Darkblood Prison: Demon Dark Lord (Supernatural Prison Squad Series Book 4)

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Darkblood Prison: Demon Dark Lord (Supernatural Prison Squad Series Book 4) Page 12

by G. K. DeRosa

  Vessa motioned toward the couch where Hunter was perched. “Sit. Can I get you anything while we wait?”

  I shook my head and slumped into the soft cushions. After the flight via dragon and the trek through the forest, I was kind of wiped. “Actually, yes. Water would be awesome.”

  She dipped her head and disappeared into another room with Jerico at her heels. Damn, they were cute together.

  I sat back on the couch, and Hunter squirmed beside me. He cleared his throat and slid to the edge of the cushion. After a few more minutes of uncomfortable silence, I turned to the wolf beside me. “So, your dad’s the alpha of this pack?”

  He stiffened, something unreadable flickering across his deep emerald irises. “He’s the supreme alpha of all wolf packs within the entire realm.”

  “Ohhh.” I wasn’t sure how shifter politics worked but it sounded like a big deal. The only thing I knew was that Marlwoods was divided into territories by animal species. I side-eyed the big guy and tried to guess his age. Around Talon’s was my estimate, mid-twenties. I wondered when he’d take on the important role.

  Vessa and Jerico returned as the silence lengthened between us once more. Phew. I never thought I’d be happy to see the she-wolf. There was something so suffocating about Hunter’s presence. Maybe it was the future alpha thing. My demon was enough alpha for any room.

  As Vessa handed me the glass of water, the smack of a door whipping open, followed by thundering footsteps, jerked my attention to the hallway. Talon barreled into the room a second later, his panic surging through my veins.

  “I need a phone now,” he barked at Vessa.

  “What happened, is Vander okay?” she cried out, her eyes wild.

  “He’s lucky I didn’t kill him for what he did.”

  “What?” I screeched.

  “Vessa, the phone!”

  She scurried away at his shout and appeared a second later with the sleek device.

  “What’s going on, Talon?” I tugged on his arm when he didn’t answer me. He jabbed his finger into the keypad, his chest rising and falling in a maddening pace. A tangle of fury and fear wracked my chest, his emotions so intense I struggled to remain upright.

  “Vander sold you out to the SIA. He sold us all out. A team of agents are on their way to the prison right now. I have to warn Logan and the guys.”

  My heart sank. All the air whooshed from my lungs, and I spluttered to suck in a breath of air. No. Hayden, Dallas, Logan—they’d all be punished because of me. “We have to go back. We have to help them!”

  Talon’s hands clasped my shoulders, his eyes dipping to mine. “It’s too late. We’ll never make it back in time.”

  “Yes, we can. I can por—”

  Talon’s hand clapped over my mouth, and his eyes flickered to the wolves surrounding us. Right, no one knew about my warlockness. “We can’t risk going back, Azara. The best we can do is warn them. Maybe they can make it out in time.”

  He released me as someone picked up on the other line. His words blurred in the background as reality crashed in on me. This was all my fault. Logan and the others had done nothing but protect me from day one, and now they’d pay the price for that loyalty.

  Vander appeared, dark shadows creeping across his normally tan skin. He leaned against the wall, his frail form nothing like the guy I remembered. “I’m sorry, Azara. I’m so sorry. It was a terrible mistake.” He buried his hands in his face and sank down to the floor.

  I shook my head as a mix of anger and pity spiked at the sight of him. This was all so screwed up.

  “Come on, come on,” Talon mumbled at the phone without sparing Vander a glance.

  My thoughts flew from the pitiful ghost of a wolf to the guys. I couldn’t let them take the fall for this. Searching my core, a hint of magic flickered within. I focused on it, concentrating all my power on the tiny flame. My tattoo swirled to life, the lilac glow skimming my skin.

  Hayden, can you hear me?

  Hey pumpkin, what are you doing in my head? Tears stung my eyes at the sound of the angel’s voice.

  Listen, the SIA is on its way. You have to warn the others and get out now.

  A barrage of curses filled my mind before his voice echoed again. I just so happen to be with Logan and Dallas now. Thanks for the heads up, pumpkin.

  Where will you go?

  Not sure. We’ll keep you posted. Another onslaught of curses ricocheted across my skull, and I pressed my hands over my ears.

  What’s going on?

  They’re here. Gotta run.

  “No!” I cried out.

  Talon’s arms came around me as he searched my face for answers. I didn’t have time for that. I scanned the curious werewolves for only a second before making a decision. I had to try, no matter the consequences.

  Squeezing my eyes shut, I visualized the warden’s office, Logan’s silver hair, Hayden’s goofy grin and Dallas’s smart mouth. In the months since I’d arrived at Darkblood they’d become my family, and I’d do anything for family. Dark curls of energy wriggled around my core, entwining with the demon power. Magic surged through my veins, the heady sensation filling every murky nook and cranny. I muttered the words of the spell I knew backwards and forwards, the foreign words spilling forth like a waterfall. “Portalis apertum, portalis apertum.”

  Talon’s hold on me tightened. His fear, his strength, his powers bled through the bond and I drew them inside, fueling the building storm. “Portalis apertum!” I threw my hands out, and a whirling vortex opened in the middle of the room.

  Gasps rolled through the werewolf contingency, but I ignored them, keeping my gaze on the three figures emerging from the portal. My heart smacked against my ribcage as Hayden, then Dallas materialized. When Logan came through, darkness crept into the corners of my vision. I lowered my hands and my body gave, like a marionette cut from its strings. The portal fizzled and disappeared into the ether.

  Every ounce of power trickled out, and I slumped against Talon’s firm chest. His strong arms came around me, enveloping me in their warmth. “You did it, Azara. You did it.” His words became more muffled as the darkness wound its way across my vision. My lids drooped, and I was swallowed by the abyss.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “Azara, that was badass.” Hayden grinned at me from his perch atop werewolf hill.

  Dallas reached over and pinched my cheek, an equally broad smile on his lips. “It always felt like you were part of the team, but today, you made it official.”

  Heat burned my cheeks and I waved them off, untucking my hair from behind my ear to hide the crimson tingeing my cheeks. “It was the least I could do after everything you guys have done for me.”

  Dallas weaved his arm around my shoulder and drew me into his side. The next thing I knew, Hayden jumped up and sandwiched me between the two of them. Laughter bubbled from my lips as they squeezed me and chanted, “Azara! Azara! Azara!”

  “Keep it down up there!” Talon barked from the lower level, just outside the door of Vessa’s home. He and Logan had been locked in deep conversation for the past ten minutes. Whatever they were discussing wasn’t good. Echoes of Talon’s anxiety simmered through the bond making it impossible for me to enjoy this tiny victory.

  I wriggled free from the angel-vampire sandwich and lifted my gaze to meet Hayden’s. “What do you think they’re planning?”

  “Our new life on the run.”

  I gulped. “I’m so sorry, you guys.”

  Dallas shook his head and pressed his finger to my lips. “Stop that, baby girl. We knew what we were signing up for when we kept the truth from Maxim. Talon’s our brother, and we would do anything for him. You now come along with that package deal.”

  My chest tightened, and I swallowed down the knot of emotion in my throat. “What are we going to do?

  Hayden ticked his head at Talon and Logan below. “I’m sure our fearless leader has a plan. And if not, we’ll just wing it.” He smirked and his magnificent onyx wings
snapped out. “I’ve always wanted to spend more time in the human world. Maybe this is my chance.”

  “Bleh, humans,” Dallas deadpanned. “Who wants to hang out with them?”

  I shot him a good eyeroll and dug my elbow into his side. I opened my mouth with a scathing comeback, but Talon’s movement stopped me. He’d halted his pacing, and he and Logan headed toward us. From the hard angles carved into his face, whatever plan they’d come up with wasn’t great.

  “So where to, fearless leader?” Dallas grinned up at the surly dragon.

  Talon and Logan folded their large bodies on the grassy knoll beside us, deep worry lines marring their foreheads. “We’re going to have to split up,” Talon said.

  “No!” the three of us shouted in unison.

  Logan cleared his throat, the stoic gargoyle folding his arms over his bent knees. “It’s our best shot for evading the SIA until we can come up with a better plan.”

  “Azara’s their priority,” Talon interjected. “They won’t waste their valuable resources tracking you two. Your best bet is to go on your own.”

  Hayden smacked his palm to his heart and sighed dramatically. “You wound me, brother.”

  “Samesies,” Dallas added. “We should stick together. We’re all in on this, T.”

  Talon’s head whipped back and forth. “No, we’re not. I’m the team leader, and I can say that I forced you both to cooperate. Logan’s the warden so he’s in the thick of it, but not you two. Lay low for a while, and I’ll let you know when things have simmered. I won’t let you guys take the fall for this.”

  Guilt’s claws dug into my flesh, and I jumped up, unable to contain the terrible sensations. “I don’t want any of you guys to take the fall for me.”

  Talon grabbed my hand and forced me back down. “It’s too late, Azara. This is our best bet.” He turned to his brothers, and his expression hardened. “As your team leader, I’m ordering you to leave us.”

  “That’s bullshit, T.” Hayden leapt up, and his wings unfurled, the black feathers darkening his ominous form.

  “Please, Hayden, just do it.” Silver flames crackled across Talon’s irises as he regarded his friend, his brother. “I promise if things get dicey, I’ll reach out.”

  Dallas muttered a curse through clenched teeth.

  “We’ll attract less attention this way,” Logan added. “Everyone on their own, except for Talon and Azara of course.”

  “That’s not fair,” I blurted. “I don’t want to drag Talon down with me either.” The moment the words were out, I knew how stupid they sounded. My dragon bodyguard would never let me out of his sight, and I didn’t want him to.

  Talon’s hand closed over mine, and his warmth spilled across my skin. “You and me forever, that was the deal, right?”

  I nodded, my gaze fixed to his.

  Hayden tucked his wings behind his broad shoulders and pressed his lips together. The tendon in his jaw ticked as if he were chewing gum. “There’s one more thing,” he finally said. “I know you’re still mad at Ella for how things went down, but you should go to the Spring Court. She offered us refuge anytime we needed it.”

  “You’ve kept in touch?” Talon’s eyes hardened as they ran over his friend.

  Hayden swept his palm over the back of his neck, his gaze dipping to the floor before meeting Talon’s and mine once more. “I see her on occasion.”

  Logan squeezed my shoulder, and I pivoted toward him. “With your relationship to the Spring Court King and Queen, it would be an excellent option. Not only do the Fae royals have a longstanding history of distrust with the SIA, they also have an entire army of guards, a castle stronghold and endless resources.”

  Talon shook his head, his lips pressed in a rigid line. “How do we know Ella won’t betray us again?”

  “She won’t.” I wasn’t sure how I knew, but somehow, I did. My cousin and I weren’t close, but family came first to her. She only betrayed me because Thax had threatened them. That wouldn’t be the case with the SIA, or at least I hoped not.

  “I don’t know…” Talon ground his jaw, his teeth clenching.

  “No one would expect it,” said Logan as he rubbed his chin. “The SIA doesn’t know of Azara’s connection to Ella and neither does Delacroix. I think you should give it a try.”

  Talon glanced at me, and I nodded encouragingly. “Okay,” he muttered. “Good, it’s settled then.” His eyes swiveled to each of his brothers, and a broad smile stretched his lips. “Thank you for everything. You two were the brothers I never knew I wanted. Until we meet again.” He pulled each of them into a hug, and hot tears pooled at the corners of my eyes.

  I joined in on the lovefest, wrapping my arms around the big guys. “We’ll see you soon,” I mumbled, emotion tightening my chest.

  Logan was next, and I couldn’t help the tears from spilling over as the gargoyle pulled me into his embrace. “I’ll get word to your parents that you’re safe.”

  “Please don’t tell them where I am. I don’t want to drag them into this. My dad’s reputation at the SIA is everything to him. One last secret, please, Logan.”

  “Okay. But if your father murders me, it’ll be on your conscience. And I promise to come back and haunt you for the rest of your days.”

  A nervous giggle burst from my lips. “Tell Dad I made you do it, and I explicitly warned that no bodily harm should come to you.”

  “I’m not sure how much that’ll help, but I’ll try.”

  “Thank you, Logan.” He took a step back and released my hand after one final squeeze. “I’ll say our goodbyes to the wolves and make sure Dallas’ compulsion stuck. The last thing we need is the Alpha hearing about your special powers. You all get out of here.”

  The four of us nodded, and I gave each of the guys a reassuring smile despite my heart crumbling inside my chest. “See you soon.”

  The snap of Talon’s wings ripping through his clothes spun my attention back to my future mate. He held out his arms and I jumped in, hooking my arm around his neck. “There’s no time for hiking so hopefully the wolves will forgive my half-shift until we leave their territory.”

  Talon crouched and his massive thighs propelled us upward before his wings began to flap. My eyes remained on the three males below until their figures blurred in the distance. My shoulders heaved, and a silent sob wracked my chest. Please let them be okay, I prayed to all the gods.

  We’re all going to be okay, Azara. I swear it. Talon’s reassuring voice echoed through my mind and I squeezed my eyes closed, letting the tears fall. Tomorrow I’d be strong, but today, I needed to release the overwhelming emotions and curl into the safety of Talon’s unyielding chest.

  Chapter Sixteen

  “Are you sure we’re going the right way?” I hissed at Talon as we weaved through the lush maze. The soaring white turrets of the Spring Court palace loomed over the sprawling gardens. Vines wriggled up the alabaster stone, a live, breathing, writhing creature.

  His hand tightened around mine as we turned yet another corner. He glanced at the slip of paper with arrows scrawled in black. “Yes. According to Ella’s directions, we’ve almost reached the end.”

  “Who has a freaking flower maze in their backyard?”

  Talon’s lips twitched. “Don’t let the beauty fool you, Azara. This labyrinth has a much more sinister background. Before King Drake and Queen Tempest rose to the throne, the Spring Court royals used the maze as a trap to ensnare unwanted guests. The nasty Fae flora has since been replaced by the more harmless human variety. I think, anyway.”

  A vague memory flickered in my mind from my childhood of Mom recounting stories of the Fae’s cruelty. Her half-sisters had barely survived the trials when the prince was to pick a princess on live television decades ago.

  I eyed the surrounding greenery suspiciously. “You sure it’s safe?”

  “I hope so.” He smirked and tugged me forward to meet his long stride.

  We turned another verdant corner, and a
familiar blonde took shape at the end of the corridor of shrubbery. “You made it!” A rush of air escaped Ella’s lips as she darted toward us.

  Talon halted a few steps before she reached us and focused his narrowed glare on my cousin. “Before we agree to stay, I need you to swear you’ll never betray us like you did again. I’ll be honest with you, Ella, if it weren’t for Azara’s forgiving nature, I would’ve been okay with never seeing you again.”

  Her pink lips twisted into a pout, but she nodded anyway, keeping her shoulders held high. She idolized her old trainer and hearing those words must have been devastating.

  I tugged on Talon’s arm and jerked him back, positioning myself between him and my cousin. “Thanks for sticking your neck out and offering to take us in. I think Talon forgot that part.”

  Ella pressed her lips tighter together, not uttering a word for a long minute. Finally, she released the tense set of her jaw and pulled me into a hug. “I’m so sorry, Azara. Talon’s right, I never should’ve betrayed you, no matter what Thax threatened. I should’ve come to him right away. I hope you’ll be able to forgive me one day.”

  “This is a great way to start.” I gave her a warm smile.

  A rustle in the leaves sent my dragon bodyguard on high alert. He jerked me from Ella’s embrace and tucked me behind his broad shoulders. His eyes seared on the whisper of approaching footsteps against the soft grass.

  A platinum-blonde head peered around the corner, and my gaze locked on a pair of lilac irises. The king’s eyes softened as they took me in, a wistful expression curling his fine lips. “Azara,” he breathed.

  I dipped into a lame attempt at a curtsy, drawing a broad smile from the king.

  My aunt Tempest appeared next, her colorful rainbow hair blowing in the warm breeze. “It’s about time you two made it. Your mother has been calling every five seconds.”

  Logan. I muttered a curse.

  The king adjusted the collar of his powder blue military uniform and ran his hand over the gilded medals adorning the jacket. “Lying to the SIA is one thing, Azara, but keeping the truth from your mother is quite another.”


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