Town of Chance: Believing in Love [The Dare Series 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Town of Chance: Believing in Love [The Dare Series 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 15

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  Eliza Grace chuckled. “Could you imagine that?” she said and looked out toward the park, thinking about her sexy men and how complete they made her feel. Maybe they could be her personal bodyguards and she could have them nearby on every shoot. Then she shook her head. “I couldn’t be selfish like that. They have this case they’re working on right now and it takes up a lot of their time. They seem so upset about it but hide the details from me. I don’t want to be a burden.”

  “Maybe ask them about going to see you Friday night. That way you won’t feel like you’re lying to them?”

  “Maybe I will. They would want to be there.”

  “I’m sure they would. Plus I’ll sit with them so they don’t do anything crazy or rash,” she said and winked.

  “Like you could stop them.”

  “Well, I could try to calm them until you got to them. I’d give it a try even though they are quite intimidating to say the least.”

  “Well, I appreciate that. Maybe I’ll ask them later.”

  “It’s the right thing to do. Plus you’ll be sharing another personal talent with them that they didn’t know about. They’ll love hearing you sing.”

  Eliza Grace smiled. “Okay. I’ll call them.”

  * * * *

  Missy Ann felt badly for Eliza Grace. She had tried to tell the guys about Friday night but they had talked about the case they were working on and how they had to work. She didn’t want them to feel bad about missing her perform on stage and she didn’t want them to worry. But Missy Ann was a little worried. Especially at the way that guy Si and his two buddies watched Eliza Grace and kissed her hello. They wanted her and the faster she could get Eliza Grace out of here after her performance the better.

  So when she saw Lynch and Parker show up with two other men she didn’t recognize Missy Ann went over to them right away.

  “Oh my God, how did you know?” she asked Tazer as she gave him a hug.

  “My God, Eliza Grace is going to be so happy,” she added and then hugged Lynch.

  “What are you talking about? What are you doing here?” Tazer asked her as he took her arm.

  She immediately knew something was wrong and she didn’t know what to do. She looked at the other two men. Both were very attractive and looked kind of intense.

  “We’ll head over to the other side and keep watch,” one of them told Tazer and he nodded.

  “What were you saying about Eliza Grace?” Tazer asked her and as she went to tell them what was going on the band stopped and the announcer began to introduce Eliza. She smiled.

  “Well, just listen and you’ll find out what she was trying to tell you over the phone today.”

  “Today?” he asked.

  “Yes, she was trying to tell you she wanted you guys to come see her here.”

  He squinted his eyes at her then looked at Lynch. But then the announcer announced Eliza Grace’s name and both Lynch and Tazer were shocked.

  Missy Ann pulled out her cell phone and recorded the performance. Every so often she scanned over toward Lynch and Tazer but they looked straight faced and almost pissed off. So she kept the camera on Eliza Grace as she sang a few songs and the crowd went crazy.

  * * * *

  “You’re not going to believe this, but those two men are the ones from Rodney’s. Look,” Vic told Si as he handed him his cell phone and the pictures.

  “Son of a bitch. Tell Luther to close up the back room. It’s a raid,” he said, feeling the anger build up inside of him. He watched the two men standing next to Eliza’s friend, Missy Ann. She was petite and cute too, almost like Eliza but with blonde hair and blue eyes but her breasts were huge for her size. A couple of their spotters singled her out as a potential girl to train.

  His mind was spinning. Why were those men talking to her? Did they know Eliza Grace?

  He couldn’t stick around to get his answers as suddenly cops started pouring into the bar and he needed to get the hell out of there fast.

  He took one look on stage and the shocked expression on Eliza Grace’s face as the band stopped and one of the men talking to Missy Ann pulled Eliza down off the stage and into his arms. The other one caressed her hair and then yelled at her and told her to stay put.

  “We need to go now,” Vic stated and they hurried out with the other patrons as the police raided the back room and another operation went under all because of those two fucking men.

  * * * *

  Eliza Grace was shaking, she was so scared. She’d never seen Tazer and Lynch so angry before as they both yelled at her and Missy then grabbed two officers and told them to guard them with their lives.

  She and Missy Ann just stared at the chaos going on around them. People were being hauled out of the club and women wearing hardly any clothes and even some naked ones were being pulled from the back room. “Holy shit, this is fucking incredible. A prostitution ring right here in South Carolina,” the one officer said. She looked at Missy Ann.

  “Oh God, this has something to do with their investigation. Holy shit, Eliza, we’re right in the middle.”

  She swallowed hard and then she caught sight of Burker and Parker.

  She pushed between the officers and they tried to stop them until Burker and Parker identified themselves.

  “Holy shit. What the fuck were you two doing here?” Burker yelled and Eliza Grace stopped short. She was going to hug him. She needed him to hold her and to tell her it was okay and that they weren’t angry with her but she knew they were.

  He took her hand and Parker took Missy Ann’s. “Let’s get you the hell out of here now,” he said and they went with them. Eliza Grace looked at Missy. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be, I’m glad you weren’t alone,” she said and then both Parker and Burker stopped.

  Tazer and Lynch along with the two men arrived. They introduced the two men as Finn and Salvatore Connelly. She realized that they were Antonio and Billy’s brothers from Connelly’s restaurant where they had their first date.

  “How long have you been working here?” Tazer barked at her. Missy Ann held her hand.

  “I don’t work here. I mean I sang here a few nights two weeks ago and then the owner asked me to come sing tonight because they were down a singer. It was going to be the last time.”

  “Luther? You talked with him? Alone?” Lynch asked with fists by his side.

  She felt the tears fill her eyes.

  “Guys, calm down and give her a minute. She doesn’t know what’s going on. It’s obvious she didn’t have a clue,” Finn Connelly said to them and he looked at Missy Ann then at Eliza Grace.

  “Is there anything you can tell us about Luther? Maybe who he hangs out with or seems to do business with? Anything that stands out as suspicious?” Salvatore asked her.

  “He seemed okay, maybe a little flirty at first but then he backed off,” she said and then worried her bottom lip as her men stared at her, looking angrier.

  “Ever notice anything suspicious? Any exchange of money or maybe regulars he was always around?” Finn asked.

  She looked at Missy Ann and thought about Si and the control he seemed to have over Luther. Her gut clenched as she wondered if she should tell them about him. She didn’t want to accuse the man of something.

  “Eliza Grace, this is a serious situation. These men, Luther included, have been running numerous prostitution rings. They take women, young ones like yourselves, and turn them into prostitutes. They train them and then have men come in to clubs like this and pay for sex. There are women who go willingly and others who are taken. Luther has been operating one of these rings in the back room. If there has been anyone you’ve seen him with that has not looked on the up and up, even if it’s just a guess, we need to know. Women are being killed. Soldiers, Special Ops like your men have died trying to find certain women they know personally.”

  “I don’t want to make any accusations.”

  “Just tell us and we’ll handle it,” Lynch said, teeth clenched.
  “There were three men Luther was always talking to. One of them definitely bossed him around.”

  “They were here tonight. They know Eliza Grace,” Missy Ann said and Eliza looked at her and Tazer grabbed Eliza Grace’s arm.

  “They know you? Talk to you?”

  She nodded.

  She told them their names and all about how she met them and about the night the college guys tried something on her. She refused to come back but then she saw Si again and she told them about the yacht and about them being here tonight and they knew Luther would ask her to perform one more time.

  “He may have wanted her,” Finn said and Parker pulled her into his arms.

  “We need to identify these men.”

  “They were here tonight,” Missy Ann said to Finn.

  “You can identify them?” he asked her and she nodded her head.

  “Come with us, we’ll look at the surveillance video. She can point them out and we’ll get last names.”

  “He owned the yacht the shoot was at Monday. He was there. It’s at the marina,” Eliza Grace said to them.

  Parker’s hand on her hip was firm. He whispered next to her as Lynch and Tazer gave orders and Lynch spoke into his cell phone.

  “You could have been taken. These guys could have their eyes on you and set you up tonight to be taken. They know we’re on to them. Jesus, Eliza Grace. Why didn’t you tell us about this? About the guys bothering you here? About performing here and about meeting Si and him being on the yacht?” Parker asked her.

  “You didn’t think it was suspicious that he showed up at your other shoots this week? You couldn’t tell the man was interested in you?” Burker asked, sounding so angry with his arms crossed and looking at her like she was stupid.

  “I really didn’t think much of it. I was so busy with work and wanting to get home to you guys. I just thought he flirted with me and if I kept blowing off his advances that he would get the hint.”

  Burker stepped into her space and cupped her cheeks. “Did he touch you, try to kiss you? Don’t fucking lie to me,” he demanded to know.

  The tears rolled down her cheeks. “No, he never kissed me. He did try touching me, taking my hand or covering my knee if he sat next to me. He kissed my cheek hello and goodbye. I kept my distance. I didn’t know he was dangerous. I didn’t know this was a setup. I tried asking you guys to come here but you were busy with the case and said you had to work.”

  She was starting to freak out when Burker pulled her into a hug against his chest.

  “Fuck,” he said and then just held her until Lynch and Tazer told them to bring Missy Ann and Eliza Grace home and to be careful that no one followed them.

  * * * *

  “What now? We’re fucked,” Vic said as they sat in Si’s office.

  “We’re not fucked. Let me think. We can handle this situation and get the fuck out of town after Saturday,” he said to them.

  “Saturday? Why not now while we can?” Daville asked him.

  “Saturday is the runway show.”

  “Fuck, Si, she’s involved with those Special Ops guys. The ones responsible for fucking up the businesses and taking down Rodney’s. They found that commander’s daughter this morning and we can’t get in touch with Stolley,” Vic said to him.

  Si was getting angrier. “I wanted Eliza Grace. Knowing that she’s fucking four men makes the decision to share her as we discussed when we first met her a little easier, don’t you think?” he asked them.

  Vic looked at Daville.

  “We want her too, but you know they won’t stop at trying to find her once we take her,” Vic said to him.

  “I have a plan I think will work. Get the jet ready for tomorrow night. Call Darius so he’s on board with the plan. We’ll need a secure location.”

  “I hope she’s worth it,” Daville said as he stood up.

  “She’s worth it, and she’ll cooperate knowing she was the reason her men died and that her cooperation will determine whether her best friend lives or dies too.”

  * * * *

  Eliza Grace was asleep in bed all alone. Parker and Burker were on guard downstairs and waiting for Lynch and Tazer to come home. She drifted off here and there out of exhaustion and worry about what could have happened. She placed Missy Ann in danger too by bringing her to Luther’s. She could have been hurt, or even taken by Luther or one of the other men involved in the prostitution ring.

  The tears hit her eyes and she sniffled. This was a complete mess and she had been clueless. What kind of men do these types of things? she wondered as she thought about Si, Vic, and Daville. Yes, her initial instincts warned her that they were trouble, but she thought more along the lines of players than criminals. How could she have been so stupid? Now this gave the Hayes brothers another reason to think she was too young, too immature and not knowledgeable enough. They were going to break up with her. They weren’t going to trust her.

  She cried a little harder. She knew nothing about men and just because she had four lovers and had let them fuck her in every hole did not make her any smarter when it came to men. She led with her heart. She was emotional and shy and that self-confidence she thought was growing stronger just took a right jab to her gut, sending her a few steps back.

  She sniffled and then felt the pounding headache.

  The door to the bedroom opened and she stiffened up. She didn’t want to face them. Any of them. She was embarrassed and she didn’t know what to say. Lynch and Tazer were so angry with her.

  But then the bed dipped and strong arms pulled her close as Lynch nuzzled against her neck.

  He slid his hands down the sweat pants Parker had given her. In doing so he rolled her to her belly and leaned over to kiss her bare back.

  “Lynch?” she whispered.

  “Not a word,” he grunted at her and she shivered. She shouldn’t feel turned on by him right now as he pressed her pants down off of her then pushed her shirt up to the back of her neck. His lips trailed along her skin and then his hand landed on her ass. Hard.

  She jerked and he massaged where the sting was.


  She shook again, her pussy creamed and tears stung her eyes.

  She sensed the movement around her and knew the others were there. A second set of hands spread her legs and lifted her hips.

  She turned her head and saw Tazer. He was naked, serious as he glided his hands slowly up her legs from ankles to ass cheeks.


  She jerked. “Oh,” she gasped.

  “Not a sound, Eliza Grace,” he said and then stuttered a moment like he wanted to say more and then the spanking began. One smack to her ass after the next then a massage to take the sting away. It wasn’t only Tazer and Lynch, Parker and Burker joined in too and she welcomed their discipline and their concern for her well-being. They cared about her and she scared them too.

  “I’m sorry,” she cried out. “I’m sorry,” she said.

  Tazer lifted her up and placed her down onto Lynch. He cupped her cheeks and kissed her deeply as she took his cock into her wet pussy.

  Lynch scooted to the edge of the bed and she immediately felt the shirt being lifted off of her as Lynch released her lips. He cupped her breasts and she held on to his shoulders.

  “You scared the hell out of us,” he said and she lowered down and kissed his lips. She kissed along his chin and neck then to his lips again. She felt the cool liquid press into her ass and then her thighs pushed wider.

  She didn’t make a sound. She welcomed Tazer’s cock, his invasion into her body claiming her, marking her his woman. She wanted them. All of them inside of her.

  As she came again just thinking about their forcefulness and possessiveness, the finger left her and Tazer’s cock replaced it. He slid right into her, gripped her hair and her shoulder and began to fuck her ass slowly, deeply as Lynch lifted up and down.

  She was gasping and moaning with every thrust of their hips. Then Lynch pulled on her nipp
les and suckled one hard.

  She moaned again and again until she felt the hands on her hips and Tazer stroking into her ass faster and faster. She cried out her release and so did Tazer and Lynch at the same time. They kissed her everywhere. Her shoulders, her breasts, her neck.

  “Never again. Don’t ever scare me like that again,” Tazer told her and then bit gently on her skin, making her get tiny goosebumps and giggle from the sensation. He eased out of her ass and then Lynch lifted her up and Burker took her from him. She ran her fingers through Burker’s hair and then lowered down to kiss him. He aligned his cock with her cunt and she slid right over his shaft as she explored his mouth thoroughly. Behind her the cool liquid hit her anus and she knew Parker was there. Her whole body came alive again. It felt so in need of these men and their ability to touch her deep within whenever they loved her together.

  Fingers stroked into her ass and then a few more slaps surprised her. She shivered and shook but then widened her thighs over Burker as she rocked her hips and lifted up. Their lips parted and he held her by her throat and chin in such a possessive, sexy manner she creamed some more. She rocked her hips, parted her lips and then felt the fingers pull out of her ass and Parker’s cock replace them. He gripped her hips and began to sink into her ass. She closed her eyes and let go. She let them take from her whatever they wanted, just as long as they didn’t leave her.

  In and out Parker thrust into her ass as Burker lifted up and down with Eliza’s assistance. She countered over him, rocking her hips until Parker pulled both her arms behind her and rocked into her ass. Her breasts pushed out and Burker cupped then while she rode him faster and faster. It was erotic and sexy, she felt like a goddess as they moved faster and faster.

  Parker pressed her chest down to Burker’s chest but Burker’s mouth locked onto her breast and his hands locked onto her shoulders as he pumped his hips upward. In this position with her hands held behind her back and her legs spread wide over Burker, Parker’s cock dug in deeper, making her cry out her release and scream for mercy. It was too much. He was too deep when she heard them both grunt and roar as they exploded and poured their seed into her body.


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