Daddy's Pretty Baby

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Daddy's Pretty Baby Page 12

by Cassandra Dee

  “Yo,” said one boy with a tattoo on his face. “Wassup?”

  “Hey,” I ground out. “You seen Melissa?”

  “Melissa who?” he asked, lazily picking a cigarette butt off the floor and putting it in his mouth. Shit, that was disgusting, this whole place fucking sucked. But I wasn’t about to give him my girl’s last name, so I turned away silently. What the fuck? Should I just storm upstairs?

  But suddenly, the front door opened and Melly was there, backlit by sunlight, that curvy form so luscious, so beautiful that I literally grabbed her by the elbow and dragged her to the waiting car, shoving her in as she squealed and struggled a bit.

  “Hey!” exclaimed the boy with the facial tattoo. “I see what’s happening! I’m gonna write down your license plate number!”

  “Shut the fuck up,” I snarled before getting into the car myself and slamming the door. “Let’s go,” I directed the driver, and with a squeal we pulled away from the curb.

  But Melly was full of fight today. As soon as the partition was up, she turned to me.

  “I’m not your little girl,” she spat. “Can’t you tell? I’m not wearing a princess dress, I’m not wearing bobby socks and patent shoes, I don’t have a pacifier pinned to my bib. What you did was straight-up abduction.”

  I didn’t even reply, looking at the scenery as we whizzed pass. Damn, downtown was really grungy these days, all the buildings looked grimy and crowded, such a difference from Valley Pine.

  “Did you hear me?” Melly said again, voice rising into a shriek. “You can’t just drag me somewhere, I don’t belong to you, Robert Lancaster. Not anymore.”

  And at that, my head whipped around, blue eyes blazing.

  “Says who?” I asked, my voice low, tight with anger. “Says who?”

  “Says your blasted contract!” the brunette almost screamed at me, eardrums ringing. “You and your contracts! You and your documents! You know I can’t read them, and you made me sign another at the end, always more contracts. I hate you! Fuck you!” she shrieked, flying at me then, fists pummeling my hard chest, my face, my head, anywhere those small palms could find. But the thing is I’m twice her size and a hundred pounds heavier. There was no way my little girl could overcome her Daddy.

  So I merely grabbed her wrists and pinned them behind her back, pulling that curvy form into my lap so that she couldn’t move, not one inch.

  “You let out one more bad word and Daddy’s gonna pummel that butt hard,” I rasped in her ear. “You keep screaming and Daddy’s gonna make that little asshole burn.”

  Because of course, I wasn’t talking about spanking, I was talking about a brutal session of anal sex, my little girl taking it deep up her bottom. It’s the best punishment for Melly, it starts out hard, me screwing myself into that sweet dryness, but she always ends up loving it, promising to do whatever I say afterwards.

  But this time, the brunette was really angry.

  “Shut up!” she screamed. “You don’t get to talk to me! I don’t belong to you!”

  And just like that, my control snapped. In a flash, I had my dick out, the monster heavy, hard and aroused, and with rough movements, I lifted the little girl’s ass, snapped her panties off, and planted her onto my dick. Oh right, this was an anal beating, one for the ages, and Melly was gonna remember it.

  “Unnnh!” she screamed, eyes going wide, mouth opening with shock as her boobies bounced. “Unnh!”

  Because fuck, I was so hard, so big, and desperate to be inside her. My dick pulsed with energy, breaching that tight ring, worming its way up her back channel as Melly twisted a bit with discomfort, writhing with the sudden invasion. “Unnh!” she shrieked again.

  But sure enough, that big ass adjusted and soon I was in all the way, balls deep in her bottom.

  “Unnh, unnh, unnh,” she cried again as I rocked slightly in her hot chamber. Shit, my testicles were high and tight already, the sperm roiling, I was gonna spurt into that warm cavity in a couple seconds if I wasn’t careful. But self-control was sorely needed. Because this is the best way to talk to my girl, with my dick in her body somewhere, and shit, we needed to talk, bad. And it didn’t matter that we’d been fighting, that we were in the back of a car, that there was technically no contract anymore. Melly and I belonged together, and my cock in her asshole only reminded her of the fact.

  “Now explain,” I ground out, holding that curvy body tight to me. No, I wasn’t fucking her just yet, I just wanted to stay still, to get some words out before the serious action began. “Tell me why you left me last night.”

  And she panted, eyes closed, big boobs going up and down. Shit, she was so beautiful and I reached one hand into her v-neck to pop her tits out, let the creamy white bounce up and down as she shivered on my cock.

  “Mmm,” she moaned again, still delirious.

  But I shook her then.

  “Melly,” I rasped. “Tell Daddy. Why did you disappear on me last night? Why did you take off without saying anything?”

  The girl’s eyes flew open then, accusatory, although she still panted and gasped, boobies heaving.

  “You asked me to leave,” she spat. “You had Angela,” and Melly said the name like it was poison on her lips, “hand me the exit papers, like we were through.”

  I shook her slightly then.

  “That’s true,” I ground out. “Angela jumped the gun, I hadn’t told her told her that we were ready for the exit papers yet, but yeah, she was just doing her job. All littles sign documents when they leave Valley Pine.”

  And Melly’s eyes brimmed then, her chin shuddering. Oh shit, this was much harder to deal with than my little hellcat, I hated when she cried because my own soul felt like it was breaking down, all my defenses crumbling.

  “Melly,” I ground out again. “Stop. Talk to Daddy.”

  And the brunette took a deep breath. She pulled her head up, bit her lip, and shook herself once, like she was mentally pressing reboot. Of course, I was still buried deep in her body, but still. A fighting Melly was easier to deal with than a sobbing one.

  “Mr. Lancaster,” she said formally. “I assumed that because I was given exit papers, that I was being shown the door. Besides, why does it matter? Our contract is almost up anyways. I realized I skipped out a couple days early, but you can penalize me for that, I’ll give you some of the money back.”

  And I shook her again.

  “No, it’s not about that,” I said, voice rough. “What I want to know is why you took off like a banshee after Angela gave you those papers to sign? You must have known it was coming. You knew the three months was coming to an end, you know that I have papers for everything, I’m a billionaire, my fortune has to be protected. So why did it cause you to go berserk, literally ditching me in the middle of sex to go off wandering in the night?”

  And Melly didn’t answer me, instead turning her head away so that I couldn’t see. But I was determined to get a response, I needed to hear it. So I grabbed her chin in my big hand and forced the girl to look at me.

  “Melly,” I ground out again, piercing blue boring into deep brown. “Tell me why you lost it at Valley Pine. Why, when you thought I’d asked you to leave, you went berserk instead of living out the last couple days in luxury?”

  But she wouldn’t answer directly.

  “Why are you even asking?” she said bitterly. “Didn’t I tell you? If you want to deduct money from my pay for leaving early, you can. It’s not like I can stop you.”

  But I shook my head once more, voice firm.

  “Melly,” I said, and this time a warning note crept into the deep tones. “Tell me why you left the way you did.”

  And finally she swung her head around to look at me, those caramel pools blazing bright, like embers in a hot flame.

  “Why do you think?” she spat. “Because you already have a new girl on the way! Angela told me everything, Michelle is your next little, you’re done with me, ready for a newer, shinier model.”


nd I grunted again. That whole Michelle thing was a total screw-up, another example of Angela doing her job too well, being too on the ball. Because I hadn’t been looking for a new sub, I hadn’t given the go. Angela had been anticipating my needs, but this time, she was way, way off. I was nowhere near done with Melly, and I might never be done in fact.

  “There is no Michelle,” I ground out. “I’ve never met the girl, and in fact, I have no interest in meeting her.”

  “Yeah right,” spat Melly contemptuously, this time really looking at me. “Angela’s got her all picked out, she arrives at the manor in a couple days.”

  “That’s right, Angela’s got her picked out, not me,” I said roughly. “That woman’s just doing her job, and she overstepped this time. Because Michelle’s not the one I want honey. It’s you.”

  But Melly couldn’t hear the words, couldn’t process them, not now when she was so agitated.

  “So who is she then?” she spat once more. “Who is this Michelle chick?”

  And I tried again.

  “I have no idea,” I shrugged, deep voice rumbling. “I have no idea who the fuck she is, and don’t care to find out. She can go back from wherever she came from, doesn’t matter to me. In fact, I’ll make sure she does. I’ll pay her five thousand to not show up at Valley Pine, as a thank you for her trouble.”

  And that made Melly listen.

  “You’re going to pay her to go away?” she said disbelievingly. “You’re going to pay money for someone to do nothing?”

  And reaching into my pocket, I pulled out my phone, tapping a few buttons, before looking back at Melissa.

  “That’s right, it’s all done,” I said as casually as I could manage. God it was hard focusing with that tight ass still gripping me, but this was the most important conversation of my life and I couldn’t afford to fuck it up. “I told Angela to cancel the meeting as soon as I found out, but yeah, now this stranger’s getting an extra five thousand for doing absolutely nothing.”

  And now, Melly’s jaw dropped.

  “Why would you do that?” she whispered, still disbelieving. “Why?”

  I was smooth, my face giving nothing away as I searched her eyes.

  “Why do you think?”

  And she bit her lip before looking down.

  “I don’t know, Robert,” she said in a defeated voice. “I really don’t know.”

  This time I was gentle as I tilted her chin to me.

  “Take a guess,” I invited. “Take a guess why Daddy’s here, why you’re sitting in my lap, why I’ve canceled the next little, and even paid her to go away. Take a wild guess.”

  Melly’s eyes met mine then, tentative, slightly glassy from a sheen of tears.

  “It’s because you care about me, right? You came to the hostel to find me, you came to rescue me, right?”

  And I nodded, rubbing her back, taking those full lips with mine for the first time, slowly sharing a kiss. It was so sweet, this girl was sugar mixed with spice, true love mixed with bones-deep sensuality. Even now, with her ass clenched around my dick, it was incredible that our lips met with real meaning, heat sparking between us that spoke to the emotional, the deep current of feeling binding us together.

  “Yes baby,” I ground out, “Daddy loves you, so Daddy had to come back for you. You know that, don’t you baby girl? You know that Daddy loves you above all else? More than anyone else?”

  And a small bit of hope welled in her eyes then, the caramel pools turned towards me beseechingly, like she almost couldn’t believe the words.

  “You do?” she asked, lips quivering, voice slightly shaky. “You love me?”

  And I nodded solemnly, bending to kiss her once more.

  “Absolutely baby girl, I, Robert, love Melissa, forever and ever, until death do us part, the whole shebang. Now tell me honey, why did you run last night? Why did you tear out of Valley Pine like your hair was on fire?”

  And this time, Melly was able to answer, the words came easier now.

  “Daddy, I couldn’t take it,” she said in a low voice. “When I thought you were done with me, that another girl was coming to take my place, I just couldn’t stay any longer. I had to go.”

  “But what was so terrible about another girl?” I coaxed. “Our contract was going to be over anyways.”

  And that made the brunette look up once more, eyes blazing.

  “The contract,” she snapped. “I’m through with those,” she warned. “There’s no contract that’s ever going to bind me again,” she said vehemently.

  I laughed, because I had one more contract in mind, a marriage contract in fact. But this wasn’t the time because I needed to hear the admission of her love. I wanted to hear Melly say it, that she’d left me because she loved me, unable to bear the image of me with another woman.

  “Say it, little girl,” I coaxed once more. “Say it,” I commanded, this time not so nice.

  And the brunette gulped before lifting her head, looking me square in the eye once more.

  “Mr. Lancaster,” she said clearly, words enunciated. “I left Valley Pine in a rush because I love you. And I couldn’t stand the thought that you didn’t love me back, so I tore out of there asap, I booked my own car and got out of there because my heart was breaking, and I didn’t want you to know. So there you have it,” she said taking a deep breath, her lungs expanding. “There you have it.”

  And I nuzzled her neck then, licking up that sensuous curve slowly.

  “That wasn’t so bad, was it?” I ground out. “That didn’t seem so painful.”

  She gasped, body shivering, unable to resist my call.

  “No, it wasn’t bad,” she admitted. “It felt … good, in fact,” she added softly, shooting me a small smile.

  And I kissed her again, this time imbuing it with everything I felt, everything I wanted her to have. Because this was my woman, my girl, my little, and Melly meant the world to me, and I to her. I wanted to be clear about that fact, no more mistakes with documents, with other females, with unexpected midnight escapes. She was going to stay with me forever if I had my way, bound by love this time, and not a contract.

  “Melissa,” I said, this time serious. “It felt good because we love each other, and there’s nothing wrong with that. We’re two adults in love, and even if we subscribe to an alternative lifestyle, it doesn’t mean that the feeling is less, incomplete, or unwhole. All it means is that we’re two adults loving fully, truly, in our particular way.”

  And Melissa bit her lip then.

  “But what’s with the little girl lifestyle?” she asked in a tiny voice. “Do I do that all the time? If I move back to Valley Pine, do I become Melly full-time, Melissa disappears for good?”

  And I eyed her then.

  “You seemed to like it a lot, in fact, you really enjoyed it from what I recall,” I said pointedly. “Is there something you want to change?”

  The brunette thought for a moment before seizing my eyes once more, speaking the truth from her heart.

  “I don’t mind Daddy Dom / little girl play,” she acknowledged. “But not all the time. There’s another me inside, Melissa not Melly, the grown-up me, and sometimes I just want to be Melissa. Sometimes I want to pursue my art, sometimes I want to get coffee at a café without wearing a princess dress. Sometimes I want to go on the adult rides at Disneyworld, and not just Mad Teacups and It’s a Small World. Not that It’s a Small World is bad,” she added hastily, cheeks coloring, because of course that’s where she’d lost her anal cherry. “It’s just maybe sometimes I want to go on Splash Mountain or the Matterhorn, you know, rides for grown-ups,” she explained.

  And I leaned in to drop a kiss on her nose then.

  “Of course baby,” I rumbled. “I get it. It’s fucking exhausting to be Melly all the time, and there’s plenty of room for Melissa. We’ll work something out, I promise. Because I’ve fallen in love with Melissa, the bright, fiery young woman, in addition to Melly, and I want you both. I want every
thing you have to offer, all sides of you, even when you grow old. Have you thought about that? Have you thought about how Melly or Melissa might change as you age, as you move through the stages of life, maybe even becoming Mrs. Lancaster?”

  And it wasn’t the most graceful proposal because I wasn’t on bended knee with a ring in a box. But I meant it from the heart because I wanted this girl for keeps, and marriage was the ultimate contract. I needed Melissa to say yes. I desperately wanted her to say yes, and a ball of panic rose in my throat as the seconds ticked by with no response, my pulse blipping nervously. Shit, I was supposed to be the alpha male, and yet this little girl had me wrapped around her finger, Melly Carlson had Rob Lancaster on his knees figuratively, if not literally at the moment.

  And she looked at me with a wavery smile then, brown eyes filled with tears.

  “Are you really asking?” she said, voice low. “Because if you are, then the answer’s yes.”

  And I seized her mouth then, pressing that curvy body to me, marking the girl with my lips. Because yes, this was the right answer. Melly becoming Mrs. Robert Lancaster was absolutely a fitting end to our adventure together. We’d started out with a three-month contract, a girl’s promise to let me use her body, to be my little girl for a pre-defined amount of time in exchange for money. But the transaction had blossomed into something else, into something much more magical, beyond what mere words could capture. Because yes, Melly and I had fallen in love, and now we were entering into the next phase, we were entering into a different world where we would walk together, two halves of a whole, partners in addition to a Daddy and a little girl. A different kind of contract called marriage was in the future, and this time, we would belong to each other forever.



  Shit, she was so beautiful.

  “Daddy,” she giggled. “How do I look?”


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