Darkblood Prison: Demon Dark Lord (Supernatural Prison Squad Series Book 4)

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Darkblood Prison: Demon Dark Lord (Supernatural Prison Squad Series Book 4) Page 1

by G. K. DeRosa

  Darkblood Prison: Demon Dark Lord

  GK DeRosa

  Mystic Rose Press

  Copyright © 2021 Mystic Rose Press

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  All Rights Reserved. This book may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system known or hereafter invented, without written permission from the publisher, Mystic Rose Press.

  Print ISBN: 9798719034119

  Cover Designer: Sanja Gombar www.fantasybookcoverdesign.com

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  Published in 2021 by Mystic Rose Press

  Palm Beach, Florida


  Created with Vellum

  For all the women who run the world ;)

  ~ GK



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30


  Sneak Peek of Wolfish: Moonborne

  Also by GK DeRosa


  About the Author



  * * *

  I glared at Lucifer from across the grand desk, my fingernails boring into the polished mahogany. My dragon skimmed the surface, and fiery rage gnawed at my insides. I was about a second away from losing it, from bursting free of my human body and giving way to the beast. The prince of hell met my dark gaze with a cheeky grin. He stretched out his long legs and propped them up on the edge of the warden’s desk.

  “She’s not going,” I growled, my voice more animal than man. I’d just gotten Azara back, and there was no way I’d lose her again. Not to the devil and certainly not to the Underworld.

  Azara reached over and squeezed my knee, and my focus swerved from the intimidating male to the feel of her skin against mine. Her mere touch quelled the fiery beast lurking beneath my flesh. I inhaled deeply and shoved him back, prying my fingers from the mahogany and placing them over her hand.

  After a quick glance at the intimate gesture, Lucifer fixed his piercing irises to mine once more. “Despite—” He pressed his lips together. “You really don’t have a say in the matter, dragon.”

  “No, but I do.” Azara released me and placed her palms on the desk, leaning forward to meet her grandfather’s smug grin. “I have zero desire to claim the throne of the sixth realm of the Underworld—or any realm to be perfectly honest.”

  Lucifer’s jaw clenched, and he straightened in the high-backed chair. “Sometimes what we desire plays no part in what destiny has chosen for us.”

  “That’s crap, Luci, and you know it. Maybe Thax’s oracle was right and I would be his downfall, but that’s where I draw the line. I’ve got my own demons to worry about without having to rein in an entire realm of them.”

  He lifted a dark brow and steepled his fingers, inclining forward. “Last I’d heard, you were joining the SIA. As an agent, wouldn’t part of your duties involve keeping the humans safe? If you believe Delacroix’s coup won’t cause an uproar in the Underworld then you haven’t been paying close enough attention. Until he’s been confirmed in his new position, the wards will remain unstable. I’m merely here to deliver a warning… and a solution.”

  “We’ll take our chances, Lucifer.” I stood, hoping the man would get the hint this discussion was over before my dragon tossed his ass out in a blazing inferno.

  Lucifer rose slowly and exhaled a dramatic breath. “Dear Azara, I hope that you’ll reconsider what we’ve spoken of today. As my favorite granddaughter, I hoped, no dreamed, we could rule side by side one day.”

  “Thanks, but no thanks, Luci. I want to do my time and get the hell out of here. World domination isn’t exactly on my to-do list.”

  I couldn’t help my lips from tipping into a grin. Gods, she was gorgeous when she stood up to the devil. Slowly but surely the old Azara was coming back. Despite everything she’d done, I’d never truly given up on her. I couldn’t, no matter how hard I’d tried. Maybe it was remnants of the blood bond we’d shared or maybe it was something else, but Azara had an iron hold on my heart and nothing would break it.

  Lucifer held his arms open, and a beaming smile curled his lips. “How about a hug for your old gramps, my stubborn girl?”

  Azara tensed beside me, but her body soon relaxed as Lucifer inched closer and drew her into his arms. The hard set of her jaw melted into a smile as she buried her face in his designer suit. Lucifer was a sneaky bastard, but from what I’d heard he’d always been there for his “favorite” granddaughter. I wondered if Azara’s memories of him had returned. I wanted her to get her life back more than anything, but I also feared for the dark times during her imprisonment to resurface.

  My fingers curled into a tight fist, and talons ripped into my palm. Dammit. I spun away from Azara and Lucifer and drew in a deep breath, calming the rage. Thax may have lost his throne, but he still needed to pay for what he did to her. When I found him, I’d let my dragon have his way with the traitorous dark lord. The beast rumbled under the surface. I’d flay his skin with one talon, bearing him open for all to see, then I’d roast his hide and scatter his ashes over the Underworld. No one hurt what was mine.

  “Ta-ta, dragon.” Lucifer’s voice jerked me from my dark inner rumblings, and I glanced up in time to see the king of the Underworld disappear in a murky mist.

  Azara curled into my side, wrapping her arm around my waist. I swiveled her around, so her body was flush against my chest and hauled her closer. Before Lucifer’s untimely arrival, we had been close to rekindling an old flame. Now being with her, physically, was all I could think about despite my “just friends” declaration. My dragon—no, I wanted her so badly it consumed my every waking thought.

  A pang of fear raced across my insides, spearing me in the chest. What if I lost her again? The ever-present voice taunted me, the lingering doubt was the only reason I’d insisted on waiting to get close again.

  “Talon?” Azara’s voice snapped me back to the present, to the soft body pressed against mine.

  “Hmm?” I dipped my head and brushed my lips over her forehead. It was so easy to fall into old habits. Being with Azara felt more natural than breathing, than shifting.

  “Are you okay?” Her eyes met mine, golden flecks sparkling through the darkness.

  “Yeah, I’m fine.”

  “What are you thinking about then?” Her mouth puckered into a tempting pout, and I ground my teeth to keep myself from capturing her lips. Losing my focus, losing myself in Azara could make her vulnerable and I wouldn’t risk that. Not until I knew she was safe.

  I wrapped my hand around the back of her neck and tilted it up to meet her inquisitive gaze. “I was thinking about how sexy you’d look in a dark lord get up.”

  A laugh burst fr
om her lips, her eyes twinkling with amusement. After everything she’d been through the past few months, I wouldn’t burden her with my dark musings. Surely, there’d be plenty more of that to come.

  The laughter eventually died down, and her face grew somber. She tightened her hold around my waist and glanced up at me. “Seriously though, do you think what Luci said was true? Are humans going to be in danger with Delacroix in Thax’s throne?”

  I shrugged and forced my expression to remain neutral. “I don’t know, but it’s not your responsibility, Azara. The SIA can step in if things in the Underworld get out of hand. All that matters now is that Thax is gone, and you’re safe.”

  A grin melted across her lips, and my heart stirred. “So does that mean we don’t have to stick to the ‘just friends’ rule anymore? If I’m not in danger, my safety shouldn’t have to be your primary focus, right?”

  I cupped her cheeks and leaned in, my mouth irresistibly drawn to hers despite my best efforts. “Your safety will always be my number one priority, Azara.”

  She inched closer, and the tantalizing scent of gardenias swept across my senses. “But that doesn’t mean we can’t get closer right?”

  She pressed her body harder against mine, and my lower half ached. I was sure she could feel my desire as she rubbed against me, challenging me, taunting me. It wasn’t a fair fight. I wanted her so badly, missed her for what seemed like an eternity… I wasn’t sure how much longer I could hold out.

  “Azara…” I growled, my voice low and raspy.

  She stepped back and popped her hand on her hip, shooting me a narrowed glare. “What? Before Lucifer interrupted, you said waiting was overrated. What’s changed?”

  “What’s changed is that Delacroix double-crossed us and Thax. He’s a part of your twisted bloodline too, and he knows this prison like the back of his hairy paw. We have no idea what he’s up to, and I don’t like it.”

  “He’s not up to anything. He got exactly what he wanted—Thax out of the way and now he’s got the throne. What else could he need?”

  I loosed an exasperated breath and raked my hands over my face. “I don’t know.”

  Azara closed the space between us once again and captured my chin between her delicate fingers. “Relax, Talon. The worst is over. Can’t we enjoy this little moment of triumph?”

  Before I could answer, Azara’s mouth closed over mine. It only took a second for my lips to yield to hers. She tasted exactly like I remembered, honey and fire rolled into one. My core lit up at her touch, at her hands exploring my back, her fingertips traveling down my spine.

  Mine. Mine. Mine. My dragon’s possessive voice echoed in my head. He was ready to mark her, to brand her as ours. But I couldn’t—not yet. Not until I was sure. I loved her, there was no doubt about that. I desired her more than any female I’d ever encountered, but after experiencing the effects of the blood bond only to lose it, I was terrified. Terrified I’d lose her again and be broken beyond repair.

  Azara’s teeth snagged my lower lip, and she drew it into her warm mouth. A low growl rumbled in my chest. With her body pressed so close to mine, she must have felt the vibrations. The sound only spurred her on as her hands entwined behind my neck, and she deepened the kiss.

  She jumped up, and my hands instinctively found her thighs and wrapped them around my middle. Just this once. I lied to myself as I scrambled for the couch. Tomorrow, I’d be fully focused. If I could only have her once, now that she was really back, I could solely concentrate on her safety. I just had to appease my dragon.

  Stretching her out on the couch, I hovered over her, those impossibly profound irises drilling into me. “I love you, Azara,” I muttered against her swollen lips. “In spite of everything, I never stopped.”

  Her lips spread into a smile. “I know.”

  I chuckled. “Not exactly the answer I was hoping for…”

  Her fingers flew to the zipper of my jumpsuit, and she slowly drew it down. My arousal pressed against the stiff polyester barrier between us. She stopped just under my bellybutton, and I sucked in a breath. Her eyes met mine, and my heart slammed against my ribcage. “Of course, I love you, you surly dragon. Even without my memories, my heart, my body, my mind, they all knew yours. I freakin’ broke into Darkblood Prison for you!”

  Now I was the one smiling down at her like an idiot. Gods, what had this girl done to me?

  She reached for the zipper once more, and my insides coiled in anticipation.

  The door whipped open, and Logan and Vander stalked in.

  A slew of curses poured from my clenched jaw as I leapt off Azara and zipped up my jumpsuit. She adjusted her tank top, which luckily had remained on and sat up, crimson coloring her cheeks.

  “Sorry,” Logan muttered, diverting his gaze to the floor. “No, actually I’m not sorry. This is my office.” He waited for a few seconds before lifting his eyes to meet mine. Vander hadn’t dared look in my direction.

  Azara was still on the couch, running her hand through her tangled hair and avoiding the warden’s stare.

  “Actaeon told me you two were in here with Lucifer. How did that turn into this?” He pointed at the two of us, and I could feel the mortification still tinting Azara’s cheeks.

  “I’m just going to go,” said Vander, hitching his thumb over his shoulder. Anger contorted his features as his eyes bounced from Azara to me.

  “Good,” I muttered. My brother was dead to me. He’d taken advantage of Azara when she was vulnerable, and I’d never forgive him. Never. His betrayal stung deeper than the death of my own parents. Every time I looked at him, I was reminded of what he’d done—of his hands on her—on what was mine.

  Vander stormed out, the door slamming behind him.

  Once he was gone, Azara inched closer, her arms wrapped across her middle and embarrassment still coating her cheeks. “I’m sorry, Logan.”

  The warden shook his head, waving a nonchalant hand and folded into his chair. “I’m not blind, Azara, and I know you’re not a little girl anymore. But if you’d kindly refrain from doing that in my office, I’d greatly appreciate it.”

  She nodded quickly.

  “Now tell me what happened with Lucifer.”

  Chapter One


  * * *

  “You and the scary dragon seem pretty tight again.” Flix smirked and tugged on a wavy tendril of my dark hair.

  “Ha!” I countered as I pushed the errant curl behind my ear and stretched my arms over my head.

  “No touching the other inmates, number eleven,” the gargoyle guard hissed out between exhales. He dropped to his knee and extended his muscled arms into warrior pose.

  A gargoyle doing yoga… never thought I’d live to see that.

  “If he wasn’t a C.O., I’d be all over him,” said Valeria. She snagged her lower lip between her teeth and fanned herself.

  I couldn’t help the chuckle from slipping through my lips despite my best attempts to focus on breathing.

  Along with the new gargoyle C.O.s brought in by Logan, we also had a full array of new recreation classes including yoga. Talon thought it would be good for me to get in touch with my inner demon, so here we were.

  As I inhaled a deep breath and dropped into the next pose, my eyes lifted to Talon. He leaned against the wall by the door, his hulking frame practically melting into the shadows. His arms were pressed tight against his chest, accentuating his thick biceps.


  I swallowed hard and forced my demon down to the pit of my stomach where she belonged. Things had been quiet the last few weeks—too quiet if you asked me. The SIA still had no idea I was back in prison where I belonged, there’d been zero sightings of Thax and besides the usual rumblings in the Underworld, all seemed fairly tranquil.

  But that didn’t mean my dragon bodyguard had loosened his leash on me, no, quite the opposite in fact. I couldn’t even pee without him watching over my shoulder. Which I wouldn’t mind except being that close to
him without actually being with him was driving me crazy. The onslaught of resurging memories that had rushed through my mind in the past weeks had my body aching for him.

  I remembered everything. From the day I’d woken up in his cell, to the time he’d saved my life, the first time we’d kissed, and all culminating in that mind-blowing lovemaking in the subway. I wanted more, and I didn’t want to wait any longer.

  “Hello? Earth to Azara?”

  My head whirled back from ogling Talon to meet my smirking friend. “Huh?”

  “Oh yeah, you guys are definitely back on,” said Valeria.

  Flix reached over and ran his thumb under my lower lip. “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of that little drool for you.”

  “Haha, very funny.”

  “Okay, nice job, inmates,” the gargoyle instructor called out. “Now stretch it out and grab some water.”

  I sank to the floor and pulled my knees into my chest, then slowly extended my legs. Talon’s piercing gaze bored into me from across the room. Heat swam over my body, and it was definitely not from the workout. What was he waiting for? First, he wanted us to be just friends, then he practically mauled me in Logan’s office and now nothing for weeks.

  “I don’t understand why you won’t share the details of your torrid love affair.” Flix chugged the paper cup filled with water. “At least let us live vicariously through you.”


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