Echoes of Justice (DI Matt Turrell Book 2)

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Echoes of Justice (DI Matt Turrell Book 2) Page 26

by JJ Franklin

  ‘We’d been making regular calls at the college in case Harry or Vinny showed up there. On our last call, the security man was in a fit about the key to Harry’s room. Seems a detective had borrowed it and not brought it back. We went to investigate, thinking it might be Vinny. DS Withers was locked in, so we got him out.’

  ‘Any sign of Vinny James?’

  ‘Not in the immediate vicinity.’

  ‘Well, at least we can concentrate on Stratford now.’ The small waiting room was full so Matt and Charlie remained in the corridor. Matt felt like he’d spent the last week in and out of hospitals and hoped this would be his last visit for a long time. He moved forward as the consulting room door opened and Sam came out with the doctor.

  ‘I’d advise rest for at least twenty-four hours and it would be better if you were not on your own tonight.’

  ‘Thank you, Doctor.’

  Matt stepped forward. ‘No work today then, Sam?’

  ‘I’m fine, raring to go. You heard what the doc said.’

  The doctor turned back. ‘Although DI Withers sustained a blow to the head, there are no signs of concussion, no vomiting or loss of consciousness. But he would be wise to rest.’

  ‘Thank you, Doctor.’ Matt followed Sam, who was already striding out of the department. ‘Rest, he said. Are you deaf, Sam?’

  ‘I’ve got a hard head. Stop worrying, Matt. I’ll rest when the bastard is caught.’

  Still arguing, they caught up with Charlie. Sam stopped to thank him. ‘Thanks, I owe you one.’

  ‘It was nothing.’

  ‘Listen to him, Matt. He only broke down the door. My lock-picking skills were getting me nowhere.’

  Matt was about to answer when his phone rang. ‘Turrell.’

  It was Jane. ‘How’s Sam?’

  ‘He’ll live.’

  ‘Good, was a bit worried. Did he tell you he vomited?’

  ‘No, he didn’t.’ Matt turned to look at Sam, who was avoiding eye contact.

  Jane continued. ‘Anyway, I’ve had a quick look around Harry’s room and I don’t think there will be anything of use. But there is a poster here for the concert tonight, together with a musical score, so chances are Vinny is clued up about that.’

  ‘Damn. I was hoping they might be safe there.’

  ‘It was in clear view on the desk. Do you want me to head down to the theatre?’

  ‘Just make a quick check at Pamela Wylde’s in case Kathy has gone back there. I’d rather catch her before she runs into Vinny. If she’s not there, then head on to the theatre. We’ll swing by her house just in case she’s there.’

  ‘See you at the theatre, Matt.’

  Matt ended the call and glanced at Sam, trying to decide whether to send him home. He did look pale and the news that he had been sick, when he’d obviously told the doctor otherwise, was worrying. ‘You were sick?’

  ‘Nothing much, probably the hamburger I snatched on the way over.’

  ‘Then why didn’t you mention it to the doctor?’

  ‘Come on, Matt. You know what they’re like. Got to cover their backs.’

  ‘Just as I have.’

  ‘I don’t want to miss out on catching up with Vinny. You’ve got to admit, you didn’t follow the doctor’s advice, Matt.’

  Despite himself, Matt laughed. ‘Suppose not. But you’ve got to promise me, any feeling queasy or anything at all, you have to tell me.’

  ‘Will do.’

  ‘Right, Charlie, if you get back on patrol, we’ll swing by Kathy Wylde’s house and then head to the theatre.’

  Chapter 84

  The taxi dropped Kathy at the Swan entrance and as she climbed up the steps she wondered if they would let her in. They’d had strict instructions to arrive on time, meet on the walkway, and to stay in their groups. She wasn’t surprised to find the walkway empty.

  The only sign of life was at the other end, towards the main theatre, where a young man was setting out items in the shop. He scratched his head at her dilemma but thought it best if she went to the stage door at the rear of the Swan Theatre.

  Thanking him, she went back outside, walking around behind the Swan to the stage door. Pressing the buzzer, she explained how she had missed the call time for her group and held her breath, wondering if they would let her in. She could see through the glass doors, the woman consulting a list before pressing the release for Kathy to enter.

  Told to take a seat and wait, Kathy suddenly felt very excited. At last, she was breathing in the rarefied air inhaled by some of the most famous actors in the world.

  It felt like ages as Kathy sat waiting, clutching her costume, before someone came to escort her to the Swan Theatre, where she was thankful to see the rest of the G&S group.

  Ida called out to her. ‘Over here, Kathy. I’ve saved a place next to me.’

  Making her way along the row, stepping over bags and clothing, Kathy was grateful to sit down. Now all she had to worry about was the performance. ‘Thanks, Ida. Had a bit of a problem with young Amy.’

  ‘Oh dear. I hope everything is alright now. Harry was getting concerned.’

  ‘Yes, all sorted.’

  ‘I can show you where the ladies’ toilet is if you want to change there?’

  ‘Just give me a minute, thanks, Ida.’ She wanted to sit and take in her surroundings; watch the other groups, the individuals posing for pictures on the stage or up in the galleries that framed the stage in a semi-circle. Excited chatter came from every corner. This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Some people were eating sandwiches or passing along cakes. She’d planned to bring some mince pies, but hadn’t had the chance to bake. Still, there seemed an abundance on offer and she selected a cupcake from a plastic container before passing it on.

  Ida went to have her photo taken and Harry came over to sit beside her. ‘Glad you’re safe.’

  ‘You too. We’re protected in here, so let’s forget about Vinny James and just enjoy ourselves, shall we?’

  Harry nodded. ‘Are you still going…?’

  ‘Only way to keep you safe.’

  Before Harry could reply, Ida gestured for Kathy to join her on the stage, so fishing out her camera, she asked Harry if he would take a photo for her. Climbing the steps to join Ida, she felt self-conscious, experiencing for the first time what it would be like standing here with the audience looking up, waiting for her to perform. A prickle of stage fright began to build in the pit of her stomach.

  Taking her camera from Harry, she and Ida returned to their seats. Harry stood awkwardly by and she sensed he had something on his mind. Guessing he would be trying to persuade her not to give herself up, Kathy ignored him and moved back to her seat.

  Ida spoke. ‘Did you hear that Tilly Rowlands has been attacked? They’re still waiting to see if her baby will be alright.’

  Despite the heavy blanket of guilt that threatened to suffocate her, she managed to mumble a vague reply to Ida. Looking up to catch Harry’s eye, she guessed this is what was bothering him. Before she could say anything else, there was a swirl of excitement as Greg Doran entered to wish them well. Kathy was glad of the interruption as it enabled her to get her thoughts in order.

  She watched as Angela bounced onto the stage, determined to be first in line for a photo with Greg Doran. Ida and several of the others went to join her. Kathy beckoned to Harry. ‘You knew about Tilly?’

  Harry nodded, shamefaced. ‘She’ll be okay. I’m waiting for Nick to ring me back.’

  ‘Why didn’t you tell me?’

  ‘Thought it might make you…you know.’

  ‘Give myself up?’


  Kathy paused. ‘I’ve already decided to do that.’

  ‘I don’t want you to.’


  ‘It doesn’t seem

  ‘It seems fair to me. I expected you to pay for what you had done, so why shouldn’t I?’

  ‘But, I like you.’

  ‘What difference does that make?’ Suddenly angry, Kathy jumped up, needing to get away. Taking her camera, she’d take some pictures, give herself some time and space to think.

  Chapter 85

  Taking a moment to adjust his eyes, Vinny slid further behind the stage into the shadows. From his glimpse inside the theatre, he’d seen groups of people, some in costumes, scattered about the audience area, mostly in the stalls, and he was beginning to realise his task wasn’t going to be easy. Kathy and Harry would also be in costume and so harder to pick out. Harry shouldn’t be a problem, but despite a photo of Kathy, thanks to Dan, he wasn’t so sure he’d recognise her. He needed to be somewhere where he could observe and single them out. Those dark galleries where he could look down on the assembled groups offered the best vantage point, if he could figure out how to get there.

  Vinny turned left, jumping as he caught a glimpse of himself in a mirror surrounded by lights, just like in the movies. Further on, he came to a corresponding entrance leading to the stage but he didn’t intend to go there again. Instead, he cautiously opened a door to the right and was relieved to find this led to the ground floor gallery. From here, he could see the steps leading up to the next gallery and, walking as if he had every right to be there, he strolled over to them. Upstairs he chose a seat to the right of the stage in the second row and sat back to watch.

  It took him a while to spot Harry but once he’d identified the right group, it was easy to pick out Kathy. The photo was recent and showed her curly brown hair. Looking down on her, she didn’t look like a murderess at all, sitting there talking to Harry, but then you could never tell. Now all he had to do was get her alone. He’d noticed pairs of women going off to the left and guessed they were heading to the loo with the women sticking to that silly habit of going in twos. Kathy would be sure to follow the pattern eventually and this would give him better odds, so he moved around to the other side of the gallery to wait.

  Behind him was a door marked fire escape, and it crossed his mind that he could shoot her from here and be through that door before anyone realised what was happening. But he knew from experience that he was hopeless at hitting a target from this far away and that it would be a one-shot opportunity. Plus, he wanted to be close, to look into her eyes, and make sure she knew why she was going to die.

  Keeping an eye on Kathy and Harry, he saw her snatch a camera from Harry and move away to take pictures. Maybe if he were patient, she would come to him. Hearing footsteps coming up the stairs, he leaned over the balcony and pretended to be drinking in the view. The footsteps belonged to a couple dressed in what he guessed were medieval costumes. Both had cameras and were intent on capturing every angle of the theatre. Vinny nodded to them and they passed by without comment. Breathing a sigh of relief, he wished Kathy would do the same and fall in with his plan.

  Chapter 86

  There was no reply at Kathy’s house and they’d heard from Jane that she’d no luck at Pamela’s either. Matt and Sam were about to leave when Mrs Smart, Kathy’s neighbour, came out to ask if they had any news of Kathy. Out of courtesy, they stopped to reassure her, despite itching to leave. When his phone rang, Matt left Sam talking to her and moved away, hoping he’d get the point and follow.


  ‘A man answering Vinny James’s description has been spotted outside the Royal Shakespeare Theatre, sir.’

  ‘Thanks, Wendy. At what time?’

  ‘It was about an hour ago, but has only just been reported.’

  At last, they had a sighting. ‘Direct all units there and warn DC Meadows. We’re on our way.’ Giving a shout to Sam, Matt was in the car and ready to go in seconds.

  Traffic on Waterside was heavy with people heading towards the RST. The theatre wasn’t officially open yet and Matt guessed that folk intended to get a first look at the changes.

  He heard Sam sighing beside him. ‘Don’t they ever look in their rear-view mirrors?’

  ‘Certainly doesn’t look like it.’ Matt gave up struggling and pulled up on the pavement behind a patrol car, ignoring the annoyed glances of the pedestrians. Leaving Sam to follow, he ran up the steps to the main theatre, noticing through the glass foyer that it was already crowded. A buzz of excitement met him as the theatregoers explored the alterations. Matt wondered if Eppie had arrived yet and hoped he wouldn’t run into her – there was no time for explanations and he didn’t want to worry her. He felt reassured to see PC Baker and his partner moving amongst the crowd.

  Spotting a programme seller, he asked for the manager. The man hesitated so Matt hurried him. ‘Whoever is in charge, please. Now.’

  The man finally moved, leading them towards the ticket desk. Pushing in front of a queue of people, Matt asked one of the girls there to get the manager. She looked as if she was going to ask questions before complying, so Matt stepped close and held out his badge and she went into the back office.

  In what seemed an age, she returned followed by a tall man.

  ‘I’m the front of house manager. How can I help?’

  ‘We have reason to believe that this gentleman,’ Matt paused while Sam showed Vinny James’s photo, ‘may have entered the theatre and is intending to harm one of the cast.’

  ‘Well, there would be no way he could get backstage. We have rigid security in place.’

  ‘Nevertheless, we would like to take a look. It could mean saving someone’s life.’

  ‘Very well, follow me.’

  The manager led them into the theatre and turned left to go down a curving corridor with many entrances to the stalls, through which Matt could see the stage that came right out into the audience. At last, they reached a door leading backstage and Matt could see some of the performers already gathering in the large open space to the left of the stage area. Nervous chatter rose from the group. Matt glanced over them but couldn’t pick out anyone he knew. Presumably, Kathy and Harry would be waiting with their group. Following the manager, they entered a corridor, and after passing the Green Room, stopped at the stage door while he tapped a code into the door pad.

  Matt and Sam followed as he crossed the room to address the woman behind the desk. ‘Paula, could you explain to these gentlemen our security measures for today? There is concern that an unauthorised person may have been able to gain access.’

  Paula explained. ‘Normally entry would be through the stage door, where everyone is required to sign in and I always have a list of who is expected. But today, with so many people involved, we are bringing them in one group at a time from the front walkway. I don’t see how anyone could add themselves to a group without the rest of the group being aware.’

  ‘Thank you, Paula. Does that help, Inspector?’

  Matt, despite seething with impatience, thanked Paula, before turning to the manager. ‘I need to see where the performers are.’

  The man looked as if he hoped the matter had been settled, but didn’t challenge Matt’s authority and led them back into the corridor. ‘The adult performers are changing in the Swan Theatre.’ He led them back into the corridor and pointed to a door. ‘If you go through this door you will be in the auditorium.’

  ‘Thank you. Could you take my sergeant to the walkway – we’ll need to check out the security there.’

  As the manager left with Sam, Matt paused to answer his phone, surprised to hear McRay’s voice. ‘Matt, apparently Vinny James has a gun. This information came from Mrs James, who has just died. I’ve called out Armed Response. You are to pull back.’

  Even as he listened to McRay, Matt could hear screams from inside the Swan. ‘Sorry, sir, the signal is not good here.’

  ‘Don’t try that one, Matt.’

  ‘It sounds like it’s kic
king off here, sir.’

  ‘The order is the same. Matt─’

  People began pouring out of the door as Matt flicked off his phone and pushed his way through.

  Chapter 87

  Kathy wished Harry would stop trying to persuade her. After getting it all so wrong, she needed to pay for what she had done and giving herself up was the only way. It would be too easy to let Harry talk her out of it, especially now Pam needed her. She realised she had been thinking in black and white and life wasn’t like that. Harry had opened her eyes and proved people could change. Maybe in time he would forgive her. As for the others, like Dave and his family, never mind Tilly and her baby, she couldn’t bear to think about them. Needing to be on her own for a while, she decided to get some photos from up in the gallery. Seeing Angela mount the stairs to the left, she took those on the right.

  Everything looked so different from up here. Kathy had only been to the Swan a couple of times as Bill wasn’t much of a theatregoer. Moving close to the edge, she managed to get some good shots looking down at the stage before continuing around.

  Mid-gallery, she met Angela and stopped to acknowledge her. Carrying on, Kathy knew she ought to go and get changed, but reasoned there was plenty of time as they weren’t on ’til the end of the first act. She’d just time for a few more shots.

  She sensed him first as the threat spread around her. There was no escape.

  ‘Kathy Wylde.’

  Taking her time, she turned, not wanting him to know she was terrified. He didn’t look like his picture, but then a picture couldn’t portray the sense of evil. His eyes were blue and cold like Jonathan’s while the bitter line of his mouth betrayed his real nature.

  ‘Yes. I’m Kathy Wylde.’

  ‘You killed my boy.’

  ‘And he murdered mine.’

  ‘He shouldn’t have got in the lad’s way.’


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