REVENGE (Kenshaw Legacy Book 2)

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REVENGE (Kenshaw Legacy Book 2) Page 8

by Piper Frost

  “Yeah, Leena, fuck off,” he mutters and grabs his helmet before turning his back to me as he walks away.

  “No you fucking don’t.” I storm towards my car and start it, throwing it in drive. He’s not walking home tonight. He’s not getting out of this. I came here for a fucking reason. “Get in the car, asshole.” I call out the open window.

  He flips me off and keeps walking.

  “Sutton, get in the fucking car!” I scream. Holy shit I’ve lost my mind but he’s still fucking walking! I Speed ahead of him and throw my car sideways right in front of him so fucking close it almost clips him. His helmet hits the pavement and I get out, ready to battle. His eyes are wild when I slam my door and before I can get a word out, he grabs my shoulders and slams me against the car.

  “Are you fucking crazy?” he screams at me, holding me pinned.

  “Apparently!” I yell back, breathing heavy. “Because you make me insane!”

  “Fuck! Why do I always fall for the crazy ones?” he screams before his mouth hits mine and he kisses me, grabbing me like he doesn’t want me to escape. But I’m not going anywhere. I’ve never felt this wild and out of control before but it’s freeing. He kisses me like he owns me and I’ll accept that because in a way he does. He owns my heart and apparently my sanity, too. I pull back to catch my breath and laugh.

  “You said you fell for me.” I grin, teasing him because it’s too much fun not to.

  “You fucked Jimmy Everling, Leena.” He cringes at me. “I thought you were my girl and that’s the shit you do to me?” Letting go, he gravitates away from me. There’s usually a cocky arrogance, or anger on his face, but this look is much different. It’s hurt.

  “I didn’t fuck him,” I blurt. “We made out but only because I wanted to push you away.” Now it’s my turn to cringe. “He’s a shit kisser.” I look at him and stick out my bottom lip. “I’m sorry.”

  “Push me away why? I don’t get it.” He grabs his hair and laughs like I’m crazy. Well I feel that way, too.

  “My dad told me not to hang out with you. And I figured I've disappointed him enough in my life that maybe I should try and listen. You know, I don’t want to break his heart ‘cause I’m a constant reminder that I’m not the perfect child he deserves.” I curse and fall back against the car. “But you know what? For some fucking reason I can’t get you out of my head. And I can’t not be around you. And I can’t not think about us together because we’re fucking amazing together.” And a little crazy, I’ll accept that. But amazing.

  “Dude, Leena!” He heads toward me. His one hand moves to the side of my head and his fingers rub the fuzz, his other twirls my platinum hair in his fingers. “You’re not a disappointment to your dad. Far from.” He laughs and looks up to the sky for a minute before looking at me. “You’re fucking amazing. And your dad knows that. I fuckin’ promise you.”

  “You think I’m amazing?” I grin, ignoring his comment about my dad. He wouldn’t know.

  “Yeah, you fuckin’ crazy bitch.” He pushes his grin against my mouth while he kisses me. “Fuck, next time talk to me or something. Damn.” With a head shake he pulls away and studies the ground a minute. “I’m still killing Jimmy if you want to warn him.”

  “You kill Jimmy I kill the cunt who was grinding on you. What the fuck was her name anyway? She’s dead.”

  “Cheerleader one.” He shrugs and I seriously don’t think he knows her name. “Let’s not kill anyone because then your dad might actually be a little disappointed.”

  “Yeah, but then we could go to prison and you get visits there, right? Like, we could have all the sex.” I grin and wiggle my eyebrows.

  “Jesus, you’re fucking annoying.” He kisses me again. “Can we get the fuck out of the street and go somewhere else or something?”

  “Are you going to get in my car?” I ask, grinning. “I swear I won’t try to kill you this time. Not that I tried to kill you that time, but...yeah.” I like the smile on his face right now. Like he’s won. And I guess he did, in a way.

  When he gets in, he looks over at me, still smiling. “You’re fucking sexy when you’re psycho.”

  “Good.” I smirk and hit the gas. “So your place or mine?”

  “I think your sister and my brother are home already. Yours?”

  “There’s always someone at my house. So the backseat, then?” I quirk an eyebrow.

  “Hell yes. Get out of the road at least.”

  I pull the car around the back of the school where we can’t be seen from the road and kill the engine. I glance over at Sutton, then crawl to the backseat. His hand lands on my ass as I’m moving over the console and I laugh, but it felt better than I assumed it would. I like the sting.

  “You gonna make me play back here without you?”

  He jumps over the seats like it was nothing and he’s on me, his tongue in my mouth and hand already cupping my tit. “Fuck,” he breathes then growls and attacks my mouth again. “You fucking suck for making out with Jimmy.” He kisses me again, harder.

  “And you’re a jackass for making out with the slut of the school,” I whisper, grasping at any part of him that I can. His hands yank at the bottom of my shirt and he pulls it over my head, then growls and lowers his mouth over the lace of my bra. “Shit,” I huff, arching into him. I need him tonight in ways I haven’t needed anyone else. I need him to claim me, to tell me I’m the only girl for him.

  He growls again like he’s frustrated. “That was fucking stupid, Leena. Don’t fucking do that shit!” he yells at me, still kissing over my flesh, sucking hickies into my neck while pinching my nipple to the point of pain, then easing off over and over.

  I’m trembling and the more he works my body the more he seems to need. I slide my hand between us and rub his dick over his jeans and want nothing more than to push them off his hips. This backseat fucking sucks, but it’s forcing his body to be closer to mine than it’s been in days and even those few days felt like a lifetime without him.

  “I need you,” I pant. “Like, right now.” He pulls his head back and stares into my eyes as I unbuckle his pants and slide my palm into his underwear and grip him, making him grunt.

  He grabs my chin and we lock eyes. “You gonna pull that shit again?” he asks through grit teeth, trying not to react to me stroking his dick.

  “Nah,” I whisper, biting my lip and stroking him faster. “It felt wrong.” I pull my hand out of his pants, sliding it up his shirt and pinching his nipple so hard it makes him scream and grab my wrists, slamming them to the seat. All I can do is grin at him.

  “Fuck me,” he snaps. “Sit on my lap and fuck me.” He shifts, still holding my wrist so I can’t touch him. He lets my wrists go to grab the hem of my skirt and rolls it up. His fingers curl into the front of my underwear and his eyes look from them to me, then he yanks, hard enough they tear and snap. It takes another yank before they’re off and he tosses them out the window. “Now. Fuck me.”

  I pull his erection free and lick my lips, stroking my hand over him. He pulls his wallet out and hands me the condom and I slide it on before lifting up and slowly sliding down on him.

  “Oh fuck,” I moan, sinking all the way down. “Holy shit, Sutton.” My hands brace myself on the seat and he pushes his face to my tits, sucking and nibbling as I start to rock on him. I set a pace that grinds down on him and rocks back, hitting every spot I need. His teeth clamp onto my skin anywhere he can and his hands reach around, gripping my ass hard.

  “Shit, babe,” he pants and leans back, watching me bounce over him with a grin. “This is perfect, right? Me and you? We’re perfect.”

  “So perfect,” I whisper, whimpering when his hand slaps my ass hard. “Only you, Sutton,” I manage to get out, feeling my orgasm start to build. I shift and pivot, fucking him harder until I feel like I’m about to come. “I’m close,” I manage to gasp. “Oh fuck, I’m close.”

  “Yeah.” He chuckles. “Come on my dick, baby. Come so fucking har
d y-” The sound of a police siren yelping it’s warning makes him stop and we both look to see the spotlight shining at the car. “Oh. Fuck.” He’s laughing but my heart’s about to hammer out of my chest.

  “Shit!” I scramble off him and try to pull my skirt down and yank my shirt over my head before the knock on the window comes. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” I hiss, my panicked eyes hitting Sutton’s, but when all I’m met with is a grin, I calm a little. This is fine. It’ll be fine. I roll the back window down, praying it doesn’t smell like sex, and smile at the officer who doesn't look too thrilled right now. “Hi,” I chirp way too high and nervous.

  “Step out of the car. Both of you. Step out of the car,” he says and I glance toward the other cop walking toward Sutton’s side of the car.

  Sutton doesn’t hesitate but I do. The second I see the cop on his side yank out his gun and aim it at Sutton I push open the door and almost fall out. Panicked, I realize my underwear are on the ground on Sutton’s side of the car and my eyes go wide at the realization that they’ve probably been found by now.


  “Were we doin’ somethin’ wrong, officer?”

  “Careful, big guy,” Sutton says with a chuckle, his arms up like it’s completely normal to have a cop aiming a gun at him right now. “We weren’t doing anything.”

  “You’re in the high school parking lot after hours. You’re loitering,” the officer on my side says and I watch as he unhooks his hand cuffs. I immediately think of my dad. He’s going to kill me.

  “Actually.” Sutton turns to face the cop on my side too quickly and the other cop slams him to the ground. He’s still fucking laughing! “I was going to say,” he says through a groan and chuckle. “She just picked me up from football practice.”

  The cop on my side is talking into a walkie on his shoulder and the other cop is kneeling on Sutton’s back.

  “Call my coach,” Sutton says, sounding like that cop’s putting a lot of pressure on him, crushing his lungs. “Grant Matthews. He’ll tell you practice just got out ten minutes ago. She showed up a little late.”

  I nod my head blindly. “I didn’t know we shouldn’t be back here. I was helping my dad on the ranch and got caught up and lost track of time. Brandt Kenshaw, call him, he’ll confirm.” God, he won’t and I’ll be a dead girl walking. “I swear, Officer.” I stare at him, completely dunked in fear but praying he can’t tell why. My adrenaline is pumping. A high I’m not used to but one I don’t necessarily hate.

  “Kenshaw?” he asks, cocking his head at me and I nod.

  “If you’ll let me grab my bag, I can get my ID and show you.” Please, please let my name, for once, be a blessing. He glances over at his partner who’s still got Sutton on the ground and sighs.

  “Slowly,” the cop warns. So I go as slow and careful as I can, leaning in and grabbing my bag then pulling my wallet out, making sure he can see my every move. The thrill of this is great and all, but I do not want to be the reason Sutton gets shot tonight. “See,” I say, handing over my driver’s license.

  The cop takes it and reads it, then looks at me and looks back at his partner.

  “Kenshaw or not, Kenny, she wasn’t just picking him up,” the other cop says and holds up my underwear that Sutton dumbly threw out the back window.

  Sutton laughs again and I want to kill him.

  “I have no clue whose those are.” I snap then glare at the cop. “And that’s real rude of you to assume that.”

  “Alright,” the other cop drawls out and hands me my ID. “Just go the hell home, you two. Let’s go, Ed.”

  Sutton at least has enough brains to move slowly as he gets up. Not giving these cops a reason to shoot him. He gets in, chuckling.

  “Holy shit,” I whisper, gripping the steering wheel tight while my heart races. “That was...” I look over at him and the smirk on his face makes me snap. I practically fly at him, slamming my lips to his and wishing we could go straight back to what we were doing before we were so rudely interrupted. “Holy shit.” I start to laugh.

  He grabs my hand and I slowly leave the parking lot in case those cops didn’t go far.


  “Hey,” I say, bumping into Sutton’s hip at his locker. It’s been a long ass day of not seeing him in school but there isn’t a football game tonight and I have a plan for us that’s going to be epic. It’s only been a month since we made it official between us but I’ve wanted this since he claimed me in the backseat of the car. Hell, I’ve wanted this since months ago when I first found out what it felt like to be a part of his world. “Wanna skip gym?”

  “Yeah?” He glances around. “What’d you have in mind?”

  I yank him to me, needing his lips on mine before pulling back and grinning at him. “You’ll see.” I wrap my hand around his and pull him towards the back door of the school. If Grant catches him leaving he’ll be toast so we have to sneak out and take the long way to the car. Which is fine with me because when we pass through an empty hallway he yanks me to him and pins me between him and the wall..

  “You’re so fucking hot.” He kisses me, grinding his dick against me.

  My hand strokes over his erection. “We’ve gotta get out of here if you don’t want to get caught.” I kiss him again, harder this time, biting onto his lip as I slowly pull away. He groans and deepens the kiss until we hear a door slam somewhere down the hall. “Shit!” I whisper, laughing and yanking his hand, running towards the door.

  We don’t have to skip school for this, but the thrill of leaving and possibly getting caught with him is too good to pass up. Plus gym class is fucking stupid. We get to my car and before he’s got his door all the way closed I’m pulling away from the school. I’ve missed a lot of days, skipped a lot of school, but something about leaving today with him makes it feel more thrilling than ever before. It’s not just the thrill of possibly being caught, it’s the rush of having him by my side.

  “We’re getting tattoos!” I shriek, smiling over at him as I drive towards the shop.

  “We are, are we?” He smirks over at me.

  “Yep!” I pull out my phone and show him the idea I thought of last night. “They’re matching!” It’s a simple design that shouldn’t cost too much money. I love the look of the metal gears he uses for his sculptures. It’s steampunk and badass but it’s easy enough that it shouldn’t be a problem to get today. Nothing too big or fancy but just perfect. “Aren’t they awesome?”

  He stares at my phone screen a minute before looking at me. “Where we getting ‘em?” He doesn’t look opposed, but not sure he looks enthused either.

  “Wherever?” I shrug and yank the phone back. “You don’t have to if you think it’s a stupid idea.”

  “You still gonna do it if I don’t?” He eyes me.

  “Yeah, of course.” I look at him like he’s got three heads. Why the hell wouldn’t I? He’s a part of me whether he likes it or not. A part that I’m never going to forget. I try to focus on the road but the adrenaline from running out of school is wearing off and now I’m starting to wonder if this isn’t such a good idea. I mean, I know it is. I know we haven’t said I love you or anything like that yet, but I know how I feel about him and it’s stronger than those three little words.

  I don’t get a response, he just clasps our fingers and kisses my hand, his eyes staying on the road while I drive.

  When we park and I stare at the building, I start to worry maybe he really doesn’t want this.

  “So you coming in?” I don’t want to feel pissed that he doesn’t want this but it stings a bit. I wanted this to be something we did together and I assumed he’d be excited that I want a piece of him on me forever.

  “Yeah,” he says with a nonchalant shrug and gets out. Absolutely no indication if he thinks this is stupid and I’m just getting angrier.

  “Sutton!” I bark, slamming my car door. He stops and looks at me. “No one’s forcing you to do this.” I huff. “Hell, I’ll take you back to school or
home or somewhere. I’ll do this on my own time.”

  He starts to laugh as he walks toward me and I fold my arms over my chest, wanting to knock him out.

  “The fuck you talking about?” Gripping my hips, he lifts me onto the hood of my car. “Forcing me to do what?” He dips his head until I look at him.

  “Get matching tattoos,” I grumble. “I figured you’d be excited about it. Not like you’re walking into your final meal or some shit.” My body’s reacting to his closeness exactly like he wants it to and I can’t fight it.

  “You’re reading me all wrong.” He laughs again and I roll my eyes. “How’s this.” Taking a step back he starts to jump in a circle and flail his arms. “Oh my god!” he squeals. “Matching tattoos!” When he stops, he looks at me with that stupid, sexy smirk. “That better? I’m not not excited, Leena. We’re doing this shit and if you back out now, I’m gonna be pissed.” He presses against me, grabbing my hips to tug me closer as he kisses me.

  “You looked like a jackass just then,” I whisper, shoving him off me and trying not to be pissed. I hop off the hood of the car and start to stomp towards the door but he grabs my wrist.

  “But I’m your jackass, right?” he asks in a low voice, his lips close to mine. “And these tattoos make you mine for life, right?”

  I grin, then push my lips to his. “You’re my jackass for life,” I whisper, pulling away from him. “So let’s do this!” I grab his hand and pull him behind me as I swing the door open to my uncle’s shop. “Uncle Chase!”

  There’s music blaring but no one at the front counter. I grin at Sutton and call out for Chase again.

  “What!” he yells, rounding the corner then pausing when he sees the two of us. “What’s up?”

  “We need tattoos.” I smirk and hold out my phone. “Mine on my wrist. His on...” I look at Sutton to answer.

  “Same.” He gives a nod, his eyes staying on Chase like he’ll fight my uncle if he disagrees with us.

  Chase’s eyebrows are high and he’s staring at the screen like he’s never seen a design like that before. Then he looks at me before staring at Sutton.


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