Darkblood Prison: Demon Dark Lord (Supernatural Prison Squad Series Book 4)

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Darkblood Prison: Demon Dark Lord (Supernatural Prison Squad Series Book 4) Page 3

by G. K. DeRosa

  A silky black dress unfolded, the glossy material gleaming beneath the halogen lights. His big fingers pinched a matching pair of stilettos. “A dress and heels?” I finally spluttered.

  “Only the best for our little pumpkin’s first date with T.”

  My heart expanded, battering against my ribcage. “You did this?”

  “I can’t take all the credit. Dallas helped. Talon mentioned wanting the night to be special, and we figured it would be more fun to surprise him too. So we told him to leave your ensemble to us.” He held out the dress and shoes, and I practically ripped them out of his hands.

  The soft, glossy material glided against my skin, and I nearly groaned in excitement. “Thank you, thank you, thank you, Hayden!” I wrapped the towering angel into a big hug. After weeks of the stiff, polyester jumpsuit this would be like heaven.

  “It was the least we could do after all you guys have been through.” He rubbed the back of his neck, and his gaze dipped to the floor for a moment before meeting mine. “You know I was kidding earlier, right? I only wanted to give you guys some alone time. I’ve known Talon for a long time, and I’ve never seen him so taken by anyone. When you disappeared, Azara, he was broken. I feared we’d never get him back if you didn’t return. And when you did—”

  “Yeah, yeah. I know I really screwed that up.”

  He shook his head and gave me a reassuring smile. “It doesn’t matter anymore. What you guys have is special and in our line of work, it isn’t something you should take for granted. Despite what Talon says, he’s scared, Azara. Scared of losing you again, scared of losing himself to you. You two were meant to be. I can feel it here.” He pointed at his chest, and I wondered if angels did have some sort of supernatural celestial insight. “So don’t hurt my friend again, or you’ll have to witness my dark fallen side.” He winked, but the seriousness in his tone made the hairs on the back of my neck bristle.

  “I won’t, Hayden, I swear. I love Talon, and I just want to be with him.”

  “Good. Don’t let him push you away for your own good.”

  “I won’t.”

  He ticked his head at the gown clenched between my fingers. “Now go get dressed. It’s almost time. Talon’s been stalking around our cell like a caged tiger for the past twenty minutes. It's time to put him out of his misery.”

  “Thanks, Hayden.” I pulled him into another quick hug before darting behind the partition with my new dress.

  Chapter Three

  The silky fabric glided along my skin as Hayden escorted me blindfolded through the quiet hallways. A buzz of excitement vibrated my veins, the tap-tap of my heels matching the rapid staccato of my heartbeats. Where could Talon be taking me on this mysterious date?

  “Hayden,” I whispered.

  “No,” he countered, cutting me off before I even got started. “I’m not telling you where we’re going, and you better not use your magical ESP to get into my brain to find out. We’re almost there anyway.”

  Ugh. We were definitely still in Darkblood Prison, shattering my feeble hope for a night off penitentiary grounds. Which was fair—I was technically supposed to be hiding out from the SIA.

  The creak of a door opening sent my senses on high alert. Hayden nudged me forward, and a gust of frosty wind whipped hair across my face. My teeth chattered, and I hugged my arms around my scanty dress.

  “Oops, sorry about that, pumpkin.” Hayden’s wings unfolded with a sharp snap, and fluffy feathers enveloped me in their heavenly embrace. Their warmth seeped into my bare arms and shoulders as we crunched through the snow-covered yard.

  We better not be heading to the boneyard. I shook off the dismal thought and continued the frosty trudge. Even if it were one of the dilapidated outhouses of the boneyard, it would be worth it to spend the evening with Talon. I held onto the comforting thought as the icy chill whipped over me, frosting the tip of my nose.

  “I’m going to pick you up now.” Hayden’s voice after the prolonged silence drew me from my inner musings.

  “Okay…” I muttered. Was he going to fly me somewhere? His wings withdrew their heat, and I shivered as the icy wind bit my exposed flesh. A second later, they were replaced by firm, warm arms and a scent I’d never get enough of. “Talon?” I reached for my blindfold, but his warm breath ghosted over the shell of my ear, stopping me.

  “Not yet,” Talon whispered. He pushed off the ground, propelling us into the chilly air and my stomach dropped.

  I clung onto him tighter, my cheek pressed against what felt like the lapel of a fine suit. “Did you really think I wouldn’t know it was you?” I could feel his shoulders lift into a shrug. “I’d recognize your scent anywhere. No one smells quite as yummy to my demon.”

  A deep chuckle rumbled his chest, and my cheek bounced against his jacket. “I suppose I should take that as a compliment, right?”

  “Oh yes, definitely.” I snuggled deeper into his body to keep my teeth from chattering.

  “I’m sorry, I should’ve had the guys get you a coat. We’re almost there.”

  Dammit. I’d forgotten to thank him for the dress. “The beautiful gown and heels were more than enough, Talon. All of this is incredible really. You went above and beyond in the wooing.”

  “I can’t wait to get a good look at you. I’ve always pictured you in a sexy dress and stilettos. I only hope you live up to my expectations.” I could practically hear the grin in his voice.

  “Oh, you have no idea, dragon douche canoe.”

  Talon laughed again, and the rich, honeyed sound warmed my chilly insides. “On our way down, so hold on tight.”

  He didn’t have to ask me twice. I tightened my grip around his neck as his arms curled around my thighs. My stomach rose, nearly reaching my throat as we barreled back down to earth. My mind raced with the possibilities. We hadn’t been flying for long… where in the world was he taking me?

  As we descended the final feet, a wave of warmth bathed my frigid flesh. I let out a groan of pleasure as Talon’s boots hit the deep snow with a soft crunch. He gently lowered me to the ground, his hands remaining on my waist to steady me.

  He stepped back, slowly releasing me and even blindfolded, I could feel his piercing gaze rake over me. I waited for the bitter chill to take over now that his body wasn’t pressed to mine, but it never came. Weird.

  “Can I take off the blindfold now?”

  “Not yet.” The rough twinge in his tone sent my heart racing. The heat of his fiery stare ran from the top of my head, down my plunging neckline and all the way to my sky-high stilettos. A sexy growl vibrated his throat, making my insides clench. “You are so beautiful, Azara. You’re perfect, just perfect in every way. Remind me to thank the guys for that dress.”

  I chuckled. “I already did, but I’m sure they’d love your seal of approval.” I reached for the blindfold, trying to sneak a peek. “Is it my turn yet?”

  His hand closed over mine, tearing it away from the covering. “I kind of like having you like this—at my mercy.” His arms weaved around my waist and drew me into his body. His lips neared. His breath swirled only inches from mine. My head dipped forward instinctively and met his warm lips. They brushed over my mouth for a second before pulling away.

  “Hey, no fair!” I reached for him, waving my arms wildly.

  A dark chuckle floated to my ears, and I ripped off the blindfold. I’d had about enough of this. My eyes bugged out of my head as they scanned the scene.

  Behind Talon’s towering frame, the soaring cliffs of the Marski mountain range shot up into the dark sky. The snow-capped tops gleamed beneath the moonlight, a perfect match to the twinkling stars above. I spun around to the edge of the promontory, and the dragon realm’s sprawling capital city stretched below. I took a step back, the soaring height suddenly hitting me. “It’s incredible…” I murmured.

  “You are incredible.” Talon’s hands closed over my bare shoulders, the heat of his body pressing against my back.

a second, how was I not cold anymore?

  I twirled around to ask him, but the question froze in my throat as my gaze settled on the striking dragon. Talon in a loose-fitting jumpsuit was gorgeous, but in a sleek tailored suit, was absolutely devastating. His broad shoulders tapered down to a slim waist, power radiating from the sharp planes. A swirl of heat warmed my belly, and I leaned in closer. As I neared, I caught a glimpse of a small table over his shoulder.

  Candles lit up a romantic setting for two complete with scarlet rose petals sprinkled across the white tablecloth. A golden glow encompassed our little secret rendezvous on the mountaintop, the magic dancing over my skin. A light, melodic tune filled the air and tiny fairy lights appeared, floating over our heads. “Talon, how did you do all this?”

  “I’ve got magical friends.” He smirked as I took it all in, a ridiculous smile splitting my lips.

  My arms wound around his neck as a swell of emotion closed my throat. Swallowing it down, I whispered, “Thank you. For all of this. It’s absolutely perfect.”

  “And the night has just begun.” Talon took my hand in his and wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me tight against his silky suit. He twirled me in a tight circle as the music kicked up a notch.

  I couldn’t help the giggle from pealing out as he dipped me low, my hair almost brushing the powdery snow. “How did you learn to dance like this?” I didn’t think it was possible for this man to be any sexier, until now.

  Straightening, he seared me with those mesmerizing irises. “My mother insisted the future alpha of our pride had to be as equally gifted on the dancefloor as on the battlefield.”

  I stared slack-jawed at the charming, unguarded man literally sweeping me off my feet. “Who are you and what have you done with the surly dragon I know and love?”

  A devastating grin split his lips, and my heart flip-flopped. “I told you there was a lot about me you didn’t know. You’ve only met SIA Talon. You haven’t met boyfriend Talon. I wasn’t kidding when I said I wanted to woo you.”

  The fact that he used the word woo had another giggle threatening to burst free. But the word boyfriend had my head spinning. After all we’d been through, it was silly, but the title made me giddy.

  Speaking of titles… “I completely forgot your father was alpha. Shouldn’t you have stepped in after, um, you know.”

  A low growl cut me off. “I don’t want to talk about that, Azara. Tonight is about us and new beginnings. I want to forget about the past for one evening.”

  I nodded quickly. After finally getting my memories back, there was a lot I wanted to forget about the last few months. “I’m all for new beginnings, Talon.”

  His jaw relaxed, and he resumed his quick steps around our romantic bubble on the mountaintop. I leaned into him, and it was all I could do to keep up with his elegant waltz. He twirled me until I was giddy with laughter and my heart so full, I was certain it would explode.

  Finally, the music simmered, and Talon ticked his head toward the table. “Shall we?”

  My head bounced up and down. I’d been eyeing the bottle of human champagne from a distance. My throat was dry from all the dancing, and the fizzy bubbles were exactly what I needed.

  Talon pulled out my chair, and I sank into the soft upholstery. Training for hours I was fine with, but after twenty minutes of ballroom dancing I was totally winded. I watched as he popped the cork, and the bubbly liquid filled my flute. It all seemed so normal, so human. For a second, I could forget all about Darkblood Prison, the SIA, Thax, Delacroix, everything. It was only Talon and me on our untouchable snowy perch in the sky.

  As he handed me the champagne, I wrapped my fingers around his big palm and locked my eyes to his. “I love you, and I am beyond sorry for coming so close to screwing that up. I can’t ever thank you enough for never giving up on me.”

  Talon cupped my cheek, the sparks of silver in his irises smoldering. “I couldn’t even if I wanted to, Azara. You’ve held a piece of me ever since the blood bond, hell, maybe before. No matter what happens, I’ll never stop loving you.”

  I smiled so hard my cheeks hurt.

  Raising his glass, he clinked it against mine. “Cheers to us and to new beginnings.”

  I wanted to tell him about Lucifer and his constant nagging to voyage into the Underworld, but Talon was right. Tonight was about us, and everything else could wait.

  Chapter Four

  Talon and I tiptoed down the dark corridor, a giggle bubbling up my throat. My dragon date squeezed my hand harder and pressed his finger to his lips. It only made me want to laugh more. The human champagne fizzed in my brain, the obvious culprit of my bout of giggles. That and the ridiculous happiness filling my chest after the best date ever.

  “Shh!” Talon whispered, and a huge smile spread his kissable lips.

  “I’m trying,” I whisper-shouted back.

  He tugged my arm, jerking me to a stop and towed me into a hidden alcove. His irises blazed, and silver sparks scorched across the molten steel. “With all the champagne you guzzled down, do I need to worry about your demon making an impromptu appearance tonight?”

  A pang of fear streaked across my chest, and I drew in a sharp breath. “No.” Right? I searched my core for her dark energy. I felt a slight tingle, but she seemed quiet and oddly content. I shook my head slowly. “No,” I repeated, my tone more certain this time.

  “Okay,” he rasped out. “Because I’d hate for her to ruin our evening.”

  A sliver of disappointment squirmed its way through the bubble of giddiness. Would Talon ever fully trust me—or my demon?

  “What’s wrong?”

  My beaming smile must have faltered because concern darkened Talon’s features. “Nothing,” I murmured.

  “Azara, if we want this to work, you have to be honest with me. About everything.” He cradled my cheek and tilted my head so I was trapped in his mesmerizing gaze.

  “Even the dark demon stuff?”

  His lips pressed into a tight line. “Especially that,” he gritted out through clenched teeth.

  My demon was right. He’d never love the whole me. He’d never truly forgive the things she’d—no, I’d done.

  “Azara, talk to me…” He ran his thumb over my cheek, and I crumbled.

  “No matter how much you say you love me, I’m scared you’ll never love all of me. I mean, how could you? After all the terrible things I did when my demon was in control.”

  He leaned in closer, the weight of his gaze making my shoulders sag against the cool obsidian. “I’m trying, Azara, I really am. I love you more than I thought possible, and I don’t want anything to ever come between us again. I want to make peace with your demon because I know you are one in the same. And I do love every part of you, I swear it.” His lips brushed mine for a heated moment before pulling away. “I love your mouth.” He skimmed his lips over my cheek then glided up to my ear and nibbled on my lobe. “I love your cheek, I love your ears.” He tugged at a lock of hair and swept it to the side. “I love your hair, your eyes.”

  “I get it,” I whispered against his lips. “It’s my dark and twisty insides that I’m worried about.”

  “I promise to sort out my issues with your demon. If she makes an appearance, maybe I’ll even have a little chat with her.”

  I snagged my lower lip between my teeth and nodded. Emotion tightened my throat as he peered down at me. Talon was a good man, honorable, loyal and protective. He’d given up so much for me. Did I even deserve him?

  He tugged my lip free and ran his thumb under my chin. “I love you, Azara. All of you. I will spend every day of my life proving it until you believe me.” He lowered his mouth to mine, wrapping his hand around the back of my neck.

  His tongue caressed mine, entangling it in a sensual dance until my dismal thoughts disappeared. All I could focus on was the feel of Talon’s fingers digging into the hair at my nape, and his other hand scorching my hip. The full length of his body pressed against me, and I sh
uddered as a wave of heat zipped down my core.

  I groaned against Talon’s lips and a sexy growl vibrated his chest in return, reverberating against the bare skin exposed by my plunging neckline. His hands moved down my back, his fingers dancing down my spine before finally settling at the curve of my back. His fingers trailed across the seam of my dress, dipping beneath the silky fabric. He skimmed the waistband of my panties, and the brewing storm in my core raged.

  I squirmed as his mouth continued its assault on my lips, then moved down my neck and paused at the sensitive skin at my collarbone. He dropped featherlight kisses, nipping and licking as he descended. My breath hitched when he reached the swell of my breasts, slowing to lavish them with attention.

  “Talon…” I moaned. The heat in my lower half was intensifying to epic proportions. I wasn’t sure how much more I could take. As if he’d read my mind, his hand skirted down my thigh, lifting the black silk of my dress. His fingers traveled to the apex of my legs as I held my breath in anticipation.

  “Oh gods, Talon,” I murmured as his fingertips dipped inside me. I arched against him with each sensual caress. My breath came in haggard spurts, each stroke intensifying the sweltering fire in my core. One more touch, and I’d explode. “Let’s go to our room,” I panted out.

  “No,” he growled, his own beast skimming the surface. “Not yet.” His lips seared to mine once again, just in time to swallow up my earthshattering release.

  I slumped against him, my knees wobbling from the intense explosion. A huge smile stretched across Talon’s face as I fisted his fancy shirt and stared up at him.

  “Good date?” he whispered.

  “Definitely one of my top ten.” My voice came out way too breathy. I drew in a gulp of air steadying my racing heart and caressed his stubbly cheek. “Why didn’t you want to go back to our cell?” I wanted all of him too, and as mind-blowing as that little liaison had been, vivid memories of our time in the subway had emerged, and I longed to relive that experience now that we were back together.


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