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Gemma Page 1

by Charles Graham



  Charles Graham

  Copyright Charles Graham


  Gemma Longton pushed her chair back from the computer keyboard and flexed her stiff fingers as she stared glumly at the tell-tale figures glowing on the green screen.

  "Well, that's it then." she announced miserably. "We're sunk."

  "How bad is it, Gemma?" a deep male voice came from behind her and she turned to look up at the tall figure of Mike Bowyer, her business partner and lover, his face filled with anxiety.

  "About as bad as it can be." she replied slowly. "We can carry for about a month, then we lose the company."

  "Damn!" Mike cursed. "What about the Roxwell contract? That must be big enough and profitable enough to turn us around surely?"

  Gemma sighed. "Yes, well it would be but we can't meet it unless we can come up with extra finance."

  "How much extra, Gemma?" her lover demanded. "How much do we need and how long have we got?"

  "A month, maybe six weeks. But unless we find a cash injection of at least ten thousand pounds, we'll have no option but to file for bankruptcy."

  "Hell! Ten grand! Where are we going to find that sort of cash? We're already at our limit with the Bank."

  "I know. I can't see any way out of it."

  "There must be a way." Mike said angrily. "There has to be. I'm not losing everything we've worked so hard for, just for the lack of a lousy ten grand."

  Gemma stood up stiffly, "I'm sorry, Mike darling." she said. "I know how you feel and I'd do anything to get us out of this mess, but I'm shattered and I've got to go home and get some rest. I can't think straight. I'll see you in the morning and then we can try to think of a way to come up with the money. I'm sure your're right, there has to be a way of raising ten grand, but I've just got to get some sleep."

  Gemma kissed her worried lover gently and picked up her coat, then walked tiredly out of the office, leaving her business partner pacing up and down the room, his face set in a scowl of intense concentration.

  "There must be a way." Mike said to himself, "There must be. I'm not losing the company for a piddling ten grand. Think, man, think. Something in the company must be worth that sort of money."

  His eyes came to rest on the Roxwell contract, the contract that would easily solve his financial problems and make him a very rich man and his eyes narrowed as an evil idea stole into his busy brain. He stopped his pacing and sat down in his leather office chair, his mind racing as he began to work out the details of a deal that might just save the company.

  Old man Roxwell was a horny old goat and had made no secret of his liking for Gemma. Just maybe there was a way to get the cash the company needed ... If, and it was a big if, he could somehow persuade Gemma.

  Mike stretched out a hand towards the telephone, then hesitated. Gemma was, after all, his partner, both in running the company and in bed. Could he, dare he make such a deal to save the company? He weighed the alternatives carefully. On the one hand, the certainty that all of his and Gemma's efforts would be wasted if he didn't - but on the other, the cost to Gemma if Roxwell agreed to the deal he proposed to offer.

  Slowly, he lifted the handset and dialled the number for Roxwell's private line.

  Three nights later, Gemma smiled at her lover as he held the door of his remote country cottage open for her to enter. It had been a wonderful evening up to that point, for Mike had been even more attentive and considerate than usual, taking her out to her favourite restaurant, plying her with delicious food and expensive wines until she could eat no more and her head was pleasantly muzzy. All evening, Mike had been deliberately evasive, refusing to tell her the reason for the celebration and only hinting that he had some great news to tell her about the company.

  As she shed her coat and kicked off her shoes, Gemma smiled with an inner contentment brought on by the food, the wine and the anticipation that, after Mike had come clean about the good news he had, they would go through to the comfortable bedroom and make love. It would not be the first time an evening had ended that way and Gemma felt a warm glow in the pit of her stomach as she imagined Mike's hands and lips on her body as they shared mutual pleasure.

  Mike sat her down in a soft armchair and brought her a goblet of fine brandy, then fetched himself a large malt whisky and sat opposite her.

  "To us, Gemma, "he toasted. To us and our company."

  Gemma frowned. "Not ours for much longer though, darling."

  "Ah," Mike chuckled softly, "I have some good news about that."

  "You mean ... You've found someone to finance us?"

  "That's exactly what I mean. The company's safe, Gemma. Roxwell has agreed to finance us."

  "Oh, darling," Gemma gasped, "That's wonderful news! However did you get him to agree?"

  "It wasn't easy," Mike replied smiling. "He drives a hard bargain, but I made him an offer he couldn't refuse."

  Gemma was thrilled and elated, "Oh, Mike. You're a genius. But what did you offer him? I thought we'd already tried everything."

  "Not quite everything," Mike replied softly, "But now it's all settled and the money is in the Bank."

  "Great! So that's what tonight was all about and why you were so mysterious."

  "Mm, yes. And now, darling, I thought we might celebrate properly."

  Gemma smiled into her lover's gleaming eyes and nodded firmly, feeling her own arousal build as she saw his desire.

  She put her glass down on a nearby table and rose to her feet. Then, with sensual grace, Gemma began to strip herself before her lover. Her dress slipped from her shoulders and fell to the floor and she kicked it away, revealing her slim body in black half-cup bra, lace panties, matching garter belt and black stockings. She sat on the arm of her chair, removed her garter-belt and slid each stocking down her legs, discarding the flimsy nylon as she turned her attention to her bra. The cups peeled away from her small, taut breasts and Gemma shivered in delight as warm air caressed her naked flesh, adding to her own arousal and Mike's evident desire as she gently squeezed her nipples until each knob thrust out in stone-hard rigidity. She loved to display her body for him and knew he was excited by her as she toyed with herself for their joint pleasure. Often, she never got beyond this point, Mike grabbing her and taking her as his passion grew too strong to resist, but this time, he controlled himself and Gemma smiled as she slipped her thumbs into the waistband of her brief panties. She knew that passion delayed is passion increased and shivered in anticipation of the moment when he would no longer be able to hold himself back.

  Playfully, she giggled at him, "Maybe I've changed my mind, Mike. You've still got all of your clothes on. Perhaps I should get dressed and go home."

  Mike shook his head slowly from side-to-side, "Oh no, Gemma," he told her, "You're not going anywhere. Not yet," and he stood up and went to his roll-top desk, bringing out a broad leather strap fitted with a heavy buckle.

  Gemma's eyes widened in anxious excitement as he walked slowly towards her, the strap dangling from his left fist. Soon after they had become lovers, Mike had introduced her to bondage and Gemma, at first hugely embarrassed by being tied up, had soon come to enjoy the sensations of being helpless and unable to prevent him doing exactly as he pleased to her. It was almost two months since the last time he had bound her and the warmth in her belly doubled as she realised that, soon, she would be his helpless captive again.

  Mike chuckled and inclined his head, "Your panties, please Gemma," he said calmly. "Then turn around and put your arms behind your back."

  Gemma swallowed hard, knowing she was going to obey, then slowly peeled down her last protection, turned around and brought her wrists together at the small of her spine. Utterly naked before her lover, she felt her belly flutter i
n delicious anticipation as she awaited the firm grip of leather as it removed her freedom and made her his. Well aware of her desirability and his arousal, Gemma quivered, feeling undeniable lust as the cool strap encircled her wrists, gripping her flesh in a firm but not tight grasp as the buckle closed. To her surprise she felt a second strap pass between her wrists and realised, as it drew the original strap taut, that there was no longer any chance of her slipping her hands from the bindings.

  As Mike aided her to sit down on the thick, warm carpet, Gemma wriggled her fingers experimentally. Finding, as she already expected, that she could not possibly free her arms. Her excitement built even higher as he asked her to cross her ankles and she watched closely as he looped another strap around and around, lashing her legs at 90 degrees and buckling firmly, the strap preventing her from straightening her limbs or closing her widely parted thighs.

  Sitting there, quite helpless, her nude body exposed to Mike's glittering eyes, Gemma licked her lips tensely as he fetched a ball-gag and brought it to her. This was one part of his bondage games that she did not like. The gag, a solid rubber sphere attached to a leather strap, always frightened her and she hated to way it bulged her cheeks and made her drool as it reduced her to a mute observer of her own arousal. The trouble was, as she knew well, that once she had agreed to being tied up, she no longer had any choice in the matter. Mike was in charge and, unfortunately, he seemed to enjoy seeing her gagged and hearing her muffled, incomprehensible protests. Reluctantly, Gemma opened her mouth and allowed the ball to be pressed deep between her teeth, Mike buckling the strap tightly behind her neck. She still didn't like it, but with the gag wedged firmly in her mouth, knew there wasn't anything she could actually do about it. Mike moved around in front of her and smiled wolfishly at her, then produced yet another strap. Gemma stared, then shook her head firmly. Enough was quite enough. she was already tightly tied and did not want any more, thank you very much. There was absolutely no need for anything else to be added to her predicament.

  Mike, however, did not agree and she glared at him over her right shoulder as he moved behind her, her garbled grunts making it perfectly clear that he was not to use the additional strap.

  She froze for a moment as he casually began to pass the strap around her arms, just above her elbows, then she mumbled furiously into her gag, her dark hair waving as she shook her head in determined refusal.

  Gemma winced, her eyes widening in shocked realisation as he tightened the strap and her elbows were forced inexorably together. She was furious. Furious and unable to believe what he was doing.

  Her elbows drew closer together and Gemma's fury and disbelief changed to anguished discomfort as her shoulders were forced back by the unremitting tension. The buckle closed and her arms were held, strained back and together, her elbows almost touching and her breasts thrust outwards and up by the stress in her limbs. To add to her misery, another short strap between her elbows held everything cinched tight and removed any possibility of relief or escape.

  She couldn't do a thing. Couldn't even move anything except her head.

  Mike stood up and gazed down at her with a smug grin on his face and Gemma felt her face redden. She was absolutely helpless. Not to mention distinctly uncomfortable. She was completely in his power and he could do anything he pleased to her.

  Her belly seethed with arousal as she imagined all the things he could do to her. Her breasts and sex lay wide open and she knew that if he touched her between her splayed legs, she would climax. Her need was so intense, it frightened her and she panted for breath, praying he would touch her and yet terrified that if he did she would not be able to control her responses.

  His grin grew wider and Gemma wriggled ineffectually, whining in vain protest as he took a long piece of black nylon rope from his desk and knotted one end to her bound ankles. Casually, he passed the other end under her naked buttocks and through between her clamped-together forearms, then pulled. Gemma squealed into her gag as her knees bent, but was unable to prevent her bound arms being dragged down her back, until her clawing fingers touched the carpet behind her and her back hollowed in a deep curve, her belly and breasts arched in a tensioned bow, immobilised and horrifyingly vulnerable.

  Mike tied the final knot, then came and squatted on his heels in front of her smiling gently. He reached out and Gemma whimpered and heaved despairingly at her ruthless bondage as his fingers caressed her upthrust breasts, sending massive waves of irresistible arousal through her body as her nipples quivered and grew hard in helpless response to his touch.

  "Good," he whispered softly, "They'll like that."

  Gemma shuddered, in passion and a terrible fear. They? He said they would like her frantic responses? What did he mean? Who were they?

  Mike read the fear and anguish in Gemma's dark, staring eyes and his face softened.

  "I'm so sorry, Gemma." He told her gently, "But you know how much the business needs the money and you did tell me that you'd do absolutely anything to save the company. You asked me earlier how I'd managed to get Roxwell to finance us and you remember I told you I'd offered him a deal he couldn't refuse? Well, the company had one asset he really wanted, so I had to negotiate. We needed ten grand, so I stuck out for fifteen and we settled on twelve. The company's saved, but I had to agree to his terms. I hated to do it Gemma, but you were the asset he wanted and he wouldn't settle for anything else. He wants you, honey, that's why you're here and it's why you're all tied up the way you are, I had no choice."

  Gemma stared up at her partner, her lover, and a chill of sheer stark terror turned the blood in her veins to ice-water. It could not be. It must be impossible ... and yet, Mike was absolutely serious.

  As the truly horrifying implications of his words sank into Gemma's reeling brain, the tightly-bound brunette wrenched at her implacable bonds, her shrill screams of fear and disbelief leaking past the ball-gag wedged so deeply between her jaws, her muscles straining wildly and in vain at the tight web of straps enmeshing her naked body.

  Mike's hand brushed her bulging cheek, but Gemma jerked her head away and his eyes narrowed angrily. "You don't understand. I had to do it. It was the only way to save the business. I saw a chance to keep the company going and I took it. Roxwell had me over a barrel and he knew it. If I hadn't agreed to his terms, he would have closed us down. I had to do it, dammit, I had no choice."

  His eyes softened again and he stared deep into Gemma's tear-streaked face.

  "Ireally am sorry, Gemma." he whispered, "I love you, but I had to do it. I have to go now, your handlers will be here soon and they'll take you where you have to go. Don't think too badly of me, eh? You know I had to have that money. So long, honey, be brave and just do what they tell you and you'll be fine. Really you will. If there had been any other way ... but there wasn't."

  Mike gave a heavy sigh and got to his feet and Gemma stared beseechingly at him as her turned and went to the door, her brain numb with the horror of her situation.

  A horror which grew deeper and more awful as the door closed behind him and she was left alone. Alone, to scream and moan into her gag, to weep and writhe and fight vainly against his expert and ruthless bondage of her, until, exhausted, terrified and still tightly bound, Gemma was forced to accept that she was not going to get free without help.

  Utterly defenceless, her naked body hopelessly vulnerable in the grip of a multiplicity of strong leather straps which loosened not an inch despite her most frantic and strenuous efforts, Gemma shrieked her despair and horror into her gag as the door to her prison eventually opened to reveal the handlers Mike had promised would come for her.

  Three of them, two women and one man, all complete strangers to Gemma. All dressed in black overalls and all clearly expert in the handling and secure transportation of unwilling captives.

  Silent and unsmiling, the three buckled a thick blindfold over Gemma's frightened eyes and rolled her writhing, struggling body onto some sort of trolley and wheeled her from
the cottage to a waiting van. Six strong hands lifted Gemma and laid her in the rear of the van, adjustable webbing straps securing her, still helplessly bound in Mike's original bondage, for her journey.

  Weeping and screaming, Gemma felt and heard the engine start and realised that she was on her way to the man to whom Mike, her erstwhile partner and lover had sold her. On her way to a future she dared not contemplate and which she could not escape.

  Part of her brain told her that this could not be happening to her. It was simply not possible for her to be sold like a piece of merchandise or office equipment. But the bonds on her limbs, the gag in her mouth and the swaying of the van in which she was held captive, could not be denied or ignored and Gemma wept into the thick blindfold sealing her eyes as she was forced to accept that the sheerly unthinkable had actually happened!

  Gemma's mind raced wildly as she tried to come to terms with her situation. Roxwell was a businessman dammit. Surely he would never be involved in anything like this? It was nothing less than kidnapping. Completely against the law. He and Mike and anyone else involved in something like this would go to jail. It had to be Mike's idea of a joke! Some sort of stupid game he was playing with her. After all, Gemma reasoned, trying to fight down the terror threatening to overwhelm her, she was a partner in the company and Mike had no right to make deals without her agreement.


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