thinking about it, Evan walks to the guest bedroom and lets himself inside. He closes the door and goes to sit on the bed.

  He hasn’t been in the guest bedroom since he spent a night there, back when Peter and Chad were fighting, and the memory of how he felt then isn’t helping him feel better now.

  Evan climbs on top of the bed, burying his face in the sheets as he lets himself cry. A few minutes later, with Evan feeling miserable, there’s a knock on the door.

  Without Evan having said anything, the door opens and Peter steps inside. Evan is relieved it isn’t Chad, but also disappointed.

  Peter doesn’t say anything, just climbs into the bed and crawls up until he’s sitting with his back against the headboard. Evan lets out a breath as Peter grabs him around the middle, lifting him bodily into the air and setting him down between his legs. Evan sighs as Peter’s arms wrap around him, leaning back against Peter’s chest.

  “So Chad is looking very guilty and you’re crying,” Peter says after a minute of just holding him. Evan starts, surprised that Chad is feeling guilty.

  “He is?” Evan asks, voice wet and a little hopeful.

  “Let me guess,” Peter says. “You said something that struck a nerve, he said something hurtful, and now you’re both miserable. Am I right?”

  Evan nods. That’s about it.

  “Want to tell me what it was?” Peter asks. He’s voicing it like a question, but wrapped up in his arms like this, Evan is too much of an omega to refuse his alpha.

  “He thinks I don’t appreciate how much he’s doing to help Trick and the others,” Evan says, still struggling to understand how Chad could possibly think that.

  “And what did you say to make him say that?”

  “I don’t know,” Evan says. He hadn’t felt any compunction against voicing his opinion to Chad, but Peter is another matter. Then, remembering Peter’s command from the early days never to lie to him—and how angry Peter had been when he said it—Evan hurriedly modifies his answer. “I mean, I don’t want to say.”

  “Evan,” Peter says, voice dropping a register. “Tell me what you said that made Chad mad.”

  Evan shudders, not able to help the flare of arousal at Peter’s dominance.

  “He was talking about how the alphas were going to pick the omegas, and I said it was unfair that the omegas don’t get a say.”

  Peter doesn’t reply right away, but he doesn’t feel angry. His body isn’t tense, and his embrace is just as warm and relaxed as it was a minute ago.

  “I can see why you would think that it is unfair,” Peter says, surprising Evan. “But that’s just the way the world is. Unfair. Chad can’t change that.”

  “I know,” Evan says. “But he wants to. And now he feels bad because he thinks that I think he doesn’t do enough.”

  Peter hums. “Chad doesn’t think that. He just wants you to be impressed with everything he’s doing.”

  “I am,” Evan says, turning his head and looking up at Peter.

  “I know. You should tell him that, though. And he shouldn’t get defensive just because you pointed out a few things he and Dawn should have figured out on their own.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Peter laughs. “Chad told me you had some suggestions for how they could make it easier for the omegas. He’s mad that he didn’t think of it himself. That isn’t your fault, though. He wouldn't be mad if your suggestions hadn’t been good ones.”

  Evan frowns. So Chad’s anger toward Evan was really because he was angry with himself? That wasn’t cool.

  “You don’t want to change anything.”

  Evan isn’t sure why he just said that. Peter freezes for a second, then tightens his embrace slightly.

  “I don’t mind things changing if it means alphas will treat omegas better. But I don’t care the way you and Chad do, no.”

  Evan nods. He knows that Peter cares about him and Chad, and not really anyone else. It’s a little weird, though, that most of Chad’s opinions about omegas changed due to Peter’s influence.

  “Okay, let’s go talk to Chad. I had a whole scene planned for tonight, and this little fight of yours is putting a serious damper on my plans.”

  Peter slides out of the bed, pushing Evan ahead of them. As they reach the door, Peter turns and looks down on him, not opening it.

  “I understand why you would think that omegas are treated unfairly, but I want you to be careful how you talk about it. Okay?”

  Evan bites his lip, not sure he understands.

  “What do you mean?”

  “If Chad wants to fight for omega rights, then I’m fine with that. He’s an alpha, and it’s not my place to tell him he can’t. You, on the other hand, are my omega. It would reflect very poorly on me if you were overheard saying anything radical, so I want you to be careful how you talk in public.”

  Evan frowns. So Peter doesn’t want him saying anything that might be seen as supporting omega rights? Has he understood that right? By the warning look in Peter’s eyes, he has.

  “I don’t want to reflect poorly on you,” he says, feeling chastised. “I’ll be good.” It’s not like he’s been spouting omega rights slogans to anyone, anyway.

  “Good boy.” Peter grins and claps him on the back. They head out, Chad waiting for them in the hallway.

  “I’m sorry,” Evan says, Chad interrupting him with his own, “I’m sorry.” They stare at each other, both a little wary.

  “I appreciate everything you’re doing. It’s really great,” Evan says, making Chad shake his head and look at the floor. When he looks up, he’s smiling.

  “I’m sorry I snapped at you. I was just… there was no reason to snap at you. You’re great.”

  Evan hesitates a second, then darts forward and wraps his arms around Chad’s waist. Chad hugs him back, and Evan feels the last remnants of the awful hollow feeling he’d had in his stomach fade away.

  “Great, you’ve made up. Now I want you both to strip down and meet me in the bedroom. You both owe me for this,” Peter says, walking past them down the hall.

  Evan laughs, pulling away from Chad. Their eyes meet, and Evan feels a thrill run down his spine at the way Chad’s pupils have gone dark.

  “What is he planning?” Evan asks, unbuttoning his shirt under Chad’s watchful eye.

  “Let’s find out,” Chad says, stripping out of his own clothes, taking Evan’s hand once they’re both naked and leading him toward the bedroom.

  This should be fun.


  Chad winces slightly when he sits down, ignoring the way Dawn’s eyes widen before her usual blank expression falls back into place.

  Peter had spanked and fucked the shit out of him last night, and it had been amazing.

  “So we’re seeing the doctor today, right?” Chad asks, though he already knows the answer.

  Dr. Julian Clover, single alpha in his thirties and public supporter of omega rights. From what Chad and Dawn have dug up, he’s exactly what they’re looking for.

  “Yes, he’s waiting outside. Are you ready to meet with him?” Dawn asks, looking down at her notes.

  “Yep, let’s do this.”

  Dawn picks up her phone, buzzing her assistant to send the doctor in. Chad recognized the man who enters from his picture, though he’s not as tall as Chad had imagined. Chad’s got a good five inches on him.

�Hello, Dr. Clover. I’m glad you agreed to come meet with us,” Evan says, rising and shaking the doctor’s hand.

  “I’m glad to be here,” Dr. Clover says, turning to Dawn and shaking her hand as well. “Though I have to admit I’d never thought I’d say that about The Virgin O.” He laughs at his own joke.

  “I can imagine,” Chad says, forcing himself not to wince when he sits down. “Take a seat.”

  “Thanks. So you’re rehabilitating omegas?” Dr. Clover says, looking excited. “That’s amazing.”


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