A Mistletoe Christmas: Santa's Mistletoe MistakeA Merry Little WeddingMistletoe Magic

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A Mistletoe Christmas: Santa's Mistletoe MistakeA Merry Little WeddingMistletoe Magic Page 1

by Carla Cassidy

  In the small Texas town of Mistletoe, the pretty little plant definitely lives up to its reputation for eliciting kisses!

  Santa’s Mistletoe Mistake by Carla Cassidy

  Little Libby asked Santa to bring her mommy a prince for Christmas: cowboys need not apply. That means cattleman Jake Hanson is definitely out. But the Man in Red works in mysterious ways….

  A Merry Little Wedding by Cathy McDavid

  Maid of honor Emma Sturlacky wishes she could enjoy the preparations for her mom’s Christmas wedding. If only it felt less like an echo of her own disastrous engagement. (And if only her handsome ex-fiancé, Nick Hayes, wasn’t one of the groomsmen!)

  Mistletoe Magic by Marin Thomas

  Who’s got more baggage: Finley McCarthy, the struggling single mom of boisterous twin boys, or Cooper Hollis, the jaded rancher caring for his curmudgeonly dad? Tough call. More important, will that baggage squash their chance at a budding romance?

  Praise for Carla Cassidy

  “Small towns, dangerous secrets and painful pasts are expertly conveyed in Cassidy’s clever hands, speeding readers toward surprising revelations.”

  —RT Book Reviews on Scene of the Crime: Widow Creek

  “Cassidy crafts sympathetic characters…along with a strong, well-developed plot. A charmingly sweet and ruggedly strong hero is the icing on the cake.…”

  —RT Book Reviews on Cowboy with a Cause

  “A sweet story filled with strong tension and endless conflict. The intricate plot and strong suspense will keep you turning the pages.”

  —RT Book Reviews on The Colton Bride

  Praise for Cathy McDavid

  “Her Cowboy’s Christmas Wish was the perfect Christmas gift. Cathy McDavid has done a magnificent job in creating two wounded characters that are so deserving of love’s healing balm.”

  —Romance Junkie Reviews

  “McDavid’s characters are stubborn and entertaining and they have a supporting cast that will leave readers laughing out loud.”

  —RT Book Reviews on First Homecoming

  Praise for Marin Thomas

  “A delight to read. Watching the hero be won over by two rambunctious boys and their intelligent and tenderhearted mother makes for a charming tale.”

  —RT Book Reviews on Twins Under the Christmas Tree

  “For the Children…will have readers laughing out loud and glued to the pages thanks to the author’s zany characters. Ms. Thomas manages to keep the romance center stage in this wonderful story.…”

  —RT Book Reviews


  is a New York Times bestselling and award-winning author who has written more than one hundred books for Harlequin. Before settling into her true love—writing—she was a professional cheerleader, an actress and a singer/dancer in a show band.

  Carla believes the only thing better than curling up with a good book to read is sitting down at the computer to write her next story. She’s looking forward to writing many more books and bringing hours of pleasure to readers. Visit her website at carlacassidybooks.com/.


  New York Times bestselling author Cathy McDavid lives in Scottsdale, Arizona, near the breathtaking McDowell Mountains, where hawks fly overhead and mountain lions occasionally come calling. Horses and ranch animals have also been a part of Cathy’s life since she moved to Arizona as a child and asked her mother for riding lessons. Little wonder she loves ranch stories and often incorporates her own experiences into her books for Harlequin American Romance. Cathy and her family enjoy spending time at their nearby cabin. Of course, she takes her laptop with her on the chance inspiration strikes. You can visit her website at www.cathymcdavid.com.


  Marin grew up in Janesville, Wisconsin. She left the Midwest to attend college at the University of Arizona in Tucson, where she played basketball for the Lady Wildcats and earned a BA in radio-TV. Following graduation she married her college sweetheart in a five-minute ceremony at the historical Little Chapel of the West in Las Vegas, Nevada. Over the years she and her family have lived in seven different states but now make their home in Arizona. The rugged desert and breathtaking sunsets provide inspiration for Marin’s popular cowboy books for Harlequin American Romance. Visit her website at www.marinthomas.com.







  Table of Contents


  Carla Cassidy


  Cathy McDavid


  Marin Thomas



  Carla Cassidy

  To everyone who believes in the spirit of giving, of children’s laughter and open hearts, may you have a magical Christmas filled with miracles!

  Happy holidays.












  JAKE HANSON HATED CHRISTMAS. Every year he swore that when the holiday approached he’d get on a plane, leap on a train and leave the small town of Mistletoe, Texas, where everyone went just a little more than crazy at Christmas.

  The madness started just after Thanksgiving, when colorful lights were strung and the gazebo in the town square was draped with ribbons and candy canes and the ever-present mistletoe.

  It was a week before Christmas, and the mistletoe madness had nearly reached its peak as he parked his truck in front of the Mistletoe Café.

  He got out of his truck and hurried toward the café door, eager to get out of the cold and get some dinner before heading back to his silent, empty two-story ranch house.

  The heavenly scent of warm muffins and hot coffee greeted him, along with the clink of silverware and the laughter of friends dining together, which shot a surprisingly sharp pang of loneliness through him.

  “Jake!” Suzie Walker, the red-haired owner of the establishment, met him at the door, a sprig of mistletoe in her hand. She raised her hand as high as it would go, which thankfully didn’t reach near the top of his head.

  “Are you going to bend down so that we can share a kiss under the mistletoe?” she asked. Her bright blue eyes sparkled with merriment.

  “Not a chance, Suzie. Roger would beat the living heck out of me if he saw me kissing his wife.”

  She dropped her plump arm down and gave him a look of mock disappointment. “I haven’t managed to snag a single kiss because of that big fat old man of mine.”

  Jake smiled. Roger was a big fat older man, who made a perfect Santa each year for the children of Mistletoe. “How about you snag me a booth so I can get some dinner?” He pulled his Stetson off his head.

  Suzie sighed. “Follow me, cowboy.”r />
  As she led him toward a booth in the back, he raised his hand and nodded to nearly everyone he passed. He’d grown up with most everyone in the café. The town’s total population was only between 1,800 and 2,000 people, small enough that practically everyone knew everyone else. However, at this time of year there were always tourists drifting in and out of town.

  As he passed the booth in front of the one Suzie was leading him to, he saw his neighbor, Melody Martin, seated alone. On impulse he stopped at her booth. “Melody, mind if I join you?” He slid into the seat across from her before she could reply. He smiled at her and set his hat next to him. “I hate to eat alone.”

  “Oh...I... Sure,” she stuttered in surprise.

  “Well, then,” Suzie said, looking at Jake and then at Melody. “I’ve already taken Melody’s order. What can I get for you?” She looked back at Jake.

  “Whatever the special is—that should do it,” he replied, slightly shocked at his own forwardness now that he was seated across from the first woman who had captured his attention in years.

  “Meat loaf, mashed potatoes and a Mistletoe muffin,” Suzie replied.

  “And coffee,” Jake added.

  As Suzie left to head to the kitchen, Jake looked across the table and noted the bright red coat and the shopping bags that took up most of the booth beside Melody.

  “Where’s your daughter?” he asked. He didn’t know a lot about Melody, but he knew she was a widow and had a six-year-old daughter.

  “She’s spending the evening with a friend. It gave me the opportunity to do some Santa shopping for her.” She wrapped her hands around a cup that he saw held the famous Mistletoe Toddy, a mulled-cider drink with all kinds of secret ingredients assured to bring happiness.

  Bah humbug, he thought. He looked around the busy café and then back at her, feeling slightly ill at ease. “I really didn’t give you a chance to say no before I sat down. If you’d prefer that I sit someplace else, I’ll move.”

  “You’re fine,” she replied with an easy smile that shot a touch of warmth through him. “I was just thinking that it isn’t much fun to eat alone. I’m so used to Libby filling every silence.”

  “How’s the dance business going?” he asked as he worked his way out of his leather coat and set it next to his hat beside him.

  “Good. We had our Christmas recital last night, so classes are officially finished until after the New Year.”

  Melody had bought the house nearest his ranch eight months before and had immediately built on a dance studio in the back. According to local gossip, half the kids in town now took lessons from her.

  Suzie arrived with his coffee, and after she left, Jake took a drink, wondering what the heck he was doing sitting across from a woman he found ridiculously attractive when he had no intention of ever having any kind of serious relationship with a woman again.

  Melody wore a blue sweater that perfectly matched her eyes. She had the elegant features of classic beauty but didn’t appear to be wearing any makeup except for a touch of mascara.

  “So this is your first Christmas here in Mistletoe,” he said as he set his cup back on the table. “What do you think?”

  Her blue eyes sparkled as she shoved an errant long dark strand of hair that had escaped the low ponytail behind her shoulders. “I think it’s all wonderful. There’s such joy in the air, and it’s amazing how the whole town comes together to create Mistletoe magic. What about you? Don’t you love it?”

  “Ms. Christmas...meet the Grinch,” he replied.

  She raised a perfect dark brow. “Really? You don’t like Christmas?”

  “A far as I’m concerned, I’d be happy if we all just skipped this holiday.”

  “But from what I’ve learned, mistletoe and Christmas is important to the town. It’s what made the town, and the mistletoe has become a profitable cottage industry.”

  The conversation halted as Suzie arrived with their orders. Meat loaf, mashed potatoes and one of the muffins the café was known for, and for Melody, rabbit food—a salad with grilled-chicken strips.

  “What brought you and your daughter here?” he asked once they were alone again. “I heard through the grapevine that you were from the Dallas area.”

  She picked up her fork and smiled once again. She had a beautiful smile, and he felt as if he’d just swallowed a shot of scotch that warmed him from head to toe.

  “I’ve learned that the grapevine is pretty healthy here in Mistletoe.”

  He grinned. “By morning, everyone will know that you and I had dinner together, and trust me, there will be embellishments.”

  “At least neither of us is married, so there can’t be too much of a scandal,” she replied in amusement. “Anyway, to answer your question, it’s true we’re from Dallas. My husband passed away two years ago, and it wasn’t long before I realized Libby and I needed a change, a place to start over. We’d visited Mistletoe a couple of years ago and I decided it was a good place to make a new beginning.”

  “Have you always been a dancer?” he asked. She looked like a dancer, tall and lithe and graceful, the exact opposite of what he’d always thought to be his type.

  “Always. I had a studio in Dallas, so it was only natural that I’d open one here. Not only does it pay the bills, but I love it. Do you dance?”

  He laughed, the sound a bit rusty to his ears, making him realize that he couldn’t remember the last time he’d laughed out loud. “I can manage a Mistletoe two-step if I’m forced, but that’s about it.”

  For the next few minutes they fell silent as they focused on their meals, and once again Jake found himself questioning the impulse that had made him jump into the seat opposite her.

  He hadn’t looked twice at a woman for over five years, but the first time he’d encountered his new neighbor, a spark of something had lit inside him.

  Lust, he told himself. It had been so long since he’d been with a woman he’d forgotten what lust felt like, and he certainly didn’t understand why the dark-haired, blue-eyed beauty across the table from him seemed to stir it up inside him.

  “Tell me about your daughter,” he said, certain that a discussion about a little girl would squelch any inappropriate thoughts he might entertain.

  Again she flashed him that wide, beautiful smile. “Libby is the love of my life. She’s bright and giving and makes me laugh. She’s also precocious and willful and occasionally throws a temper tantrum when she doesn’t get her way.”

  “Sounds as though you’ve got your hands full.”

  “In a good way,” she replied easily.

  He relaxed a bit. Not only was he not interested in any kind of a long-term relationship with a woman, he especially wasn’t interested in kids.

  They both turned to look as bursts of laughter came from the front of the café. Suzie had managed to get her mistletoe over the head of old George McKnight, and as the two shared a kiss, the crowd clapped its approval.

  “That’s a tradition I don’t particularly like,” he said as he focused his attention back to Melody. “I also don’t like New Year’s Eve kisses. I think kisses should mean something and should only be shared between people who love each other.”

  He felt the flames that filled his cheeks. What was he doing sharing that with a woman who was a virtual stranger? The madness of Mistletoe had obviously made him truly crazy.

  “That’s a nice sentiment,” she replied softly.

  “Thanks,” he replied, and motioned for a check from Suzie. He felt the sudden need to escape. He needed to get back to his ranch, where there were no Christmas decorations and no mistletoe anywhere in sight.

  Suzie arrived at the table with the check, and Jake looked at Melody. “Since I invited myself to your meal, I’d like to buy your dinner.”

  “That’s not necessary,” she p

  “Consider it a Christmas gift,” he replied as he stood and grabbed his coat and hat from the booth next to him. With a murmured goodbye, he left the booth and hurried to the cashier. He paid the bill and then put his hat on his head and left the café.

  As he drove home, he knew he’d mentally gone around the bend. He hated the tradition of a kiss under a sprig of mistletoe, and yet he couldn’t get the vision of Melody Martin in his arms beneath the shiny green leaves with their waxy white berries.

  * * *

  MELODY RELEASED A deep breath as Jake left the table. Once again she curled her hands around her cup of warm Mistletoe Toddy.

  The man was sin on legs, she thought. His slightly shaggy dark hair begged for female fingers to thread through it. His eyes were an interesting shade of silvery-gray, and his rugged features came together in a way that radiated both strength and handsomeness.

  His pasture came very close to her yard, and she had spent far too much time over the past several months standing at her kitchen sink and watching him ride his fence line.

  Long-legged, broad-shouldered and with a slender waist... The man could have been a pinup model in a Cowboy of the Month calendar.

  Town gossip had let her know that he was a loner who came in the café often to eat but didn’t do much socializing. Not that it mattered to her; the very last thing she’d ever want in her life again was a cowboy.

  Been there, done that and had the heartache that would last a lifetime. Her marriage had been a happy one, and at least she had Libby to fill some of the space that had been emptied in her heart when Seth died.

  Moving to this little town with its community closeness and aura of joy had been a good decision. Libby was thriving, as was the dance studio, and it was only occasionally after Libby went to bed that the ache of loneliness unexpectedly gripped Melody.

  Tonight there would be no time for loneliness. Once Libby was asleep, Melody would creep out to the car to retrieve the gifts she’d bought, and then wrap them and hide them back in the trunk of the car.


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