Felicity Stripped Bare

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Felicity Stripped Bare Page 19

by Vanessa Jaye

  She groaned and covered her face. She’d been hand-washing her panties in the bathroom sink, then drying them with his blow-dryer. This morning he’d caught her.

  “Personally, as far as I’m concerned, you could go without. But…” He dangled the thong in front of her and Felicity snatched it out of his hand.

  Caving in to temptation, she climbed onto the bed and tentatively pulled one of the bags, not from Holt’s, towards her, telling herself she just wanted a look. She wasn’t used to getting gifts. Growing up, money was used for practical things. And even though Stuart had been surprisingly good about remembering birthdays and other special days, it had never been anything like this.

  The first couple of bags she went through held more lingerie, delicate bits of lace and delicious slivers of silk and satin. “I’m beginning to see a pattern.”

  He grinned unabashedly. “Look in those bags over there; I think they have some real clothes in them.”

  Felicity burst out laughing and attacked the last of the booty. She found the jeans, tops, a slinky white wrap dress with spaghetti straps, and two pairs of shoes—heels and flats. There were also several basic makeup items in a smaller bag. With the bounty spread out on the bed, she was again visited with misgivings.

  “Don’t even think it,” he warned. “I still feel I could have prevented that fire somehow. Let me do this.”

  Some of her pleasure deflated. Guilt. He wasn’t buying her gifts. He was assuaging his conscience.

  “Okay,” she agreed quietly.

  Daniel rose from the bed. “Get dressed and we’ll go downstairs if you’re still up for it. I’ll be in the study. Just holler when you’re ready.”

  “No problemo.” She conjured up her own smile. Then watched him stride out of the room with his characteristic lithe grace.

  Felicity looked again at the pile of clothing. It was like looking at tinsel after Christmas. The magic was gone. And really, she couldn’t afford any of it. She grabbed what she could afford to pay for—the jeans and top—and got dressed, determined that he would have to take the rest back.

  As for Daniel, there was a decided spring to his step as he made his way back to office. The wonder on Felicity’s face, the growing excitement as she emptied each bag had made him feel like Superman and Santa Claus all wrapped up in one.

  He knew her well enough to know it wasn’t all about getting stuff. Or even getting expensive stuff. No, judging from what she’d told him about her past, it was just the fact that someone had thought enough of her to shower her with gifts. Some of his happiness faded. He had no right to feel angry at her parents. Not everyone had the financial wherewithal the Mackenzies had, yet did it take that much?

  He thought back to his own childhood, to the few times he’d won his dad’s approval, and the constant affection of his mother. Felicity had never had even that. He couldn’t take her back in time and make her parents show her the love she deserved. But he could love her here and now, in every way he knew how. The gifts were just a small start.

  Twenty minutes later, they were downstairs in the ground-floor mall adjacent to the condominium. Their first stop was at the ice cream parlor, where she and Daniel spent several minutes checking out the selection.

  “What are you having?” she asked.



  “Vanilla is a perfectly acceptable flavor. It’s classic.”

  “But it’s so—” she searched for the right word, “—white.”

  “Make that chocolate,” Daniel said to their server. His narrowed gaze challenged her to say anything. Anything at all.

  She rolled her eyes, then asked for a double scoop of coffee biscotti and banana caramel ripple—which Daniel shot repeated glances at as they left the store. Grudgingly she offered him a taste, and he managed several greedy licks before she finally protested.

  They took their time browsing, stopping frequently to give her ankle a rest. Eventually Daniel made several purchases, including a boldly colored tapestry by a local artist, and arrangements were made for the deliveries.

  She and Daniel were circling back to the mall’s exit when they nipped into a small store to admire some unusual silver jewelry. One ring in particular caught Felicity’s eye.

  “That’s one of my favorite pieces,” the store owner said. “Would you like a closer look?” At Felicity’s nod, she opened the display case and removed the ring, then dropped it in Felicity’s open palm.

  “It’s beautiful.” Felicity turned the ring one way then the other as the fire within the cubic zirconia caught the light. “There’s something about the design…it’s seems so…I don’t know.”

  “Strong? Peaceful? Joyous?” the other woman offered.

  Felicity smiled and nodded. “Yes, all those things.”

  “If you look closely, you can see the bands are actually two birds flying. It’s representative of two spirits together, traveling towards a brighter future.”

  Now that it was pointed out, she clearly saw the wings. “Wow.”

  “When you think about it, all engagement rings have the same symbolism,” the shop owner continued. “This particular designer made the interpretation a bit more literal. The diamond is flawless by the way; two point five carats,” she finished, beaming rather pointedly at them.

  “Oh.” Felicity’s sense of awe shrank down to aww crap. She handed back the piece of relationship kryptonite, then deliberately ooh-ahh’d over several necklaces and bracelets.

  When the owner asked if she’d like to see those pieces, she declined. The only thing she wanted to see was the exit.

  They left the store, Daniel silent beside her. And for once he didn’t suggest where they should check out next. Blindly she looked around, desperate to escape the sudden awkwardness. Across the aisle another display window caught her attention, and her momentary embarrassment eased as she walked over for a better look.

  Felicity’s eyes darted around the showcase. Unbelievable. She glanced over her shoulder at Daniel who had his hands shoved into his pants pocket. His eyebrows rose innocently, the effect ruined by his lopsided grin.

  “This looks familiar.” She pointed at a slinky bra and panty set. “And so does this one and this one and that one. And, oh, look, the sales woman is waving at you.”

  “I think I paid for her kid’s braces earlier today.” His grin widened, but the heat in his gaze sent a shiver down her spine. The unease between them turned into another type of tension.

  “I can tell you one thing, that kid’s new smile won’t even come close to the one I’ll be wearing when I see you in that little number over there in the corner.”

  Felicity looked at the outfit in question. That little number was a fraction.

  “I think that can be arranged.” Her voice came out husky.

  “Soon.” Eyes darkening, he slowly bent towards her. “Tonight,” he whispered in a low rumble, giving her the briefest, most unsatisfactory, kiss. “Now.”

  She looked around, and Daniel chuckled. “I meant upstairs. But I like the way you think.”

  She blushed. “It’s all your fault. You’ve thoroughly corrupted me.”

  “Surely not thoroughly…” His measuring gaze made her stomach knot in anticipation.

  “Let’s go.” She tugged at his hand and the humor in his expression increased as he snaked his arm around her waist to slow her down.

  As they made their way back to the condominium lobby, Daniel recounted in a lowered voice exactly what constituted thoroughly corrupted in his book.

  His finger hesitated over the UP button as the stood in front of the elevators. “Didn’t you want to look around outside?”

  “What’s so great about outside? Trees, sky, grass, seen it all before.” She pressed the button herself and gave him a what are yah nuts? look. The topography of Daniel’s body was all the landscape she was interested in at the moment. When the doors opened Felicity stepped into the elevator ahead of him.

��Besides, I think I’ve given this ankle enough exercise for the day.”

  He instantly became concerned. “Why didn’t you tell me it was bothering you?” Daniel pulled out a plastic card from his pocket and swiped it in the control panel. Penthouse flashed on the screen and the elevator started to move upwards.

  She laid a hand on his arm. “I’m fine. It’s a little sore, that’s all. I’ll just spend the rest of the day lolling around.”

  “I’ll have to peel you some grapes when we get upstairs.”

  “My very own love slave?”

  The smile slipped from his face and he drew her to him. “More than you know,” he said gruffly.

  “Excuse me? Are you going up?”

  Daniel pulled back and Felicity looked into the inquisitive expressions of an older couple holding matching Schnauzers. The dogs started yapping and Daniel sidled into a corner, maneuvering her to stand in front him.

  As the elevator ascended, the reason for him using her as a shield became obvious—eight, hard, blatant inches of obvious that he mischievously pressed against her ass periodically. Then to her utter shame she felt her nipples go bionic—bigger, harder and ready to pop through her thin top.

  For several floors Felicity gritted her teeth in a false smile at the other occupants, who were staring at her and Daniel with unabashed amused curiosity. Even the dogs seemed to know what was going on and continued to whine and sniff loudly with their stupid little wet noses pointed at her and Daniel.

  “Have a nice day, folks,” he called good-naturedly at their retreating backs once the couple got off. The door closed on the wife’s tittering and several more yaps from the dogs.

  Felicity whirled on him. “You—you—”

  He kissed her. Again and again and again. She dimly heard the bell announce their arrival at the penthouse. And somehow they got off the elevator in a tangle of limbs, until Daniel was against the wall of the private foyer, his splayed legs framing her hips as she leaned into his groin. He pushed up her top above her breasts and his head dipped to lave attention there, raining suckling kisses on her heated flesh.

  With feverish fingers, she unzipped his pants, reaching into his boxers to grasp the thickness of his cock. He groaned and captured a nipple. She moaned and stroked harder. And into all of this came the insistent buzz of the intercom.

  “Ignore it, they’ll go away.” His words were muffled against her skin. But whoever was downstairs had no intention of going away. The ringing stopped briefly only to start up again. With an oath, Daniel tore his lips from her cleavage and slammed the side of his fist against the intercom.

  “Yes!” he barked out, chest heaving. Eyes still holding her captive as his other hand took to roaming over her body, cupping each ass cheek in a possessive squeeze, before sliding between her thighs—

  “Daniel, sweetheart, it’s your mother,” the scratchy voice emitted from the intercom.

  He jerked his hand from Felicity’s crotch and thumped his head back against the wall several times. With a groan, he closed his eyes and then took a deep breath, causing his chest to brush the wet tips of her breasts.

  “Daniel, are you there?”

  “I’m here.” His expression turned wry as he looked down at Felicity, finally letting her go. He punched in the access code for the penthouse elevator. “Come on up.”

  They straightened their clothing, but even after he assured her she looked fine, Felicity still wanted to go hide in the bedroom.

  “Oh no you don’t.” He halted her escape by snagging her wrist. “My mother’s probably here to visit you.”

  “Do I look all right? My hair—”

  “You look absolutely beautiful.”

  He leaned towards her again, and she held up a hand to ward him off. “Whoa.”

  He grabbed her hand and pressed it to his mouth, licking at the shallow heart of her palm.

  “Don’t do that!” She snatched her hand away.

  The elevator doors opened, and Lise hesitated at the threshold. “I’m not interrupting?” She looked them both over with the same sly amusement the older couple had.

  “N-no of course not.”

  “Whatever gave you that idea?” Daniel bent and kissed his mom on both cheeks.

  “What indeed?” Lise patted him on the chest before turning to Felicity. “You’re looking much improved. Daniel must be taking good care of you.”

  And then some. “We just came from a walk around the mall.”

  “You’re positively glowing, my dear,” Lise said, linking arms with her. She towed a limping Felicity into the living-room. “Nothing like some well-timed calisthenics to do you a world of good,” she added dryly.

  Blushing, Felicity shot a beseeching glance at Daniel over her shoulder. He just winked.


  Chapter Eighteen

  Felicity sat with Lise on the sofa, while Daniel reclined in one of the chairs, feet propped on the coffee table.

  Lise made shooing motions. “I taught you better than that.”

  Shaking his head, he took his feet down. “There were supposed to be advantages to moving out on my own.”

  “And some of those advantages you took with you, like the civilized manner in which you were raised.” She stroked some hair behind her ear and turned to Felicity with a smile. “Does this mean your ankle is feeling better, if you’re getting around without your crutch?”

  “Well, the nurse did say the crutches weren’t really necessary.” She snuck a peek at Daniel, who sank down in his seat sheepishly. “But I should take it easier for the next couple of days since I pulled an afternoon shift for Saturday.”

  “Surely you’re not going back to work so soon?” Lise protested.

  “I can’t afford to lose my job. And I can’t stay here forever.”

  “I’ve already told you, you’re welcome to stay here as long as it takes,” Daniel said, his expression now darkened.

  As long as it takes for what?

  He stood up abruptly. “Mom, would you like something to drink? Wine? Coffee?”

  “Water, thank you.”

  He glanced at Felicity.

  “I’m fine.”

  “I take it this visit also has something to do with Saturday night?” Daniel asked as he walked over to the kitchen.

  “Yes!” Lise clapped her hands together. “I’ve gotten so much done since yesterday. Almost everything is in place for your birthday. We have reservations for four at Butterfly—”

  “Wait a sec.” He looked up from pouring out two glasses of water. “Reservations? I thought you said a small dinner at home.” He rested the bottle on the countertop, subjecting his mother to narrow-eyed scrutiny.

  “Oh.” Lise waved his concern away. “I’ve got enough on my plate without whipping up a gourmet dinner.”

  “Gee, thanks, Mom.”

  “Now, Daniel, I didn’t mean it like that. Only that with everything else—”

  “Everything else?” He pounced again as he brought the drinks over, passing her one.

  “Yes, everything else. I had to make a last minute appointment with Frederick—do you know how difficult it was to convince him to squeeze me in? I assured him I only needed a wash and a teensy trim. And then I had to—”

  “Okay, okay. I’ll take your word for it.” He returned to his chair.

  “And why wouldn’t you?” Lise looked very pleased with herself as she took a sip of her water. “So you and Felicity should meet your father and me at the restaurant by seven-thirty.”

  “Me?” Felicity squealed.

  “But of course. It’s Daniel’s birthday. I’m sure he’d want you to be there.”

  Felicity wasn’t so sure. He hadn’t said word one to her.

  He must have read her thoughts, and tried to explain. “I didn’t say anything earlier because I was hoping my mother would drop her plans.”

  “And that was totally unrealistic of you, Daniel. You know me better.”

  “I’m not too fond of cele
brating birthdays. The last two parties were fiascos.”

  “Now, now, darling, fiasco is such a negative word.”

  He sat forward, his focus on Felicity. “I want you to be there. Say yes.”

  It was the gentleness of the command that got her, and the warmth in his eyes. She said, “Yes,” just as the phone rang.

  Daniel returned her smile, then excused himself to answer the phone.

  As soon as they heard him say hello, Lise leaned closer. “Listen, I need a really big favor,” she whispered hurriedly, shooting glances over Felicity’s shoulder at Daniel. “You have to get hold of the security pass for the elevator.”

  “But I don’t have one.” She lowered her voice to match Lise’s.

  “Yes, but you can get it.”

  Felicity nodded without having the faintest clue as to how she would get her hands on the card.

  “He has an extra one. I used it when I decorated his study, but he took it back.” Lise craned her neck, glaring at Daniel. “The ungrateful wretch.”

  Felicity turned to look at him also.

  “Felicity!” The urgent whisper brought her attention back to Lise, who had slouched down further into the couch.

  Felicity started giggling.

  “Stop that,” Lise commanded, even though she was fighting not to smile herself. “You’ll need the extra elevator pass card for when you start back at work, right? So…” another pause for another surreptitious glance, “…on Saturday, I’ll get the key from you at dinner, and while we’re eating, the caterers can get in here!” she finished victoriously.


  “Yes, yes. Pay attention, dear. I’m throwing Daniel a little surprise cocktail birthday party. Right under his very nose.” The hushed tones of prudence barely contained Lise’s glee.

  “Are you sure about this?” Felicity ventured tentatively. “Wouldn’t he hate a surprise birthday party?”

  “I’m his mother, it’s my duty to surprise him.” Lise’s smile vanished as she looked over Felicity’s shoulder. “Oh, here he comes! —Darling, everything all right?”


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