Felicity Stripped Bare

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Felicity Stripped Bare Page 11

by Vanessa Jaye

  “What gives me the right?” Leslie Cameron raised his voice and Felicity shrunk miserably against Daniel, aware of heads turning. “I’m her goddamn father.” Her dad jabbed a thumb into his own chest. “That’s what gives me the bloody right. And don’t think that crawling up between her legs gives you the right to start questioning me!”

  Felicity shriveled at the attack, clapping her hands over her ears. Not wanting to hear anymore. Not wanting to hear it again. “Stop it! Stop it!”

  Her breath came in heaving wracks as she pressed back, but Daniel’s presence was now a hindrance rather than a comfort. She had to get away. “I gotta go,” she hiccupped, turning away with stumbling feet.

  “Be off with you then, you never want to hear me talk, that’s why you are where you are,” her da yelled after her.

  Chilled to the heart and feeling like she would shatter under the hurt, she stopped and turned to face him.

  “No, Daddy, I heard every word you said. That’s why I’m where I am.” Felicity spoke till the pain stole away her voice. She held his gaze until he made a gesture of disgust and stalked off.

  She watched them go, her ma’s last glance a hook to the gut that tore and tore, unreeling years of hurt. She was barely aware of Daniel’s approach.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “So you said.” Felicity transferred her stare to him, feeling dead inside. Feeling small and alone.

  His expression tightened. She knew she was being unfair. He’d tried sticking up for her, which was more than her ma had ever done.

  “I just want to go home,” she said, looking around for Stuart, then she blinked as her vision blurred, and just kept right on blinking. When Daniel’s arms came around her, every bone in her body locked in place, but as she stared stone-faced at the buttons on his shirt, he weaved his fingers through her hair, easing her head to his chest and he held her. That’s all, but it was everything.

  She refused to cry. She wouldn’t cry.

  She wrapped her arms around his waist and let the steady beat of his heart anchor her.

  Her mind was a void, except for the measured counting of each breath she took as she soaked in his scent and wallowed in his strength. Allowed herself to lean on someone else, just for a little while…

  Daniel held her, or more accurately, held on, since everything else seemed to tip further out of whack. He was pissed and desperate, sad, happy and scared shitless, all at the same time. Buried under an avalanche of emotions.

  He was used to losing himself in his work, whether it was poring over contracts or blueprints, they were things he could analyze and control. Relationships were messy and uncertain, always demanding that you give more. And what if all you had to give was never good enough?

  Daniel felt Felicity tense, as if she’d read his mind, and panic flashed in him. What could he say to make her stay? He opened his mouth; nothing came out.

  “Stuart.” She pushed away from him.

  “Stuart?” he repeated stupidly.

  “He drove me down here to file the—” She broke off. “Oh, and my order is ready.”

  Daniel saw the fry guy waving at them from the window of the lunch truck, and then he scanned the crowd around them. Rob gave him a double thumbs up, but it wasn’t Rob his gaze settled on. It was the turd who’d just walked past where Rob was sitting. Stuart strutted down the street with his shirt opened and his pants practically falling off. The guy looked like a tool. A tool with killer abs.

  “That didn’t take long,” Daniel said, jealously strangling his voice as he locked eyes with tool boy.

  “No it didn’t. The food’s probably cold by now,” she said totally oblivious. “Listen, thanks for just now.”

  Daniel stretched his lips into a tiny closemouthed smile and nodded. “No problem.”

  He watched her walk away. Stuart greeted her by slinging an arm around her shoulder; then the turd threw a smirk in his direction.

  Daniel was grinding his teeth so hard, sparks should have flown out his nostrils and set his tie on fire. He headed over to Rob, who was making what-happened gestures.

  Damned if he knew.

  Rob shook his head in bewilderment. “Dude?”

  “That was her ex. They have a history together.”

  “So? You guys have history too.”

  “Not the type of history you’re thinking of.”

  There was a long enlightening pause.

  “Dude,” Rob said again, but this time he made it sound like a eulogy to Daniel’s manhood.

  Daniel pursed his mouth and looked away from the pity in his friend’s eyes towards the towers that loomed in front of him. He frowned. Obtaining building permits were part and parcel of doing business, but City Hall bureaucracy had taken on a new painful dimension in this battle with Felicity—

  She’d said something about Stuart driving her down here to file…



  “How are your nuts feeling?” Daniel pushed his jacket back, resting hands on hips as he continued to stare at the municipal building.

  Rob slowly rose up and turn towards the parenthetical towers. He swore softly. “I’d say they were feeling pretty toasty right now. What do you think she did?”

  Daniel could feel a muscle ticking in his clenched jaw. “Let’s go back inside and ask, shall we?”


  He was playing with her toes. Not a good sign if she was reading her signs correctly. The foot rub was as good as Felicity remembered, but she didn’t want to sample any other tricks Stuart had up his sleeve. Or in this case, down his pants.

  “Stu, what are you doing?” She moved her leg away.

  “What do you think I’m doing?”

  “Getting ready to leave?” She gathered up the CDs they’d been listening to and climbed off the bed. Stuart could be a good friend for hanging out—and this was one day she needed a friend; the nightmare at City Hall still had her head throbbing—but he made a sucky boyfriend. She wasn’t even tempted to play footsies, spread-the-kneesies then bump-the-uglies with him.

  Placing the stack of discs on the CD player, Felicity shut the music off. “It’s time to leave, Stu.”

  She walked out of the room, ignoring his dramatic begging with her own bit of dramatic eye-rolling. When he finally came out of the bedroom, Felicity had the apartment door open.

  He stopped in front of her, placing a hand on either side of her head as he leaned in. “I wish things were different between us,” he grumbled, his voice at a seductive pitch. Then he drew out the big guns and gazed soulfully into her eyes.

  Felicity suppressed the spurt of laughter. He was sooo predictable. “Horizontally different?” she teased.

  “How about a goodbye kiss then?”


  “Aw, c’mon.” He pressed a series of soft kisses along her jaw when she averted her face. “Just one,” he wheedled.

  Felicity sighed, “Fine.” She closed her eyes and puckered up. Making it clear just how totally unenthusiastic she was.

  Stuart went in for the gold. Nibbles, licks, the works.

  Through it all she felt like an old beater jacked-up on the front lawn—unmoved.

  When his hand closed around her breast, she’d had enough. “No, stop.” She pushed at him. “Stuart, Stop it!”

  Suddenly Stuart wasn’t there. He was sprawled on the floor, halfway across the room.

  Daniel stood between them.

  “What the hell are you doing, man?” Stuart jumped back to his feet.

  “Looks to me like Felicity didn’t enjoy being mauled,” Daniel pointed out reasonably. When what he’d reasonably like to do, is shove Stuart’s head so far up his ass the next time he gargled he’d give himself a colonic.

  “Who gives a shit what it looks like to you? What do you know? Fil and I go back years. We fight, she cools off, then I—”

  Daniel brought his face within inches of Stuart’s. “Then you’ll stay the fuck away from her.”
/>   Felicity’s ex squinted up at him, then looked at her. Daniel shifted, a wave of red hot emotion swelling up inside of him. He didn’t want this asshole looking at her or touching her. When Stuart’s narrowed gaze zeroed in on him again, Daniel could practically see the little twerp’s mind doing its tiny rotations.

  “Oooh, I get it. You think her crying on your shoulder earlier, downtown, actually meant something?” Stuart shook his head, biting down on his bottom lip as malicious pity shone from his eyes.

  The fog cleared from Daniel’s brain. What did he know about them? Felicity didn’t talk much about her ex. Hell, she didn’t talk much about herself period, and he’d accepted her reticence, because it had kept the distance between them.

  Feeling like he had Chuppa-Chup stamped on his forehead, Daniel straightened and, because he couldn’t help it, looked over his shoulder at Felicity.

  Her eyes widened in a deathly pale face. “Stuart, no!”

  The sucker punch connected, but that was the last advantage——including the advantage of breathing——that the little prick was going to have for a long time.

  He aimed for those pretty-boy abs; Stuart doubled over, but Daniel caught him before he crumpled completely to the ground.

  He slammed him up against the wall. “Get the fuck off of my property, before I throw you off.”

  The fact that it was impossible for Stuart to move, the way Daniel had him pinned to wall with no inclination to let go, was beside the point. He thought he heard other voices but ignored them as he studied buddy-boy’s face, which was a deeply satisfying shade of red.

  “Hey, Dan, I believe this is my dance.” Rob wedged his shoulder between them, then forced Daniel back with a none-too gentle push.

  “What the f—”

  His partner gave him a deadeye stare. He knew Rob had just stopped him from doing something reckless, but he wasn’t going to thank him for it.

  “Okay, you sorry sack of shit.” Rob glared at Stuart who was on his hands and knees gasping for breath. “Move your ass out of here.” He grasped Stuart under the arms and hauled him to his feet, then let go with a shove that sent the little bastard reeling. Daniel clenched and unclenched his hands; his fingers were missing Stuart’s throat.

  Rob took the trash out and Daniel was left alone with Felicity. He trained his gaze on her and, if it were possible, she paled even more. His stomach churned, his heartbeat raced and there was a burning behind his eyes.

  What if he hadn’t insisted on confronting her right away? Rob had tried to talk him out of it, but Daniel would have hitched a cab ride if his partner hadn’t given him the lift. She was visibly shivering now and he went to her.

  Daniel came to a stop in front of her. His hands cupped her neck, then moved to cradle her face, smearing gentle caresses across her mouth with his thumb. He brushed a tendril of hair away from her face as his expression softened and he pressed a light kiss on her brow. “You okay?”

  She could only nod, her eyes drawn to his face, where it had started to swell and discolor. “Oh God,” she whispered, and saw a muscle jumped in his jaw.

  “I should go after that asshole right now. Look at you, you’re trembling.” He started to chafe her arms in long strokes, moving closer until his body heat overcame her chills. “God knows what he would have done if I hadn’t come by.”

  “What?” Felicity focused on making sense of his words. She was still freaked-out by everything that had just happened, Daniel’s sudden appearance, then Stuart throwing that first punch. She shook her head, none of it made sense. Stuart wouldn’t risk messing up his pretty face. He was literally a—two-timing—lover, not a fighter. He wasn’t violent period.

  “Stuart wouldn’t hurt me. He’s not like that,” she said out loud, more to herself than to Daniel.

  His hands came up again to frame her face. “You just keep telling yourself that.”

  “No,” she said in a stronger voice, sure at least of this one thing.

  “I don’t believe this. You’re sticking up for the guy?” Daniel’s brows lashed together. “He was assaulting you. You told him ‘stop’, and he didn’t.”

  He was too close. Now that the shock was wearing off, she could smell him, his cologne, his scent. It was in her nostrils, on her skin, coating her tongue. She licked her lips and his eyes followed.

  Daniel was motionless, only his eyes were alive and piercing through her. “Was that my mistake?” he asked in a low slow voice and came closer, his hips brushing against hers.

  Electric need popped her veins and she started to tremble once more. Fingers shaking as she traced the shape of his mouth, growing mesmerized as those lips parted and he took one of her fingers into his mouth, twirling his tongue around it as he suckled her.

  He moved his hips, pressing forward, easing back, again and again in a gentling rhythm. Then the pressure increased, and he was only moving forward, grinding harder and harder. She moaned as he trailed kisses along her jaw then buried his face in her hair, his rapid breath bathing her ear in alternate rushes of warm air. Wanting more she gyrated against him and groaned in frustration when he eased back.

  “What hold does this guy have on you? Do you still love him?” He seemed to choke on the words. “Is that why you’re protecting him?”

  “I’m not protecting him. I told you, he’s not like that.”

  “Really? What’s he like then, Felicity? I can be just like him…for you.”

  She stiffened at the dark edge in his silky whisper. “Daniel?”

  He sealed her eyes shut with sweet heat, kissing each lid, before he brought his mouth to her ear again. “It’s okay, baby. You can tell me what you like.” He rubbed against her again.

  “Yes,” she hissed, turning to liquid despite the hint of danger in his voice.

  “You like that, huh? How about a little rough play—does that turn you on, too?”

  It was more than a hint now. Beneath the desire, he was angry. She stopped moving. “Daniel, d-don’t do this.”

  He shushed her, pressing his mouth into her hair. “Because if you need a little push over the edge, I’m your man, Felicity.” She felt his hot lips against her brow and shivered. “I’m way over the edge now, baby. Come join me.”

  “No.” She turned her face away. “Not like this.” Not without love. She stilled.

  Daniel stopped at once. His promised kiss withheld. For several anguished moments, the only sounds she could hear were his harsh breathing and her own heartbeat racing from the truth.

  Finally he stepped back. His mouth curled into a distorted smile. “Now, see how easy that was?”

  He left her standing there, stunned.

  Wondering how she hadn’t realized before now that she’d fallen in love with the man.

  Chapter Eleven

  “Turn around again. Slowly this time.”

  She did.

  “Okay, now take off the coat.” Cheryl was all business.

  Fumbling, Felicity untied her belt, then pulled the trench open with a jerky motion.

  “Honey, are you sure you want to do this?”

  “I am going to do this.”

  Cheryl raised a brow, but thankfully refrained from any more lectures.

  “Well, don’t worry none about the audience. You’re looking mighty titty-licious in that outfit. You’ll be a sure fire hit.”

  Felicity made a face. What she looked was trashy and tacky. Her tight white hot pants left half her butt hanging out and nothing to the imagination. It was a wonder a G-string fit under the shorts, but underwear was a safety-must due to the impending danger of zipper nip.

  Then there were the matching under-wire bra that pushed her cleavage up so high she could use her nipples as nose plugs, and the white PVC trench coat that had the texture of a giant condom wrapper. She felt like public transportation. Cheap and accessible.

  Cheryl was right. She would be a success.

  “Okay, now remember, the first song you keep the coat on, flash some leg, use
your slit— I mean the slit in the back of your coat, of course.” Cheryl’s mouth twitched.

  Felicity narrowed her eyes. “Of course.”

  “Song two, the coat gets ditched, use the pole, bend over a lot and give them a good look at the booty. Then song three is the money shot, get rid of the bra, unzip the shorts, and show them what your mama gave you.”

  Felicity closed the coat again, wrapping her arms around her waist. “I know what you’re doing and it’s not going to work. You’ve never talked about stripping in this way before.”

  “I can joke about it because I know the reality, hon. But just in case you still had a few illusions left, I’m here to strip them from you. See? That was a joke right there. Actually, more of a pun really.”

  “You’re not making this any easier.”

  “I don’t want to make it easier.”

  “I need to do this.” She took Cheryl’s hands in her own. “I love you for what you’re doing, but right now I need your support, please.”

  Cheryl’s face remained stubbornly closed, then finally she heaved a sigh. “Somewhere in hell, I just made a front row reservation.” She opened her arms and they embraced. When they parted Felicity emitted a suspicious sniffle.

  “What?” she asked defensively. “There’s something in my eye.”

  “There’s a lie in your eye.” Cheryl checked her watch. “Almost show time.”

  Felicity moved back on wobbly legs, her steps made more uncertain by her four inch heels.

  “Are you sure you can dance in those things?”

  She nodded.

  A flash of emotion showed in Cheryl’s face. “C’mon, let’s practice a few moves.” She started singing one of the latest dance hits, moving fluidly to the imagined beat. “C’mon, girl, work it! Let’s see you shake that money-maker.” Her movements turned into an exaggerated version of the twist.

  A reluctant smile tugged at Felicity’s lips as she half-heartedly rotated her hips.

  “That’s lame, Fil! Lame.” Cheryl made a face of disgust. “Do the running man!” She demonstrated. Felicity followed her example, but not very well.

  “Crank that Soulja Boy!” They broke into a fit giggles when Cheryl’s Superman sent her flying, unintentionally, across the room.


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