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Page 3

by Jana Leigh

  Cami stopped struggling when she noticed people were cheering instead of calling the police. What the hell was wrong with these people? She buried her head in his shoulder so she could hide in case someone she knew saw her. Quin groaned when she snuggled into his neck. She grinned and placed a kiss against his throbbing pulse.

  “Baby, you are playing with fire.” He growled.

  “No, you deserve it! I am not a sack of potatoes to cart around. Besides, by the time you carry me that far, you will have to rest. I will probably be asleep by the time you catch your breath.” She laughed.

  “Quicker my way, and do not talk about yourself that way. You are perfect.” He said and entered the building they had come from a few hours before.

  Cami looked around with interest when they went to the elevator and he pushed the top floor. She had been on the floor below, she noted when she had been there earlier, and had no idea the place held apartments. Quin watched the floors light up, and tried to concentrate on not ripping her clothes off before they got to his place.

  He knew they were going to have to talk a little before they actually had sex. She needed to know what she was getting into. It was going to shock the hell out her, but he refused to claim her before she could choose. Being an Alpha mate, held a lot of responsibility.

  He could feel the power in her and knew she would be the perfect mate, but she had to come to the decision on her own. Quin could not force her into mating, no matter how much he wanted to.

  The elevator pinged and he walked into his living room. The entire floor was his apartment, and unless you had the code, you could not get up here. Only the Pack Beta and Enforcers had the code. It was his sanctuary.

  Cami stared at the spacious apartment around her. In front of them was a sunken living area with huge couches surrounding a fireplace and a mounted 52 inch television against the same rock wall. It looked rustic and beautiful, with deep reds and greens decorating the room. Off to the right, was the kitchen with a huge dining area, and a table that would seat about twenty. A small hallway on the other side of the room looked like it led to at least three bedrooms. One at the end of the hallway had its door open, and Cami could see one wall of windows floor to ceiling, she thought it must have an amazing view.

  Quin placed her on the couch, and kissed her nose sweetly, before stepping back and asking if she wanted a drink. She nodded nervously and then continued to look around.

  Quin came, set a drink on the table in front of her, and then sat down next to her. He pulled her back, so she was leaning, cuddled to his side.

  “We need to talk for a few minutes.” He said and smiled down gently at her.

  “Sure, I can start. I am clean; I have had no partners in the last few years, and was tested just this last month. Everything was good.” She said softly.

  “Great, but that"s not what I wanted to talk about.” He said. “Although for good measure, I am clean too. I have not had sex with anyone in a long time.”

  “Okay, now that is out of the way.” She said and leaned into him to kiss him.

  His mouth covered hers in a sweet slow kiss. She felt like she was being worshiped. His tongue gently ran along the crease of her lips before pushing into her mouth. He explored and tasted every inch of her mouth, and when they broke apart, she was panting heavily. The man was a lethal kisser.

  “Baby, we need to talk. If I am even anywhere within reach of you, I will have you flat on your back with my cock buried in you.” He said, and stood, moving across the room.

  Cami frowned and looked at the man who was pacing in front of her. “Isn"t that the idea?” She teased.

  Quin closed his eyes and groaned; thinking about pushing into her sweet, wet pussy was driving him crazy. He needed to focus, this was too important to mess up now.

  “Okay, when I saw you today I felt something other than attraction. It was like a need for me to be with you. I moved here from France over ten years ago, and never thought I would find my mate here. I thought I lost the chance when I left the Pack. So, when you walked in the door and I smelled you, it was a shock. I want to make sure you realize what you are getting into before we go any further.” He said.

  Cami nodded, the guy was crazy. Damn it, for the first time in years she wanted a man, and he was certifiable. She was trying to think of a way to get out of the apartment, when she realized he had paused and waited for her to respond.

  “Oh, listen, why don"t we just table this discussion until you can get some help? I know of a place you can go. They are real nice and have lots of things for you to do, like making pottery. With any luck, they will have you on medication that will straighten you right out.” She said gently hoping the man would listen.

  Quin chuckled and smiled. “No, I am not crazy. I am just going to do this, like pulling off a Band-Aid, you can"t go slowly.”

  Cami nodded, as if she knew what the hell he was talking about. She watched in fascination as the man began to take off his shirt. He folded it over the chair closest to him, and then kicked off his shoes. He reached for his pants, and began to unbuckle them. She was starting to wonder what the hell the man was doing, but she figured when he was naked she stood a better chance getting away. Besides, whether he was crazy or not, he had a delicious body. She wished he were sane, so she could lick him all over. The thoughts of whip cream and chocolate came to mind. Her own personal sundae, with a cherry on top, she thought.

  Quin grinned at her gently, and then nodded. “Look at my eyes.” He said, and she did.

  Those beautiful blue eyes that she had noticed the first time she saw him. Then, she was staring at the same eyes, but they belonged to a big dog. Shit a huge dog, no, a wolf!

  Wait a minute. Her brain refused to accept what it was seeing. A minute ago, a good looking, crazy man stood before her striping, and now there was a huge wolf with the same eyes, in its place.

  Cami had read all the books about werewolves and shifters. Hell, she even dreamed she had been one a few years ago, and had told Barry about the dream. The old man had smiled, and nodded, listening to her story. Never once calling her crazy, or strange, since when she woke it seemed so real. She loved that about him.

  Shaking her head, she tried to clear her mind. The wolf walked toward her, and she jumped up on the couch. “Good boy.” She said holding out her hand hoping the wolf stayed where it was.

  It cocked his head and looked at her. If she did not know any better, she would have thought it was laughing at her. It threw back its head, and made a gruff noise. Cami jumped over the back of the couch, and turned to make a run for it when two strong arms closed around her.

  “Cami?” He whispered in her ear. “Let me explain.”

  “Explain! You turned into a wolf! What is there to explain? Seems normal to me, you know just last week I saw a little girl turn into a bunny!” She screamed. She was becoming hysterical she knew, but really, who would believe her? She could call the cops, and tell them a man who could turn into a wolf had taken her home. They would lock her up quicker than she could say werewolf.

  “Cami, I am a shifter. The leader of a Were Pack here in Denver, werewolves to be exact.

  I was sent here by my parents, to help establish a much needed Pack when it became clear the Were community was spreading to the United States. Our traditions were being ignored or lost over here, and we needed to establish some order. I am ninety five years old and will live another hundred or so years. My mate will have the same life span as me when I claim her, no matter if she is human or Were. We mate for life, I can never have sex with another person, nor would I want to. I would cut off my right arm before I would hurt you.” He said calmly turning her so she could look him in the eyes when he spoke. She looked at him and thought, I should be committed for even sitting here listening to this.

  Quin led her back to the couch and pushed her easily back to where she was sitting. He calmly walked over, and pulled his pants back on. Foregoing the shirt, he came back and sat next to her. Taking
her hands in his, he continued to explain. “Shifters are real.

  I am a wolf shifter, but there are others. I can only tell you about us. My Pack has about fifty to sixty members. We live in the three blocks that I own. We do things a little different from humans but essentially, we are the same. We just shift into wolves, when we want, during a full moon we have to shift. We have our own laws and customs, all of which I will explain to you, but first we have to talk about us. I was explaining before when I first saw you that I felt different. You are my mate. The one chosen for me, to help me lead and guide the Pack where it needs to be. I am the Alpha and you will be the Alpha Bitch. You will have the same power as I do. First, there is the claiming, then, the introduction to the Pack, and last, the ceremony that puts you as the head female.

  The claiming is just as it sounds. We have sex and I mark you, then some of my life force is given to you.”

  Cami sat and tried to process all he said. Seriously, she had to be having a nervous breakdown. He was talking about claiming and ceremonies, as if she was going to just accept this.

  Frantically she looked around her, looking for the camera to explain what was going on.

  She was a boring Librarian for god"s sake. She knew werewolves did not exist, but here there was a man sitting in front of her, and she saw him change into a wolf and then back.

  “I really need to leave now.” She said desperately.

  “Honey, I need for you to understand. You are my mate, we need to be together.” He said. Quin tried to keep his voice gentle, but even he could hear the tension when he spoke. If she left, he would never see her again. This he was sure of.

  “So you are telling me I can"t leave?” She asked, thinking she was going to go crazy if she could not get away from him.

  “How about we compromise? You can sleep in the spare room. Take all the time you need to get used to this, and when you are ready to talk, I will be here. It"s not that you can"t leave. It's that if you do leave, I will feel the need to go with you until you are claimed as mine. My wolf is not going to let you out of my sight, or out of this building for that matter.” Quin reasoned. He could not stand it if she left him.

  “Your wolf says I have to stay?” She said with a giggle bubbling from her lips. No way was she staying here. She needed space to think.

  “Please, I will be here to answer all your questions. I will not bother you, unless you come to me.” He whispered.

  “Fine, but I need space.” She said firmly. How had they gone from sex to this? It did not make sense. The first chance she got, she was going to go home. She wondered if there was a phone in the bedroom, she could call the police and have them come and get her. She just wanted to get out of here alive, and then she would re-evaluate her plans, and find another place for her store.

  Quin stood and guided her to the hallway she saw when she first came into the apartment. He led her to the master bedroom. If she were going to stay here, she would be where she would eventually live. His bedroom was decorated very similar to the living area. He found the colors soothed him, and reminded him of the outdoors.

  “I will leave you; if you need anything let me know. I have arranged for a few of your things to be brought here.” He said which earned him another frown.

  “What do you mean you have arranged for some things to be brought here? I have not even given you my address.” She said.

  “I got it from the lease.” He said sheepishly.

  “You can"t just go around, trying to run my life! I barely know you, we met today!” She said frustrated.

  “I am sorry. I was just trying to make you comfortable.” He replied. Quin knew he was lying to her but he was not going to tell her that. She was not going back to her apartment, tonight or any other night. She belonged here, and she was going to stay here.

  “Whatever.” She grumbled and pushed him out of the room and closed the door. She was sure he would not be able to get into her apartment. The doorman would call the police if he didn"t have verbal permission from her to go into her apartment.

  The man was arrogant and bossy. She wanted to try to wrap her mind around what he had told her, but it seemed like the more she thought about it, the worse and more unrealistic it became. Maybe he had tricked her and used illusion, maybe she had been given a drug that was making her see things. Crap, if she could just think of a good, explainable theory for what she had seen. Then, she could laugh, go about her life, and not really care one way or the other how this man felt. As it stood, she was drawn to him, and his crazy story, the „what if"s" were too much for her to not stay.

  She sat in the chair and looked out over the city she had come to love. Denver had been her solace when her mother had kicked her out of the house. When she was on the streets of other cities, she had been so scared and alone. When she arrived in Denver on a chance bus ride, she had spent her first night at the bus stop. A man had come through, sat, and talked with her about living in Colorado. His face had lit up when he spoke about the mountains. Curious, she hitch hiked to the Rocky Mountain National Park. Walking the trails, and looking at the terrain, she had made the most important decision of her life, to stay somewhere. She found a job as a cleaning lady at a hotel. It had been the height of tourist season, so she had been given lodging, and food, as well as a solid paycheck. For the first time, she did not feel like things were hopeless.

  The owner of the hotel had taken a liking to her, and kept her on even in the off months.

  She saved her money and applied for college, never really thinking she would get in.

  When the acceptance letter arrived from the community college, she had cried. Cami worked hard to keep up with her studies, and make something of her life. She had been a good student while growing up, surprisingly enough. It was the one place she could escape her reality. It was the same with books. They were her solace. Being able to lose herself in the world of books was the only reason she had not gone crazy.

  When her step-father first started to pay attention to her, she had tried to stay away from him. Night after night, her mom would pass out on the couch and he would seek her out to talk. It would creep her out, when he would lean in and breathe his disgusting beer breath in her face. Then he would find reasons to touch her. Soon, it became very obvious the man was going to be a problem. She tried to avoid him, but it never worked.

  On her sixteenth birthday, he came to her room, to give her a present. At least that was his excuse. He wanted to give her a gift all right; the problem was Cami did not feel that sex was really a gift she wanted to have. He had pushed her on her bed, and lain on top of her, groping and pinching her body, all the while telling her she was a woman now and needed to be „broken in". Cami had screamed, and pushed him, but to no avail.

  When he had to get up, to try, and pull her clothes off, she kicked him in the balls. She could still hear the screams of frustration and pain, as she ran down the hallway. When she woke her drunken mother to tell her what happened, she had been even more degraded.

  Her mother yelled at her for trying to lure her boyfriend into her bedroom. She blamed her for it all; wearing slutty clothes had been her reason. When she slapped her across the face, and told her to get out, Cami thought she had reached her low point. Her second night on the streets had proved her wrong.

  Not knowing where to go, she had climbed to the roof of her apartment building and stayed up there. She went to school the next morning, hoping to find a friend who would be willing to let her stay with them. Not being able to find anyone, she had gone to the homeless shelter and checked in for the night. The counselor promised to help her gain her GED and get her a job. Thinking she had finally caught a break, she agreed to stay. When the male counselor told her if she gave him a blow job, he would make sure she was at the top of the waiting list for testing. She realized she had no clue how she was going to survive.

  Cami found one friend who was willing to hide her; unfortunately, Jo had been in a worse situation than she had been. Jo
"s father found her living in the closet and kicked her out. Cami had been worried about her friend, her father had obviously been abusing her, but she had no other choice. Jo was the only person from her childhood she kept in touch with.

  Cami moved from city to city, hitchhiking, trying to find someplace or someone that would give her a break. When she found the Rockies, she had found a home. It felt right to be here, surrounded by the wilderness. She had studied local folklore in college, and knew that many cultures believed in shape shifters. For many different reasons, they fascinated her. Thinking someone would have the ability to change form, and hunt or protect themselves, had been amazing. The more that she thought about it, she was starting to believe what Quin had told her. There were werewolves, and he was one of them. Holy crap, she was actually thinking it was the truth.

  She knew that wolves traveled in Packs and mated for life. The males would only take one mate. The Alpha was always the strongest of the Pack, the one that makes the rules of the Pack. She thought about all she knew about wolves, and decided she was going to have to research a little more. If all of this was true, she really wanted to understand it.

  Finding out fantasy was reality, was a little hard to grasp, but it was also extremely cool.

  Cami sat, and thought, as the sun began rising. She was shocked to realize she had sat in the same chair all night thinking. Feeling a little more comfortable now that she had thought about what she saw, Cami rose and went to the bathroom. After cleaning up and brushing her teeth, she decided it was time to get some more information.


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