Town of Chance: Believing in Love [The Dare Series 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Town of Chance: Believing in Love [The Dare Series 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 9

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  She gave him a snort and pursed her lips. He smiled. Before she could say anything he turned her around and gave her ass a little bit harder of a spank.

  “Get moving, we want to take you to a place about thirty minutes from here.”

  She took a deep breath and looked at the two gods in her living room and wondering how the hell she was going to handle the two of them, never mind four when Lynch and Tazer joined them. They were lethal, and so suave. But damn, did they know how to kiss, and make her want things she only dreamed about.

  “What’s the name?” she asked, slowly moving toward the hallway.

  “Connolly’s.” Burker placed his hands on his hips and squinted at her. She widened her eyes and took two more steps toward the hallway. He was so military. Giving her an order to get showered and ready and here she was asking questions. He looked incredibly sexy. Dark shirt stretched across solid muscles. His crew cut hair and wide shoulders were a sight and his jeans snug on his muscular thighs as well as in the crotch.

  “You keep staring at me like that, Eliza Grace, and you’ll have company in that shower.”

  She gasped. “What’s the dress code? Last question,” she asked, trying to clear her mind of the dirty thoughts going through her head.

  “Wear one of those pretty skirts,” Parker told her very seriously.

  “And a top with buttons,” Burker teased.

  She asked for those kinds of responses.

  “I’ll wear whatever I feel like wearing. Don’t leave my living room,” she said and then headed into the bedroom before grabbing towels for her shower.

  * * * *

  Parker whistled low the moment Eliza Grace disappeared into her room.

  “How the hell are we supposed to act all calm and bring her on a date when all I want to do is take her to bed?” Parker said and ran his hand through his hair and exhaled. He leaned back on the couch, legs stretched, and ran his hands up and down his thighs.

  Burker chuckled.

  “She is so damn sweet. It was hard not to peel that sexy, tight running outfit off of her.”

  “In the SUV you were carrying on about how she needed training and to be aware of her surroundings. You bit the woman’s head off before you even hit the brakes.”

  “I was pissed off, okay, and so were you. You were the one that looked at your watch and timed how long it was before she noticed us following her. She never did. She should get punished for that.”

  “Yeah, try it and see how that goes over. It’s just another thing to prove she needs us. She needs taking care of. She’s been so busy with work and everything, she probably looks at running as a way to clear her head.”

  “Well, she can clear her head but she still needs to be aware of what’s going on around her,” Burker added and then looked around the small apartment. It was neat, aside from a table that had a lot of magazines and folders on it. As he looked around and started opening them up he felt his heart begin to race. They were pictures of Eliza Grace. The first few eight-by-tens were of her on a balcony overlooking the beach. She wore a strapless one piece dress that hugged her figure so tight he could see how thin her waist was and how large her breasts were. The very high heeled shoes she wore, he thought women called them wedges, made her legs look toned and long. He followed the curves with his eyes and landed on her ass that stuck out from behind. She looked like a sexual goddess.

  His cock hardened and his heart began to pound inside of his chest.

  “Damn. Let me see,” Parker said, coming up behind him and taking a look.

  He whistled low as they went through the other pictures and then saw the contracts.

  “We shouldn’t be looking at this,” Parker said and looked back toward the hallway.

  “Why not? It’s out here in the open, along with these music sheets and lyrics. I wonder why she has these,” Burker said and then Parker picked up another folder with a small catalog in it.

  “Look at this,” he said and Burker immediately saw the young women in lingerie. Fancy stuff, very classy and sexy. His heart raced, wondering if he was going to turn the page and see Eliza Grace in something. But instead there were sticky notes. “Like this one,” they said and then another note in the back. “It says These are the types of lingerie you would be posing in for the designer boutique. You won’t need to wear them for the runway show Saturday.”

  “Runway show?” Parker asked.

  “They want her to pose in lingerie. Fuck, I don’t think I can handle this, and I know Lynch and Tazer. There’s no fucking way.”

  “Put it back. Fix it, and we’ll try to talk to her about work and figure it out. We can’t go making demands on her. If this is what she enjoys doing then we need to be supportive,” Parker said to him.

  Burker showed him the picture in the catalogue of the pretty brunette in the very sheer lingerie they could see her nipples through. “This is okay with you? Because it isn’t okay with me.” He folded it up and reset the items on the table exactly as they were before. He walked over to the couch but he couldn’t sit. He paced until Eliza Grace walked into the room fixing her earring and wearing a short flair beige skirt, high heeled wedges like the ones she wore in the catalogue and a strapless pale pink top that clung to her curves like a bodice and accentuated her large breasts. She looked incredible.

  “Is this okay?” she asked him as Parker stood up and got to her before Burker could even get himself to move.

  “Beautiful, baby. Like always.” He pulled her close and kissed her hand then up her arm. She giggled and slapped him away then headed toward the kitchen. Burker watched her. The small, round, firm ass, the long, tan thighs and her toned back and shoulders. She was in exceptional shape and he didn’t want anyone to see her body but him and his brothers. He ran his hand along his jaw and exhaled.

  “I just need to eat a granola bar or something. I feel a little light headed after the run and not eating something.”

  “Light headed?” Parker asked and walked closer.

  “I’ll be okay in a minute,” she said and unwrapped a granola bar then took a bite.

  “How about some water too. It was warm out there. You have to be careful not to get dehydrated,” Parker said to her. Burker came closer. She finished the bar and then took a slug from her water bottle.

  She took a deep breath and then came around the table and faced them.

  Burker wrapped his arm around her waist and held her close.

  “Ready?” he asked her. She nodded. She looked a bit fearful. He cupped her cheek as Parker placed his hands on her shoulders and leaned down close to her ear.

  “Don’t look so scared. We don’t bite.”

  “Much,” Burker whispered. She tightened up and he couldn’t help but to smirk and give her a wink. It was going to be torture doing this whole courting thing, when all he wanted to do was strip her naked and explore every inch of her for hours, even days if he could. His possessiveness was becoming stronger and it would take a lot of self-control not to act on those possessive feelings and remain patient. After all, she was coming with them willingly. Had accepted them in her apartment and even allowed them to wait while she showered. This was progress.

  He stroked her cheek and then gave her a soft kiss on the lips.

  “Let’s go,” he said and led the way as Parker guided her with a hand on her lower back and a smile of happiness Burker didn’t often get to see.

  * * * *

  “Why are they late?” Eliza asked Parker. They were having a drink by the outdoor bar by the marina. Connelly’s was owned by a few of their friends and they were planning on getting a drink with them once Tazer and Lynch arrived.

  Parker had his hand behind her bar stool. Burker kept one on her bare knee the second they sat down and she crossed her legs.

  She could tell they were being very possessive of her, especially since the moment they arrived a few men and other people recognized her from the calendar. She kind of felt badly for them. They seemed like quiet me
n who liked to keep to themselves, and also keep unnoticed. That wasn’t happening today.

  “They’ll be here soon. Just had some calls to make in regards to the case we’re working on,” Parker said and moved his hand up her back, against her bare neck and under her hair. She shivered with goose bumps and turned to look at him. His dark blue eyes held hers.

  “Don’t like your drink?” he asked and she swallowed hard, feeling a bit numb from their touches and this constant attention. It was partially unnerving, and sort of soothing. It was odd, but she never felt so safe before. Like nothing could hurt her, and everything could be perfect.

  “What are you thinking? Right now. Just spit it out,” Burker ordered her.

  It was an order, not a request. She felt his command all the way to her pussy. She took an unsteady breath. “How safe I feel. With both of you next to me.”

  Burker smirked confidently.

  Parker whispered next to her, “You are safe. No one can ever hurt you with us by your side.”

  “It’s unnerving,” she said, turning to Parker.

  “Why?” he asked.

  “It’s powerful, and makes me feel uneasy and unsure whether I can trust in it, in you, or if you’ll…”

  She looked away from them and felt the tears in her eyes. She was going to ruin this moment. She was going to let her fears from the past, from the other night bother her so much she would put up a wall against Parker and Burker, plus their brothers too. If they ever got here. That was another thing. Where were they? She was growing impatient to see them. She wanted them here too. She wanted quadruple the security.

  Burker squeezed her knee and then ran his palm up a little higher then back down. He caressed her softly, slowly. She tightened up.

  “If we’ll what?” Burker pushed.

  Parker moved forward so she could see both of them without turning to the left or the right between them.

  “Hurt you?” Parker asked. Burker squeezed her a little snugger on her thigh. “Never,” he whispered.

  “Yes,” she replied and then covered his hand and held his gaze.

  “You’re older, more experienced, and you have secretive jobs that lead you away from time to time. I don’t even know what kind of work you do, and if it’s dangerous and if you really want to commit to me or if I’m just something that interests you for now or that you feel an obligation to because of my cousins.”

  Parker licked his lips and then took her hand and held it.

  “We are older, and we all have discussed the fact of how much younger you are to us, however, the attraction we feel, the need to have you close, the desire to make you our woman is much, much stronger than a simple number. Our experience, as you label it, will in fact bring you much pleasure, more than any lover you’ve ever had.”

  “I for one don’t want to think about her with any other men. Any college guys or immature assholes.” Burker added.

  She felt the heat hit her cheeks and a nauseous feeling consume her. She pulled her hand from Parker’s and covered her belly with it.

  Parker and Burker said her name but then she heard the deep voice.

  “Eliza Grace?”

  She turned around and nearly fell off the seat as she gripped the back of the stool in time. There were Lynch and Tazer. Both looking tired, almost angry. They were dressed in dark dress shirts and dark pants, Tazer in a burgundy button down shirt and Lynch in black. She slid off the stool and Tazer looked her over as he cupped her cheeks and stepped closer to her.

  “You look gorgeous.” He covered her mouth and kissed her.

  She covered his hands that held her cheeks and felt the massiveness of his presence. He encased her body within his arms and released her lips, hugging her to him. She hugged him back, felt his hands move over her ass quickly, but enough to make her desire their return. She was losing the fear of intimacy the more they touched her. As she opened her eyes she saw Lynch. Arms crossed, eyes squinted at her and she slowly pulled back.

  Tazer fixed her top by her hips and stepped slightly back.

  “I like this outfit,” he said to her.

  “So do we,” Burker added and Tazer gave him a nod.

  “Glad you’re back,” Parker said to him as Tazer released her and then his brothers’ each gave one another a hug and slap to the back. Her heart raced and swelled with adoration for their obvious love and care for one another. Except Lynch who remained stiff and kind of angry.

  She stood frozen in place.

  “I think the table is all set for us. You guys must be starving,” Parker said as he gave Lynch a little nudge to his arm. Lynch tore his eyes from Eliza Grace and shook Parker’s hand hello.

  “Very hungry,” he said and Eliza Grace couldn’t look at him. She felt his eyes on her and assumed he was talking about being hungry for her. Lynch was super intimidating and incredibly mysterious and sexy. She could hardly stand and when they decided it was time for the table and began to head away from the bar, she gasped when Lynch pressed up close against her back, ran his palm along her waist and held her snugly. She lost her breath and froze a moment. Then he leaned closer as she watched his brothers look at them with serious, hot expressions of hunger then continued to walk.

  “Miss me?” he asked.

  She took an unsteady breath. “Yes,” she whispered, her voice cracking, giving away the deep arousal his words and touch did to her.

  “Then where’s my hello kiss?” he asked, shocking her.

  She was shaking, she felt so overwhelmed with desire. But somehow she slowly turned in his arms, his large hand singeing her skin as it caressed across her belly then her hip. She stared up into his eyes and he didn’t lower. So she ran her palms up his chest, saw his cheeks cave in like he was biting them and completely turned on by her touch as much as his turned her on. It gave her that little extra bit of confidence to handle giving Lynch what he wanted. It was just a kiss hello. A kiss to say she missed him. She stood up on tiptoes and he was forced to lower his lips to hers, he was so tall. When their lips touched, it was everything but a simple I missed you and in a flash it turned into a whole lot more.

  Thank God they were in the small hallway between the bar outside and the entrance to the main dining area, or they would be putting on a hell of a show. The feel of his hands moving along her ass, in between the crack, gripping an ass cheek and then caressing back up her spine had her pussy leaking and her body nearly exploding right here. She pulled back and had to catch her breath.

  “That’s a lot better than that scared look as if I could hurt you or eat you alive. Let’s get to the others before I take you out to the SUV and do what I really want to do with you.”

  She was shocked by his words and by his control as he fixed her lip-gloss with a gentle swipe of his finger and then turned her around and guided her to the dining area. Thank God there were three other men there talking and laughing with Parker, Burker and Tazer, or she would have been frozen in the erotic, sexual state Lynch placed her in by his lethal kiss and his proclamation of what he really wanted to do. Have sex with her.

  * * * *

  Lynch watched Eliza Grace like a hawk. He barely listened to the conversation and the laughter going on around him as Antonio and Billy Connolly, Salvatore and Finn’s brothers, joked around with them about some funny cases and about old times in the service. Eliza Grace asked questions, seemingly wanting to know more about their service and what types of men they were.

  “As you can tell, Eliza Grace, Lynch and Tazer are still the quietest,” Billy said and smiled at Lynch’s straight expression.

  “And the scariest S.O.B.,” Antonio added and stood up.

  “We should leave them to their nice dinner. Might I suggest the lobster tails special, Eliza Grace. It’s the best on the menu and a beautiful young woman like you deserves the best,” he said and reached out, took her hand and kissed it.

  “Cool it, Antonio,” Tazer said and they chuckled.

  Lynch felt his body tighten. He cou
ldn’t even stand to let another man touch her, take her hand and kiss it and be close to her. He was fuming when he realized he was in a dead stare at her and she looked upset and uncomfortable. She pushed a strand of hair behind her ear and then to one side of her shoulder, the one facing him, as if to block him from her view.

  “The lobster tails sound like a great idea. What do you guys think?” Parker asked, breaking the silent tension in the air. One look at Tazer who watched Eliza Grace and then placed his arm around her chair and he knew his brothers were feeling the same thing he was. They wanted her. To strip her naked, explore her body and make her officially their woman. Any other woman would have been in their bed by now. Not Eliza Grace.

  He reached out and took a slug of his beer and then placed it down.

  “So where were you when you guys met up today?” Tazer asked her as he stroked her hair and leaned close to her. Next time Lynch would be sure to pick the seat next to her and not across from her. But now that he was at this distance it gave him the opportunity to watch her, read her body language and those sexy green eyes of hers.

  As she explained about going for a run it just made matters worse with trying to remain a gentleman. He imagined her in spandex. Tight, short, revealing her firm round ass and luscious breasts. Fuck.

  He finished off another beer and she glanced at him. Was she nervous because he was drinking? Did she think he would drink too much? Hurt her? His mind was going nuts.

  He couldn’t focus on the conversation, or on the waiter who took their orders. He said he would have the same as his brother Burker, then wondered what he said he would have and was grateful it was the surf and turf, filet and tail.

  Lynch was losing control.

  “What’s your schedule like this week?” Burker asked her, and he saw Parker stop eating and then exchange a look with Burker. Something was up with that. He’d known his brothers forever and learned their quick expressions and even the change in their body language. Eliza Grace placed her fork down and wiped her mouth.


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