Cottage in the Mist

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Cottage in the Mist Page 23

by Dee Davis

  Looking at the hardened warrior sitting beside her, Lily had no doubt that he meant every word he said. Maybe Bram was right. Maybe she had no place in this world. And yet even as she had the thought, she rejected it. Bram wasn't Justin. And she wasn't going to give up. Some things were worth fighting for.

  "All I ask is that you give me a chance," she said. "Let me try to reason with him."

  "I've no taste for battle with the Macgillivrays. So you need have no fear of my initiating hostilities against your Bram. But if he attacks Tigh an Droma, I'll have no choice but to join the fight."

  "I understand." And she did. It wasn't as if Alec could allow Bram to destroy him—especially for something he didn't do. But her heart railed against the possibility that fate would win out and Bram would die.

  "Remember that nothing is set in stone," Jeff said, clearly reading the expression on her face. "There's still time to change things. To explain to Bram."

  "Yes, but we have to find him first."

  "I don't think you have to worry about that," Dougan said, returning to the group. "I've just talked to a scout. Bram Macgillivray and his men are almost here."


  Long shadows stretched across the meadow, the trees ringing the clearing already blending together as the sunlight continued to fade. Beneath his thighs, Bram felt his horse shift, muscles tensed, waiting for his command. Iain and Ranald flanked him on either side, Frazier and the rest of Iain's men arrayed behind them. Across the way, Alec Comyn's men too sat at the ready, weapons drawn, horses prancing. But although he was aware of the warriors, it was the center group that held his attention. By some fluke of placement a last golden ray of sun fell over the three people gathered there.

  Alec Comyn rode with the command of a king. His dark hair curled wildly around his head, his green eyes piercing even at this distance. Beside him rode a tall man with blonde hair. The man from Bram's vision. His clothes were an odd mixture of familiar and strange, and although he seemed comfortable on his mount, it was clear that he was not as comfortable with the claymore he held in his hands. If Iain was to be believed, this man was Katherine's brother.

  But why then was he riding with the Comyns?

  And more importantly, what manner of lie had Lily perpetuated?

  For there was no doubt in Bram's mind that the woman beside Alec was his kin. There was no mistaking the blue-black curls and the glittering green eyes. Fool that he was, he hadn't seen it until now. Hadn't recognized that he'd been duped by his worst enemy. It was as if the curse of the Comyns had been visited upon the Macgillivrays all over again, and he had been stupid enough to fall right into their hands.

  Although at least he'd left her behind.

  His gaze traveled from her tousled head to her boot-clad feet. She rode astride, a quiver of arrows at her back. But unlike the others, she had not armed herself. Instead, her eyes never left his, her chin quivering even as she held it aloft. Always the brave one, his Lily.

  His horse moved forward, and Alec shifted his, protecting his own. God, how had Bram been such an addlepated ninny? He'd allowed his heart to rule his head and now it was breaking in light of her betrayal. Everything that had passed between them was a lie. She'd tricked him into believing she was his savior when, in point of fact, she was his worst enemy.

  As if privy to his thoughts, Lily swallowed, her hand at her throat, her mouth forming a soft 'o' of surprise. And despite his anger and frustration, he felt his body react. Damn the woman. She was a temptress of the worst kind. A Comyn. And just like her ancestor, she'd stop at nothing to destroy him and his kind.

  Anger turned to rage, and he spurred his horse forward, intent on finding satisfaction at the end of a sword. Alec answered in kind, further blocking access to Lily, his claymore held high—at the ready. The movement to protect only served to goad Bram further, some part of him still believing that Lily belonged to him and that no one had the right to protect her save himself.

  But even as he had the thought, he banished it. His Lily had never truly existed. This woman was a Comyn. An enemy. First, last and always. He rode forward, ready to engage, aware that Iain and Ranald called to him from behind. Ignoring them, he closed the distance, Alec's men rumbling as they too prepared for battle.

  He was close enough to see the determination in the Comyn's eyes. And then suddenly Lily spurred her mount around Alec, coming straight at him, her shoulders set in defiance. He fingered the hilt of his sword, his arm raising to take the blow. And then he met her eyes, crystal clear, like a slow moving burn. And for a moment, he forgot his anger, his heart reaching out for hers.

  Frozen, he sat atop his horse, the sounds around him fading until there was only the two of them. "Why?" he managed to choke out, his sword arm falling to his side.

  "It's not what you think," she said, shaking her head, tears filling her eyes.

  "Then say you're no' a Comyn." He already knew the answer. It was literally as plain as the nose on her face, but some part of him longed for her to deny it.

  Instead she dipped her head, sucking in a fortifying breath, then lifted her face back to his. "I can't do that."

  His heart shriveled, actual pain ripping through his chest. "Then there's nothing more to say."

  "But that's where you're wrong. There's so much to say. Nothing is as it seems. But you'll have to take that on faith. You'll have to believe me. Because to understand you have to trust enough to hear what Alec has to say."

  "I'll never trust the man who killed my father. I canna believe you'd ask that of me. And besides, now that I know who you really are, I've no reason to put any faith in your words."

  "She's telling the truth," Alec Comyn said, pulling his mount up beside hers. "And I'll no' see you calling her a liar."

  "Ah, but then what would you know of honesty?"

  The two men raised their weapons.

  "Stop it. Both of you." Again, heedless of her own safety, Lily pushed her horse between them.

  "If you won't listen to her," the blond man said, "perhaps you'll listen to me."

  "I dinna know you from Adam," Bram growled. "Why would I care what you have to say?"

  "Because I have no horse in this race."

  Bram frowned, shaking his head. "I dinna ken what you're speaking of."

  "Right." He lowered his voice so that it wouldn't carry. "Because I'm not of your world. And neither is Lily. And there's no plot against you. At least not from this quarter."

  "Jeff," Iain hailed as he and Ranald rode up beside Bram. "What in God's name are you doing here? With him?"

  "Happenstance. Well, at least winding up with Comyn. We started out looking for you. At Lily's behest. Fergus and William are over there." The man called Jeff turned his attention to Bram. "You don't know me, but Iain does. And Ranald." He nodded toward his cousins, who pulled their horses up on either side. "And I'm telling you that there's more to the story than you know."

  "You cannot believe any of them," Frazier said, his horse sidling as he jerked on the reins to pull the animal to a stop. "I don't care who this man is. He's riding with the Comyn. There is nothing he can say that will negate the fact." Clutching his claymore, he made to move forward.

  "Hold," Iain ordered. And with a furious frown, Frazier stopped. "I'd trust Jeff with my life. And if he says there's more to hear, then I believe him."

  "Aye," Ranald agreed. "He's no' going to betray us."

  "No' going to betray you—you mean. Why should I believe he gives a damn about me and mine?" Bram's gaze met his cousin's.

  "Because you are my kin and for Jeff family is everything. He would never betray you."

  "And neither would Lily," Jeff added, his gaze shooting in her direction. "She came here for you, man. After you deserted her, I might add. And to be totally honest, at the moment I'm not sure that I understand why she came."

  "Nor I," Alec spat. "A Macgillivray. I canna even stomach the idea." He moved again, his stance threatening.

  Bram responded
in kind, fingers tightening on his claymore. "'Tis a far sight better than being a bloody, thievin' Comyn, I'll wager."

  Ranald and Iain drew their weapons again as well.

  "Stop it. All of you." Lily held up a hand, and despite the fact that she was only a woman, everyone froze, their attention shifting to her. "This is getting us nowhere. Bram, if you won't believe me or Jeff, then perhaps you'll believe your own kinsman. We found him in the woods. Near to death. But, thanks to Alec's man, he lives and when he's conscious asks for you."

  "What trick is this?" His gut clenched at the thought of his slaughtered clan. "You know my kinsman are all dead. All but Frazier. He saw the rest of them die."

  She shot a speculative look at the older man. "Then he must have made a mistake, because your man lives as surely as I do."

  "How could you possibly know who he is?"

  "Because he keeps asking for you." Her green eyes were flashing with anger now. "And because you told me about him. Robby. Robby Corley."

  "Is dead," Frazier said. "I saw it myself. The bitch lies."

  "Mind your tongue," Bram barked, surprising himself with the depth of his ire. His instinct to protect Lily had apparently not died with her betrayal. "Is this true?" He turned his attention to Jeff St. Claire and to Fergus, who had ridden over to join them.

  "Aye, that it is," Fergus said, his grizzled gaze on Iain. "I dinna know what games any o' these folk are playing, but I can tell you with certainty that the lad is who he says he is. He's too far gone to be capable o' a lie. As it is, he can barely talk."

  "Did he tell you what happened to him?" Frazier asked. And again Bram waved a hand to silence him.

  "No." Lily shook her head. "Like Fergus said, he can barely talk. For the most part all he's done is ask for Bram."

  "Will he live?" Bram asked Alec, the words coming despite himself.

  "I canna say. My healer is good. But the man was far gone when Lily found him."

  Bram exchanged a look with both Ranald and Iain. There seemed to be no choice in the matter. For the moment they had to trust Alec Comyn. At least long enough to find out the truth about Robby.


  BRAM HADN'T LOOKED at her, not once since the confrontation in the clearing. Nor had he spoken to her or to Alec. She tried to give him the benefit of the doubt. It had been a shock to find out who she really was. But it wasn't as if she'd lied to him or done anything to truly earn his wrath. Except perhaps disobey his implicit demand for her to stay behind.

  To stay safe.

  The word whispered through her mind as she watched Bram question Alec's man Geordie. They were huddled around the makeshift tent covering Robby. Not much more than a plaid stretched over a wooden frame, it at least provided a modicum of protection against the encroaching weather.

  The last of the sun was sinking beneath the horizon, the beginnings of a mist twirling wraithlike across the ground.

  She'd had no way of knowing her true heritage when she'd first encountered Bram. And, even if she had, it wasn't as if they'd taken time to ask a lot of questions. Surely if he truly loved her, he'd have to accept her for who she was. But then again, he obviously believed she'd betrayed him. Intellectually, she knew that should make a difference. That she should cut him slack. But her heart wasn't having any of it. Either he loved her or he didn't. It was as simple as that. Some things had to be taken on faith.

  So maybe he didn't love her at all. Maybe in truth he wasn't any better than Justin. But even as she had the thought, she knew that it wasn't true. Sucking in a breath, she looked to Jeff for reinforcement. Elaine's husband smiled at her reassuringly and immediately she felt better, containing a smile at Bram's immediate scowl in Jeff's direction.

  Maybe he did care—at least a little.

  Jeff stood with Iain and Alec just at the boundary to the makeshift tent, giving Geordie and Bram room. Bram squatted down by his friend, his eyes on the healer. Lily sat near Robby's head, feeling protective even in the face of Bram's concern.

  "How long has he had the fever?" Bram asked the healer, his voice harsh with emotion.

  For his friend, Lily reminded herself, containing a shiver. Even angry, the sound of his voice curled deep inside of her, sending heat washing across every inch of her skin.

  "Since before I was summoned," Geordie was saying. "But he's resting easier now than he was. And in truth, your friend needs sleep to help him recover."

  Robby moaned and twisted, and Lily reached out to stroke his brow. He calmed but Bram's scowl deepened and she noticed his fingers clenching and unclenching.

  "He doesn't feel as hot as he did," Lily said, lifting her gaze, praying that he'd meet it. But instead he returned his attention to the healer.

  "Is he still in danger?"

  The older man shrugged. "I canna pretend that it doesna worry me. Although 'tis to be expected after all that he's been through. The injury itself was grievous enough, but being out here exposed to the elements hasna helped things at all. As I'm sure Alec has already told you, your friend owes his life to Mistress Lily."

  A muscle ticked in Bram's jaw. "And to you, I'm told. I'm grateful." Again he refused to meet Lily's eyes. Behind him, Jeff blew out a disgusted breath. At least she had someone on her side. "When can I expect him to wake?" Bram asked.

  "'Tis no' something I can predict. Mayhap the sound of your voice will call to him. I've seen it work before when a man is lost to this deep o' sleep."

  Bram shifted so that he was leaning over his friend, his body so close Lily could feel his warmth. Her breathing stuttered and she forced herself to focus on the injured man.

  "Robby?" Bram called softly. "Can you hear me, man?"

  Robby moved slightly, but there was no answer.

  "'Tis I, Bram. I've come to bring you home." The skin around his mouth tightened and Lily squelched the urge to reach for him. He wouldn't appreciate her touch. Not here. Not now. But she could feel his pain. "You canna tell me you'd rather lie here in this nest of vipers. Comyns aren't known for extending hospitality to Macgillivrays. No matter how comely the man's face might be."

  He waited, his fingers clenching again, his eyes fixed on his friend. "Robby. Please. Open your bloody eyes. I need to see that you're all right. That these bastards haven't been feeding you poison."

  Geordie tensed, his hand moving toward the knife at the waist of his plaid. Apparently even healers were warriors in these times.

  "Hold." Alec's deep voice filled the little space, brooking no argument. "He's grieving. Let him be."

  Geordie settled back. "I'm no' poisoning him. If he dies it'll no' be on my head."

  Bram's gaze shifted to Lily. She could feel the heat of it. Feel his anger.

  "Nor will it be hers," the healer said, his voice taking umbrage with Bram's obvious conclusion. "Whatever befalls yer friend, 'tis the fault o' those who attacked him. So save yer retribution for them."

  "Believe me, that's exactly what I intend to do," Bram said, pushing to his feet, fingering the hilt of his claymore as he turned to face Alec. "I believe you and I have things to discuss. Iain?" His cousin nodded, and the three men strode a short distance away to the shelter of a small stand of trees. Alec's second, Dougan, followed close behind.

  Lily resisted the urge to run after Bram. Better to let him deal with Alec on his own. Still, it pained her that he'd walked away without so much as a backward glance. Pained her that he could dismiss her so easily.

  "He's just angry and confused," Jeff said, dropping to his knees beside her.

  "He thinks I betrayed him," Lily said, emotion clogging her throat. "That I'm working with his enemy."

  "But Alec isn't his enemy. And you didn't even know you were a Comyn when you met Bram. None of this is your fault."

  Lily felt tears threaten and brushed angrily at her eyes.

  "Give him time to think. To assimilate all that's happened. Then you can talk to him. Explain about your family. About the legend and the ring."

already know what he thinks about the legend. He thinks my family killed his. And now he believes I've been trying to do the same."

  "But you haven't." Jeff reached over to squeeze her hand. "And he'll see that. He cares about you. A lot. Otherwise he wouldn't be so angry."

  "He wouldn't even look me in the eyes."

  "True, but he also couldn't take his eyes off of you. Let him sort it out. It'll be okay, you'll see."

  Robby moaned, and Geordie lifted his head to meet Lily's gaze, a smile spreading across his weathered face. "His fever is breaking."

  "Thank God." Lily answered his smile just as an older man ducked beneath the woolen tarp.

  Lily frowned up at the man. Frazier. "You work for Bram," she said, taking in his stocky, well-muscled build. The graying hair and bushy beard were indicators of the man's age, and yet it was clear he was a warrior still. His faded blue eyes were wary.

  "I was his father's captain," Frazier agreed, his voice holding a warning. "But I am my own man. I work for no one."

  "I'm sorry." Lily held up a hand in apology. "I meant no offense." Something about Frazier bothered her. Maybe it was the fact that his eyes glittered with dislike. Although considering the circumstances, she wasn't certain she blamed him.

  "Bram allowed you to stay with Robby, then?" Frazier asked, his gaze falling to the injured man.

  "I'm not sure he really had a choice," Jeff said, his tone congenial, but Lily could hear the undernote of caution. So she wasn't the only one with misgivings.

  "Bram was right; you've betrayed Iain and allied yourself with her." Frazier sent a contemptuous nod in Lily's direction. "And the rest of the Comyns."

  "I've betrayed no one," Jeff said, his hand moving to the hilt of his sword. "And neither has Lily."

  "Aye," Geordie said, fingering the little knife again. "She's been nothing but steadfast when it comes to yer man."


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