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Gemma Page 3

by Charles Graham

  It didn't seem possible, but there was no disputing the fact of her captivity. Or the fact that she was entirely at the mercy of Roxwell and his three silent assistants. How could Mike have agreed to such a deal? For years, Gemma and he had fought to make s success of their business, sharing each setback and triumph, celebrating the good times and commiserating over the bad, working together as a team and giving everything to make the business work.

  Until now.

  Gemma felt her face flush with a mixture of shame and growing anger as she remembered Mike's fingers and lips on her body and her own willing cooperation and responses as they made love together. She had always known that Mike was ruthless in business, but could never have imagined that his determination to succeed would lead him to make a deal in which she would become simply a bargaining counter. A business asset, to be negotiated away in return for financial advantage!

  Gemma gulped, her tightly-bound nudity quivering as she stared wildly at her defenceless breasts and sex. Mike had sole her! Delivered her as a naked, gagged, gift-wrapped captive into the hands of Roxwell! To belong to him! To be owned by him for a whole year! Owned and used, as he had already demonstrated, in any way he chose!

  Despite the horror of her situation, Gemma could not entirely crush down a niggling curiosity as to what Roxwell might have in mind. He had told her she was to become a bondage-slave, but what could that mean? She couldn't be kept tied up for a whole year, surely? Roxwell would have to let her go sometime and if she was free, how could he keep her against her will? Perhaps he imagined that she would agree to his ridiculous deal with Mike. If so, he was sadly mistaken. The moment she got free, she was going to the Police. Kidnapping, false imprisonment, assault, oh yes, Mike and Roxwell would both go to jail and Gemma would be there to see them taken away. To see it and enjoy it. That would teach them both that they couldn't mess with her and get away with it!

  For a few minutes, bouyed-up by the pleasant prospect of imagining the two conspirators getting their come-uppance, Gemma's spirits rose. Then sank back to rock-bottom as the reality of her situation intruded into her day-dream. Those things might happen when she got free, but she most certainly wasn't free yet and while she remained hopelessly bound, her hopes and dreams were just so much pie-in-the-sky.

  Her body was stiff, every joint and muscle aching and Gemma wondered how long it had been since she was left alone. It couldn't be much longer before the three handlers returned and she felt an unwanted and unexpected warmth percolate into her belly as she remembered that they had instructions to arouse her breasts. She couldn't really believe that they could, couldn't really believe that she was a genuine captive ... but if she was and they did ...

  Gemma shivered as the warm, liquid heat in her belly swirled deliciously. She was quite helpless, quite unable to prevent them arousing her and her breasts were, and always had been, terribly sensitive.

  Mike had always been able to drive her wild by kissing and stroking her breasts and Gemma knew she wouldn't be able to stop herself from responding if the handlers touched her, no matter how hard she tried to resist.

  Her eyes opened wide as she imagined it. Two of the handlers were women and Gemma had never, ever, been caressed intimately by a woman. She felt her cheeks glow with embarrassment. If they touched her and saw her respond ... they might think ... well, that she was a lesbian! Gemma gasped. She wasn't, but they wouldn't know that and might get the wrong idea about her! She wouldn't even be able to protest or explain!

  To her intense shame, Gemma felt her tawny nipples quiver and twitch and her eyes bulged as she saw the twin buds begin to stiffen and grown hard as she visualised knowing female fingers toying with her. Bound as she was, she couldn't possibly evade their touch or cover herself and would have no choice but to endure whatever they did to her. Not to mention what the third handler, the man might do. Or Roxwell, when they had aroused her and sent for him to see the results of her arousal!

  Gemma's slim muscles corded beneath her skin as she strained against her bonds and her belly churned with a mix of hear and shameful arousal as she anticipated the return of her captors and a repeat of the irresistible stimulation which had lead to her helpless submission to Roxwell in the van on her way to this place. A submission she had been forced to give once and which she had an awful, growing conviction that she would be made to give again! And again, and again!

  Struggling in her bondage, Gemma froze as the door to her cell swung open and footsteps approached her. Held by the strap from her head to her ankles, she could not look up and trembled wildly as three sets of legs came into her field of view. Two female and one male, her handlers. Gemma panted for breath, knowing that her displayed body lay open to any torment they chose to inflict upon her.

  The breath exploded from her lungs as, without giving her a moment's notice to prepare, two palms cupped her outthrust breasts and two sets of fingers captured her already-hard nipples, rubbing, squeezing and twirling the prominent buds and sending unbearable jolts of tremendous stimulation racing through her immobilised body!

  Gemma screamed shrilly into her huge gag, devastated by the merciless assault, but was powerless to control the instant and automatic responses forced from her as she was sent spinning into a frenzy of desperate need. Her nipples sprang erect, throbbing and quivering as the hands caressed her flesh and she whimpered and moaned as she learned that her handlers were frighteningly skilled in extracting the maximum degree of fervid, burning lust from any captive unfortunate enough to fall into their clutches!

  The leather straps of her bondage impressed their marks in her soft, resilient flesh as, again and again, Gemma shuddered and strained in maddened arousal to the ruthless demands of her handlers, squealing for mercy, for just a moment's respite from the inferno of lust consuming her.

  Dimly, through her haze of enforced passion, Gemma was vaguely aware of three different sets of hands fondling her engorged and throbbing breasts, but was far to distraught and out of control to fully realise, let alone care, that she was being tormented by both the man and the two women!

  Drowning in the whirlpool of sexual excitement created in her by the knowing fingers of her handlers, Gemma surrendered to the storm of arousal sweeping over her, her brain giving up the futile attempt to retain some form of control over her body and leaving her entirely at the mercy of the physical sensations overwhelming her as she shuddered in the iron grip of needs and lusts, the like of which she had never known before! Had never even known could exist!

  Lost in the depths of her desire, squealing in terrible ecstasy to every calculated touch of her handlers, Gemma was not even aware that one of them had left the room.

  It was only when the strap holding her bent head was released and her head was forced back to make her look up that Gemma, moaning and juddering in the throes of her need, realised with a stab of pure unalloyed horror, that Roxwell was standing before her, his eyes gleaming with triumph as he surveyed her naked, sweat-streaked, helplessly-responding body!

  Before she could even begin to recover from the terrible shock, Roxwell bent down and his long, bony fingers sank into the gaping, wetly-lubricated channel of her sex!

  Gemma could not hold back for even a second, her churning belly exploding in white-hot pulses of love-juices as his casual pillaging of her most intimate and secret recesses, hurled her headlong into a tremendous orgasm! Her internal muscles seized his invading fingers in a vice-like grip, contracting and pulling him ever deeper into her belly as she surrendered to the incandescent fury of the climax forced on her, her fear and hatred of him and what he was doing to her overwhelmed in the sheet power of her release!

  With his fingers still buried deep in her spasming belly, Roxwell stared coldly into Gemma's terrified, incomprehending eyes.

  "Your first real climax as my slave-girl Gemma," he whispered softly, "Your first submission to a Master. The first of many you will give as you are trained and learn what it is to serve, really serve, as a slave in t
he power of Masters who know the extent of submission which may be forced from you."

  Gemma could not tear her eyes away from his almost hypnotic gaze and felt her body trembling with fear and horror as the millionaire nodded gently.

  "Oh yes, my dear Gemma," he went on, "That's right. You will be trained to serve and obey as a slave and you will submit. Completely and with no reservations. You will serve me and you will serve many other Masters ... and Mistresses ... during the next year, my dear. And you had best serve them and me, well, slave, for we as slave owners and Masters do not take kindly to slaves who disobey or are not pleasing and have many ways of expressing our displeasure. Ways which are both uncomfortable and painful. As you will no doubt learn."

  Fighting desperately to control the panic threatening to overwhelm her completely, Gemma's brown eyes betrayed the horror she felt as Roxwell explained the fate awaiting her and she learned that she was to be not only at the mercy of him and his three assistants, but was to become the helpless, unwilling victim of other, as yet unknown Masters.

  Roxwell straightened, his eyes glittering as he gave orders to Gemma's three handlers, "You have almost a week until the next meeting. Begin her basic training, but be sure you do not break her spirit and impose only light discipline on her. I want her unmarked, so you will have to limit punishment for the time being."

  The three handlers inclined their heads gravely and Gemma shuddered in terrible anxiety, her mind whirling as she tried to make sense of Roxwell's instructions. There was going to be some sort of meeting in a week, but what did that mean? Who was going to meet and why? What did he mean by basic training? Most frightening of all ... what about light discipline and punishments and wanting her unmarked? What did it all mean?

  There were no answers for Gemma and her tightly bound frame trembled wildly as Roxwell strode out of the door, leaving her alone and helpless with her handlers.

  Gemma gazed up pleadingly as the two dark haired women and their powerfully built male companion stood over her, their cruel eyes filled with mocking glints of laughter as they watched her futile efforts to break free of the leather straps binding her.

  The taller of the two women chuckled coldly, "Forget it, slavegirl. There's no way you can escape. Now listen and listen carefully because we'll only tell you once. You're a slave, bought and paid for and we're here to train you. The only thing you need to know is that if you don't do what we tell you, when we tell you, you'll get punished. Mr Roxwell doesn't want your pretty little body marked for the time being so we won't use whips on you yet, but don't get your hopes up girl. We know lots of other ways to discipline slaves. So, if you've got any sense, you'll learn fast."

  "That's right," the second woman bent low, her face only inches from Gemma's, "But don't learn too fast slavegirl. We enjoy punishing uncooperative slaves and I can think of lots of things I'd like to do to you," and her eyes gleamed with a cold menace that struck terror into Gemma's heart.

  "Things like this," the brunette hissed and Gemma's eyes bulged as the woman's slim fingers, each tipped by long, sharp, crimson-tipped nails, darted forward and captured Gemma's nipples.

  Bound far too tightly to be able to draw back or evade the woman's grip, Gemma gasped as the fingers squeezed her sensitive buds and instant arousal shot through her breasts. Then, she froze arousal changing to sheer terror as the red talons hooked like claws, their sharp points dimpling the tender flesh at the bases of Gemma's nipples and sending tiny flashes of pain into her body.

  The woman chuckled, "See, there are lots of ways to punish a slave," and Gemma whimpered into her gag, her eyes fixed beseechingly on the brunette's face.

  The hands dropped and Gemma slumped, her brain numbed with terror and despair as she realised that she would be given no option but to do exactly as she was told. Unless she was prepared to defy them and suffer the consequences of the punishments that they were not only able, but seemingly more than willing to inflict on her!

  A cold dread began to fill her body, for Gemma knew that she did not have the courage to defy them. The ease with which the woman had first aroused her and then demonstrated just how childishly simple it would be to punish and torment her, unnerved the blonde completely and Gemma felt her will to resist beginning to crumble and seep away as the hopelessness of her position sank into her brain.

  She shook her head in disbelief, refusing to accept the evidence of her own eyes as the man strolled casually from the room, only to return seconds later with a coiled black leather strap in his right hand.

  He spoke for the first time, "This is called a Devil's Palm, slavegirl," he said calmly, unrolling the strap to reveal five broad, flat fingers of leather braided into a thick handle, "And this is what it does."

  Before Gemma could even begin to anticipate the action his right hand rose and then fell with a wristy flick.

  The sharp "Splaat" of leather impacting on the exposed and tender flesh of Gemma's inner left thigh was followed by a split second of absolute silence. A silence broken by a high, breathy squeal of pained anguish from behind Gemma's mouth-filling gag as an angry red patch bloomed in her smooth skin where the sudden blow had landed.

  Tears of shock and pain filled her brown eyes and her slim muscles corded vainly as Gemma fought against her bonds, but they were far too strong and held her easily despite her frantic efforts.

  Strong fingers gripped her jaw and she winced as she was forced to look up, into the determined face of her assailant, "Disobedience will not be tolerated, slave," he hissed coldly, "You have been warned," and he moved away to join his companions.

  Devastated, her thigh burning with a stinging fire, Gemma whimpered piteously, but to no avail. Her handlers remained completely unmoved by her anguish and the cruel smiles playing about the corners of their lips told Gemma more clearly than any words that it would be futile to look for any sympathy or pity from their direction.

  Sixty seconds ticked by. Sixty seconds in which Gemma faced the almost unthinkable. No matter how impossible it seemed, she was a captive! She could be kept naked and in bondage! And she could be, and would be, cruelly punished if she failed to obey!

  By the time her captors broke the tense silence and moved towards her. Gemma knew what she must do. No matter what the cost to her dignity or ego, she would obey and cooperate with them until she got the chance to escape and bring them to the justice they so richly deserved!

  Then, Gemma vowed to herself, then we shall see who laughs last and who has the upper hand.

  Filled with a fierce determination kindled by her undeserved punishment and her desire to see her kidnappers brought to book, Gemma did her best to hide her justified anger as the taller woman told her that she was to be untied, but that if she made any attempt to resist or disobey, she would be made to regret it.

  As the straps securing her were unbuckled, Gemma crumpled to the floor, her limbs numbed after hours of immobility. Helpless, she groaned as her gag was removed and returning circulation brought pins and needles, but her handlers remained unsympathetic, ordering her to hurry up and get onto her knees.

  She tried to protest and explain, but her attempt was rudely cut short as the leather thongs of the Devil's Palm slapped smartly across her buttocks, bringing a gasp of pain from her lips and an undignified scramble to take up the ordered position. Burning with resentment and aching in every joint, it was hard for Gemma to remember her plan and it was only with the greatest difficulty that she managed to control her temper.

  "Good. Now listen up, slavegirl. We don't have time to train you fully. That will have to be completed later. For now, you'll just learn the basics. Which are as follows. One, you obey immediately and exactly every order given to you by a Master or Mistress. As far as you're concerned, that means anybody you see while you are here. Two, you don't speak until you're spoken to and when you do, you call everyone Master or Mistress. And three, you get down on your knees whenever you meet a Master or Mistress and you stay there until you're told you can g
et up. Right, have you got that, slavegirl?"

  Gemma hesitated. Of course she understood, the three rules weren't exactly difficult to grasp, but their underlying intent was all too plain. Acceptance of the rules meant acceptance that others controlled her and had the right to give her orders that she would have to obey.

  Not something to be accepted lightly, even if it was only until she could escape.

  "I said, have you got that," the harsh demand was accompanied by a stinging blow from the leather palm and Gemma leapt to her feet rubbing her right buttock.

  "You have five seconds to get back in position and answer the question."

  There was no anger in the voice, but it held a cold arrogance that sent a shiver up Gemma's spine and she somehow knew, without knowing quite how, that a failure to get back on her knees would be extremely unpleasant for her.

  Scarlet with embarrassment and furious with herself for being so weak, Gemma sank meekly to her knees and lowered her face to hide her shame as she muttered, "Yes, I understand."


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