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Mommy’s Top Drawer

Page 15

by Tina Moore

  “Hi,” Holly said, sitting down and continuing to eat her lunch. Clare looked at her expectantly.

  “Hi, Mommy,” Holly said, trying again. Clare smiled at her and made a face, wondering what Holly was doing there.

  “Oh, I saw you sitting alone and thought you might want company,” Holly said replying to the look Clare had just given her.

  “If I wanted company, don’t you think I could get it, baby?” Clare asked, making Holly blush.

  “I just thought,” Holly began to say, stopping as Clare put her hand on her thigh making her look down.

  “It’s OK, sorry that was mean. Are you having a nice day?” Clare said stroking Holly who giggled back at her and nodded her head.

  “Yes Mommy,” Holly said, hushing the word Mommy and making Clare smirk. She liked having this power over Holly.

  “Holly, I have something I want to ask you,” Clare began to say, stopping to see Holly’s reaction. Holly looked back at her, waiting for her to finish.

  “I want you to be mine. I have loved the time we’ve spent together, and I don’t mind not whipping your sweet little body, there are other things I’ve enjoyed doing far more, and I think you’d love to be my sweet little girl,” Clare said. She hadn’t been nervous until now. Holly thought about it for what seemed like ages and Clare watched as she finished her lunch before speaking again.

  “I think you are too rough for me, I think I need a softer Mommy, Clare,” Holly replied, as tears began to form in her eyes.

  “Don’t get me wrong, I have loved how we’ve played, but I need more of the soft stuff and less of the hardcore psychological stuff. I’m not a slave; I’m a,” Holly said, stopping before she had finished her sentence. Clare smiled and took her hand and stroked it lovingly.

  “I know what you are, baby, and I’m sorry I’ve scared you. I can be soft as well darling, but I understand what you mean. Would you still be interested in playing together if we are at the same event?” Clare asked a little disappointed. Holly nodded and leaned over to hug Clare, who embraced her body fully, almost forgetting where they were.

  “You can keep the things I made you, you looked adorable in them,” Clare said, kissing Holly’s cheek.

  “Thank you, Clare,” Holly replied, getting up and making her way back to her friends. Clare stayed stilling in her favorite place for the next hour, disregarding the work she knew she had piled up on her desk. As she thought back on their time together, she slowly began to feel herself letting Holly go and decided that working through that process was more important than working through her inbox.

  Clare and Holly smiled to each other knowingly every time they passed each other in the corridors, and Holly had defended Clare when her friend had said she was quiet and weird. It was a civil and courteous work relationship they had developed but had not spoken a word to each other since that day two months ago when Holly had called it quits. Clare had gone back to her usual professional manner but was happy to see Holly had handed over the title of office slut to one of her friends. As the night of a new party was drawing near, Clare spent her evenings making a new outfit to wear and was hoping Holly would be there.

  “You will not believe how cute she is!” Sophie, Clare’s friend, said talking about a girl who she had just seen walk into the house party. Clare loved these types of parties the most, where everyone was there because they knew someone. It was nice to catch up with friends and not have idiots causing a scene.

  “Who?” Clare replied as Sophie looked around the room, but Clare saw her first. The whitetail of her diaper cover sent a shiver down Clare’s spine as she tried to bury the feelings she had for Holly.

  “There,” Sophie said excitedly pointing Holly out to Clare.

  “She must have made that herself, clever baby, I haven’t seen those online,” Sophie said, making Clare smirk.

  “Yeah, she must have,” Clare replied, not interested in ruining the excitement of her friend. Clare watched as Holly played and spoke with other babies and Mommies how she giggled when they said something funny or how she showed them her toys. Clare wished she hadn’t of seen Sophie go over and talk to her, Holly lighting up when Sophie gave her candy.

  “Forget it,” Clare said as she made her way through the house and out into the back yard. A couple of puppies and their owners were playing and talking as Clare looked down to see a cute puppy with a black collar kneeling in front of her.

  “Do you want me to throw this?” She asked the puppy who had dropped a toy at her feet. The puppy yipped, and Clare had half a mind to throw it over the fence to see what the little thing would do but just tossed it down the yard and into the darkness.

  “She likes you; she always likes the sad ones,” came a voice behind her. Clare turned around to see a woman standing close behind her. She was wearing a leather corset which looked a lot like Clare’s, making her irritated instantly.

  “I’m not sad,” Clare said, making the woman laugh and come to sit down next to her.

  “Right, that’s why you’re sitting out here all alone with that depressive look on your face,” the woman replied.

  “Fuck off,” was all Clare could be bothered to say, making the woman smile.

  “Or you could just tell me what happened?” The woman asked. Clare turned to her about to give her a lecture as she saw Holly being viciously backhanded across the face by someone Clare didn’t recognize. Getting up, Clare rushed back inside and stood in the crowd of people watching what was happening. Holly was crying, and her hair had been pulled out, a woman was standing over the top of her with a whip she had used on Holly’s arms and legs. Holly had rolled up into the fetal position, and the woman was resting her foot on Holly’s head.

  “Did you think I’d just let you go you, little filthy whore,” the stranger was yelling. Clare caught Holly’s gaze, but Holly looked back down to the ground, broken.

  “I’m the one that took you in when you were fucking nothing, and look at you; you’re still fucking nothing. You’re pathetic, do you know that?” The woman yelled, kicking Holly. Clare stepped forward and bent down next to her as the stranger started to push Clare away.

  “Do you want to come with me little one?” Clare asked in a voice that she didn’t recognize as her own. Holly nodded and reached out her hand slightly as the woman stepped on it making her scream in pain. Clare stood up and punched the woman square in the face taking her by surprise, making her stagger backward. Clare bent down to pick up Holly’s bag and took her sore hand gently in hers.

  “Come on sweetie,” Clare said as she helped Holly up and held her close as she walked Holly out of the house. The woman followed them to Clare’s car yelling and swearing, no doubt informing the entire neighborhood what kind of person she thought Holly was, doing her best to humiliate her. It worked, and Holly began to cry uncontrollably, and as Clare shut the door on Holly’s side, she ducked a punch the stranger threw.

  “You’ll have to do better than that,” Clare said, hitting back and landing the woman on her ass on the sidewalk.

  “Who was that?” Clare asked a very shaken Holly who was still in her baby clothes as she was driven out of the suburbs and back into the city.

  “My ex,” was all Holly said through her tears. Clare held her hand the entire drive back to her house and understood why Holly had broken it off with her. She didn’t want that kind of rough play; she was traumatized by it.

  “You can stay at mine tonight, and over the weekend if you’d like, I won’t try anything I promise, you can trust me,” Clare said, making Holly laugh through her tears.

  “You must think I’m pathetic Clare; I don’t want you to have to worry about me, I called it off, remember?” Holly replied.

  “Yeah I do baby girl, but I kinda want to make sure you’re OK and have what you need to get over the shit that just happened so, will you let me look after you?” Clare asked hoping Holly wouldn’t fight her. Holly sighed and rested her head on the seat and looked at Clare.

sp; “I’m really lucky to have you, Clare,” Holly replied, bringing Clare’s hand up and kissing it. Holly nervously looked around, and Clare could feel her mind ticking over, knowing what she wanted before she even asked.

  “Can I call you Mommy again please?” She added, her voice giving her away as she entered her little space again.

  “Of course baby girl,” Clare replied, feeling her heart swell for the first time in years. It was a different kind of domination she was about to have over Holly, and she was surprised at just how excited she was about it.

  Clare slowed the car down as they reached her street and looked down at Holly who was nervous about what she was wearing. Clare got out and took her long coat to Holly’s door and unbuckled her seat.

  “Here,” Clare said softly to Holly as she wrapped her long coat around her tying it up tight around her waist.

  “Everyone will just think you’ve got a thick booty,” she added, making Holly laugh as she got out of the car and they made their way to Clare’s front door. Clare opened the door, and as she shut the door behind them, Holly took off her coat and hung it on the coat hook. Feeling lost, Holly stood still and waited to be told what she could do. Seeing this, Clare took her hand and led her to the bathroom. She gently took off Holly’s shirt, diaper cover, and diaper as the bath filled up with water and tipped in some bath salts before helping Holly into the bath.

  “This will help baby girl, but I think you’re still going to bruise,” Clare said, taking a washcloth and gently began to wash Holly. Holly just nodded, and she brought her knees to her chin and began to cry again.

  “I’m not all those things she said I was, am I?” She asked Clare, who shook her head no.

  “She just didn’t handle the end very well, actually, how did it end between you two?” Clare asked, pulling Holly’s legs down. Holly leaned back and let Clare rub her pussy with the washcloth and Clare liked how trusting Holly was of her.

  “Kinda the same way it did with us, except we had been together for five years. But she just got too rough. I didn’t want it anymore, and she wasn’t prepared to go back to being soft like it was in the beginning, so I just packed my stuff one day when she was at work and left,” Holly explained as Clare washed her hair.

  “5 years, wow,” Clare stated impressed with the time frame. She had never had anything last more than three years. Holly nodded and wiped the water from her eyes.

  “I’m so embarrassed, I’ll never be able to show my face in the scene again,” Holly said sadly.

  “Oh yes you will, as if those people there tonight have never had some awful ex do something awful to them, I think they were all anxious about you,” Clare replied making Holly smile slightly.

  “Come on baby girl, let’s get you diapered and ready for bed,” Clare said, making Holly laugh and touch her phone to see the time.

  “But it’s only 9 o’clock Mommy,” she replied. Clare thought about what she would have done 3 months ago in response to the same remark and was happy she had changed her response to, “I didn’t say anything about going to bed did I, sweetie, just that we would be ready so when you fall asleep in Mommy’s arms, you are already in your jammies.”

  Holly lay down and followed Clare’s instructions as she was diapered.

  “Lift for Mommy baby girl,” Clare said patting Holly’s bottom up. Holly sucked her thumb and Clare was excited to replace her thumb with a warm bottle. She dressed Holly in a new onesie she had made her three weeks ago when she was missing her dearly and warmed up some milk in a bottle. Bring it over to the sofa, Clare pulled Holly onto her lap and enjoyed the feeling of the snuggly blankets she had set up on the couch.

  “Drink it all up baby girl, Mommy doesn’t want your little tummy to be hungry,” Clare said, taking Holly’s thumb out of her mouth and replacing it with the bottle. Clare fed Holly and just as she had predicted, Holly eventually fell asleep in her arms.

  “What a good sweet little girl,” Clare said, taking the bottle from Holly’s mouth. She knew Holly was asleep but found herself liking their current dynamic and didn’t feel like breaking it. As she held Holly, she gently touched her face where the bruising was ever so slightly coming through and frowned, angry that someone had dared hurt her baby.

  “I’m sorry Mommy wasn’t there to protect you little one,” Clare said to Holly who she had assumed was asleep. Holly opened her eyes slowly taking Clare by surprise.

  “You are now Mommy,” Holly replied, making Clare kiss her on the sensitive parts of her face.

  “I’m not going to let anything like that happen to you again sweetie, do you understand?” Clare asked.

  “But I don’t want to play rough as we did before, I like this, I like Mommy as Mommy,” Holly replied to a nodding Clare.

  “I know, and that’s what I want to be for you. I’m going to take care of everything little girl,” Clare said, making Holly beam up at her. Clare reached for her bag and took out her pacifier.

  “Binky,” Holly said as Clare put it in her mouth before continuing to watch a show.

  The new work week was fast approaching, and Clare took Holly back to her apartment, going inside for the first time. It was modest and small with just enough space to fit two people comfortably, which surprised Clare. By the way, Holly dressed Clare was sure she would have lived in a luxury apartment or at least had luxury furnishings. But she kept that to herself as she looked around Holly’s apartment and smiled at the down to earth family photos on the wall.

  “Cute baby,” Clare said, holding Holly in front of her while she looked at the photos of graduations and family beach holidays.

  “Thanks, I use to live with them, but they don’t live around here. I moved,” Holly replied. Clare could tell by the sadness in her voice that there was a story there but didn’t press. Holly broke the embrace and turned around to face Clare.

  “Do you think it’ll go down by tomorrow?” She asked, referring to her face. She had done a good job of covering it up with Clare’s help, but the slight tinge of blue was still visible under some lights.

  “I think you’ll be fine in a week sweetie. Mommy can touch it up every day at work though if you’d like?” Clare replied, making Holly gasp. She hadn’t thought that Clare would want to continue the dynamic past the weekend. She had just assumed Clare had done the nice thing and that would be that.

  “So does that mean?” Holly said excitedly but not wanting to jump the gun.

  “Yeah baby, it means you can call me Mommy all the time again. It also means that we’ll have to sort out some agreements and such, but yes, I would happily be your Mommy,” Clare replied, almost getting knocked down by Holly who pounced on her for a hug making Clare laugh as she held her baby.

  “Do you like being in my arms?” Clare asked Holly who nodded and snuggled into her neck. Clare knew that there were things she needed to get done that night, but held Holly for as long as she needed. Feeling her heartbeat on her chest and stroking her hair until Holly pulled away, smiling.

  “Yeah, I love it, Mommy,” Holly replied.

  Chapter 5

  “Holly, meet me at our spot at the park baby girl, Mommy has some exciting news,” Clare said, leaving Holly a voice message. It had been six weeks since the party incident, and Clare and Holly spent every spare moment they had with each other. They had even begun looking at colors to redo Clare’s bedroom because it scared Holly with its dark and sordid vibe.

  Holly got the message and was waiting for Clare when she arrived at the park bench by the pond. It was late afternoon, and Clare had been in meetings all day, and she cracked her neck as she approached the bench, happy to be outside and feeling the warm sunshine on her face.

  “Darling,” Clare said, addressing Holly. Holly waited for Clare to sit down and hugged her affectionately.

  “Mommy,” Holly whispered in Clare’s ear, making her pussy instantly wet. Clare moved Holly onto her so that she was leaning against Clare as they looked out over the pond. Ducks had begun to
come back to the pond after the winter, and they swam about happily. The breeze picked up the leaves, and it looked like a postcard picture with the water lilies and blue sky, happy walkers and dogs running to catch balls.

  “Mommy has some exciting news to tell you baby girl. So exciting that we are going to be celebrating,” Clare whispered in Holly’s ear as she wrapped her arms around the slightly older woman. Looking at them together, it would seem like they were the same age, but that was only because Holly had such youthfulness to her, she was 5 years older than Clare.

  “What is it, Mommy?” Holly replied, turning her head back as far as it would go.

  “I’ve been promoted baby, Mommy has made partner,” Clare said getting flicked in the face by Holly’s hair as she spun around in her arms. Clare watched as Holly thought through what that meant. Clare was now not only her Mommy but her boss.

  “My gosh, congratulations!” Holly exclaimed a happy smile spread across her face.

  “Thank you, baby,” Clare said, turning Holly back around and repositioning her again. They watched the ducks, Holly resting her head on Clare’s shoulder as the sunset and Clare wondered about how they would celebrate.

  “Come on baby girl, Mommy thinks you need a few new things,” Clare said as they saw the first star come out. Holly took Clare’s hand, and they walked out of the park and towards one of Holly’s favorite toy stores.

  “I’ve never been in there wearing this before,” Holly said nervously. She looked down at her clothes and then looked back up to Clare, who was amused at her discomfort.

  “If anyone asks, I’ll say I’m buying something for my little girl and your helping. It’s not as though I’d be lying,” Clare said, enjoying herself. She stroked Holly’s hand as they walked through the store and Holly picked out three stuffies she loved.


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