Darkblood Prison: Demon Dark Lord (Supernatural Prison Squad Series Book 4)

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Darkblood Prison: Demon Dark Lord (Supernatural Prison Squad Series Book 4) Page 22

by G. K. DeRosa

  “I thought you didn’t care about this realm. Or my mate.” Or me.

  He loosed a breath and turned toward the mantel, leaning against the dark stone. “I care when it suits me and the greater good.”

  “You knew what would happen all along, didn’t you? You saw the same vision as GG and that was why you came.” I was too exhausted to be angry, but the answer was as clear as day.

  He shrugged and fiddled with the crimson kerchief in his pocket. “I came because my granddaughter was desperate.” His gaze flickered to my stomach before inching back up to my eyes.

  I felt a twinge of truth radiate from his words. I knew Luci never liked to get involved when he could avoid it. Maybe he really had stepped in just for me. “Thank you, again.” The words popped out before I could stop them because for saving my mate, I’d be eternally grateful. It didn’t wipe out all the terrible things he’d done, but it certainly swayed my feelings.

  “Wonderful then, my work here is done for now. I will return this evening once the assembly has been convened.” He shot me a devastating smile. “I look forward to working with you, my dear.”

  I wished I could say the same.

  “Oh, one more thing.” He spun back as wisps of darkness wove around his legs. “Don’t worry about the SIA anymore. I’ve spoken to Maxim, and he will no longer bother with you.”

  “What?” I shot back, my eyebrows nearly reaching my hairline. “How?”

  “He owed me, and now we are even.”

  The director of the SIA had made a deal with the devil? A part of me was dying to know what, but I didn’t think I could handle any more drama today. “What about the others—Talon, Hayden, Logan, Dallas?”

  “I knew they’d be your main concern.” He grunted. “They’ve all been pardoned as well.”

  Relief flooded my system, momentarily eclipsing the fatigue. “Wait a second. You mean to tell me that you could’ve stopped Maxim from coming after me at any time? You could’ve gotten me out of Darkblood Prison when I first arrived?”

  He nodded, a lopsided grin stretched across his face. “If you recall, I did offer you an immediate departure from the penitentiary upon my first visit.”

  A growl reverberated in my throat. My demon was not happy. I’d been running from the SIA for months, and he could’ve put an end to it weeks ago. “You didn’t tell me on purpose. You wanted me to struggle and fight so that I’d end up here—right where you wanted me all along.”

  Again, that annoying, devious smile. “You know I prefer not to interfere with fate. I find it much more palatable when events unfold naturally.”

  “Or you shove them in a certain direction.”

  Luci shrugged, a bored expression returning. “Everything is as it should be. And now, I must depart to prepare for tonight’s ceremony. Ta-ta, my dear.” The rippling smoke crawled up his legs, and a second later nothing remained of my mercurial grandsire except the echo of his final words. Everything is as it should be.

  I rubbed my belly and forced my weary bones off the unforgiving throne. I needed a nap in the warm arms of my mate if I was expected to endure this evening.

  A pair of molten silver eyes bored into me through the mirror, igniting a fire in my core. Talon’s heated hands ran over my shoulders and down my arms. Goose bumps puckered my skin as I stared at my reflection, enveloped by his impressive form. His lips brushed the curve of my neck and drifted across my collarbone, driving a delicious shiver down my spine.

  “If you keep doing that, we’re going to be late to the ceremony.” I was already breathless from his tender touch.

  “That’s fine by me,” he murmured against my skin.

  I laughed and spun around to face him. “As tempting as that sounds, you still need to take it easy. You almost died yesterday, Talon.” My voice hitched, my emotions still raw.

  He leaned his forehead to mine, his voice soft and rumbly. “But I didn’t, because you saved me.”

  I wrapped my arms around his waist and drew him closer. I’d spent all night holding him and most of today. He insisted just having me near helped, and the strengthening thrum of the bond between us confirmed it. Pressing my head to his chest, I let the steady beat of his heart soothe the ache inside. Echoes of his pain still plagued me. I’d come so close to losing him. “It’s about time I returned the favor,” I finally breathed.

  He tipped his head down, and his warm breath swirled through my hair. Clasping my chin with his thumb and forefinger, he tilted my head up and ran his lips over mine. A husky groan melted my insides as his tongue danced with mine. “I’m almost fully healed thanks to Fiona,” he muttered against my mouth. The prison’s healer had made a late-night visit at Logan’s request, finishing off what my blood had started.

  “Good,” I breathed.

  “Do you know what would speed up the process?” He shot me a wicked grin.

  “What’s that?”

  He bent down and whispered in my ear, his heated breath tickling my flesh. “Being inside you.”

  Heat flushed my cheeks, then raced down to my core, kindling a fiery flame. He spun me around and stalked toward the bed, forcing me along with him. The back of my legs hit the mattress, and he gently lowered me to the silky sheets.

  “I promise to take it easy,” he whispered as he positioned himself over me, his corded arms caging me in. His mouth captured mine, and everything else faded away.

  The crown felt heavy on my head, the jagged brimstone digging into my skull. I clutched the armrests of the hideous throne, and my fingernails clawed at the roughhewn rock as Luci finished his speech. His words were a garbled blur drowned out by the frantic staccato of my heart.

  I kept my gaze firmly fixed on my mate, my fiancé, my love. We’d only been a few minutes late to the ceremony, and it had been totally worth it. My toes curled at the heated memories. Even injured, Talon made love to me like the world was burning. And now, stuck amid the tense room of warlords, I longed to touch him, breathe him in, be near him. The tiniest sliver of space was too much between our bodies, our souls.

  These fiery thoughts accompanied me during the lengthy ceremony and kept the scowling glares from my fellow dark lords at bay. By now, they all knew what had happened to Drayax. His second, Lysen, had barely made it off the battlefield alive. He and the other two demon leaders had fled around the time I split the earth in two. The three of them stared at me from across the grand hall, a mixture of terror and hatred contorting their features. Only the dark lord of the second realm, the one who hadn’t shown up for the assault, watched me with an expression of mild boredom.

  Maybe he’d become an ally. Maybe not.

  A scuffle at the end of the hall diverted my gaze to the back wall. Beelis and Artis held the door open, and a familiar pair of sky-blue eyes met mine. Golden curls bounced around Hayden’s broad shoulders as he flashed me a smile. My chest expanded, my heart so full I thought it would explode as Dallas, Logan, and Ella appeared behind him.

  They were all safe. And they came for me.

  A huge smile split my lips, the uncontained joy squeezing out from every inch of me. I squirmed in my seat, impatient to be done with this ceremony so I could see my friends. Did you know they were coming? I shot to Talon.

  Of course, I did. Just think of it as an early dark lord coronation present.

  A laugh burst from my mouth, and Luci glared down at me as he continued muttering some ancient demonic rite. Oops.

  My grandsire marched in front of me and beckoned me to stand with a crooked finger. I plastered on a solemn expression and he held out an ornate dagger, black whorls inked across the blade and a deep crimson ruby encrusted in the hilt. “And now for the blood oath,” he said as he slid the dagger across his wrist and handed it to me.

  I did the same, clenching my teeth at the sting of the sharp blade.

  Lucifer pressed his wrist to mine and wrapped a black cloth around our joined hands. The silky fabric pulsated with power, vibrating against my flesh. “Blood of
my blood, I pronounce you Dark Lord Azara Strong, dragon tamer, demon slayer and first female warlock of the Underworld. You are bound to your throne and to this realm until you are called from this world to the next. You are tasked to fight for your people, protect them and put their needs above your own. Oblivis carros eternitum. Oblivis carros eternitum.” The bind tightened around our wrists, and dark coils of power slid across my body, puckering my flesh. Thousands of spider legs crawled beneath my skin, and a thundering tempo roared across my eardrums. I sucked in a breath at the intense sensations creeping into my core, the foreign invader conquering every shadowed nook. The power reached a blinding crescendo as the pressure built in my core like a bloated tick. And then as quickly as it had come, the feverish surge of energy waned before completely falling away. “It is done.”

  My shoulders sagged, and I crumpled down to my throne. For once, the harsh stone provided an odd comfort.

  Lucifer only let me rest for a moment before jerking me back to my feet. “Your new liege, Dark Lord Azara.”

  The room erupted into applause—mostly from my mate and our crew, and I released a breath of relief. It was over. As soon as I’d conjured the words, I realized how wrong I was.

  This was only the beginning.

  Lucifer released me and I bounded past the scowling dark lords, each sparing me the barest head tilt, to reach Talon and my friends. My mate yanked me into his arms and my cumbersome crown dug into my forehead as I leaned into his chest.

  “Nice crown, pumpkin.” Hayden smirked as he eyed the spikey atrocity on my head.

  I pulled free of Talon and reached for my old angel bunkie. He’d been the first inmate to speak to me, to show me the barest amount of kindness. He’d risked his life for me and saved mine countless times. As I wrapped my arms around his neck and squeezed, I whispered, “I missed you, bunkie. I’m so glad you’re okay.”

  “You too, pumpkin.”

  Talon cleared his throat, and Hayden held me out to arm’s length. “Ah yes, that’s right. I hear a mate bond has been forged, and I owe you a congratulations on your engagement as well as for an upcoming bundle of joy.” He took a step back and moved beside Ella, nudging her with his shoulder.

  “Thanks, Hayden.” I leaned into Talon who’d possessively pulled me into his side.

  Dallas and Logan moved in next, but my mate kept a firm grip on my waist as they each congratulated me.

  “Thanks so much for everything, you guys.” I fixed my gaze on each of the men and then Ella, hoping they’d understand how much their sacrifices had meant to me.

  “We owe you a thanks as well,” said Logan. “We never would’ve been welcomed back to the SIA if it weren’t for you.”

  “Well, you can thank Luci for that. I don’t think there’s a single person, human or supernatural that my grandfather hasn’t made a deal with over the centuries.”

  My old warden glanced around the room before turning back to me. “Where are your parents?”

  I leaned in close and before I said a word, Ella’s magic washed over us, a glimmering orb encasing us in a silent shell. “My mom was summoned to speak at the Coven Council, and Dad didn’t want her going alone. GG is there too. They all promised they’d come as soon as they were finished.”

  “What’s that about?” Logan asked, his brows knitted.

  I shrugged. “GG wasn’t sure exactly, but something about our warlockness obviously.” A sliver of anxiety nestled into my core. GG had sworn the Coven had been okay with everything, but I couldn’t help the fear from rising. My mother had kept her secret—my secret, hidden for decades. What would the truth really unleash?

  Logan squeezed my shoulder, and a faint growl reverberated in Talon’s throat. I shot him a good eyeroll and he mouthed, “Sorry” to me then Logan. I knew he couldn’t control his dragon’s possessiveness, but if he didn’t get a handle on it soon it would be a very long nine months.

  Music flooded the hall, and Ella brought down the magical shield. I glanced around the room in shock at the nine-piece orchestra that had appeared, along with the merry warlords and their seconds prancing around the dancefloor with scantily clad women.

  What in the actual Underworld?

  Lucifer coalesced beside me, his jet-black three-piece suit gleaming. “Now that that’s finished, we can celebrate.”

  “Seriously? What’s up with the half-naked ladies?”

  “Oh, my dear Azara, you have so much to learn. The key to keeping the warlords happy is keeping them happy. Throw a little booze and some women of loose morals their way, and you’ll have their loyalty for life.” Luci spun toward the circle of revelers and waggled his dark brows. “Relax, enjoy!”

  I suppressed a major eyeroll and leaned into Talon. “Thank the gods I’ll have you to get me through this.”

  “Always.” He tucked me into his side, his warm palm caressing my belly.

  I lay my head on his shoulder, basking in his fiery, smokey scent as I watched the fearsome warlords let loose with my grandfather. I only had a second to revel in the moment before Hayden and Ella tugged us onto the dancefloor. Dallas and Logan were dragged into the crowd a moment later, and the six of us formed a circle in the center.

  As the guys danced around us, my heart expanded, my body completely weightless. I could barely feel the heavy crown on my head. We’d been through so much in the past year, and I was certain that whatever the Underworld threw at us, we could handle. Together.


  One Year Later

  * * *

  Not a day passed without thinking of the innocent lives I’d taken almost two years ago at that Fae nightclub. It had been the most terrible day of my life, until the many that followed after that. But despite it all, despite everything I’d endured at the hands of my despicable cousin, if that horrible night had never happened, I never would have met Talon. I wouldn’t have become the dark lord of the sixth realm of the Underworld, or of the first and third realms. And perhaps, there would never have been peace.

  I watched the sleeping baby, my baby, the gentle rise and fall of her chest, the faint pink coating her cheeks, her tiny fingers curled into tight fists, and I knew it had all been worth it. In spite of all the unspeakable things I’d done, Lucifer had been right, it was all for the greater good.

  Our daughter would grow up in a realm blanketed in peace instead of fraught by constant war. Talon and I had made sure of it. The last year hadn’t been easy, but I could already see the fruits of our sacrifices. The wards into the human realm had been bolstered, and no one got across without my say. I controlled three of the realms and the remaining three warlords were males of integrity, unlike the previous rulers. I was granted Luci’s spot on the Etrian Assembly, and for once, the Underworld was seen as a legitimate realm, not just a territory of monsters lurking in the darkness.

  The creak of hinges diverted my attention to the door, to my mate, my husband, filling the threshold. A broad smile softened the sharp cut of his jaw, the handsome planes of his face. Every day that passed I loved him more, our mate bond only grew stronger. He was the perfect partner in every sense. The Underworlders not only feared but also respected the man who stood beside their liege. He was my rock, my confidant, my everything.

  And his ties to the SIA didn’t hurt either.

  Talon crooked a finger at me, and I nodded, turning to admire our daughter one more time. I tucked a blanket over her petite form and followed him out of the nursery.

  “They’re all going to be here in a few minutes,” he said as soon as the door closed softly behind us.

  “I know. I’ll just let her sleep a little longer.” A swirl of excitement sped up my heartrate. Our closest family had already met baby Seraphina, named after Talon’s mother whose name meant fire, because she was the fire that burned within both of us. But today was her official introduction to the rest of our friends and family. I’d been looking forward to this for months.

  I nodded at Beelis who kept his post outside Sera�
�s room, and I followed Talon to the main hall. The large banquet table had been set up at the back corner, platters of food swept atop the sprawling oak, the scent of roasted meats and vegetables thick in the air. My stomach growled as the staff hustled around the room. I never thought I’d get used to their ever-lingering presence, but I’d only kept the ones I trusted from my days living beneath Thax’s thumb.

  Lumi approached me, her long barbed tail curling behind her back and motioned around the vast chamber. I’d never forgotten her kindness during my enslavement, and now she assumed the role of my head of staff. “Everything’s ready, my lady. Is there anything else I can do?”

  “No, thank you, Lumi. The guests should be here soon, and I’ll take care of the rest.”

  “Very well, my liege.” She scampered off, signaling for the rest of the staff to follow.

  Talon caught my eye from across the room as he snagged a chocolate truffle from the dessert tray. “Hey!” I squealed. “Don’t start eating before everyone gets here.”

  He erased the space between us and drew me into his arms, his lips claiming mine. He tasted like decadent chocolate swirled in smokey fire. “I can’t help it. I’m famished after last night.” His piercing gaze raked over me as he cocked a mischievous brow. “It’s requiring all of my self-control not to take you right here on this table.” A sexy growl rumbled his chest, and heat flared in my core, the tether between us tightening. Apparently, the mate bond only intensified after the birth of the first child. The instinct to procreate again and again was driving my mate crazy. I couldn’t say I hated it either.

  The charred scent of magic filled my nostrils, and Talon released me with a frustrated groan. “Later,” he whispered.

  Grinning, I turned toward the whirling portal beginning to take shape in the middle of our living room. From within the churning blue vortex, GG stepped through, followed by my mom, dad and Emi.


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