Town of Chance: Believing in Love [The Dare Series 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Town of Chance: Believing in Love [The Dare Series 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 2

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  She started to think about a bunch of different things, and the first thing that came to mind was singing at Luther’s. She had auditioned for a small café in Cambridge before she got hurt. It was a minor job but it was something she wanted to try and do and just to get into the open mic night had been hard. Maybe she needed to reach a bit higher with that goal and really challenge herself. Getting an audition at Luther’s would be the first step. Getting a chance to sing with the band in front of a crowd of two hundred would surely build her self-confidence, or destroy it. She felt the instant fear and anxiety about taking the chance. She looked at Missy Ann. Her first thought was to tell her about her idea but then she decided if she wanted to succeed she really needed to do this on her own. Her belly quivered and her heart began to race.

  She looked at the phone, surprised that she thought about Parker and wondered what he would think. It was crazy. She was allowing him control that he didn’t need to have. She was trying to make his care into something it wasn’t. If him and his brothers liked her and wanted to make her their woman, wouldn’t they have tried to kiss her by now? Maybe touched her possessively and told her they wanted her?

  It just confirmed the reality of their care. They were helping out her cousins and watching over Eliza out of responsibility and nothing more. As guardians they were to be aware of everything she did and where she went and who she was with so she would never be in potential danger. They hadn’t even asked her what she was up to. Boy, were they going to be surprised when they saw the calendar.

  She exhaled and then thought about singing. What would they do if she actually sang at Luther’s in Charlesburgh? It was a rowdy place, had a reputation as the hottest bar in South Carolina because of all the things that went down there and all the big shots that hung out there. Just thinking about that made her feel scared and intimidated. It was definitely the place to make her get over her shyness and fears and start living her life. Maybe then the Hayes brothers wouldn’t see her as a little sister, but as a woman capable of accepting challenges and overcoming fears on her own without their guardianship.

  * * * *

  Parker was pissed off. What the hell kind of response was that Eliza Grace gave him? It sounded like she was telling him to stop texting her. He looked at the computer screen. How the hell could he concentrate on the files now? Where was she? Who was she with? What the hell was she up to? He didn’t know and neither did his brothers because they were all acting like idiots. They liked her, wanted her to be their woman, yet they held back. She was inexperienced, shy, and so damn petite they could break her with one arm wrapped around her tiny waist. But her body was exceptional. Her large breasts and sexy ass were all he kept thinking about night after night.

  He watched her in the hospital as she rested and he imagined her waking up and accepting their guardianship and then their bed. But that didn’t happen. His brothers kept their distance from her whenever she was awake. But when she slept they would kiss her forehead, caress her cheek, and just watch her. He knew what they were thinking. How they wanted her but then they got the call on an old job. A bad individual who somehow escaped imprisonment with the help of friends. It sent them on an investigation that they still worked on now and were close to closing.

  Their hunt for Osborne consumed their every waking hour and it made them realize that they weren’t ready to commit to Eliza Grace and to provide the protection she needed at all times. When she told Max she didn’t accept them, it had hurt so badly but they were focusing on work and couldn’t take the time to explain their feelings for her. That had been months ago.

  He lived for the daily texts they sent back and forth to one another. Although he would have preferred to hear her voice, to see her in person, the texting became a life line to her. So to get the response he got today he knew that she was annoyed. Either that or she was with someone, or seeing someone. That thought instantly made his chest tighten and anger filled him.

  “What the hell is wrong with you?” Burker asked as he walked back into the home office carrying a plate of cut up apples and oranges. He sat down, putting a water bottle in front of Parker and the other by his desk and then the plate between them.

  “Nothing,” Parker said and then opened the bottle of water and took a slug.

  “Did Eliza Grace text back?” Burker asked but didn’t look at him. He was trying to be nonchalant about asking, but Parker knew his brother was just as interested in hearing from Eliza as he was.

  “Yeah. She’s fine.”

  Burker went to ask him something else when his cell phone rang.

  Parker took a piece of apple and then leaned back and looked at the computer screen. He barely heard Burker’s conversation but then Burker slapped his arm.

  “So you need our help? No problem, give us the name and whatever you got. Sure thing, Finn. Parker and I are on it.” He disconnected the call.

  Parker sat forward. “What’s up?”

  “Looks like Finn Connelly is involved with a case and they need to track down this guy who abducted a woman. They think they’re headed north,” Burker said as he started typing on the keyboard.

  Parker felt that instant anxiety and concern and immediately cleared his head to focus on what was needed.

  “What do you need me to do first?” he asked Burker and then swallowed hard. This was the problem with their lives and their responsibilities. Thoughts of Eliza Grace were once again put on hold. He wondered if a relationship with her would ever work out, or was he destined for noncommitments and the constant need to be ready to take off at a moment’s notice and drop everything to focus on life and death situations and being the last hope to save some victim’s life? What kind of life would that be for Eliza Grace? What kind of danger could they bring her way unintentionally?

  Chapter 1

  “That’s perfect. Just move your leg a little to the left, now hold it,” the photographer, Ken, stated.

  Eliza Grace moved into position then bent back against the railing.

  “Perfect. Excellent, Eliza. Excellent,” he said.

  She felt the warm breeze caress against her hair and could see her boss, Clarissa Dane, smiling and then turning to greet a man in a suit.

  “That’s great. We’re all done here. Let’s have Margie set you up with the purple two-piece and move this onto the patio,” Ken said to her and then started giving orders to the two assistants about props and a straw beach bag with matching sun hat.

  She quickly headed toward the changing room and caught sight of the man with Clarissa and he was watching her. His eyes swept over her body and Eliza felt that tightness in her chest. That feeling she didn’t like getting. She was used to Ken, Elizabeth, the others in the crew as well as Clarissa watching her as she modeled, but not other people.

  She caught Clarissa looking at her and then turning away and taking the man by his arm. He didn’t seem happy about it. “Come on, you have like two minutes,” Elizabeth said to Eliza Grace as she ushered her behind the changing booth. It was small and not exactly completely private but no one could see except Elizabeth. Which took some time getting used to. Elizabeth had been wonderful and encouraging from the start. She really pushed Eliza Grace to go for this modeling thing and even helped to give her pointers. Like the Brazilian wax and a place who did amazing work. That hurt like a mother, but was well worth it. She remembered getting the wax job the first time and then touching herself several times, enjoying the feel of smooth skin. It also brought on thoughts of Parker, Burker, and even Lynch and Tazer who were so freaking intimidating and angry looking most of the time.

  She swallowed hard as she felt her breasts tingle. She really did have it bad for them, and knowing she couldn’t have them hurt so much. She had to do something about this.

  “Come on,” Elizabeth said as she helped Eliza Grace with the knot in the back of the very small, tight top. Her belly was completely exposed. As she came out from behind the curtain one of the other assistants was there. “Here, put
these sandals with the heels on. They’ll make your legs look even better than they already do,” she said and Eliza Grace looked at the very high heeled sandals and exhaled. She hated very high heels and wedges, yet had become accustomed to wearing them to make her appear taller. These were adorable and sexy at the same time. She stepped into them as Elizabeth held her waist. Ken came over. He looked her over and adjusted her hair.

  “Okay, the belly ring is perfect. Leave it in,” he said as she glanced down and adjusted the bottoms on her hips.

  “Keep them low on your hips. You have great hips, Eliza, and this shoot is going to show off that perfect body. Let’s go,” he said and they all followed.

  As they headed onto the patio she glanced at Kelly, another model who was getting her hair and makeup done. She would do the next shoot in the bikini. That was something Eliza refused to do. Yet.

  Ken placed Eliza Grace where he wanted her then had the assistants add the sun hat, then the bag and she started to pose. She was lost in the role she needed to play, the only sound she focused on was the click of the camera and Kenneth’s movements. He gave her some direction but not much. He was a very nice guy and very attractive too. It had taken a while to get used to him looking at her, taking her picture and even adjusting her body, her clothing and things. But soon she realized that photography was an art and he was the artist trying to create the perfect photograph. Clarissa’s boutiques were famous, and the clothing line exquisite. Her catalogue had been gaining more and more exposure and in recent months many models moved on to bigger agencies or they simply disappeared.

  Eliza Grace wasn’t going anywhere. This little photo shoot was just perfect for her.

  “Hold the hat outward and bend forward then turn to me.” He gave the direction and she did what he said. The pose was sexy, and in this position she knew her large breasts pressed forward, her thighs tightened and her expression was sexy.

  Ken whistled and she heard the other comments about how hot she looked and then the smiles. They were so impressed with her and it strengthened that low self-confidence she had, just a notch. But as she changed positions and then tilted her head back and placed her hand on her hip she caught sight of the man that had been with Clarissa. Was he taking a picture of her? She lost focus.

  “Eliza Grace, what’s wrong?” Ken asked. She swallowed hard as Clarissa shook her head at her and then said something to the man. He said something back and Clarissa lowered her eyes. Eliza Grace didn’t know what to think or what she was even looking at or seeing go down.

  “Eliza?” Ken said her name again. She lowered her eyes and shook her head.

  “Sorry. I lost it a moment.”

  Ken smiled as he stepped closer. He fixed her hair and then clenched her chin between thumb and finger. “You look fantastic. Not too sexy at all. Beautiful,” he said and winked before releasing her and walking away. That was Ken. He was encouraging and he knew her limitations. Though he had tried to convince her to do more pictures in the bathing suit other than the one shot with the entire group of girls for that calendar. He was lucky she even did that. The sneak had her center stage anyway and she couldn’t say a word. Those other girls would have killed to be the center model.

  As she looked past Ken and began to get into position again she noticed the man was gone and Clarissa was there watching.

  “Great job, Eliza Grace. Excellent.”

  Two hours later as she pulled her car into town to pick up some dry cleaning, she caught sight of Tazer talking to Max outside of the sheriff’s department. She waited in the car, hoping he didn’t see her and she took the time to watch him from afar.

  He was wearing a pair of dark jeans, black boots, and a short-sleeve shirt that hugged his muscles. Even from this distance she could tell he had huge muscles and flat abs. His skin was a little darker than normal because he tanned in the summertime. That slicked back black hair looked a little untamed today, but she knew it was silky soft and often imagined running her fingers through it as he kissed her. She swallowed hard, felt her breasts actually swell from her thoughts and even her pussy reacted. She was such an idiot.

  She couldn’t wait much longer. She had a lot of things to do today and after the dry cleaner she wanted to stop into Rita’s for a salad. She totally missed lunch today and it was already three o’clock.

  She got out of her car and adjusted the waist on the black one-piece short set she wore. It had spaghetti straps and the shorts hit her upper thighs. She wore a pair of beige wedge sandals. The designer jewelry in emerald green and cream finished off the outfit. It was a set they sold in Clarissa’s boutique but she got it for half the price.

  As she pulled on the strap of her purse she heard someone say her name. Turning, she was surprised to see Jacob and Ryan Paisley. She had gone to high school with Jacob. They had three older brothers.

  “Hi, Jacob, Ryan, how are you?” she asked.

  Jacob leaned closer to kiss her cheek as Ryan waited and looked her over before he kissed her cheek hello next. Both men were good looking, blond and tall.

  “We’re doing well, how about you? You look fantastic as always,” Jacob said to her.

  “Thank you. What’s going on? How is the job hunting going?” she asked, knowing Jacob was in between jobs. Jacob moved back here to Chance a few months ago to help their dad with his construction business and his brothers were each involved in the military or law enforcement. Ryan was a state trooper with York, one of Caroline’s boyfriends.

  “It’s going,” Jacob said and Ryan chuckled as he leaned against Eliza’s car.

  “He hasn’t been looking hard. I think he likes the construction business. Wearing no shirt, working on his tan. He’s got a date every night of the week,” he said and Jacob hit his brother’s arm.

  “I do not.”

  Eliza Grace chuckled and then looked at Jacob. He and his brothers were very nice guys and all blond, all good looking and single. But none of them seemed to be ready to settle down.

  “Well, good for you, Jacob. Maybe you’ll find that special someone,” she said to him.

  Ryan cleared his throat.

  “What are you up to? Still working at the boutique in Charlesburgh and Cambridge?” Ryan asked.

  “Yes, and keeping really busy. I was just going in to pick up some dry cleaning.”

  Ryan looked at her and smiled. “You planning on hanging out at Spencer’s any time soon? We haven’t seen ya.”

  She felt her belly tighten. Was he flirting with her? Oh God.

  “Actually, work has been crazy, but I think Missy Ann and I will be going there later in the week,” she said to him and then looked past him to see Tazer standing there by the sheriff, watching her. He looked so angry it made her lower her eyes and then press her hair behind her ear.

  “I have to work this weekend. Maybe we’ll meet up there another time?” Ryan asked and she knew he was probably going to ask for her number. That sick, nervous feeling hit her gut.

  “Well, who knows, maybe it will work out. I need to get going. I have an appointment in a little bit and still have errands to run.”

  She said goodbye to them and both men smiled and said goodbye. As they headed toward the sidewalk she saw them talking and glanced at Tazer. He said something to Max but didn’t even turn to look.

  She quickly crossed the street and went into the dry cleaner.

  She got her stuff, paid and then left to put it into the car. She looked toward the sheriff department before she locked up her car to make sure Tazer wasn’t around. Then she felt that disappointed feeling. She was a moron. What was she thinking? The man was terrifying.

  As she headed toward Rita’s and walked inside she was greeted by a few people and then ordered her salad and an iced tea.

  “Is that to stay or to go, Eliza Grace?” Rita asked her.

  She opened her mouth and then stopped as someone spoke from behind her.

  “To stay. I’ll take the usual.”

  She turned around
and looked way up into Tazer’s dark eyes.

  “Eliza Grace.” He said her name and looked at her lips.

  She wondered if he were going to reprimand her for talking to Jacob and Ryan, or maybe ask what they wanted. Would he act like a bodyguard?

  “Hi, Tazer. I was actually going to get the salad to go.”

  “Well, now it’s to stay. Join me for lunch.” He didn’t give her a chance to say no. Not that she would. He looked kind of upset, but maybe that was just Tazer’s normal expression. He was hard, serious all the time.

  As he took her hand, she froze but somehow got her feet to work as he led her to a table in the back. They passed several empty tables now that it was way past lunch, but apparently none of them were what he wanted.

  She went to take a seat but he guided her to the one right across from him. The one he could watch the door from and see behind her.

  “What did Jacob and Ryan want?” he asked immediately.

  “Excuse me?” she asked, looking up at him. God, he’s so big. His chest looks huge in the tight shirt, and his arm muscles are ginormous.


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