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Darkblood Prison: Demon Dark Lord (Supernatural Prison Squad Series Book 4)

Page 14

by G. K. DeRosa

  “No problem. Offering my home as a hideout is the least I can do after what happened with Thax.” Her gaze dipped to the floor, and my proud Fae cousin shrank into herself. “I still owe you an explanation.”

  I shook my head. “It’s okay. You already apologized enough. Hayden explained what happened, and I get it. I’d do anything to protect my family too.” Even endure Darkblood Prison.

  “I’m so sorry, Azara. Thax showed me a video of my parents in the Andros Isles. They were vacationing there, and no one was supposed to know. They’d only brought a handful of guards, and somehow Thax’s men were there too. He said he’d kill them if I didn’t help him.” Her slim shoulders trembled, her voice shaking. “I couldn’t risk losing them.”

  I reached for her hands and squeezed them in mine. “It’s okay, Ella. I forgive you. I know what it’s like to want to protect your family above all else. It’s what got me into this mess in the first place.

  She swept a tear off her cheek and drew in a deep breath. “Thanks,” she muttered. “I hope Talon can forgive me one day.”

  “I’m sure he will after allowing us to stay here.” I shot her a wink. “It’s been incredible.”

  “I’m glad you and Talon are happy, Azara. You deserve it after all you’ve been through. He’s a special man, and I know he’ll do everything in his power to protect you.”

  That’s what worried me. Now that we were mates, he’d be even more reckless with his life to protect mine. The thought sucked all the air from my lungs, and I found myself gasping for a breath. I’d never forgive myself if something happened to him because of me.

  Ella’s hand reached for my shoulder. “Are you okay?”

  I nodded quickly. I wanted to share the news about the mating ritual, I wanted to scream it from the rooftops I was so insanely giddy, but I needed to confirm it was okay with Talon first. I wasn’t sure what the deal was with dragons, and I didn’t want to mess things up when we were finally happy.

  The door to the bathhouse swung open, and my head spun to the entrance. A trickle of fear dribbled through my veins until the familiar platinum head of the king materialized through the misty chamber.

  “What are you doing here, Dad?”

  Talon barreled from the back bedroom, a sheet hastily wrapped around his lower half. His eyes focused on the king standing in the doorway, and the hard clench of his jaw softened. He released a breath and marched over to stand beside me. Mortification steamrolled over me as the king’s lilac gaze raked over Talon’s half-naked form.

  “Glad to see you’re making yourselves comfortable.” A sly grin curved King Drake’s lips, and all I wanted to do was crawl into a hole and hide. His expression grew serious, and he pulled a phone from his elegant suit pocket. “Logan needs to speak with you.”

  “Thanks, Uncle Drake.” I scrambled forward and grabbed the phone. “Thank you for everything during the past few days. I don’t think I can ever repay your hospitality.”

  He raised a nonchalant hand. “Don’t think on it again. You’re my niece after all, your mother was—is one of my dearest friends and I’d do anything to protect you.”

  It was funny because Mom never talked much about Uncle Drake now, all the stories were from the past. I knew they’d gone to Darkblood Academy together, but we never saw him or his family growing up. I often wondered why. If all this craziness ever passed, I’d have to ask my mom what the real story was with the Spring Court King.

  “Well, we appreciate it nonetheless.” Talon wrapped his arm around me, and I couldn’t help but think about the skimpy silk sheet around his torso.

  “It seemed important so you should call Logan back right away.” He ticked his head at the phone clutched in my hand before turning toward the door. “Let me know if there’s anything else you need,” he called out over his shoulder.

  The door slammed behind him, and I released a breath. “Your dad’s pretty intense.”

  My cousin laughed. “That was nothing. He adores you. You should see what he’s like around the people he doesn’t like.” Adores me? That was a strong word. My brows must’ve shown my surprise because Ella’s lips twisted into a pout. “You do know that my dad was obsessed with your mom for years, right?”

  Now I was certain my eyes were bugging out like a rensi demon. “No…”

  “Remind me to tell you the story after you call Logan.”

  “Good idea.” Talon took the phone from my hands as my mind spun. But King Drake was married to Mom’s half-sister, Tempest. How in the world…?

  I shook my head, chasing away the baffling thoughts. Right now, I had to focus on my current predicament. I could sort out my twisted family tree at another time.

  Talon already had Logan on the phone by the time I refocused. I hoped he was just calling to check in, but somehow, I knew he wouldn’t risk contacting us for that. A whirlwind of winged creatures battered my insides. Talon clicked the speaker button, and Logan’s deep voice momentarily calmed the mad fluttering in my gut.

  “What’s up, Logan?” Talon stared at the phone as if he was right in front of the gargoyle.

  “I have news, and it’s not great.”

  My heart sank. “Is everyone okay?” I blurted.

  “Yes, thankfully we’re all fine. I won’t say where Hayden and Dallas are, but they’re safe.”

  I thought I caught an exhale of relief from my cousin as Hayden’s name was mentioned, but I could’ve imagined it. Were Ella and Hayden hooking up? I catalogued that little tidbit of information to discuss with her later.

  “What’s going on?” Talon asked.

  “I’ve had a friend from the Gargoyle Guardian Council do some digging, and he’s confirmed Delacroix was responsible for the attack at the prison.”

  My breath hitched. Why would that damned demon send an assassin to kill me?

  “You’re sure?” Talon growled.

  “Unfortunately, yes. He spoke to a warlock who brokered the deal to bypass the wards.”

  A barrage of curses surged from Talon’s gritted teeth. “I knew it was that bastard.”

  “But why? It makes no sense,” I interjected.

  “I don’t know,” Logan answered. “But I have my guys working to find out.”

  My fingers curled into tight fists. I clenched and unclenched them at my sides as anger rolled through me. It was a heady mix of mine and Talon’s, one that my demon side couldn’t ignore. Murky tendrils coiled in my core, waking her from her relative peace.

  “I need to talk to Delacroix,” I spat.

  “Absolutely not.” Talon’s fierce gaze locked on mine, his hands encircling my wrists.

  “He’ll tell me the truth, Talon. It’s the only way we’ll find out.”

  “And while you’re down there, he’ll finish the job that demon started.”

  We’ll kill him and take his throne. My she-demon’s power-hungry voice interrupted my stare down with Talon.

  “You will not!” he barked.

  My brows knitted as my eyes shot up to his. “You heard that?”

  “What are you guys talking about?” Ella’s confused gaze bounced back and forth between us.

  “Nothing,” we shouted in unison.

  Logan cleared his throat, the raspy sound echoing through the rush of water within the chamber. “Excuse me. Excuse me!” he yelled. “You two sit tight. No one is going to the Underworld, least of all, you, Azara.”

  “Thank you,” Talon muttered, throwing his hands up.

  “I gotta go, but I’ll keep in touch when I can. From what I’ve heard, the SIA is chasing its tail trying to find Azara. Let’s hope it remains that way.”

  “Thanks, Logan. Stay safe.”

  The line went dead, and I narrowed my eyes at my dragon mate. “He’s not going to stop, Talon. Just like Thax. Whatever he wants from me, he won’t go away until one of us is dead.”

  Talon’s jaw tightened, his teeth grinding together. A wave of fury smacked into me through the bond, nearly knocking me off m
y feet. “I’ll kill him then.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  “Talon’s never going to agree to this.” Ella’s pouty lips pinched as she watched me devour the cheeseburger and fries she’d had especially prepared from the royal kitchen. In spite of my demon and warlock parts, my mostly human stomach still missed the classic human specialty.

  “He will once I make him see it’s the only way,” I said around a mouthful of juicy meat. While Talon was working out his stress in the gym, I filled Ella in on our new mated status and my plan to deal with Delacroix. It was happening with or without my dragon mate’s permission.

  My gaze flitted to the surrounding gardens that edged up to the back of the bathhouse. Talon and I had spent the evening out here discussing possible reasons for Delacroix’s attack. None of them were good. I shook the thoughts free and focused on the white trellis ringing the garden and the scent of gardenias that perfumed the air.

  I wished we could stay here forever, in our heavenly honeymoon retreat. But we couldn’t spend the rest of our lives in hiding. Sooner or later, I’d have to face Delacroix.

  My cousin shook her head, platinum blonde ringlets bouncing around her heart-shaped face. “Don’t you even think about sneaking off to confront Delacroix without Talon, Azara.”

  Damn, for not spending much time together my cousin knew me pretty well.

  “I won’t,” I hissed. “Otherwise, I wouldn’t have told you. I know you’d rat me out in a second.”

  She threw me a mischievous grin. “Only because I care about you, and I don’t want you to get murdered in the Underworld. And because of Talon. You guys are mates now, to dragons the bond is more sacred than marriage. If you died, you’d literally be condemning him to a death sentence. You know that, right?”

  I nodded, snagging my lower lip between my teeth. I did know that, and now being reckless wasn’t quite as easy as it used to be. Risking my life was one thing, but risking Talon’s? I couldn’t. Which was why getting him on board with the plan was the only option. And the first step was persuading Ella so she could help me convince him.

  “So what are you going to do?”

  “Make Talon see that confronting Delacroix is the only choice. I need to know why he wants me dead. Maybe I can change his mind.” Or kill him. My she-demon swirled to life, her words detonating in my mind.

  “I doubt he’s going to be forthcoming.” Ella crossed her legs and stared out into the lush gardens. “I miss this,” she said after a pause. “The SIA was my life, and now all I have are the mundane Fae courts.” She motioned at the beautiful greenery, the radiant flowers and the perfectly cloudless sky.

  “Poor baby,” I deadpanned.

  “I’m serious, Azara. Do you know what it’s like to deal with the daily trivialities of court life? It’s enough to pull your hair out. I’d give anything to be back in the field, doing something productive.”

  I hesitated, squirming on the edge of my seat. Asking Ella to help us was selfish. I’d be putting her life at risk but having backup might settle Talon’s anxiety. My cousin was a big girl and powerful, she could make her own decisions. “You could come with us,” I blurted. “All we have to do is convince Talon.”

  Her light brow arched, and a grin seized her lips. “It is the least I could do after all the pain I caused you.”

  Talon’s soft footsteps padding across the marble sent my heart fluttering. The mate bond was growing stronger by the second. I didn’t even have to be in the same room to feel him now. No wonder mates died soon after the passing of their other half. It had only been a few days and Talon filled me so wholly, I was certain I’d never recover from his absence.

  My mouth stretched into a ridiculous smile as my eyes landed on Talon’s half-naked form. Beads of water clung to his bare chest, dancing over his dragon and dribbling down his cut abs. His eyes seared to mine, pupils enlarging, as if he felt the desire pooling within me at the mere sight of him.

  He swallowed hard, his Adam’s apple bobbing and diverted his gaze to our visitor. “Ah, Ella.” His rough voice stoked the burning embers. He cleared his throat and focused on my cousin, and the all-consuming lustiness began to wane. He folded into the chair between us, and his hand glided to my thigh as if it belonged there.

  “I left your food inside.” Ella hitched her thumb through the French doors. “If it got cold, I can have one of the kitchen staff warm it up for you.”

  “I’m sure it’ll be fine, but thanks,” he said.

  My cousin was totally sucking up to her old SIA trainer. She’d been at it since we arrived. The old Azara would’ve been jealous, but the mate bond had triggered a deeper sense of assurance. I felt his love, his devotion deep within my bones.

  Loyalty and trust were everything to Talon and despite his courteous demeanor, he’d built a wall between himself and his old trainee. It would take a lot for Ella to regain his trust. Hopefully, helping out with our little Delacroix problem would be a big step in the right direction.

  I reached for Talon’s hand and laced my fingers through his. Here goes nothing. “Talon, Ella agrees that confronting Delacroix is the best way to deal with this situation, and she’s offered to help.”

  “Absolutely not,” he growled, his wild eyes darting back and forth between us. “Neither of you are going anywhere near the dark lord of the sixth realm. We’ve already talked about this, Azara.”

  I ripped my hand from his and pressed my arms across my chest. “No, you forbid me to go. We didn’t have a fair discussion about it.”

  “Because it’s completely insane.”

  “That’s exactly why it could work. Delacroix will never expect us to show up at his front door.”

  His jaw clenched, a mad flutter seizing his tendon. “It would be like a lamb showing up for slaughter.”

  “But we know the wolf, Talon, and we’re no innocent sheep.”

  He jabbed his fingers through his hair and set it off in messy spikes. “Even if I agreed to this lunacy, there’s still the SIA we have to worry about. If you’re lucky and Delacroix decides to be lenient and not kill you, he could always turn you into the agency.”

  “He won’t. That’s not his style, and you know it. If he’s got beef with me, he’ll deal with it himself.” I seared him with my steeliest stare. “Talon, I hid from Thax for way too long and look how that ended up. I won’t do the same with Delacroix. We can handle him.”

  Talon hissed out a frustrated breath, and his eyes dipped to his folded hands. “I can’t lose you, Azara,” he whispered so quietly I was sure only I heard.

  “You won’t.” I tipped his chin up with my finger and forced his eyes to mine. “I just found you, mate, and if you think I’m satisfied with only a few days with you, you are thoroughly mistaken. I want to be free to spend my life with you.”

  After a long pause, he muttered, “Fine.” He turned to Ella, worry creasing his dark brows. “You’re sure about this? I doubt your parents would approve.”

  Her head bounced up and down and excitement flickered across her pale lilac irises. “I’ve been dying for a good fight, T.”

  His expression darkened, stone carving into his features. “There will be no fighting, ladies. We portal in, find out what he wants from Azara and we get out. Got it?”

  “Got it, boss,” we echoed in unison.

  Ella raised a finger. “Just one question. Who’s going to portal us to the Underworld?”

  I exchanged a quick glance with Talon. Ella was family after all, and I knew for a fact that King Drake was one of the few people in on Mom’s warlock secret. If she trusted her father, I could trust her, right?

  Talon’s anxiety rolled through the bond as I opened my mouth to respond. Are you sure we can trust her? The concern in his voice amplified the worry spilling through me.

  Yes. I’m tired of hiding, Talon.

  He nodded almost imperceptibly, and I turned to Ella. It was time to spill the warlock beans.

  I curled into Talon’s chest, my back
pressing against his front and a yawn spilled from my lips. After another epic night of lovemaking, my skin still vibrated with echoes of unbridled pleasure. We’d held onto each other like the world would rip us apart. And maybe we’d been right. Today was our last day in our romantic bubble, and this evening we were bound for the Underworld.

  Talon nuzzled my neck, then dropped chaste kisses along my puckered skin. His chin rested on the dip of my shoulder, and he drew in a slow breath. “Remind me why we’re leaving here? I was just starting to enjoy our engagement.”

  “Engagement?” I squeaked.

  “I told you, for dragons the mate bond is more sacred than marriage, but since I assume you’d like to have an actual wedding someday, I’ve likened our status to ‘engaged’ for your human sensibilities.”

  A grin seized my lips instead of the panic I’d expected. Of course I’d marry Talon, I couldn’t imagine my life without him. I’d never expected to be engaged before twenty, but then again, so much that had happened this year had been unexpected. “So should I call you fiancé?”

  “You can call me whatever you want, amó.”

  He rolled me over and draped my leg over his hip. His arousal brushed my inner thigh, and I nearly abandoned all thoughts of conversation—and leaving. Focus! I jerked my eyes to his, and a smirk played on his lips as if he’d felt the lusty flare. “As I was saying, we’re leaving so that we can do this whenever we want, without living in fear.”

  “Oh, right.” His arms tightened around me, and he pulled me flush against the hard planes of his body.

  “Promise me when this is all over, we’ll run away together.”

  His lips brushed mine, once, twice and a third time. “I promise,” he murmured against my mouth.

  “We should probably get out of bed. I’m sure Ella is lurking nearby waiting for us to emerge. She seems super psyched about our little trip.”

  “Not yet.” He trapped me within his steel embrace, and I wanted nothing more than to remain there forever. Breathing in his wild, musky scent, surrounded by his powerful arms. “I’m surprised how well Ella took your big secret by the way.”


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