Big Time: A Bad Boy Sports Romance

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Big Time: A Bad Boy Sports Romance Page 26

by KB Winters

  “Unbelievable!” Livvie huffed.

  “What?” I asked, snapping back to attention.

  Her eyes narrowed as she stared at me. “I know what you’re thinking, and it’s not going to happen. If you came here hoping for a little afternoon booty call, you are so off base.”

  She pushed past me and started fumbling with her key in the lock.

  “As fun as that would be,” I smiled at her, desperately wishing she would throw one back at me. “I’m actually here to talk. That’s it.”

  She didn’t need to know that my cock was rock hard just looking at her.

  “That’s nice. However, I don’t have anything to say to you. So, sorry you wasted a trip.”

  With that, she pushed open the door and made her way inside, shutting it behind her.

  As soon as the door pressed shut, she latched the lock. I rang the doorbell. “Livvie, let me in. I need to talk to you!” I called, leaning into the door.

  “Go away,” came the muffled reply from the other side.

  “No can do. This is important. There’s this dude named Christopher and he’s probably going to try and call you or—”

  In a flurry, the lock unhitched and the door flew open. Livvie was standing there, her mouth wide open.

  And somewhere in the space of the last two minutes, she’d taken off her shirt. Her nipples were pressing hard against a white bra. And I was sure that in all my life, I’d never seen anyone look as sexy as she did in that moment. Her hands were on her hips as she stood there in her jeans and bra. Her mouth was popped open in surprise, and her hair was a tousled mess around her delicate face. Fuck. Me.

  “Did you just say Christopher? As in, Christopher Diaz?” she asked.

  I nodded, trying to force my eyes to stay on hers and not explore the lush curves that were so perky and on display.

  She followed my glance and realized she’d removed her shirt. “Oh, shit!” She rolled her eyes and stepped back inside the apartment. I took advantage and followed her inside, shutting the front door behind me as I watched her frantically grab for her discarded shirt that she’d dropped along the back of her couch.

  “Remy, I swear…” she muttered.

  “Hey, baby girl, that one was all you,” I said, smiling at her as she struggled to put her top back on.

  “Whatever. Tell me about Christopher.” She backed away from me and leaned against the couch. “How do you know him?”

  “He’s old money, Liv. Like me. We went to school together.”

  She nodded, her eyes searching mine as though trying to decide what to ask next. “I see. Well, I just met with him, actually.”

  I pinched my eyes closed for a moment. “He’s after one of the bands you signed.”

  “I wouldn’t say after. He offered one of my bands a record deal with his label.” Her voice was casual and I couldn’t get a read on what she is thinking.

  “You didn’t take it, did you?”

  “Of course I did, Remy. Are you serious?”

  I groaned. “Livvie, why?”

  “Why?” She was looking at me like I was from another planet. “That’s what I do, Remy! Duh! I find bands, represent them, get them record deals, and promote them. Did you hit your head recently? This is the best opportunity I could have ever been given.”

  The way she could get me so off track and upside down was maddening. I was supposed to be running the show, telling her how things worked, and yet, she always seemed to flip the script and get the upper hand.

  “He’s no good, Liv.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Christopher is a total asshat. He’s just using you to get to that band. He wants them for himself.”

  Livvie shook her head. “You’re not making any sense, Remy. He owns a record label and he wants to sign a band that I represent. It really is pretty cut and dry. Listen, I get it, you don’t like the guy, but this is really none of your business. I don’t even know why you’re here.”

  Without waiting for my reply, she crossed the apartment and busied herself at the kitchen counter. I followed after her and leaned against the arched entry. I opened my mouth to plead my case, but as my eyes swept the room, my brain short-circuited at how small the room was. It was more like a kitchenette, if you were to ask me. I honestly didn’t know how two people co-existed in such a tiny space.

  “You still haven’t answered my question, Remy.”

  I heard the sound of a bottle open and when she turned back to face me she held a sparkling water in her hand. “Yes, I did, Livvie. You asked why I was here—I told you that I came over to warn you about Christopher.”

  “You know what I think? I think you’re jealous.”

  “What? Of Christopher?” I let out a hollow laugh. “No. Actually, I’m here to help you.”

  “Right, cause that’s your whole thing. Helping.” She scoffed and took a drink from the glass bottle in her hands. “I get that you’re trying this whole knight in shining armor thing on for size, but I gotta say, it’s not really working for me.”

  I crossed the room with two long strides, took the bottle from her hands, and slammed it on the counter next to her. “Livvie, listen to me. I get that you’re pissed at me, but this isn’t some bullshit routine to stroke my ego. I’m here to help you. Christopher and I go way back, and I know what I’m talking about. He’s not trying to help you or be your friend—he’s trying to steal your client.”

  Her sapphire eyes flashed as she looked up at me as I hovered over her. Her ass was pressed against the counter, as far away from me as she could get, and although she wasn’t shrinking away, I could see the hesitation in her eyes as she searched my face.

  “How do you even know any of this?” she asked, narrowing her eyes.

  “I ran into him the other night at a charity dinner and he told me the whole thing.”

  “But it doesn’t make any sense, Remy. He has a record label. He needs bands to make records—he doesn’t need to own the band. Therefore, there is nothing to steal from me. I think you’re being paranoid.”

  Our bodies were inches away from each other as I stared down at her. I wanted—needed—to make her mine. Christopher would use her up and then throw her away just like he’d done a thousand times before. I needed to make her believe me. It was the only way to keep her safe.

  “You could have called me, emailed me, texted me, anything to share this so-called warning with me. Why did you feel the need to show up on my doorstep?”

  “I wanted to see you.” The words were so honest, so raw—they left my mouth before I could even think of the implications.

  Livvie nodded slowly, her eyes still locked with mine. “I think you should go now.”

  “I’m not going anywhere. I want you, Livvie.”

  She stared at me for what seemed like forever, her brilliant, jeweled eyes burning holes into mine. A mixture of confusion and pain and desire all at war in the blue orbs.

  “Remy, it’s too late. You should have thought about that before you stood me up. Kinda that whole fool me once, fool me twice thing.”

  I’d heard enough. Her words were telling me to back away, but her full lips and her wounded stare begged me closer. I closed the space between us and held her upper arms in my hands, gripping but not crushing, her delicate, soft skin under my fingertips. It wasn’t enough. Not even close.

  Chapter Six — Livvie

  “Remy, I—” I started to protest again, my voice weaker than before. Remy placed a fingertip against my lips, searing them closed.

  He leaned into me, his scent further clouding my mind. “Livvie, I want to fuck you, right here, right now,” Remy growled into my ear.

  Every cell in my brain was telling me to tell him to go fuck himself, but every fiber in my body was on fire just breathing him in.

  Without room or time to think, Remy wrapped his hands around my ass and lifted me up onto the kitchen counter. His hands parted my legs and he stepped in between them, rooting himself betwe
en my thighs. I shoved aside my last shred of resistance and leaned into him as his lips met mine, sealing us together in a steamy lip lock that went from zero to sixty in less than half a second. Before I could even slow down long enough to hear the voice of reason shrieking in the back of my mind, Remy had his hands ripping off my t shirt.

  The failsafe part of my brain that was designed to prevent me from making incredibly stupid decisions, turned off in Remy’s presence, and as soon as his fingertips hit the bare skin along the edge of my bra, my mind went completely blank.

  “Mmmm…” I breathed. His fingers unhooked my bra in one quick motion and he tossed it to the kitchen floor. He stared at my bare torso, his eyes making a path that followed his hands as he palmed my breasts, expertly teasing and caressing me all the right places. I squeezed my thighs, trying to keep myself together, but it felt as though I would come undone any second just from the feeling of his hands on my skin.

  He was that good.

  Damn it all.

  “Livvie, I want all of you,” Remy’s voice was low and thick with desire as he pressed his lips to my neck and worked his perfect lips up to my ear. My pussy clenched as his words vibrated along my skin, sending red hot pulses between my legs.

  He ground his hips against me, and even through his jeans, I could feel his hard cock straining to get out. I shivered and felt a new thrill seeing how turned on he was by me. His lips and tongue were lashing at my ear and neck and then down between my breasts. When he grabbed my hair and pulled my head back, I moaned out loud—not caring who would hear me.

  I needed him. I needed a release of all the pent-up energy inside my body and mind. When I was with Remy, nothing else mattered. All the problems and stress and aggravation faded to black and it was just me and just him.

  “I need more room, babe, for all the things I want to do to you,” Remy said, a wicked grin spreading across his face. He grabbed my ass and pulled me closer to him.

  I clenched my feet around his back and clung to him as he carried me out of the kitchen, sat me down on the edge of the table and immediately turned his attention to removing my jeans. Within seconds, he had me stripped down and laid out on the dining room table with nothing but a pair of silk panties.

  “I knew it.” He had a half-cocked grin as he stared down at me.

  “Knew what?”

  His fingers slid up the inside of my right thigh and dipped under the silk fabric to stroke my pussy lips. I shuddered at his touch and tried to keep myself together. “I knew that you would be wearing sexy panties. Tell me, were you thinking of me when you put them on this morning?”

  I hesitated and bit at my lip.

  “Livvie, answer me,” Remy said.

  His finger started to pull away.

  “Yes!” I confessed, arching my hips up, begging him to stay.

  He smiled again and his finger slipped between my pussy lips. As he slowly teased my opening, I gasped at how wet I was. Remy brought out a reaction that had never happened to me before. Even on my own, with the steamiest fantasy or book, I’d never gotten as wet as I did with Remy. My body craved him as though he was the essential component to my undeniable ecstasy.

  I closed my eyes and lay my head back on the hard table. My hips were going in slow circles, seduced by the slow touch of his fingertips.

  “Open your eyes, Livvie. I need to see your eyes at all times, understood?” Remy commanded.

  I nodded, and he rewarded me by sliding up and stroking at my clit.

  “Oh, God!” I gasped as the sensations echoed up through my entire body. It was like my body was charged with static electricity. Every nerve, cell, and fiber was on edge—waiting.

  He smiled at me, and then grabbed my hips and slid me off the table. I wobbled for a second before him, but he steadied me in his arms.

  “I want you on all fours,” he said.

  I nodded and started sinking to the floor.

  “No, no, Livvie. On the table. I want to look at you.”

  I turned to look over my shoulder. The idea of being naked, on all fours, for his inspection seemed too revealing, and more vulnerable than I wanted to surrender. But I couldn’t stop.

  “Now, Livvie. This is what I want.” His voice was still charged with heat and lust but it was more strict and stern than before.

  Something about it charged me. It was like a challenge or a dare. He didn’t think I would do it.

  To prove him wrong, I started to climb.

  “Get rid of these first,” Remy whispered into my ear as he tugged at the waist of my panties.

  I let him strip my panties off of me and then I climbed onto the table and waited, on all fours. My arms and legs were quivering with anticipation. Remy circled the table and stared at me from every angle.

  “My God, you’re perfect, Livvie. You’re so fucking hot and you don’t even know it. I want to do things to you that have never been done to you before. I want every inch of your body. I want to make it mine.”

  I moaned, his words making me even hotter and wetter than before. I no longer felt squeamish or ashamed. I felt sexy and powerful. I arched my back and stuck my ass out, and Remy growled in appreciation as he stepped behind me again.

  “Niiiice,” Remy said, admiring the view.

  It seemed like forever, but somehow, I knew not to speak or question him. He wanted to keep me on edge and make me wait.

  Suddenly, his hands cupped my ass and spread my cheeks apart. I tried to clench and tuck my hips, but Remy held me firm. “Livvie, I need to see you. All of you.”

  Before I could object or try to climb away, I felt his tongue and lips making a trail along the inside of my thigh.

  Holy shit.

  He moved all the way up and at the first touch of his tongue on my dripping wet pussy, I nearly exploded. His tongue was firm and strong as he devoured me. His tongue stroked me from my clit all the way down, lapping up every drop of my juices. I was so close to coming that I was whimpering and moaning, trying not to rock too much and get out of his tongue’s reach. Just as I was about to come, Remy inserted a slick fingertip into my ass and I jolted so hard, I nearly hit the ceiling. He moved slowly and gently until I relaxed and then he sped up and pulsed inside me.

  It was like nothing I’d ever felt before and I knew I was going to come hard and fast at any second. His mouth pulled away and he thrust his other fingers into my pussy and moved them in the same rhythm until I was screaming his name and stars danced behind my eyelids.

  Just as I was about to come, he flipped me over and thrust his tongue to my pussy and tugged on the throbbing bud between my lips.

  “Remy, I’m going to—” I panted, unable to finish my sentence as my body started to climb.

  His lips tightened over my clit and he delivered one more flick with the strong thrusting of his tongue.

  “Fuck!” I screamed.

  A shock jolted my body up and I clung to Remy’s bare shoulders as my entire body convulsed. Warm liquid ran between my legs.

  Before I could even recover and open my eyes again, I heard Remy unzip his pants, slide on a condom, and with no warning he buried his cock inside me in one hard thrust. I clung to him with my weak thighs, and held on as he thrust into me over and over.

  “Remy!” I cried out his name and he replied with a pleased grunt as he fucked me hard and fast.

  The whole thing was so raw and unapologetic. It was primal need and lust at its very best, and it wasn’t long before we both crashed over the edge together.

  He pulsed inside of me as he released and I felt my walls frantically clenching in the aftermath of my second earth-shattering orgasm.

  Remy held me for a moment, our eyes locked on each other, and then he pulled away.

  “Shit,” I gasped.

  He smiled down at me. “That was worth the wait.”

  Worth the wait?

  I wanted to fuck him and slap him and scream at him all at the same time. But, I didn’t have the strength. My insides shook fro
m the avalanche of an orgasm he gave me and my entire body was boneless, coated in a shiny layer of sweat.

  “What the hell is that supposed to mean?” I asked.

  He looked confused for a flicker of a second. “What?”

  “God, if you don’t know then…never mind. Remy, I think you should go,” I finally managed to spit out.

  His eyes shot wide at the statement and for a brief moment, I regretted saying it. I didn’t want him to leave. I loved the way our bodies fit together and the oh-so-talented things he could do to me and the things we could do together. It was hot. Fire and molten lava kind of hot.

  But it was wrong.

  I was planning to chalk it up to a case of hormonal impulse and move on with another memory in the bank. As soon as I could get him out of my apartment.

  “You want me to leave? Now? I barely pulled out,” Remy said. He was still smiling, but the mischievous, bad boy sparkle was missing from his eyes as he looked down at me.

  I sighed. “I know, I’m sorry. This was a mistake.”

  He chuckled softly. “Well, baby girl, it was a pretty good one.”

  “Remy, please. I’m serious. I have a shit-ton of work to do. I can’t be distracted right now.”

  He traced a finger along my cheek. “I can help you.”

  I flinched away from his touch. “Yeah, I’ve heard that one before. Remember? Pity drinks, sad faces, and a whole lot of sleepless nights.”

  He groaned and started to refasten his pants. “Livvie, I already told you, I had my reasons. Can’t we drop it and move on? Start fresh? You seem like one of those forgive and forget people, so how about it?”

  “I’m going to take a shower. When I get out, I don’t want you here,” I said, ignoring his bait. I jumped down from the table and stalked off in the direction of the bathroom.

  Chapter Seven — Remy

  They say that there’s a first time for everything. And that night at Livvie’s house had been a first for me—the first time a woman had ever kicked me out of her bed—well, apartment. We’d never actually made it to the bed. Although, thinking about what would’ve happened if we had was still the last thing I thought about before falling asleep a week later.


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