“That’s Perseus and Andromeda. Andromeda was chained to a rock to be sacrificed to a monster and Perseus rescued her and made her his queen.” She explained.
Reagan and I laid side by side in silence enjoying the sky. Before we knew it, the once starlit sky was overtaken by clouds. Rain began to pelt down on us. Thunder roared and crashed. Without exchanging any words Reagan and I looked at each other then stood up and booked it towards the van.
It took Shane three attempts to get it started. His windshield wipers barely worked and a five minute drive over the bridge was clearly going to turn into an adventure.
“You ready to roll ladies? I’ll get us home quicker than you can snap your fingers.” He blasted the radio and Reagan and I belted out our favorite song. We flew down the dirt road towards the bridge. The sky was pitch black and the bridge was already completely flooded. The van puttered and almost didn’t make it up the hill. Shane floored it and the rain spun underneath the wheels. He hunched his body over the wheel and continuously hit the gas. A huge flash of light filled the sky and lit the whole inside of the van up.
Chapter 2:
The next morning, I felt super dazed when I woke up. Reagan had her arms wrapped around me in my bed and Shane was passed out on the floor next to us. My head was pounding. I rubbed my eyes and carefully lifted Reagan’s arm off of me. She stirred a little. I quietly unlocked my phone to check the time.
“What time is it?” I heard a familiar voice croak. I turned over to see Reagan stretching and yawning.
“11:30”, I replied. “Why does everything after we ran to the van in the rain feel like a blur to me?” I questioned.
“I don’t know; what do you think I roofied you or something?” Reagan hopped out of bed and kicked Shane lightly. “Let’s get up; we have a mission to complete today.” She smirked. “Operation get Sutton a date.”
This took me back to when we were in school together and Reagan constantly played matchmaker for me. In fifth grade I told Reagan I had a crush on Ricky Barnes. Ricky had brown hair that he spiked up with gel every day. He always wore Patriots clothes and was absolutely obsessed with football. The only thing he loved more than the Patriots was chocolate chip cookies.
When Ricky sat next to me at lunch one day and gave me half of his cookie I fell in love. The second I told Reagan about my newfound romance she was absolutely obsessed with making sure he’d be my boyfriend and somehow it worked. Ricky and I would hug at recess and sit next to each other at lunch and he always shared his cookie with me. Then half way through the school year Ricky found out he was moving to Arkansas and our whirlwind of a romance came to an end.
When I was in eighth grade Reagan convinced AJ Marks to ask me to the semi formal dance. He was handsome and smart and lots of girls in our grade liked him. Of course, I said yes. We slow danced together and stepped on each other’s feet. He even held my hand when we walked across the street to McDonald’s after and bought me an ice cream cone. I had my first kiss that night and it was the most awkward perfect first kiss I could have asked for. AJ and I even dated for the rest of the year but he was going to a private high school and possibly getting recruited for baseball so we decided to mutually end it.
I guess Reagan did have an okay track record with matchmaking but this wasn’t a kid from our school this was a random kid in a random state. There's no way it would work out.
By 12:30 we were on the boardwalk, the sun shining and the seagulls squawking. We had to bring Gia along because my great aunt and my mom had a meeting with a nurse.
“Let’s get pizza for lunch!” Reagan exclaimed. Shane was still half asleep looking like a homeless man.
“Didn’t we just have pizza for dinner last night?” Reagan slapped him lightly on the arm.
“That’s the point babe,” Reagan said rolling her eyes and flipping her hair.
“I want fried cookie dough and orangeade!” Gia yelped and her eyes lit up.
“Yeah, that sounds great to me. There’s a snack bar right at the end of the boardwalk going towards town.” I replied, trying to be slick.
“I bet they have that at the pizza place too. We don’t have to get pizza.” Reagan snickered.
We continued to the Pizza Shack and as soon as we walked in the door I gulped and held my breath. I scanned the restaurant with my fingers crossed hoping the boy behind the counter wasn’t working today. I let out a sigh of relief when he was nowhere to be found. I giggled out loud and looked over at Reagan who was already glaring at me.
We ordered a lunch of fried cookie dough, cheese fries, and orangeades at Gia’s request and found ourselves seated at the same booth as the night before.
“This is our lucky booth,” Shane said, rubbing the beat-up leather seat with his palm. We all laughed.
“I think you’re right,” Reagan replied. “I have a feeling lots of lucky things could end up happening right here in this restaurant.” She chuckled and winked at me. I shot her a dirty look.
When we finished eating, we decided to head home to relax and watch some movies. Reagan walked the whole way balancing herself on the seawall. I walked backward close to the wall watching her every move, playing my usual mom role.
“If you fall to your right onto the beach you’re gonna get really -” My lecture was interrupted when I felt someone slam into me from behind. I was thrown into the seawall and onto the boardwalk.
“Oh my God, are you okay?” I heard an unfamiliar voice say. I opened my eyes to a crowd of people crouched down in front of me. Front and center was the boy with the curly hair from the pizza place. A wave of embarrassment came over me.
“And you told me I was gonna fall.” Reagan scowled.
“I’m, I’m fine,” I said brushing my knees off and attempting to stand up.
“Here let me help you up.” The mysterious boy put out his hand for me to grab. I could see Reagan’s scowl turn to a smirk out of the corner of my eye. I gently grabbed his hand and he pulled me up beside him.
“I am so so sorry. I don’t know what happened. Are you sure you’re okay?” I stared at the boy in front of me. He had his curly hair sticking out of the sides of a baseball cap that said “Pizza Shack”on it. He also had faint freckles on his face, a flashy white smile, and his eyes were captivating. One was blue and the other was brown.
“I really am okay,” I replied. I felt something drip onto my white vans and looked down to find out it was blood.
“Oh my God, you’re bleeding! Sit down over here.” The boy took my hand again and led me to the rock wall.
He walked over to his bike, which he must have been riding when he hit me and grabbed a napkin out of a little pack attached to his handlebars. He gently wiped my temple. I felt my heart beating super fast. Behind him I could see Reagan silently giggling and Shane with a big smile on his face. I tried to secretly shoot them a look.
“I have no idea how I can make this up to you. I am so sorry. What was your name?”
“Sutton.”, I replied. “And really, I’m okay.”
“Okay well I’m Luke and I feel so horrible but I really have to get to work.” He started to pick up his bike and rubbed the back of his neck with his hand. I could still see the hurt in his eyes.
“It’s okay! Seriously!” I said, still holding the napkin on my temple. Luke began to back away.
“I owe you one Sutton.” Just then he reached in the pocket of his khaki shorts and handed me a crumpled up piece of paper. “It’s a free pizza.” He said with a smile.
“Thank you,” I replied.
As he hopped back on his bike and was about to start off, Reagan yelled “Hey Luke! Wait!” He stopped dead in his tracks and turned back to face us. “I know how you could make it up to Sutton. Give her your number and come go on some rides with us tonight.” I felt my face turn beet red and I felt like smoke was coming out of my ears. I was almost too nervous to look at Luke’s face to see how he was really feeling. His cheeks were a little rosy too but once again he had t
hat beautiful smile on his face.
“That would be cool. I get done at the pizza parlor at 9. I don’t uh, really have a phone at the moment but I’ll meet you at the ticket booth around then?” Luke was looking right at me for a response.
“Don’t feel like you have to. Reagan just-” Luke interrupted me.
“Trust me, I’d like to.” Just then he hopped back on his bike and sped away.
I turned to Reagan, fury in my eyes and she ran up ahead with Gia on her tail. As she got further and further ahead she screamed back behind her ,“I told you I would make it happen!”
Gia joined in, “Sutton’s got a boyfriend!” Shane looked at me and shrugged and we followed Reagan back to the house.
I rolled over on the floor in my living room and opened my eyes. Right in front of me was the time flashing on the cable box. It was 6:57. I sat up and stretched gazing around me. Shane was squished on the left arm of the couch Gia’s head leaning on his side. Reagan was sprawled out taking up the rest of the couch. They were all knocked out. The “Are you still watching Netflix?” box was displayed on the screen. I stood up and stretched, strolling into the kitchen.
There I found my mom and Aunt Helen sitting across from each other at the table with sugar cookies and tea. “Hi baby girl.” My mom said kissing the top of my head. Come join us.” I grabbed a mug from the cabinet and poured some tea from the kettle into it, taking a seat next to my mom at the table.
“So how is the summer treating you so far sweet pea?” My great Aunt questioned.
“Not too bad,” I replied, clinking a spoon against the mug as I stirred the tea.
“Oh my God! What happened to your face Sutton?” My mom looked horrified. I lifted my hand up, and felt my temple. It stung just from the gentle touch of my hand.
“Is it bad?” I asked nervously standing up looking for the nearest mirror.
I approached the antique mirror on the wall in the hallway and studied the side of my face. There was a big cut across my temple. It was surrounded by a yellowish bruise. It was not pretty and it hurt bad. “I fell into the seawall on the boardwalk earlier.”
“Wow. How did you manage that? Did you put anything on it?”
My Aunt Helen rolled over to me in her wheelchair. “Let me see.” She pulled me down to her level and examined my face. “I have been on that boardwalk many times. I’ve never heard of anyone just tripping into the rockwall. You’re a true klutz my dear.”
“Ok. well it’s kind of funny actually I was trying to make sure Reagan didn’t fall and I wasn’t paying attention and a guy on a bike slammed into me.” I forced a giggle.
“Ouch,” my mom said, walking over to me with an ice pack covered in a cloth. “Did he at least stop to make sure you were okay?” We all found our way back to the table.
“It was actually the guy you pointed out on the boardwalk the other day.” I said matter of factly shoving a sugar cookie in my mouth.
“What are the odds of that?” My mom laughed. “But you do need to take care of it.” She said pointing to the side of my head.
“Oh. Hush Lynn. She’s fine. Always playing nurse.” Aunt Helen rolled her eyes and flashed me a crooked smile.
“I made chicken for dinner. There's plenty left for you sleepy heads if you’re interested.” My mom said sipping her tea.
“Thanks. Sounds good. We’re actually going to hit the boardwalk soon. It’s wristband night.” I said, unwrapping the tinfoil on the plates of grilled chicken and corn on the cob.
“That sounds like a lot of fun. My mom replied. “Ronnie’s family is actually taking Gia.”
“Oh are they? 8 pm is late for her don’t you think Lynn?” Aunt Helen questioned raising her eyebrows at the thought of it.
“I think she’ll be just fine Helen. It’s one night.” Aunt Helen rolled her eyes.
“What are your plans for tonight?” I asked, my eyes wandering back and forth between the two of them.
“The band is playing in the common.” My mom said.
“Your mom wanted to go see them but I said no, no. It'll be too chilly and we can watch it on channel two.” I nodded.
“Well that sounds like fun,” I replied, half sarcastically.
“I wish I brought a sweater.” I said to Reagan rubbing arms. I was both shivering and sweating at the same time. I clicked my phone screen on. 8:50.
“Oh stop Sutton it’s summer!” Reagan said. She was wearing a crop top and her belly ring was peeking out. I had on a tank top and a pair of jeans to cover the cuts on my knees from the incident earlier and I did my best to cover up my temple with makeup.
“I gotta piss bad.” Shane said dancing around. “I’ll be right back.” He explained to Reagan shuffling to find the bathrooms.
“Are you ready for this date Sutton!” Reagan seemed to be more excited than I was.
“It isn’t even really a date. You basically forced him to come.” I snarled, looking at my reflection in my phone screen for the hundredth time.
“Didn’t sound that way to me.” She mumbled.
A few minutes later I noticed Shane walking back towards us but this time he wasn’t alone. I squinted trying to make out the figure beside him. I gulped and swallowed already knowing who it had to be. It was Luke. He had his usual Pizza Shack uniform on with his hat turned backwards. He also had a black drawstring backpack on his back.
The guys walked up to us and Reagan tried to discreetly squeeze my hand. “Look who I found in the bathroom.” Shane said with his hands on Luke’s shoulders. “Your lover boy.” He raised his eyebrows up and down.
Luke laughed. “Hey Sutton. Good to see you’re alive.” He went in for an awkward hug. He was tall and as we embraced I leaned my head into his chest. He smelled like a mix of fried foods covered up with heavenly cologne.
“Where do we get the wristbands?” Reagan asked.
“Oh there’s a booth right over here.” Luke said slowly strolling away motioning for us to follow. “It’s so crazy. I live here and I haven’t been on these rides in years.” He said over his shoulder.
“Hey Lukey.” The girl in the ticket booth swooned as we approached the window. “What can I do for you?”
“Hi Bianca. Two wristbands please.” My hand brushed against Luke’s wrist as I pleaded for him to let me pay for myself. He just shooed me away and pulled a few bills out of his wallet.
“What a gentleman.” The girl scoffed, wrapping the yellow wristbands around each of our wrists. “Enjoy your night!” She added sounding extremely forced and annoyed.
After Shane and Reagan acquired their wristbands we got in line for the swings. Things weren’t awkward with Luke, conversation just flowed.
“So tell me a little bit about you.” He started off.
“Well. I’m 18 and I’m starting my freshman year of college in the fall. I actually live in Massachusetts but I’m here for the summer. I’m staying on Shell Street, just a few blocks away.”
“That’s awesome! I’m 19. I just graduated high school too though. I live here in Coopersville, born and raised. My uncle owns the pizza shack that’s where I am most of the time,” he replied.
By the time we got to the front of the line and were about to get on the swings I almost forgot Shane and Reagan were there with us. “Hey here’s two doubles!” Reagan shouted as we followed her. I felt my cheeks getting red again.
Luke and I grabbed the double swing behind Reagan and Shane. As I was buckling myself in Luke said, “I know it’s stupid but I’m like so freaked out right now. I usually don’t go on these. The swings aren't my thing. I’ve seen too many youtube videos of people flying off into the water!”
I chucked a little. “Wow. I never pictured a guy like you to be afraid of the swings.”
“A guy like me? What’s that supposed to mean?” He asked. I felt my face flushing again. He flashed me a nervous grin and we were lifted up into the air. Each time we circled around we seemed to be going
faster and faster. I swung my arms out as if I was flying and I felt the wind blowing through my hair. Luke giggled at me but continued to hold onto the chains for his life.
As the swings lowered us down to the ground Luke breathed a sigh of relief.
“Well you made it!” I exclaimed.
“Barely.” He grumbled, releasing the chains for us and pulling up the bar.
The four of us went on ride after ride. The ferris wheel, bumper cars, the frisbee, the pirate coaster, even the fun house. After we had gone on everything, we stopped by the ice cream stand.
“Hey Jimmy. Hook us up.” Luke winked at a kid behind the counter. He had tan skin, dark features and had a man bun.
“You know I gotchu,” he replied.
“We’re going to go grab a table.” Reagan winked at me and pulled Shane by the hand behind her.
“Oh yeah!” I heard Luke say as the kid behind the counter handed him a waffle topped with a mountain of ice cream, hot fudge, whipped cream and sprinkles.
“Wow that looks amazing,” I said.
“Told you so!” Luke replied cradling the delectable dish in his hands and carefully walking towards the picnic table.
Each of us had a spoon in our grasp and we devoured our dessert in minutes. “Wow that was so good. I’ve never had anything like that!” Reagan said licking the hot fudge off of each finger tip.
“I remember having those when I used to visit my aunt when I was younger but they were nothing compared to that.” I chimed in.
“I know all the tricks of this boardwalk.” Luke said with a wink. “I’ll let you in on a little secret,” he said softly leaning into us all. “This ice cream place is the only one the locals use. Since it’s farther off the boardwalk it’s cheaper and they load their sundaes up too.”
“You’re a keeper!” Shane said patting him on the back.
We all stood up and walked together towards the other end of the boardwalk. When we reached the pizza shop Luke stopped and turned to me. Reagan and Shane acted like they didn’t see us stop and kept walking.
Know Him Page 2