Mommy’s Top Drawer

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Mommy’s Top Drawer Page 29

by Tina Moore

  "Good girl," she said, kissing my forehead.

  "I’m pretty sad that I had to ask you to wet your diaper when you know that it's something you have to do. Just because Mama has been a little out of it, doesn't mean you can stop being my good little princess Sasha," Kira said, taking my hand and making me sit at our table. I hated this. I pouted while I ate my toast, which just made Kira laugh.

  "Oh, has the baby forgot who is in charge little princess?" She said, grabbing my cheek and pulling it firmly. I tried to look less pouty, but I was failing. Kira finished her toast before grabbing me by my hair and bending me over her knee.

  "I'm not going to spank your ass; I'm going to spank these lovely exposed thighs of yours. Then you can explain to everyone why you are wearing jeans on a hot day like this because, by the time that I am done with you, you'll be red for hours," Kira said taking a gag and buckling it in place. She had become really good at only using one hand, and I found it so sexy that she could still powerfully dominate me.

  "Be quiet, or people might come in here princess, and you know Mama would have no trouble with that," Kira said, making me stop squealing behind my gag. She spanked my thighs, running her nails over the red skin over and over again, making me squirm on her lap.

  "Hold still, princess I'm not done with you yet," Kira said spanking me until I felt my legs burn deep in my muscles. I lay there wondering when it would stop when I felt cool balm over my burning skin.

  "Pretty, princess," Kira said as she made sure my legs would be alright. She turned me over, and I looked at her big brown eyes and found that I was smiling a smile, I couldn't wipe from my face.

  "Thank you, Mama," I said softly making her match my smile.

  "I won't be bad again," I added, making her laugh.

  "Oh, you probably will princess, little girls always say they'll be good but then are naughty," Kira replied, standing me up and taking off my diaper. It was late morning, and she let me have a shower and get clean as she picked out what clothes she wanted me in.

  "I think you'll be in these and your new singlet princess," Kira said. The water muffled the sound of her voice, but I knew what she was talking about. I got out of the shower and dried off before walking naked into the room.

  "Pretty princess," Kira said, seeing my body and her red handprints on the tops of my thighs.

  "Here," Kira plainly said, pointing to the bed. I frowned we hadn't done this before. She held a pull up, and I wondered what she would do with it.

  "You are going to be in this today, to remind you of who your Mama is and that you are mine. Lay down," Kira said, sliding up my thighs. She slapped my sides, and I lifted my bottom for her as she pulled it on.

  "Cute," Kira said, rubbing the front before pulling my jeans up. She bit my nipples making me giggle and squirm on the bed as she pulled down my singlet, rubbing my nipples under it before putting my paci in my mouth.

  "I know you don't have school today, so you'll stay here a while with Mama before we go out this afternoon princess. Go get your colors and draw Mama a pretty picture," Kira said as I made my way over to my special box of things. Kira had bought me a wooden chest where I could keep my stuffies, coloring in books, pacis, and all my princess things. I liked that it doubled as a table so I could sit on the floor and color until my hands hurt. Kira lay down on the bed and watched me. At first, it always made me so nervous, but as I showed her the bunny I had just drawn and colored and the duck I was working on next, I relaxed as she told me what a clever girl I was.

  I felt like Kira knew almost everyone in tow, so I wasn't surprised when she had been able to get a tattoo appointment that very afternoon. She had kept me in my little space all day, making me her princess when I tried to be a big girl again. She even held my hand while we walked to the shop even though it was only ten minutes away.

  "Hold Mama's hand little princess," Kira said as we crossed the road. I liked that no one was around us and that we could have our dynamic so open. Kira had told me that we might be there for a few hours and made me pack a juice box and some crackers in my reversible sequin backpack. Kira had bought it for me when she saw how excited I was over my reversible sequin pencil case. I had played for hours with it, making the color change from pink to silver and back again. My backpack was green on one side of the sequins and black on the other, and I loved it.

  We walked to the shop, but it looked like it was closed and I pulled on Kira's arm worried that she wouldn't be able to get it done.

  "It's OK princess, we aren't going in that way, come on," Kira said, going around the back of the shop. It had graffiti on the brick walls and looked scary, making me hold her hand tight and snuggle into her.

  "Oh little princess, you're alright with Mama," Kira said as the back door was opened for her.

  "Hey babe," a burly looking woman said. She was covered from neck too; I could only imagine, toes in ink. She towered over Kira and made me feel like she was not someone to mess with.

  "Hey Star, this is Sasha, my little one I was telling you about," Kira said making me gasp. She had told someone about me?! My head screamed. Star looked at me and smiled sweetly.

  "I know someone who is very excited to meet you little one," Star said, leading us into the shop. It was indeed shut, but in the corner, I saw something that blew my mind — another baby playing with connecting blocks, the small kind. I wondered how 'old' she was. Kira walked me over to her, and I nervously sat down.

  "This is Sasha, Evie, she is really excited to play with you," Kira said before kissing me on my cheek and patting my bottom. Kira turned and walked over to where Star was waiting, ready to begin the tattoo. I sat down on the edge of the blanket Evie was sitting on and watched her play for a while before she passed me some blocks.

  "You can build the princess tower," Evie said. She was really emo with black hair in high pigtails, a frilly goth style skirt and I could see she had a thick black diaper on. Her top was a white t-shirt with a big pink skull on the front, and she had suspenders over the top. She had knee high white socks on, and she giggled when she saw me staring at her.

  "Do you think I'm pretty?" Evie asked, making me just shrug my shoulders and nod my head. She had her lip pierced on both sides of her bottom lip and big blue eyes that were lined in heavy eyeliner. She was pretty, but in a kind of way, I never wanted to be.

  "You are so quiet," Evie said, taking the tower I offered her after I was finished.

  "Oh yeah Evie, my little princess is shy sweetie," I heard Kira say. I moved to the corner and watched what was going on. Kira not even grimacing as Star began coloring in her upper arm. Evie was playing mostly by herself and me bringing my knees to my chest and placing my chin on them as I watched. I reached for my backpack and stroked it up and down as I watched. I really just wanted to be by Mama's side but knew that I would just be getting in the way, so I stayed with Evie and took out my crackers and juice.

  "Do you want some?" I softly asked Evie, passing her a cracker. She nodded and clapped her hands, eating the cracker in one go and holding out her hand for more. I smiled, and we made a little table out of the blocks and had a picnic. I wasn't sure how much time had passed when Kira came over to where Evie and I were playing and said that we had to go home now. I looked up at her with a slight pouty frown making Star laugh.

  "She can stay with us for the night if you'd be happy with that?" She asked Kira. My eyes went wide, and I quickly picked up my backpack and came to cuddle Kira's legs. I liked playing with Evie, but I didn't want to be away for Kira. Kira looked down and stroked my hair.

  "I think my little princess is a bit too little for sleepovers just yet. But thanks," she replied. I liked that she always seemed to know how to get out of a situation. Star nodded and reached down to pick up Evie. I was surprised at how strong Star was, and it made me nervous to think of how painful her punishments would be. I could still feel the sting of Kira's hand on me, and she was significantly slimmer and less muscly than Star.

saying goodbye, Kira took my hand and led me back out onto the main street.

  "Did you have an OK time princess," Kira asked. Her arm was covered with plastic wrap, and I looked at it curiously when we stopped at the traffic lights.

  "You'll see it soon enough, princess, it looks great though. I'm really happy with it," Kira said.

  "Well that's good Mama because it's permanent," I replied, making her laugh.

  "Not really, if I don't like it, I'll just get a shark to bite it off or something," Kira said. She held my hand, and for the first time in a long time, I knew that she'd be OK.

  "Mama," I said, wondering how I could bring up the topic I was about to bring up. Kira could tell I was nervous instantly and stopped walking just as we reached the hostel.

  "Yeah, princess?" She said, getting comfy on a park bench. The air was still warm even though it was evening and the crickets chirped in the darkness.

  "Tell Mama what's wrong princess," Kira said lovingly. I looked at her and held her hand.

  "I want to move out of there. I want us to get our own place so that we have more room to be like this," I said, making Kira just nod her head slowly.

  "But the rent is so cheap, as in, no rent here princess. Mama can give you so many things because I get the room as part of the job," Kira replied. I just nodded and looked down. I understood why she wanted to stay there, we saved so much money only having to pay my very small amount of rent for water, electricity, and Wi-Fi included but I wanted to be her baby in more spaces than just a room.

  "I think I could arrange something though princess," Kira said, lighting up. She had that wicked gleam in her eye, the same one she had the day I met her and I held my breath as I waited for her to tell me what her plan was. But Kira just laughed and told me to get ready to have some fun if she pulled it off.

  "I've got to run it past a few people first, so I don't want you to get your hopes up, but if I pull this off, I think you'll have a great time!" Kira said, leaning forward to kiss me and rub me over my pull up.

  Chapter 13

  Kira had gone out early the next morning, saying something about needing to use a printer in the backpacker office. I tried to reply, but I was still so asleep I just smiled as she kissed me and rolled back over, never even hearing her close the door behind her.

  Getting up a few hours later, Kira had obviously been in and out of the room several times. There were balloons everywhere and colorful bunting, glitter, adult-sized pacifiers and things to decorate them with.

  "Mama?" I said sleepily looking over at Kira who was busy tying ribbons onto the balloons. I was excited to see pretty ribbons dangling down from the ceiling.

  "Hi sleepy head, did you have a good rest princess?" Kira said, blowing me a kiss.

  "Mama, what are you doing?" I asked, rubbing my eyes and smiled when I saw the big bag of candy Kira had bought.

  "Well, you know how you said that you wanted more space to be Mama's little princess in? Well, we are going to have a fundraising party and all the proceeds are going to go to a charity that looks after sick kids, and everyone has to dress up as a baby, and the winner gets two weeks free rent and a 12 pack of beer," Kira said excitedly without taking a breath. I looked at her in amazement. Seeing my bewilderment, Kira continued.

  "There's also going to be competitions for the best coloring in, and the best sandcastle and the best-decorated paci. Here, I made posters," Kira added, handing me a flyer. I had to give it to her; she sure was a clever Mama. I giggled, and she jumped up and cuddled into me on the bed.

  "Is Mama the best princess?" Kira asked tickling me.

  "Yes, Mama!" I squealed in happiness that in a few days time, I would have my chance to be little in public.

  The hostel was a hive of excitement in the afternoon before the party. I was actually surprised at how into it everyone seemed. Most of the boys had been walking around in just diapers all day, pacifiers strung around their necks and they looked funny getting day drunk dressed as babies. The girls had taken to it all really well as well, but Danni had decided that she'd rather be a Mommy than a baby and had bought a shirt saying 'Mama bear,' on the front. I was busy putting on my skirt and tucking my shirt into it when Kira came in.

  "Princess, let Mama," she said, coming over and helping me.

  "Someone looks cute," she said, taking my pacifier and clipping it to my shirt.

  "What if they all see that I like it more than just doing it for fun, Mama," I softly whispered.

  "Oh baby girl, I think you'll find there are a couple of little babies out there that feel the same way. Which is surprising I thought you were the only one here!" Kira said undressing and pulling on a tight black cotton dress. She took her hair out, and waves of long blonde hair fell down her back making her look even more beautiful than she already did.

  "You don't like them though do you, Mama?" I said nervously, not wanting her to fall for someone else. Kira spun around as though I had just used a bad word with a horrified look on her face.

  "How could you even think that princess?! You are the only little girl I have ever, and will ever want!" Kira said, making my fears instantly disappear. She said I could have my hair down as well and I liked that it swayed in the breeze. I took a big breathe as I left our room, Kira holding my hand as we walked to the common room. It felt funny to be in a diaper in public like this, but I was happy when no one seemed to care. Moreover, they seemed jealous of mine. I was wearing a teddy bear print one, and some of the other girls even asked if I had any extras. I giggled as we ran back to mine and Kira's room and they put them on. I'm happy Kira wasn't mad that we were kinda wasting them.

  The party started with everyone coloring in trying to have the best picture, Kira running around taking photos and keeping everyone entertained. We all went to the beach and spent hours making huge sandcastles; some of the guys made a Mommy sandcastle and gave her huge tit, which made everyone laugh. It was such a fun night that I hadn't even realized what time it was by the time people started passing out on the beach or in the common room. I had been busy decorating a new paci with some of the other girls when I felt Kira come up behind me and playing with my hair.

  "Wow, amazing skills you have little ones," Kira teased, but I knew she wasn't really teasing.

  "Time for bed though, I've got to lock up the room now," she added, taking my hand and lifting up my arm making me stand. The other girls stacked their chairs loudly, making the three guys who had passed out on the couches wake up and slowly make their way back to their rooms.

  "That was the best night ever, Mama!" I exclaimed as soon as we walked into our room. Kira smiled and picked a leaf out of my hair.

  "I'm so happy you had fun baby. Mama did good," Kira said, reaching into the shower and turning it on.

  "Shower and beddys baby girl," Kira added, taking off my clothes and diaper. She had changed me twice during the night as I wet my diaper not being able to hold all the drinks we were consuming. I knew that the moment I lay in bed I would be asleep and I guess Kira knew that too because as I dried myself off, she pulled a pull up on me quick and didn't bother dressing me in anything else as she tucked me into bed.

  "Sweet dreams little princess, Mama loves you," Kira said, kissing my forehead as I fell asleep, holding onto her finger.

  Alana’s Sweet Baby

  An MDLG and ABDL lesbian romance about a baby girl who didn’t know just how into age play she was until her Mommy’s seductive introduction.

  By Tina Moore

  Chapter 1

  "Yes baby, that's it," Alana moaned as the young French girl she had picked up at a less than savory back street fingered herself in front of Alana's greedy eyes. The girl, who Alana hadn't bothered learning the name of, reached for her cigarette that was burning out in the ashtray. Pouting as her hand was slapped away aggressively by Alana who refocused her camera lens. The night had been long with Alana having her fill with the boney girl before making her touch herself just the way Alana liked.

  "Don't you dare fucking stop," she commanded, grabbing the girl's loosely curled auburn hair and kissing her passionately before pushing her head back down and watching her through her lens. The girl writhed on the bed of the cheap motel, rented by Alana for the sole purpose of capturing her youthful vulnerability.

  “Cum for Mommy,” Alana instructed, throwing a couple of hundred dollar bills onto the girl’s face.

  "You're just a sweet little fuck toy aren't you baby girl," Alana said, narrowing her eyes as the girl began to arch her back and close her eyes. Alana slapped her tits, making her open her eyes again suddenly and nod her head, her sweet eyes looking for everything except what Alana was willing to give her. Alana moved around the head of the bed and took her panties off, sitting on the girl's face and riding her mouth as she photographed her pussy and thighs. The girl gasped, making Alana laugh and she lifted off her slightly allowing the girl to pant for air, her young ribs heaving and protruding under her soft skin as Alana tenderly ran her fingers over them.

  “Such a pretty little thing,” Alana said getting off the girl’s face and kissing her mouth clean before untying her ankles and watching as the girl half cowered in the corner of the bed, unsure of what Alana wanted with her next.

  “Come here,” Alana said, rolling her eyes and opening her arms to the girl who gladly crawled to her and snuggled into Alana’s older body, getting enveloped by her large breasts.


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