Mommy’s Top Drawer

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Mommy’s Top Drawer Page 12

by Tina Moore

  Happily, I leave work and walk to the cinema. You aren’t there yet, so I go inside and collect our tickets and snacks. You love gummy bears, so I buy you those, and I buy myself a chocolate bar and a small popcorn for us to share. I don’t have to wait for very long until you are walking down the street towards me. You are so cute, you’ve loosened your tie and taken your hair out, and it catches the last rays of sunlight beautifully.

  “Hi, Mommy,” you say out loud, and I love that people don’t take any notice. I hand you your gummy bears, and you rip the packet open and begin searching for all the red ones. I laugh and take you inside. We watch the movie, and I put my arm around you, enjoying how you feel leaning against me. I give you a bite of my chocolate bar and hold it to your mouth, letting you bite it yourself. You happily share the popcorn, we’ve been working on sharing, and I am pleased with how well you’re behaving. The movie ends, and we walk back to my office building, where I left my car and began to drive home. You tell me all about your day and how you had hotel guests who tipped you $100 because you found their lost wedding ring. I say you can keep that money and use some of it this weekend to buy things that I won’t buy you like extra stickers or something else that takes your fancy.

  “Imagine if you didn’t go to work today, how sad that you would have missed out on such a great tip for helping those people,” I say as you look at your bill. You look up at me and smile, completely content with the world.

  We run the car through the car wash on the way home, so it’s all nice for the weekend, and pull in at 9 pm.

  “If you’re hungry little one Mommy can make our grilled cheeses, and we can play a little bit longer, but you are going to bed at 11 do you understand?” I ask flicking the lights on and going to the kitchen.

  “Yes, Mommy, can I have a grilled cheese please?” You ask, taking off your shoes and placing them neatly at the door.

  “May I please have a shower tonight, Mommy?” You ask coming up to me and hugging me. I look down at your pretty little face and kiss you.

  “Sure, but be careful alright, darling,” I say as you skip down the hall.

  I make my grilled cheese first still hearing you in the shower. You are happily singing, moreover, performing, and I tap on the bathroom door asking you to hurry up.

  “Yes, Mommy!” You sing out, and I like that I hear that water is turned off immediately. I stay standing outside the door, I don’t mind that you want to be a little bit bigger tonight, I’ll give you your grilled cheese and milky’s, and you’ll be right back to my sweet baby.

  True to form, you finish your grilled cheese just for me to unbutton my blouse and hold my breast to your mouth. You try to push me away.

  “Oh don’t be naughty little miss,” I say swatting your hands away and making you suckle. You stop fighting me after your first mouthful and nurse like the good little girl you are.

  “That’s it, baby,” I say enjoying this. You drink Mommy’s milk until I have none left and I let you play in your nursery while I shower.

  As I put on my pajamas, I hear you crawling out of your nursery and into my room. You stop when you see me and look up shocked to see me almost waiting for you.

  “I was wondering when you’d show up miss,” I say. You give me a cheeky smile trying to get away with whatever trouble you were about to get into.

  “Come on, if you stay naked you’ll get sick,” I say, taking you back to your nursery.

  You go to your cupboard and shake your head to everything I take out for you to wear. Deciding you’ve lost your right to choose; I take out what I want you in, you try to fight me as I dress you. I take down the wrist cuffs and put them next to you.

  “Do you want to fight Mommy baby? I have no trouble punishing you and then dressing you if that’s what you want?” I say sternly. You pout but let me dress you. I make your diaper particularly thick tonight to drive home the message that I’m in charge. I tie your hair up and finish it off with a pink bow and turn down your light. I let you play for a little while longer. Your playing tonight it just lazily rolling around on your teddy bear but you calm down, and I come to sit next to you. You sit in between my thighs, and I wrap my legs around you while you lean against my breasts, and I read you a story. You love this one and touch all the characters and repeat what they say, so it takes twice as long to get through it, but I don’t mind. It’s nice reading to you and seeing your little face look up at me all excited and awestruck by the story you've heard a hundred times before.

  “That’s it little one,” I say as I close the book. You look at me sad it’s over. I shake my head no already knowing what will come next.

  “We aren’t reading it again, it’s bedtime now,” I say before you can ask. You sigh and crawl over to your cot and look back at me.

  “You’re wrong about that too baby,” I begin to explain. You look at me, confused.

  “You’ll sleep with Mommy tonight,” I instruct. Clapping your hands, you crawl back over to me and give me a big cuddle.

  “Come on,” I say, taking your hand. I push you up onto my bed and join you from the other side. You have forgotten bunny and blankie, so I go back to find them in the living room. Coming back you have snuck onto my side of the bed, and I tickle you until you move back over to your spot.

  “Here,” I say covering you in your blankie.

  “Look, Mommy, I’m a ghost,” you say, hiding under your blankie. I pull you into me and turn off the light.

  “Are you Mommy’s ghost?” I ask in a sleepy voice. I can feel you nodding yes, and I take your paci from the nightstand and push it into your mouth.

  “Night night baby girl,” I say kissing you goodnight.

  “Goodnight Mommy,” you reply taking out your paci to answer before I push it back in.


  The sun was pouring through the windows when I woke you up this morning. After such a big day yesterday, I am not surprised that you are still asleep. I stroke your forehead making you stir. I love that when you wake up, I’m the first thing you’ll see this morning. You open your eyes and see Mommy staring down at you and you.

  “Good morning, sweet girl,” I say, leaning down to kiss you. You giggle and reach up to play with my hair as it falls on your face.

  “Is Mommy’s hair tickling you, baby,” I say making you nod your sleepy head. Your paci has tangled up in your blankies, and you’ve kicked your sockies off during the night. You jump off the bed, and I see you going to your little room in Mommy’s room.

  “Go lie on your changing mat baby girl, Mommy needs to get you all nice and clean,” I say as you head for your toy box. You turn mid crawl and head over to your changing mat.

  “Sweet little girl,” I say as I come behind you and turn you on your back. I unclip the bottom of your blue and white cloud onesie and wriggle it off your body.

  “Not that one please Mommy,” you say to the diaper I was going to change you into. I look at it.

  “What’s wrong with the princess one's baby?” I ask, yesterday you chose these above all the other ones.

  “Can I please have animals instead?” You ask. You’re such a good girl for Mommy I don’t see why you couldn’t have the one you want so I lean over to the shelf and take down an animal print diaper. There are not many of these left, and I make a note to buy more for you tonight.

  I wipe you down and sprinkle the fresh powder over your making sure to rub it all in so you don’t get any hurties and then fasten your diaper. It’s raining today, so we won’t be able to go into the garden like I had planned for this morning so instead I put you in a white bunny onesie and give you your purple glitter paci.

  “There, little one all done and ready for the day. Mommy is going to make your yogurt and muesli for breakfast, how does that sound?” I ask taking your hand and leading you out into the open kitchen and living space. You nod your head and run back into your nursery. I wait for you, and you come out with bunny, and I look at you shocked.

  “I can’t b
elieve you were going to leave bunny behind!” I say making you giggle.

  “I didn’t leave her behind Mommy; she was sleeping,” you explain to me. I let you play with the train set you have set up under your coloring in table and watch as you play.

  “Such a sweet girl,” I say to myself as I make our breakfast.

  I come over to you and sit at your coloring in table making you laugh.

  “You’re silly, Mommy,” you say as I feed you. I take a spoonful of muesli and yogurt and get it in your mouth as you push a train past me. You are not making it easy for Mommy today, but I don’t mind. I drink my coffee and feed you when I get the chance and am grateful neither of us has to go to work today because we’d already be very late.

  “So what can we do today baby girl?” I ask. You swing your head around, remembering that I told you we would go to the store to buy stickers.

  “Stickers,” you say like a sticker demon has overtaken your soul. I laugh at you; you’re very serious about stickers. You have a sticker folder which you are constantly trying to add to and have been working on the sparkle sticker section for some time now.

  “Well, how about this, we finish breakfast, and Mommy has to work for about an hour, and after that, we go to the store? You could even see if there’s something you want to spend your $100 tip on?” I suggest watching as your eyes light up. You take a piece of paper and your blue crayon and begin writing down a list of things you want to get. I put on a movie for you and kiss your forehead as I go into my study.

  When I come back just over an hour later you have, much to my surprise, dressed and are sitting on the couch watching the movie with bunny. I look at you and raise an eyebrow.

  “I’m all ready to go, Mommy,” you say proudly. I look at what you’ve chosen. You have your grey fluffy knit sweater, and a pair of skinny black jeans rolled up at the ankles and your maroon sneakers.

  “Very cute little girl. But you forgot one thing,” I say making you pull a face trying to think about what it is. I go to your nursery and take out a maroon bow and attach it to your ponytail.

  “There, now you are ready. I hope you’re still wearing your diaper, you know how Mommy likes you to have a diaper on when you are wearing your jeans little girl,” I say knowing full well you won’t have a diaper on. You look down nervously and then look back up at me.

  “I forgot Mommy, can you do it for me?” You ask in your little voice, back to being my baby. I take your hand, and this time, I chose which diaper you’ll have. I chose a thick one that will rub on your pussy the whole time you’re in your jeans because they are so tight. You know this and begin to squirm, but I hold you down long enough to get it on you and your jeans zipped back up.

  “There,” I say in satisfaction as I rub your bottom through your jeans. I know you can feel your diaper being pushed into you and it makes me happy knowing you’ll feel it all day. I let you play in your nursery as I go and get changed out of my pajamas and into something a little more, Mommy. I like to dress from the heel up, and I’ve selected a pair of deep red heels, the pair that makes the sound of pure authority with each confident stride. It’s the pair of heels I wore when we first met, and I’ll never forget the look of absolute submission you gave, winning me over. Next, I select the black lace panty and bra set you bought me last Christmas. You had my assistant ring ten places before you found the one you knew I’d want and I did enjoy how you bent her over backward until you knew I’d be satisfied. I see your little head peeping around the door, so I decide to do my makeup and hair next to let you enjoy the view.

  “Are you spying on Mommy little girl?” I ask, making you blush red.

  “Come in then; I’d hate for you to be denied any of me,” I say more seductively than I had planned. You crawl in, and I look at how cute you are, my little teddy bear.

  “How should Mommy have her hair, today, baby? What do you think will look prettiest,” I ask teasing you. I know you would take me right now if I let you, but this is payback for your cute little strip tease earlier in the week. You’ll get nothing today but horny denial.

  “Maybe have it down, Mommy,” you say coming closer. I point a finger at you, making you stop.

  “That’s far enough my good girl,” I say, you look so disappointed. I hold my hair up and then let it fall out of my hands and cascade down my back making your mouth gaped open with desire. I smile to myself. I finish doing my makeup and strut over to my cupboard, gently pushing you to the floor with my heel and pinning you there as I pass you. You let me, hardly resisting and I love that your eyes are full of so much love and lust and raw sexual desire.

  “You know, Mommy never saw what you had on under your perfect little sweater. Show me,” I instruct making you lift your sweater slowly. You know how I like you to undress for me. I see you’ve got on a soft lemon t-shirt and I almost jump on you right there and then.

  “Could you be more adorable?” I ask, making you blush. I let you pull your sweater back down as I take out the wrap around white dress and my black trench coat and do the tie at the back. I look at myself in the mirror and am impressed with what I see.

  “Do you think Mommy looks, pretty baby?” I say snapping my fingers at you making you involuntarily stand.

  “Yes, Mommy,” you say almost as if you were in a dream. I laugh and take your hand and lead you out the door.

  You are squirming around in your seat in the car as I drive us to the store, and I put my hand on your thigh to make you stop.

  “You’re only going to make it rub more if you keep moving,” I say, lowering my voice. You whimper, disappointed you have no release and wait patiently as I park. I take your hand and lead you into the different shops. Despite your adult age, our difference in height and dress style makes you look much younger, and I like it that people don’t pay any attention to you when you call me Mommy. I take you into your favorite sticker shop, and you chose three packs of stickers, and the cashier pays no mind as I hold your hand on the way out, and you thank Mommy for your stickers.

  “Do you think we could go to the toy store next Mommy?” You question. I look at you and see that this is where you’re tip will be spent and nod my head as I take you in.

  There are toys everywhere, and after 30 minutes, I wish there was a place for me to sit while you gush over the toys. This will be the last time you’ll be in here for about a month, so I let you have your fun. You eventually have narrowed your choice down to a box of building blocks, two trains, a pink dinosaur stuffie and what looks like a cat/raccoon stuffie with sparkly paws.

  “Have you got anything left after this?” I ask, referring to any possible change you might get. You nod your head impressed with yourself, and I take you to pay. The cashier gives you a $20 back, and I take it for you, putting it into my purse.

  “It will not be spent today,” I say to you playfully, and you smile knowing that you can trust Mommy with your money but that I have just laid down the law.

  Your bags are heavy, so I take them for you as we head back to the car.

  “Mommy, we didn’t get you anything!” You say as if you’ve just realized something terrible. I smile and shake my head.

  “Mommy doesn’t want anything today baby girl,” I reply honestly. Today was all about you and rewarding you for being such a big girl on Friday.

  We drive back home, and you spend the next few hours pottering around the house, organizing your new toys and planning out where you are going to put your stickers. You are very serious about this, so serious that you don’t even mind that you are still in your big girl clothes. As night falls, I pull you out of your play to bathe and change you into your jammies.

  “It’s been such a big day Mommy,” you say before explaining to me stuffie drama because kitty is now jealous of the new kitty. I love the stories you tell me, and I listen and respond appropriately. You’re talking doesn’t stop until you are nursing in my arms as I rock you in the rocking chair and it’s as though all of the day's excitement come
s crashing around you and you’re asleep almost instantly. You keep lazily sucking, and I hold you to me for hours just rocking you and giving you all my love. I eventually guide you into your cot and kiss your goodnight, saying, “Mommy loves you.”

  Clare’s Naughty Girl

  An MDLG and ABDL story of a lesbian Mistress who trains a brat to be Mommy’s good girl

  By Tina Moore

  Chapter 1

  Clare had been focused, driven, and very alone for as long as she could remember, so it was not uncommon for her to be early to work. In fact, for as long as she could remember, she had been early for everything. Her attentive nature prevented her from ever being late, even when she had accidentally overslept one morning before work.

  Today would be no different as she picked up a bagel on her way into the office. Clare had worked for a large accounting firm in the heart of the city for the past six years. During that time, she had quietly gone about her business, happily avoiding the office bullies who always had a new piece of gossip to share and popularity contests that reminded her of high school.

  “I can’t believe Stacey is wearing his ex-wife’s necklace,” Clare heard Holly gossip on the way down the corridor.

  Holly was one of those women who stopped men in their tracks and who made wives jealous. She had the typical vogue look of full, bouncy blonde waves of hair which tumbled down her back. Her blue eyes looked like sapphires, and her soft pink lips were contrasted against her creamy white skin. She had a slender figure, one which often made Clare wonder why she was an accountant instead of a model. Clare, on the other hand, could be described as naturally beautiful, however, was not painted with the same elixir as Holly. Clare maintained short manicured nails in a light shade of beige; her hair was a mahogany brown falling straight down her back, and her green eyes were nothing out of the ordinary.


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