Rattle His Cage: The Baxter Boys #4 (The Baxter Boys ~ Rattled)

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Rattle His Cage: The Baxter Boys #4 (The Baxter Boys ~ Rattled) Page 21

by Charles, Jane

  “Their dinner and checking in should be done.” Kelsey glances at her phone. “It’s going on nine. They started at six.”

  “Maybe I should have just gone home.”

  Kelsey links her arm with mine. “But then you won’t see Dylan.” She grins at me.

  “I spent the day with him, remember?”

  “How is that going anyway?”

  “Good.” I play it off as no big deal because I’m afraid she’ll see too much. I don’t exactly have a poker face.

  “Just good?” She asks in disbelief. “You’ve wanted him since the moment you saw him, and now it looks like you have him.”

  I kind of smile.

  “He really is a great guy,” she says after a moment, all serious.

  “Yeah, I know.”

  “He’s also not as open and outgoing as the others.”

  “I’ve noticed that too.”

  “I worry that he shutters himself.”


  “You know, closes the window and shuts the blinds on his emotions. Internalizes.”

  “You mean, like you.” I’ve known Kelsey since we became roommates a year and a half ago. She pretty much kept to herself and was always quiet. If I was going to have a friend in the apartment, it was going to be Kelsey and certainly not Shelby and Tiffany. I made it impossible for her not to be my friend. Okay, maybe I was obnoxious, but I hated the idea of her always shutting herself up in her room studying when she wasn’t in class or out teaching piano. It’s a lonely world without friends.

  Kelsey chuckles. “Yeah, I guess.”

  “But not so much anymore, right?” She and Alex seem to have a good thing. So, there was a minor hiccup and a poor decision right before New Year’s but that’s been smoothed over, I think.

  “No. I can talk to Alex about anything. It’s really great.”

  “That’s good.” Everybody needs someone they can be totally open with. “Dylan and I talk a lot, so that’s good, right?”

  “What do you talk about?” I can’t tell if she’s just curious or fishing for information now. Fishing is not Kelsey’s style though.

  “His family.”

  “That’s it?”

  “It’s kind of consuming him right now.” I don’t tell her that I know the background of what caused him to be separated from his family. That is for Dylan to share, if he ever wants to.

  We practically run into Christian and Zach as they are coming out. Christian has his saxophone case and Zach is ready for a night on the town in a lovely blond wig and fuck me thigh high leather boots. He really needs to show me some makeup tricks. His eyebrows aren’t even the same and I know damn well he doesn’t pluck, wax or shape them because I’ve seen him without makeup. Maybe pluck, but they normally aren’t shaped like a girl’s either.

  “Did you let him down gently?” Sean asks when we enter the living room.

  “We are just friends,” I blow out. Really, they are all seeing something that isn’t there.

  “Dessert’s in the kitchen,” Dylan says. “Want any?

  “I’m too stuffed.” Kelsey drops on the couch next to Alex.

  “I’m not,” I assure him and head off to the kitchen.

  Dylan follows and I stop before a two-layered chocolate cake, half of it gone, and my mouth waters.

  He cuts a slice and puts it on a plate and hands me a fork. I take a bite and the rich, yummy goodness practically melts in my mouth. I moan and savor. “Perfectly, deliciously moist,” I finally say.

  “I thought you hated that word,” he teases.

  “Not for cake.” Then I take another bite.

  He’s busying himself wiping up the counter when it isn’t dirty.

  “What’s going on?”

  “How was your dinner?”

  “Fine. Why?”

  He shrugs. “The guys seem to think Nelson is interested.”

  I just roll my eyes. “They are seeing something that isn’t there.” I take another bite of the best cake I’ve ever eaten in my life. “Nelson and I have been friends since our first semester at college.”

  He just nods, but doesn’t say anything.

  Does he think…? “I’m not interested in Nelson.”

  “Good to know.” He rinses out the dishrag and then hangs it to dry.

  “Did you think I was going on a date after...” I glance back at the door leading to the living room and drop my voice. “this morning?”

  He finally turns and looks at me. “I wasn’t sure and it isn’t like we’ve really established what is going on with us.”

  I put the plate on the island and walk around to him so nobody can hear us. “We crossed a line this morning. At least for me. When the physical enters in, all other people are out, not that there was anyone else, not even Nelson. I am a one person person.”

  “I am too,” he says as he takes my hands. “Look. I don’t know what we are or where we are going, but I’ve had relationships before, when the other party was more open than I am.”

  Someone cheated on him? Why the hell would someone do that when they had the greatest guy out there?

  “I also know that it’s really old-fashioned thinking, but when I’m involved with someone I don’t think they should be involved with anyone else, even though it’s not really the case so much anymore,” he says.

  “I get that there are people who like to just sleep around and have empty relationships, but I’m not one of them. Never have been. I can’t be with a guy one night and then another guy the next night. It’s just not me.” I lean in so I can whisper in his ear. “When my panties came off, my world centered on you and only you for the duration of whatever it is that we are.”

  “Does that mean they may come off again?” He whispers back.

  “At the earliest possible moment,” I assure him. “If it’s too early for you to be exclusive, I’m fine with that, but if there are others, then the panties aren’t coming off.”

  “Trust me, there is nobody else.” He grabs my ass and pulls me against him. “And exclusive is the only way I roll when disappearing panties are involved.”

  Something inside of me springs loose. I hadn’t realized that a part of me was holding back. Just because we were having fun, didn’t mean it was anything to him. But, knowing that he’s exclusive, like me, shatters a wall I didn’t even know was erected. It’s freeing and I’m not holding back a damn thing. “In that case, just so you know, I’m going to the university clinic on Monday.”


  He seems panicked all of a sudden. Did he think I lied about being tested?

  “I do believe a form of birth control is in order. The best one out there because I plan on getting into your panties as often as I can.”

  “I don’t wear panties.”

  “Boxers, briefs, it’s all the same to me, as long as they can be removed.” Then I lean in and whisper again. “After reading your books, I can’t wait for what happened on page 34.”

  He pulls back and frowns. “Page 34?”

  “When he fucked her brains out and she could barely function for an hour after.”

  The rumblings of a chuckle rise from his chest. “I’ll try not to disappoint.”


  “I don’t think it’s fair that they get an apartment and we don’t,” Zoe whines as Mary and I go back into the living room.

  “You never said you wanted one,” Alex argues. “You have a place. They needed one.”

  “Do you even remember my place?” she counters. “I can stand in the center of my living room and touch both walls if I stretch my arms out.”

  “That tiny?” Mary asks. “I thought the room in my former apartment was small.”

  “Does the one upstairs have three bedrooms too?” Joy asks.

  “Yes,” Alex answers slowly.

  Joy, Zoe and Kate look at each other. I’ve seen that conspirator gleam in their eyes too often. Alex doesn’t stand a chance.

  “It has south facing light,”
Mia says to Joy.

  She gasps. “Really? My plants would be so happy.”

  “If Kate took the room I have, assuming it’s the same setup, then she’d never have to worry about her instruments being in sunlight,” Alyssa says.

  “When I got my place, I loved how bright it was, but I need to keep the violins and cello in cases all of the time and still, sometimes it gets so hot in there I worry they will be destroyed.”

  “Is it pet friendly?” Zoe asks hopefully.

  Alex rolls his eyes. “What kind of pets?”

  “Oh, just the kitten I need to adopt.” Zoe leans in. “He is the cutest little thing and needs me.”

  “That’s all?” Alex asks warily?

  “And, Spike of course.”

  “Who and what is Spike?” I ask. Knowing Zoe, it could be anything from a snake to a monkey.

  Zoe leans in enthusiastically. “He is the cutest ever Bolognese! I’ve been walking him for a year but now his human has a new job and will be traveling at least two weeks out of every month. He’s looking for a good home for Spike because he doesn’t want him to be alone so much.”

  “You do walk him every day,” Sean points out.

  “It’s not the same as living with a human.” She pouts. “He’ll get lonely.”

  “Housebroken?” Alex asks.

  “Yes. He’s perfect and quiet and doesn’t bark unless strangers are at the door.” She looks around. “So, he’ll probably bark at you guys until he gets to know you.”

  “Why is his name Spike?” Joy asks.

  “His human grew up watching Buffy, and George had a thing for Spike.” She smiles. “I’ve watched some of those old episodes. He is really hot. A vampire with strength and stamina.” She fans her face.

  “I’m not saying you can have the apartment, but your roommates have to be okay with the pets too.”

  “I’m allergic to cats,” Joy says with reluctance. “And, they knock things over. Half the time my plants would be on the floor.”

  Zoe slouches.

  “But, I’d love to have a little dog around.”

  “So, new policy. No cats and only small dogs.”

  “How much is rent?” Kate asks.

  “How soon can we move in?” Zoe asks.

  “This is perfect, my lease ends in a month,” Joy says.

  Alex glances at Kelsey. “When did I say yes?”

  She just laughs. “Give it up. That battle was over before it began.”

  “Does no cats go for all apartments?” Mia asks after a bit.

  “Why?” Alex asks slowly.

  She shrugs. “I was thinking of getting one, if Mary and Alyssa were okay with it. I think I’m starting to think that Zoe is right. That animals are better than humans.”

  “I don’t care,” Mary says. “I like cats.”

  “Fine by me,” says Alyssa. Then they look at Joy. “How allergic are you?”

  “I can be in a room with one, but I can’t touch them or get the hair on my clothes and stuff, which is why I don’t want to live with one.”

  “So, us having one won’t be a problem?” Mia asks.

  “Just don’t ask me to hold or pet it.”

  Mia gives Alex a hopeful smile with a little begging in her eyes. They so know how to work us.

  He throws up his hands. “Fine, but the thing had better be litter trained. I don’t want that place smelling like cat piss.”

  “And I know where you can find the perfect kitten,” Zoe says with a grin.

  Mia stands. “I need to head back.” She’s holding her side and looks about ready to drop.

  “I’ll drive you.” Sean stands.

  “Thanks.” She is deflating before our eyes. This has been a long couple of days and Mia still has a hell of a lot of healing to do. She should just rest this weekend since she needs to go back to work on Monday.

  “I’ll hitch a ride too.” Alyssa stands. “Why should Mary and I be stuck on the subway when there is a van?”

  I glance at Dylan, not sure if it’s time for me to go, or if he wants me to stay.

  “Can I just park my van behind the building?” Sean asks Alex.

  “Sure. I have two spaces back there I’m not using.”

  “Why haven’t you moved into one of the apartments, like for real, and not just for brooding?” Sean asks.

  “Kicking me out?” Alex asks with humor.

  “No dude. Just makes sense.”

  “Because someone once told me never to live where you work or you will always be working and never living.”

  “Who told you that?” I ask him. Not that I run the risk of living where I work since I want to be hired by an emergency department.

  “Ladies who used to own the tattoo shop. They lived upstairs for a little while and found it was too easy to keep going downstairs because there is always something that needs to be done and not enjoying their off time together.”

  I just nod. That makes a hell of a lot of sense.

  Joy jumps up. “Can we go too?”

  “Sure,” Sean says slowly. “Why?”

  “So we can see it to figure out how soon we can move in.”

  “It’s loaded with shit,” Alex says.

  Zoe, Kate, and Joy look at him pointedly.

  “Fine.” Alex sighs and gets up. “Let’s all go take a look and see what the place needs.”

  They all get up and head out. I stay back with Dylan. This is almost too perfect. Just us in the brownstone. I bet he has condoms upstairs. It’s not like I’m ovulating and after having a taste of what is to come this morning, I’m ready to head upstairs with him.

  Ryan comes in from the kitchen.

  Crap, I’d forgotten he was still here.

  “Don’t you want to go with them?” Dylan asks.

  “And leave you two alone? Hell no. I’ve got a bet to win.”

  My face heats and I have to look away. If I have any say, nobody will ever learn.

  “Did you tell Mary your good news?” Sean asks.


  “Noah emailed me back.” He grins.

  “And you are just telling me this now?” I punch him in the arm. Not hard or anything.

  He winces and rubs his bicep.

  “I barely tapped you.” I roll my eyes. “Why didn’t you say something?”

  “Didn’t really get a chance.” He shrugs.

  “You could have told me right when I got here. We were in the kitchen. I was eating cake.” I can’t believe those weren’t the first words out of his mouth.

  He pulls me down to his lap and wraps his arms around me. “I needed to figure something else out first.”

  As in, if I was dating Nelson. If I was, he would have completely shut down and not been so open with me anymore. I get that and I’m so glad we cleared the air on our relationship, since apparently, it is one now. “So, tell me.”

  “He was glad to get my letter and happy that I hadn’t fallen off the face of the earth. He wants to talk when he has a chance. I gave him my number. He is free tomorrow and is going to give me a call when he wakes up.”

  “Where is he?” I ask. It’s only like 9:30, okay going on 10 here.


  My eyes widen. “Really?”

  “Airborne. The email showed up at like midnight his time, and he said he was headed to bed, glad I got in touch and would call.”

  Impulsively I throw my arms around him. “I’m so happy for you.”

  Dylan snuggles his face against my neck. “Me too. I think things are finally turning for me and my family.”


  This isn’t exactly how I planned on spending my Saturday. Well, I did plan on spending it with Mary, just not with the rest of my friends cleaning out the top apartment above Alex’s tattoo shop.

  “It could be worse,” she says to me. “The boxes could have filled the entire place.”

  “True.” We soon discovered that they only filled about half of the living room, as if they were dumped
just inside the door and not put in any order. Since we got here early, we’ve been hauling them down to what used to be a large kitchen at the back of the tattoo shop. Apparently, one of the owners liked to bake and served cookies every day.

  “Alex is still planning on having cookies, since the customers liked them, except they will be ordered from the bakery down the street. Wholesale for Alex and a big sign of advertisement for them,” Kelsey tells us. “And, some kind of juice bar.”

  “Why not coffee?” Mary asks. “The perfect brew will bring customers pouring in the door.”

  “Caffeine or alcohol are never a good combination with tattoos,” Alex says as he comes into the kitchen with a box. “They both can cause more bleeding and make it harder to do a tattoo.”

  “Hmmm, didn’t know that. Guess I’ll think twice before getting another one.”

  Alex jerks his head and looks at her with surprise. “You’ve got a tattoo?”

  “Yep.” Mary grins. “But only the very special ever get to see it.”

  All of a sudden everyone is looking at me. I hold up my hands in defense and take a step back. There is no way I’m confessing to having seen it or even telling them what it is. That tattoo has special meaning to Mary, and it’s her call if she wants to share that with anyone.

  “I’ve seen it,” Kelsey says and gives me a sly look out of the corner of her eye. “If Dylan has seen it, then maybe we’ve all lost the bet.”

  “It’s somewhere below the waist?” Joy asks with a grin.

  “No.” Mary says and points to the center of her midriff, just below her boobs, exactly where she has her tat.

  Zoe rolls her eyes. “That’s only second base. When you are at third and rounding for home, then we’ll worry about the bet.”

  Every time they bring up that damn bet, Mary’s face turns bright red. “That’s assuming any of you will ever know.” I pull Mary to me. “First, it’s none of your business, and second, it’s none of your business.”


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