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Their Brazen Bride (Bridgewater Menage Book 8)

Page 5

by Vanessa Vale

  My hands came up and gripped his shirt, holding on, for if I didn’t, surely I’d float away, even though he was pressed up against me. Cupping my jaw, he angled my head to take the kiss deeper, and I melted. I gave over to the kiss, his touch, his control over it. It was my first one, and I had to wonder if I was doing it right, but from the little growl that escaped his throat, I had to assume yes. My shoulders drooped, my body all but wilted, as I let him hold me up.

  I had no idea how long we kissed before he lifted his head and smiled down at me. “So sweet.”

  “She just gave over to you,” Tucker said to his brother, his voice full of awe. “Her submission is beautiful.”

  I frowned at his statement, but my brain was too muddled to try to understand. With just a touch, I succumbed to them.

  But when his thumb stroked over the puckered flesh of my scar, I stiffened, every muscle in my body going taut. All pleasure, all heat from the kiss was doused as if dumping a bucket of cold water over a bonfire. I tried to tug my face away, but Gabe’s hold was sure.

  “This scar is a problem,” he said matter of factly, meeting my eyes.

  My emotions were so raw, so sensitive, tears spilled over. Yes, it was a problem. It had been ever since the night of the fire when my parents had been killed and I’d rescued James who had been trapped in his room by a fallen beam.

  I hadn’t heard Tucker move, but when Gabe stepped away, he was right there to take his place. I felt every hard inch of him, the warmth of his body seeping into me. His hand came up, and his fingers stroked over the puckered flesh. “It’s just a mark, precious. A mark showing how brave you are.”

  Brave? I wanted to laugh. I’d never known anyone to use brave in connection with my scar before. “It’s… it’s ugly.”

  He looked as if he were considering that as he stepped back, rolled up one of his sleeves. While the room was warm, I shivered without their body heat. “See this?”

  A jagged scar, a mixture of silvery white and pink, marred flesh covered the back side of his forearm.

  “It’s from barbed wire.”

  I could only imagine the pain he’d endured.

  “You’re lucky you didn’t die from infection.”

  Gabe grunted again. “He almost did.”

  “So, am I ugly, precious?” Tucker asked.

  “What? No!” I breathed. “Of course not.”

  He arched one pale brow. “And why is that?”

  “Because it’s just a scar.”

  Neither man said anything, just let my words resonate.

  It’s just a scar.

  I bit my lip then sighed.

  “Yes, it’s just a scar,” I agreed. “But people’s words still hurt.”

  Tucker cupped my jaw just as Gabe had, stroked his thumb over my cheek. His other hand roamed once again over my body, and I all but melted. How did they do that to me?

  “True enough. We’ll work on that. Later. Now, I want to kiss you.”

  His eyes held mine as if waiting for me to object. I had no intention of doing so, for I wanted his kiss, too. So very much.

  He was nothing like Gabe. His kiss, while gentle, was much more intense, more powerful. I could feel the need in it, the power. There was no question he controlled the kiss, controlled me. His hands were bolder, curving around my body and cupping my bottom, pulling me directly against the hard, thick line of his manhood. I whimpered into the kiss and felt my core heat, get wet. Become ready for them. My mouth, my mind, my body were all at Tucker’s mercy.

  He pulled away, stepped back. His lips were shiny from the kiss, his eyes heavy-lidded, jaw tense. He was breathing as hard as I.

  “Do you want more, precious? Do you want me touch your bare skin? Cup your breasts? I’ll bet your pussy’s nice and wet for us, isn’t it?”

  I didn’t hesitate to nod at his very carnal words. I wanted everything I’d thought about alone in my bed, and then some. Just their kisses felt better than anything I’d ever done with my fingers between my thighs.

  Tucker groaned. “A shy, dirty girl?”

  I blushed but couldn’t deny it.

  “Then we need to make you ours. We might have you in my bedroom, but we won’t dishonor you by doing all the things we want. Yet. Marry us.”

  Elation and eagerness pulsed through my veins, made me shaky.

  “Marry you?” I repeated.

  I all but jumped into Tucker’s arms when he nodded. For once, God, just once, I did exactly as I felt instead of what was right. The men had kissed me, but I wanted to grab hold of Tucker and never let go.

  His arms came around me and held me to him. I could feel every hard inch of him, feel the beat of his heart. Turning my head, I looked up at him, saw the happiness in his blue eyes. “Just like that?”

  Gabe came to stand beside Tucker again. It seemed they liked to loom over me. “Just like that?” he repeated. “Hell, woman, we’ve wanted you for a long time, perhaps before it was right. But we waited, let you go away to school. But you’re back, now, and we’re done being patient. Bridgewater men take what they want and give their women what they need. With nothing is standing in our way, we are ready. The question is, do you want us?”

  “Both of us?” Tucker added, stroking my hair back.

  What they were saying was like a dream come true. Yes! Yes, I wanted them.

  “Yes, of course I do. I… I’ve wanted you for such a long time, too.”

  Both men sighed loudly, and I saw their shoulders relax.

  “You have?” Tucker asked.

  I hadn’t even known they’d truly wanted me, but now it was quite clear. They were so strong, so powerful, and yet I had power over them. I forgot they, too, had weaknesses. Feelings.

  “I thought it was just a girlhood crush, but it… never went away,” I admitted. “Even after being away at school, it came back stronger when I saw you again.”

  “We’ll protect you, precious. Take care of your every need. You saw how much I want you,” Tucker said. “I won’t do more until our ring is on your finger. Marry us.”

  This was the second time he said this, and it still wasn’t a question but a command. It didn’t matter. I wanted it. Them. So, so much.

  I nodded. “Yes.”

  Tucker stepped back from the door, pulling me with him, allowing Gabe to open it. Tucker took my hand in his, and I was down the stairs and out into the sunshine before I knew what was happening. Without any drawers. There was a conversation to be had about it, but I had a feeling I wouldn’t get my way.



  I hadn’t thought much of Robert taking on the role of justice of the peace. Until now. Now, we rode our horses across Bridgewater so he could marry us to Abigail. Taking her to town for a church wedding wasn’t going to happen. We didn’t want to waste a minute before making her ours, and we certainly didn’t want her changing her mind. The way she jumped into Tucker’s arms led me to believe she wouldn’t have second thoughts, but I wasn’t going to find out.

  Watching Abigail react to the spanking had been… incredible. I’d known she’d dislike it, fight and squirm to escape my falling hand, but she hadn’t given us much alternative. While she’d stunned us with the truth about her man from Butte, she’d refused to divulge more, even after a stern warning. She’d needed us to spank her, to make her tell us. She’d wanted to submit to us, to receive a reason to finally tell the truth.

  And when she did, when she gave herself over to my hold, to my commands, it had been beautiful. Not her tears, for they were hard to witness, but the release of pent-up emotions, of the burden, was incredible. She’d given the truth to us, given the weight of her lie over to us to keep. To think it had all been because of her scar.

  But, now, now we would make her ours. Perhaps our becoming her husbands would prove to her once and for all the mark meant nothing. We still wanted her as our bride.

  Andrew answered the door, and we introduced him to Abigail. A grin split his face wh

en he learned why we were there. We followed him into the parlor where Robert, Ann, and Christopher were. Robert was sprawled on the floor beside his son, playing with a wooden train.

  He stood when he saw Abigail.

  Christopher saw Tucker and ran to him, wrapping his tiny arms around one of his legs. He picked the boy up and tossed him into the air. Once, then again.

  “Abigail, you know Ann, however I don’t believe you’ve met her husbands, Andrew and Robert.” I made the introductions as Tucker kept the boy busy.

  She nodded at the two big men, and I saw her turn her face away slightly. Her mind was distracted by the reason for our unannounced visit, so I had to assume the action was subconscious. I looked forward to breaking her of this habit.

  “I’m so glad you are here.” Ann glanced up at me then Tucker, a broad smile on her face and took Abigail’s hands in her own. “These two have been very eager to have you between them.”

  I saw Abigail flush and Tucker roll his eyes, dangling Christopher upside down by his ankles. The way we wanted her between us was between us in bed. Naked. Alone. With our cocks filling her pussy and ass. My cock pressed against my pants at the thought. Soon. Very soon.

  “Forgive my wife,” Robert said, wrapping an arm about Ann’s waist. “She would like to see everyone happily wed.”

  “That’s why we’re here,” Tucker replied, flipping the boy back up and handing him to Andrew. With his hands free, he took hold of Abigail’s. “It’s time to make Abigail ours.”

  Andrew slapped Tucker on the back and tousled Christopher’s hair. The boy was fair, like Ann, but also mischievous like all little boys, with a sly grin to prove it.

  “You don’t want to wait until dinner when everyone can witness?” Robert asked.

  I glanced at Tucker.

  “No,” we said together.

  Ann tried to hide her smile, but it was impossible.

  “We’re not waiting a minute longer,” I added.

  I tipped Abigail’s chin up so I could meet her dark eyes. “Robert is a justice of the peace and is going to perform the ceremony. You’ll legally marry Tucker, but have no doubt, precious, you’re mine as well.”

  She gave a slight nod then licked her lips. I stifled the groan the one small gesture brought about.

  “Now, Robert,” I all but growled. “And the short version.”

  He smiled and it softened his features. “Very well.”

  I took Abigail’s other hand, connecting the three of us. She glanced first at me, then Tucker, before looking at Robert. She was ready. No doubts.

  “Do you, Tucker Landry, take Abigail Carr…”



  I was married. I was married! The entire time Robert spoke, and it wasn’t long, I thought of Mr. Grimsby. It wasn’t what should have filled my thoughts when I was marrying the two men of my dreams, but I couldn’t help it. I had three days to go to Butte, give him my mother’s brooch, and save Tennessee. Then, and only then, could I be free truly to be Tucker and Gabe’s wife. To have nothing between us. But would they let me out of their sights? They were quite possessive and extremely attentive.

  As we returned to their house and they led me back into Gabe’s bedroom, all thoughts of Mr. Grimsby faded away. I had three days, but, right now, they were mine. Finally.

  “Have you kissed a man before, precious?” Tucker asked. “Before earlier?”

  I glanced up at the two handsome men and shook my head. “Only… only you.”

  Tucker replied with a manly grunt.

  “You know we won’t hurt you?” Gabe asked as he stroked his big hand over my hair.

  I tilted my head into his touch and nodded.

  “Are you afraid?”

  “Of what is to come? No.”

  Tucker grinned as Gabe’s eyes widened in surprise.

  “You’re not?” Gabe asked.

  I shook my head.

  “Why is that, precious?” Tucker wondered.

  “Because…” I licked my dry lips. “Because I want this. You.”

  Tucker’s thumb moved to my lower lip and slid it back and forth. “Have you thought about us like this? Kissing you? Touching you?”

  I felt my cheeks heat, giving away the truth. “I can’t lie about this,” I said, although I could about other things. “I don’t want to do so. I think… I think my body will give me away.”

  Gabe stepped close, slid his hand down my neck, over my shoulder, and to my waist. His hand was so big his thumb brushed the underside of my breast. “Yes, we can see your nipples are hard, even through your blouse.”

  “I… I can’t help it.” Gabe’s thumb slid back and forth, higher now, curving over the full swell. When it brushed over my nipple, I gasped. “More.”

  “More?” Gabe repeated, the corner of his mouth tipped up.

  “I want your hands on me,” I breathed. “Without my clothes.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Tucker said, readily undoing the buttons of my shirt. I lifted my chin so he could get to them better.

  As Tucker worked, I looked up at him through my lashes. “Can I touch you?”

  “Precious, you never have to ask that.”

  When I placed my hand on his chest, his fingers stilled briefly and his gaze met mine. Held. His pale eyes heated before he worked the shirt off me even quicker. Beneath my fingertips, his body was so very warm and yet rock hard. It was as if he had been chiseled from a slab of marble.

  My arms fell to my sides as Tucker undid the few buttons on my skirt then pushed it over my hips and to the floor. I didn’t even hear breathing as they looked at me in just my shift, stockings and boots. Tucker’s fingers hooked on the shift's hem and he slid it a few inches up my thigh.

  “Precious, I like you not wearing drawers.”

  I didn’t know what to say. If he raised his fingers a little higher, they’d see my most intimate places. I wanted them to do so, and it was taunting. To me, and probably them as well. The anticipation made my skin heat, my pulse race.

  Gabe took the other side of my shift and lifted it a little, their knuckles sliding over bare skin. “And your corset?” he asked.

  “I don’t wear one. I’m not… big enough to need one.”

  Both men did nothing, and I looked up at them, worried they would be bothered their wife chose to refrain from wearing certain undergarments. “I assure you I’m always modest,” I countered, hoping to alleviate any concerns they might have.

  With deft fingers, they lifted the thin shift ever so slowly, my naked body exposed. I watched their faces. I knew they could see the dark hair at the apex of my thighs, my soft belly, my small breasts. When the time came, I raised my arms overhead and they tossed the garment to the floor. I stood in just my boots and stockings.

  “You won’t be modest with us,” Tucker countered, his gaze raking over every inch of me.

  My nipples furled beneath their scrutiny and from the air. I wasn’t sure how it could feel so cool and yet my body was so warm. He knelt before me and lowered his eyes down my body, stopping to stare at my pussy. I knew it was called that—one of the girls from school had said her beau had used the term for the place between her legs. Tucker had said it earlier. He inhaled deeply and a groan escaped him as he tugged on the laces of my boots, removing them both. My hands went to his shoulders for balance.

  “She’s wet,” Tucker murmured, his eyes not on what he was doing but on my pussy. “And her arousal smells so sweet.”

  “I wonder how she’ll taste,” Gabe replied.

  I looked up at him, confused. Taste? I knew I was wet, but taste?

  When Tucker finished, he left the stockings yet didn’t stand.

  “I’ll find out.” Tucker kissed my thigh and slowly worked his way up to where it was coated in my arousal. His tongue flicked out, licked some.

  I gasped at the carnality of it. His tongue heated my skin leaving behind a little path of fire.

  “Sweet,” he replied, and went back to lap
up more. He got close to my pussy but didn’t touch me there. He grinned at me, his lips shiny. “What do you need, precious?”

  I realized my fingers were digging into his shoulders and I was tilting my hips forward into Tucker’s face.

  “Isn’t she the brazen one?” Gabe asked, moving to stand behind me. His big hands came around and cupped my breasts.

  “Oh God. I need more. Please,” I begged. The rough feel of Gabe’s palms against my tender skin sent goose bumps racing across my skin.

  “Yes, ma’am,” Tucker said. It seemed he liked saying that when he was eager to please. The way his tongue worked my swollen flesh, he was very eager.

  His tongue was hot and talented, circling my little pleasure nub. It was so incredibly different than when I touched myself, for Tucker seemed to know just where to flick, just how hard to suck to have me gasp. He’d retreat, taking one fold into his mouth then nipping on it. It was a combination of sharp little bites of pain followed by hot flicks. Hot and sharp. Again and again.

  That was just Tucker’s ministrations. Gabe played with my breasts, tested their weight, plumped the heavy flesh before working and tugging on my nipples. Gently at first, adding little pinches, then harder.

  “She likes a little pain,” Gabe told Tucker, biting at my neck followed by laving it with his tongue.

  “Yes, she just dripped all over my mouth.”

  “Have you ever come before?” Gabe whispered in my ear as he licked along the dainty swirl.

  I licked my lips. “Yes,” I whispered.

  Tucker’s mouth stilled on me. “From a man?” I felt his breath fan my sensitive flesh.

  I shook my head, leaned back against Gabe’s shoulder.

  Tucker grunted in response and slipped a finger up and into my untried passage. I went up onto my tiptoes, which only made my nipples go taut between Gabe’s fingers.

  “You’ll come for us, precious. We want to see your pleasure. After that, we’ll fuck you.”

  Tucker moved his mouth away to speak and I whimpered. He licked up my inner thigh while his finger continued to curl and slide in and out of me. The stretch and slight burn of the single digit had me wondering if I could actually take them inside me. From the thick bulge I’d seen in Tucker’s pants earlier, I had to question the act.


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