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Page 16

by Diane Rapp

  “Yes, he was marvelous.” Kate’s eyes grew wide with surprise. “You know I told him all about you, Drew. He agreed to help me find my boys and invested his savings into Genetics Ultra. It took years but we made the company a success.”

  “Please move over to the sink, Mr. Pendleton,” the stylist said. “Time to wash this stuff out.”

  Drew squeezed Kate’s shoulder as he passed, but she didn’t acknowledge the touch. The stylist massaged warm water through his scalp as he closed his eyes. He remembered the last day he set eyes on the woman he loved:

  “Kate Hammond Foster,” the Dean read from his list of graduates.

  Kate walked sedately onto the stage dressed in dark graduation robes with a gold doctoral hood draped down the front. Drew clapped with the crowd as she accepted the diploma. His throat tightened when she beamed down at her husband and two young girls.

  Watching Kate with her family made his heart ache. He cursed himself for leaving Kate behind in America, but he also cursed the arrogance of his father. Kate might be dead today if she’d gone to Guyana, and he was amazed that his father had allowed him to escape that day. Kate was better off not knowing that he’d survived.

  She was happy.

  He chuckled as her girls danced around holding hands with their smart mother, and slowly walked toward the parking lot. As Drew climbed into his car, he noticed two familiar faces and quickly ducked out of sight.

  Raven and Hank wandered through the large crowd! Why were they here? He knew the answer immediately—they attended Kate’s graduation in hopes of catching him today.

  What an idiot!

  Of course they knew about his relationship with Kathryn Hammond Foster. He could never allow himself to get close to her, or he’d be risking Kate’s life and his own.

  Driving away from the college, his eyes filled with tears. “Good-bye, my love,” he whispered.

  The stylist pointed a hair dryer at him and hot fingers of air stroked his short black hair. Kate watched the transformation with a twinkle in her eyes. As the stylist swung the chair around, Kate’s expression revealed that she heartily approved of the change. Drew felt eager to begin a new life. Perhaps Kate would allow him to interact with her and the family. Perhaps they could get to know their adult sons together.

  A feeling of dread crept into his heart. Felix must be safely rescued before any of those possibilities could occur. What did the security team have in mind?

  He offered Kate his hand, and they walked out of the salon together. Drew suddenly felt terribly vulnerable, showing the world his real identity like this, and he scrutinized people strolling down the corridor. Did Raven have spies lurking aboard the ship? He hastened to board the elevator, and Kate pressed the button for the Diamond Level. Both were unaware that Jacquie Ludlow watched them with anger in her eyes.


  Emily’s suite was filled with worried faces. She offered drinks and canapes as they waited for Drew and Kate. Esteban loaded his plate with the tiny sandwiches, avoiding his wife’s scowl. She whispered, “Don’t make yourself look so greedy.”

  He shrugged, “I’m hungry and de meeting is not happening yet.”

  Emily clapped her hands and the room fell silent. “Don’t worry about dinner. I’ve ordered food that should arrive soon.”

  Kate entered the suite with Drew at her side, and everyone gasped at the transformation. Drew appeared twenty years younger with wavy black hair, a cleft in his shaved chin, and smoother skin. He was dressed in a casual cotton shirt and chinos, more suited to his younger persona. Kate looked younger as well, her sunny smile stripping years from her appearance.

  Emily clapped and the crowd joined her. Both Kate and Drew blushed, and then they bowed like actors accepting an ovation.

  Jason quipped, “Blimey, you Yanks are easy to please.” Natalia slapped his shoulder and hid her own smile behind her glass.

  Esteban stood. “We have little time before de ship, she arrives in Key West. It be good to go over plans.”

  Amanda agreed, “Roberto and Geraldo will coordinate on shore with authorities to be sure there is no red tape, but we must decide how your group will go ashore. I’m told that all the twins wish to participate. You realize the danger?”

  Comments erupted from the twins, both male and female. Paul stood beside Matt and announced, “We all agree. The entire group feels connected and we want to help. Of course we can’t carry guns, but we can act like a group of tourists surrounding Matt and Drew. There is more safety in numbers.”

  Drew shook his head sadly. “When it comes to Raven, that adage might not hold true. She’s vicious. I don’t trust her to hold her fire in a crowd.”

  Melany declared, “We don’t care. It’s a matter of pride that we share in the danger.” Her sister, Penny nodded vigorously. “Maybe we can wear bullet-proof vests or something.”

  Amanda grinned. “We can probably keep you all away from gunfire. The important thing is to look natural as you leave the ship and board the trolley to take a tour. Our guys will be driving, but you should act like tourists. Just keep your heads if you hear gunfire and duck down.”

  Jason asked, “What do you have planned at the monument?”

  Esteban’s grin widened. “We’ll hit de bad guys from de sea and no one sees us coming. My boys are expert divers.”

  He unrolled maps and pointed at the area in question. As everyone gathered around the table, Natalia stood separate from the crowd. She did not wish to peer into anyone’s future. Emily noticed her strained expression and asked, “Are you afraid?”

  Natalia shook her head. “No. I trust the professionals but want to keep my mind clear right now. Too many minds are bombarding me with information.”

  Kate handed both women a drink and Natalia avoided brushing fingers as she took hers. “Doesn’t Drew look fabulous?” Kate asked. “I never believed I would see him again.”

  Natalia glanced in Drew’s direction and saw a dark shadow whose hand reached out and nearly touched Drew’s shoulder. She cringed and spilled her drink. “Oh, I’m so sorry. Let me clean up this mess,” Natalia stuttered and ran into the bathroom.

  Grabbing a towel, she ran water to dampen the cloth. She stared into the mirror and whispered, “Grandma Natasha, you must help protect them! I believe something evil is trying to interfere.”

  Warmth enveloped her body, and Natalia felt reassured. “Okay. I trust you and Celeste to help.” She squeezed out excess water and returned to the main room.

  Bending down to wipe the spot off the carpet, Natalia scanned the room again for spirits. Nothing seemed amiss now.


  Timothy and Shirley felt shell-shocked. The fishing boat had stopped five miles away from the private island, near buoys attached to lobster pots. The fishermen proceeded to haul in a lucrative catch. As search airplanes buzzed overhead, the fishermen waved and continued their work, looking harmless.

  As the sun’s rays turned to gold, a luxury yacht pulled alongside the lobster boat. Felix was transferred aboard and the yacht motored away from the island. In a wood-paneled suite, Felix rested on the bed with his arms and legs bound. His violet-blue eyes looked terrified as they followed every movement within the cabin.

  Tim and Shirley sat waiting for instructions.

  When Raven burst into the cabin, everyone flinched with fright. She chuckled and waved her hand. “It’s okay. We’ve escaped so you can untie him now. Just keep the door locked until we reach Key West.”

  Timothy spoke up, “We’re famished so I’m sure that Felix must need food and drink.” His voice quavered as the sentence trailed off.

  “Grub is on the way. There’s a private bath behind that door, but don’t let him go inside alone, Tim. He might crawl out the window and drown. That would mess up my plans, and I’ve got quite a temper when things don’t go as planned.” She stared at Tim with cruel eyes and he nodded.

  Five minutes ticked by after she slammed the door. Shirley finally felt brave e
nough to untie Felix and help him sit. He eased the duct tape off his mouth and gestured at the water bottle that Tim held in trembling hands.

  “Sorry,” Tim said as he handed Felix the bottle. As Felix gulped down the water, Tim explained, “We’re just so scared of Rose, but now she wants us to call her Raven. We never expected any of this to happen. I hope you understand.”

  “Maybe, if I knew who the hell you were and what is going on.” Felix glared at Tim then shifted his gaze to Shirley. “Seems like we have time, so why not give me a complete rundown of what’s gone on. You realize you could both be in deep legal trouble here.”

  Shirley’s eyes grew round in alarm. “You’re a lawyer aren’t you? Could you explain to authorities that we were forced to cooperate with that woman?” She glanced nervously around the suite before she whispered, “She’s crazy. We never knew what she had planned.”

  Using a calm lawyer’s tone, Felix asked, “Why don’t you start at the beginning? I could use a pad of paper to take notes.”

  Tim jumped up and searched the drawers of the end tables until he found a notepad and pen. Handing them to Felix he said, “We’re your father’s cousins, at least we thought we were until Rose told us that Drew was sired by Jim Jones. Of course we thought Drew was dead all these years, and it was quite a shock to hear he was alive.”

  Felix interrupted, “Back up a moment. For the record, please introduce yourselves and explain who you think my father is.”

  Shirley motioned for Tim to sit down and explained, “My name is Shirley Kingston-Jones and this is my brother Timothy Kingston. Your father is Andrew Kingston but went by the name Drew. The Kingston family has been quite influential in San Francisco society for over a hundred years and its estate is quite valuable. Our income is derived from a family trust.”

  She lowered her gaze until she organized her thoughts. “You understand that the financial meltdown affected the trust’s income drastically…we can’t afford to share our meagre earnings with more heirs. When Rose told us that Drew was not of the Kingston bloodline, we thought it best to get him to sign a waiver.”

  “Ah!” Felix tapped the pen against his chin. “You want to make sure Matt and I don’t share in the family fortune either. Of course, anything signed under duress would never stand up in court. Your actions to assist during a kidnapping and extortion might also affect how the court views your claims.”

  Timothy gasped. “Our attorney drew up documents and told us to get them signed. He never explained what you’ve just told us. We’re so sorry. We’d never place you in danger, and Raven was the one who shoved you into that van.”

  Shirley added, “Don’t forget her daughter, Jaimie. They both did the kidnapping and forced us to drive the van. If you think about it, they kidnapped us as well. We’ve been forced into two different ships and locked in the suite with you, Felix.”

  “As a kidnap victim myself, I can’t very well represent you both in court. However, I could testify on your behalf if you try to help me survive this scheme of Raven’s. Do you know what she has planned at Key West?”

  Felix examined their faces for involuntary signs of honesty.

  Timothy whispered, “Raven said she’s going to use us as decoys. She’s sure the Feds will attempt a rescue, and we’ll become targets.”

  Felix nodded. “Sounds like you’re in deep trouble from both sides. We need to keep our wits about us, and pray we get out of this alive.”

  Shirley rushed forward and hugged Felix tight. He glanced at Tim with a quizzical expression, but Tim just shrugged. “She’s quite emotional, Felix, and you look just like Drew. It’s like we have our favorite cousin back to scheme against the bad guys. In our teenage years the bad guys were our parents, but now they are vicious criminals.”

  Pulling away from Felix, Shirley looked embarrassed by her lack of control. She confirmed, “We will do everything in our power to keep you safe and damn that inheritance.”

  “I don’t know if I’m willing to give up the money, Sis, but I’ll gladly protect Felix. We fell for Raven’s lies, so it’s time we showed a bit of courage.”

  They heard the door unlock and quickly resumed their places. Felix hid the pad of paper under his leg and watched a burly goon carry a tray of food into the room. The man glared at the trio as he set the tray on a small table. “Eat up. We’ve got a long night ahead,” he growled before departing.

  Felix wondered if it was safe to consume the hamburgers and chips. He hid the pad and pen, just in case he was suddenly knocked out again, and started eating. Tim broke the seal on a bottle of cola and toasted, “Here’s to survival!”

  Chapter 10 ~ Key West Drama

  The yacht slipped into a quiet harbor in the dark of night, but no one aboard was asleep. Timothy and Shirley popped out of their chairs at the sound of the anchor dropping on its thick chains. Timothy pressed his ear against the door. At the sound of heavy footsteps, he scuttled back to his chair.

  Raven entered the cabin. His eyes closed, Felix stretched out on the bed while the siblings pretended to sleep in their chairs. “You don’t fool me!” she barked. “We’ve arrived so it’s time to get ready.”

  Felix swung his legs off the edge of the bed. “What’s going to happen?” he asked, trying to sound brave.

  Raven’s lips curled into a snarl. “You’re going to meet your real father, Felix. Of course you’ll be asleep and he won’t live for long.” The goon who delivered their food entered the room and narrowed his eyes. “Cooperate and you won’t get hurt.”

  The goon led them through the yacht and up the stairs. They saw a white van with a wheelchair ramp parked alongside the dock. The goon marched them up to the door and “helped” them stumble inside.

  Raven laughed and handed Shirley a hypodermic. “Tie his hands behind his back and strap him into the wheelchair. Give him the full syringe when the van arrives in town. We don’t want him screaming for help when you wheel him outside.”

  Felix cooperated as Timothy tied his hands. Shirley whispered, “I’ll empty the syringe and fake giving you the shot, so pretend to pass out.”

  “No talking!” the goon shouted.

  Raven poked her head through the door. “I’ll be watching everything you do from my vantage point. If anyone tries to rescue Felix, I’m prepared to shoot everyone on the street.” She brandished a sleek black rifle, outfitted with a scope, and chuckled. “Bet you didn’t know I’m a crack shot. I’ve practiced for years just for this day.”

  As the van door slid shut, they heard the cackle of her laughter. All three stared at the back of the goon’s head. Shirley silently mouthed, trust me. Felix nodded, but his lips tightened into a thin line of concern.


  The Sea Mist docked alongside the concrete pier, and passengers soon poured down the gangplank. On their balcony, Natalia gazed down at the luxury condos and cheerful shops across the lagoon, wondering what would happen today. Jason gave her waist a squeeze and mumbled, “We’d better join the others at breakfast. If Raven still has spies aboard, we don’t want to make anyone jittery.”

  “I feel as nervous as a mouse ready to walk across a room filled with traps,” she grumbled.

  Jason chuckled. “I’ll imagine you with whiskers and tail when we return to our stateroom, my dear. Meow!” He led the way to the conference room which had been turned into a private dining center for the twins’ group, although it hardly seemed private with glass windows making up three of the four walls. Passersby could see everyone sitting at tables covered with white linen and porcelain dishware. The only solid wall held steaming tilt-lidded serving wells and a row of attractive bowls filled with fresh fruit and glasses of juice.

  Natalia’s stomach growled as Jason opened the glass door. “So, I get hungry before a day of site-seeing,” she muttered.

  “No worries, darling. My stomach is eager to get filled as well.” He motioned for her to enter the serving line ahead of him.

  It had been decided the evening
before that no one would openly discuss plans for that day, and the group was prepared to go ashore. Tote bags and sunhats hung off the backs of chairs. Maps of Key West peeked out of pockets, and comfortable tennis shoes and loose clothing were the preferred attire. Natalia inhaled calming breaths as she ate sausage and eggs. Jason glanced at his watch before shoveling waffles dripping with syrup into his mouth.

  Melany and Penny finished breakfast first and waved good-bye to the other twins. They rushed to join the 9 a.m. Trolley Tour but planned to get off at the Butterfly Gardens and walk over to the Ernest Hemingway House.

  Pete and Abby waited a full ten minutes before leaving the room. They were eager to visit the Mel Fisher Maritime Museum and had tickets for the Trolley Tour at noon. The tour departed from a location across the street from the museum.

  Matt joined Suzanne and Tania as they departed. The trio planned to tour a variety of art galleries in the historic district, and later explore the town on Segways; of course, they needed a crash course in driving the two-wheeled contraptions. Suzanne giggled at the term “crash” course and Tania assured her they’d try not to crash.

  Jason and Natalia finished breakfast alone.

  “Let’s go shopping for an engagement ring, dear,” Jason stood and held out his hand. “Xander Pendleton and Jacquie Ludlow will meet us accidently at his Key West establishment on Olivia Street. It should be a pleasant stroll from the dock.”

  Natalia shouldered her tote bag and plopped a floppy straw hat on her head. “I’m ready. Lead the way, sweetheart.”

  His eyebrow lifted at the sarcastic tone she used, but he refrained from comment.

  They took the elevator downstairs and joined the departure line. Flashing I.D. badges and scanning bags had become an everyday occurrence, thanks to terrorists. Natalia often regretted failing to invest in a company that manufactured security scanners when she sold her grandmother’s heirloom necklace the previous year. After taxes and paying off her parents’ mortgage, she had enough money left to buy a condo in Florida. The small rental income went straight into a retirement account, sensible but not very exciting.


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