Bryce (Scandalous Boys #1)

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Bryce (Scandalous Boys #1) Page 7

by Natalie Decker

  Bryce stares at me. He leans a shoulder against the locker. “Yeah? Let me see it.”


  “Did I stutter?”

  “No. But … why do you want to see it?”

  Emily whispers, “Because you’re full of it, and he knows it.”

  I narrow my eyes at her and turn my attention back to Bryce. “I already turned it in.”

  “Bullshit! Do me and yourself a favor, Smalls. Quit lying.”

  I fold my arms. “Why do you care so much?”

  “I was worried something happened to you. You fucking left without saying good-bye. Decent people at least say, ‘Hey, I’m leaving.’ You just left. I searched everywhere for you. I called your fucking phone. You could have answered, but I know that’s too much to ask of you. Right, princess?”

  He’s right. I should have answered. I just … I didn’t know what to say. That sounds so selfish, but I didn’t want to tell him why I left. This is already awkward enough. And he had me meeting his cousin on her birthday. That just seems too personal and, well, it’s just getting to be too much.

  I lower my lashes and sigh. “I’m sorry. It was wrong.”

  “You know what? Thanks. I knew there was a reason I didn’t want us becoming friends. Thank you.” He bows and starts to ease away from me. “Oh.” He places a finger against his lips. “You should put in that request for a new group during calc today.”

  I watch him as he turns his back to me and disappears down the hall. Emily smacks my shoulder. “What was that?”

  “Nothing.” She glares at me. “All right. I was doing a run this morning, and Bryce picked me up. We were going to have breakfast with his cousin. I left before the food arrived.”

  “And you didn’t tell anyone you were leaving?”

  I groan as we walk in the opposite direction Bryce went. “Not you too. Look, it’s getting weird. Graham said he thought me and Bryce hanging out was a bad idea. Then Bryce argued with him, and when has that ever happened? Never. Well, before yesterday it had never happened before. And …” I stop when I see Graham and Sarah yelling at each other in the crowded hall. She smacks his arm, and he winces. “That doesn’t look good.”

  “Let me get this straight,” Sarah yells. “You think we should hang out less because Madison isn’t helping you anymore?” Is this really happening? Emily tugs on my arm, but I can’t leave.

  Sarah snaps, “Don’t you see she’s pulling this stunt to have you all to herself? She’s crazy. Look at these. Tell me she’s not obsessed with you!” She pulls out a stack of drawings I know I threw in my trash can and shoves them at Graham’s chest.

  He unrolls a few pages, and then his eyes turn toward me. Sarah follows his gaze. She gives me a look that says, “He’s all mine now.” Graham’s face, though, says it all. He’s completely freaked out.

  I’m about to tell him I can explain. But he just shakes a fistful of the drawings. “Seriously? How many have you done? Why? I’ve never liked you like that, and I never will, Madison. You need to get some help.”

  I feel my left arm being tugged again, and my body stumbles toward the jerking. My eyes blink, and I feel the tears sliding down my cheeks as well as my heart snapping. But when my stare lands on Sarah again, rage fills me. I want to punch the smirk right off her face. Give her a black eye, maybe a broken nose. Doesn’t matter, just as long as she’s not so pretty tomorrow.

  “Come on, Maddy,” Emily commands.

  “I feel sick.”

  “Yeah, well, you have a meet today, so suck it up and get your butt in class. Besides, he’s not worth it. Never was.”

  But wasn’t he? He’s just doing and saying these kinds of things because Sarah is manipulating the situation. She has to show everyone that she’s the pretty one. The popular one. The girl everyone either wants or wants to be.

  Emily pulls me to my first period class and levels her gaze at me. “Maddy, you need to forget what just happened. Let it go. Trust me when I say there are way hotter, sexier, smarter, and sweeter guys out there. Graham will seem like a total D-bag when you meet one.”

  I nod. There is nothing I can really say. This is my senior year, and I’ve never been on a date. I haven’t really been kissed. Frank Russell does not count. That was a peck on my lips and in eighth grade while playing spin the bottle. Again, that doesn’t count.


  She smiles. “I’ll see you at lunch.”

  “See ya.”

  I walk into my class while she shuffles off to hers. Emily has civics this period. I’m just grateful Graham isn’t in my chemistry 2 class. I think I might die if he were. The wound he put in my chest is way too fresh. I might have to find somewhere to disappear to for second period. Maybe I can try seeing my coach or something.

  “Madison Issac?” Mrs. Walters says.

  I look up.

  “You’re to go to the office.”

  “Oh, um … okay.”

  I grab my bag, snatch the slip from my teacher, and head down to the office.

  Chapter Sixteen


  She thought she could just ditch me at breakfast and I wouldn’t tell her off at school? Madison had another think coming. As soon as I found her, I let her know exactly what I thought about her. I believed it would make me feel better. Truth is, after I laid into her and saw her eyes glisten with tears, I felt worse.

  Around third period, I notice she isn’t in class yet, which is odd. She’s always in here before me. Graham walks in and settles into his usual seat before saying, “Oh, thank God she’s not here.”


  “Madison. Her obsession with me has gotten way out of hand. I had to tell her off.”

  I give him a puzzled look. “What are you talking about?”

  Graham leans closer to my desk. “Dude,” he says in a low tone, “I guess she tried to pitch her drawings or whatever. Maybe she was going to lie about it later or something, but I saw them. They had hearts and phrases like ‘mine forever’ and ‘XOXO’ shit all over them. I hope to hell she requests a new group, because I’m not doing assignments with her ever again!”

  I shake my head. “I don’t know what you were looking at, man, but I can tell you firsthand, I’ve seen her drawings. There wasn’t any kind of ‘XOXO shit’ like you claim.”

  “Whatever, man. I know what the fuck I saw this morning. And I’m telling you, you need to bail on her now if you don’t want to end up on her list.”

  Pretty sure that won’t be happening. She made it clear how she sees me, so I’m not worried about her becoming obsessed with me.

  I ignore Graham for most of class. That’s up until Madison enters the room. Mrs. Vixen sets down her marker and smiles at Madison. Madison hands her a slip and then steps back out of the classroom. What the hell just happened?

  I raise my hand.

  “Yes, Bryce?”

  “May I use the restroom?”

  “Sure. Come up here and grab the hall pass.”

  I rush to her desk, snatch the wooden paddle, and then head into the hall. Looking left, then right, I decide to head toward the restrooms near the stairs. I spot her walking slowly down the hallway and run to her.

  “Hey,” I say as soon as I reach her.

  She looks over at me and sighs. “I don’t have time for this. What do you want?”

  “I want to know what’s going on. Graham said he saw your drawings and that you wrote a bunch of weird crap on them.”

  She stops walking and glares at me. “I didn’t write that stuff! But it doesn’t matter. I’ve already gotten an earful from you and Graham today.”

  “I’m sorry.” She drops her head and starts walking again. I continue to follow and explain. “I was just worried about you. It was just breakfast, though, not a date or marriage. There was no reason for you to freak out and take off like you did.” I brush my arm against hers. The small contact sends a zing down my spine, and my stomach flips.

  She slows her pace and p
auses right by the other set of stairs. “You’re right. Both times. I shouldn’t have left like that. Also, I should have told you I was leaving. It was rude, and I’m really sorry I made you worry. I really didn’t think you’d care.”

  I want to touch her chin and lift it so she can see me, not my shoes. But I think if I touch her it might be too much and she’ll run off again. “But I do care. Shit, Smalls, I like hanging out with you. I think you’re pretty cool. And I think we could be good friends, so of course I care.”

  Her green eyes find mine. “I ripped all that stuff out last night. After you and Graham started fighting over me.” She looks away. “I feel like none of this would have happened if I didn’t leave my journal out for people to see. Or maybe if I’d let you both see what I drew instead of hiding it away from everyone like a dark secret. This wouldn’t be an issue at all.”

  “Smalls, who gives a shit what Graham or anyone else thinks? I think you’ve got amazing talent. As long as you like doing it and it’s what you want to do, then screw everyone else. Just do it.”

  Madison smiles and then wraps her arms around me. “Thank you.” She pulls back quicker than I want her to. She smiles and starts to head down the steps.

  “Wait. Where are you going?”

  “I’ve got a meeting with my coach and a scout. I just had to give a note to Mrs. Vixen to tell her why I wasn’t in her room. I’ve got to get back, though, or I’ll miss fourth and lunch.”

  I nod. “Okay.” She goes down two more steps. “Wait. Did you request a different group?” She shakes her head. “Good. Don’t. We’ll figure something out. Are you going to Greg’s party this weekend?”

  She shrugs. “Bryce, I really have to go. I’ll talk to you later. Okay?”

  “All right.”

  I let her go, and I head back to class.

  Chapter Seventeen


  After my long day of school and the meet, all I want to do is take a hot bath and go to bed. But as soon as I step into my house, my mom calls me into the kitchen. I sluggishly enter. The smell of tomatoes, onions, and sausage hits me.

  The homemade pasta sauce I love wakes my tired body. I stroll over to the pot of deliciousness. I spot a loaf of bread cut up and grab a slice to dip into the sauce. My mom slaps my hand before I even get a chance to plunge the slice in. “No. Your brother always did that, and that’s where you picked up that habit. I will not be chasing you off with a spoon now just because he’s not here. Go set the table.”

  I roll my eyes, and as soon as she turns away from me, I dunk my bread in the sauce and head over to the table.

  “I saw that.”

  “’Aw what?” I ask while chewing off a chunk of the evidence.

  “Madison, just go set the table, please.” She grabs a container from the fridge and looks back at me.

  “I’m going. I’m going.”

  “Five plates, Maddy.”

  “Ma, there’s only four of us. Kyle won’t be home for couple of weeks.”

  She closes a cabinet near the stove. “I know. But tonight there will be five. Graham is eating with us.”

  I almost drop the stack of plates in my hands. This was the only good thing about studying over at Bryce’s house right after practices and meets—I avoided this. Graham and Sarah pawing each other, throwing their love-fest in my face like a bunch of animals. It’s bad enough I have to see that at school; now I have to look at it during dinner?

  I love my mom’s homemade spaghetti and sauce, but there’s no way in hell I can stomach a bite. I set down four plates. “Crap! I forgot I’ve got to go to the theater and pick up my work schedule before it closes. Sorry.” I rush over and peck my mom on the cheek.

  “Wait. Oh, okay. Be careful. I’ll make you a plate.”

  I nod. “Thanks. I love you.” I head out of the kitchen and out the door with my backpack. Barely two steps away from the porch, I’m face to face with Graham and Sarah in a whole lip-lock session. They look like two octopuses attacking each other against his car.

  I feel the bread I ate earlier forcing its way up. Tearing my gaze from them and focusing on the lawn, I quickly make my way to Bryce’s house. I don’t know why I’m going there. I shouldn’t.

  Instead of turning around and heading to the park or basically anywhere else, I lift my knuckles to the front door of his house. Three raps on the door and Mrs. Matthews stands before me. “Madison? Was, um … Bryce expecting you?” She clutches the upper half of her button-down shirt. Her skin appears flushed, and her hair is falling out of the tight bun she usually has it in.

  “Uh … no. I, uh …” Jesus, think of something. Leave. You’re clearly seeing something you shouldn’t. “You know what? I forgot we were supposed to meet at the library today.” I smack my forehead to help make the lie believable.

  “Oh. Okay. Well, when you see him, can you remind him it’s Hailey’s birthday and he should give her a call?”

  “Sure.” I backpedal off the porch as she shuts the door. Reaching the last step, my back collides into something hard. I turn and see Bryce, fists at his sides and staring ahead. “Oh, hey, I was just looking for you.” I grab his hand and pull him along with me. “Library today. Right?”

  Bryce looks down at me and then up at the door. “What are you doing?”

  “I, uh …” I glance over at my house and then over at him. “I actually was coming over here to see if you wanted to have dinner with me. Your mom is always feeding me, and I figured it was time to return the favor.”

  He follows me to my house. As soon as we’re at my front door, he says, “Stop for a second.”


  “I know, okay, why you’re really doing this. And thanks.”

  I frown. “I’m so sorry. I actually … You look like you’re about to strangle someone to death. Trust me, I know it’s not my place or business but … did you know?”

  “Yeah. For about five months now. My dad has been gone a lot actually. He says he’s working at the office. What he really means is he’s working his new assistant over a desk.” I gasp, but he shakes his head. “Don’t. He’s an asshole. My mom knows. She just refuses to leave. So she started having her own little affair.”

  “And you?”

  “Say nothing. I let them both think what they want, that everyone is happy. Faking happiness is very easy.”

  I squeeze his hand. “I’m sorry.”

  He shrugs. “Nothing you can do, Smalls. Thanks, though.”

  I open the door and guide Bryce into the kitchen. My mom is setting a huge serving dish on the table and looks over at me. “Madison, I thought—”

  “Hey, Ma, I’m so silly and forgot that my schedule is online. Bryce here reminded me when I ran into him outside. I was wondering if Bryce can join us for dinner?”

  She smiles. I peer over at my dad, who looks Bryce up and down. Then his gaze stops right at my hands. “Bryce, please join us,” my mom says.

  “Madison, I’d like a word with you,” my dad grinds out.

  Sarah snickers, and I let my glare drop to her and Graham. Their backs are to me, so if I attacked them they’d never expect it. I study them a little longer than I should and notice Graham’s hand resting on her upper thigh.

  My father clears his throat, and I follow him out of the room and to his office near the living room. He shuts the door behind us and steps over to his bookcase on the far left of the room.

  “What’s up?” I ask.

  “Is there something going on between you and Bryce Matthews I should be aware of?”

  I snort. “No. He’s just a friend, Dad.”

  He looks at me. His forehead wrinkles, and he rubs the bald patch on the back of his head. “I don’t think it’s a good idea to be friends with someone like Bryce. He’s got a knack for trouble.”

  I grumble. “Dad, seriously, you need to relax. We don’t hang out all the time. Just for study group. Graham is in it with us. Nothing to worry about.”

  He nods. “Ok
ay.” He closes the space, kisses my forehead, and we leave his office.

  I return to the kitchen and take a seat next to Bryce. My mom already filled his plate with pasta. “Smells and looks great, Mrs. Issac. Thanks for having me over.”

  “Oh, you’re more than welcome, hon.” She looks over at me and scowls. “Madison! Stop hoarding the garlic bread.”

  I drop one of the pieces onto Bryce’s plate. “I was sharing.” Okay, really I hadn’t planned on sharing at all. Mom’s garlic bread is to die for. Literally. It’s butter, garlic, and Italian herbs brushed over the entire bread slices. With melted parmesan and mozzarella cheese on one side. The only good thing about Sarah moving in—she doesn’t eat bread. Something about carbs will make her ass huge or something. Hey, more for me.

  Sarah sneers at me. “Do you have to eat like a cavewoman?”

  My mom glares at me. “Manners, Madison. Stop stuffing your face and eat like a lady. We have guests.”

  “They aren’t watching me eat,” I mumble.

  “Well, you’re across from me, and you sound like a cow,” Sarah says.

  I drop my fork. “Your ass is as big as a cow’s, so I guess you laying off the bread doesn’t really work.”

  “Madison! Go to your room right this minute!” my father says.

  Sarah smirks at me.

  “Keep smiling over there,” I snap. “I’ll make sure you have two black eyes tomorrow!”

  She gasps. My mom stands and moves toward me.

  I snatch the bread from my plate and grab Bryce. “Bring your plate,” I say to him. He does and follows me.

  My dad growls, “Madison.”

  “You said I had to leave. We need to study. It’s a win for everyone.”

  My mom shoots my dad a look, and then he waves us off.

  Chapter Eighteen


  “I actually had no idea you could be so entertaining,” I say to Mads as I take a seat at her desk.


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