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by Telma Cortez

  I was totally prepared for an onslaught of passion after that first amazing kiss… to be brutally honest I think I wanted it. What followed was not only a very pleasant surprise, it actually increased my desire to be close to this fascinating man. Whatever else Everett Samson is, he is definitely a connoisseur of women. His kisses simmer, and their languid nature leaves me waiting breathlessly for the next one to start. I’ve never met another man who kissed the way Everett does. I swear I felt like dessert.

  I really hated for the carriage ride to end. The clear night, the quaint lights along the streets in Westport, and the cool air combined to create a rare experience for me, and by now Everett really had me going. I half expected him to spirit me back to the hotel and ravage me, but Everett had more in store for me. He stopped the carriage in front of one of the bars in Westport, I can’t even remember the name. I just remember the green canvas awning covering the front of it and the brass accents.

  Everett took me by the hand and led me to a small table in a dark smoky corner and I was amazed to hear the sultry voice of Billie Holiday coming not from the speakers of a stereo system, but from the mouth of a black man in drag… he sounded so much like the woman that I was astounded. Everett ordered us drinks while the performer sang ‘I’ll Be Seeing You’ and ‘I Cried For You.’

  I love Jazz, and when we fly to Paris or New Orleans, I always try to arrange to have my mandatory crew rest scheduled around those destinations so that I can go to the spectacular Jazz clubs in those cities… and now I have added Kansas City to my list. The drag queen was superb, and he sang all my Billie Holiday favorites. The crowd refused to let him leave until after he had performed a third encore, a rendition of ‘Love Me or Leave Me’ that had me in tears, and Everett and I danced to all of it, our drinks half-finished on the table.

  It was late when we returned to the hotel, and I have no idea how I let him get away from me after he kissed me languidly in front of my door. The night was rife with romance and I wanted him, my body was crying out for him…and then he was just gone.

  My bed would have been cold and lonely but the memory of his kisses kept me warm. A fire was burning in my belly and I promised myself that he wouldn’t get away from me again. I slept with my hands inside my panties, and my dreams were of Everett.

  I slept until the phone woke me the next morning. I smiled sleepily into the phone as I realized it was Everett. “How did you sleep last night?” he asked me in a low voice.

  “I slept like a baby,” I told him, remembering the dreams I had that I couldn’t bring myself to tell him about.

  “I don’t think I slept at all Telma. I had a wonderful time last night.”

  “I did too,” I said.

  “Would you like to join me for breakfast in, say, half an hour?”

  “I’d love to!” I said, jumping up out of the bed.

  “Dress for flying,” he told me, “I’ve rented a Cessna for the day if you’d like to get some stick time.” Everett knew how to get right to the core of me.

  Breakfast was fantastic. I could smell the Westin’s custom blend of coffee when I got off the elevator, and then I savored the aroma and the taste of the brew as we waited briefly for our order. Eggs Benedict, and the hollandaise sauce was perfection itself, tangy and freshly made, served over crisp Canadian bacon and toasted English muffins. The plate was garnished with strawberries, apple slices, melon, and pineapple, and there was not a crumb left on my plate when I had finished. Most of the time, Everett had a hand on my arm or my hand and I was still dizzy with desire from the night before.

  “Most men would have tried to take me to bed last night,” I murmured as we sat looking at each other over the coffee cups the waitress had just refilled.

  Everett didn’t look surprised, nor was he flustered by my bold challenge. “I enjoy the courtship,” he said simply, “and I’m not most men.” He took another sip of the delicious coffee. “Some women are just for fun and for fucking as a physical release. Some women are special, a gift to be savored and opened at the right time. Other women are sacred, the type to be revered and admired. And some few, very few, are a rare combination of the three.” His gray eyes stared brazenly into mine.

  My body was frankly disappointed that he apparently didn’t think I was the first kind, and my mind was a tiny bit offended that he might think no more of me than that I was the second type. The third type didn’t sound like much fun at all, and the fourth type scared me as much as it excited me. What kind of man thought this way? And why did I want him so badly.

  We didn’t go back to KCI, which is actually twenty odd miles northwest of the city, we went to a small private airfield in Independence. Everett had rented a brand new Cessna Stationair, a lovely aircraft I had been checked out in already, and we flew out over the rolling countryside towards the Lake of the Ozarks and Branson. The view was gorgeous and neither of us spoke until we reached Branson and Everett asked if I’d like to eat lunch there. He greased the Stationair in on the hard grass runway, as nice a small craft landing as I’d ever seen and I told him so. “Good,” he grinned, “so I passed my check ride?” I was aghast until I saw he was teasing me. “You can show me how the pros do it on the way back.”

  The return flight was going smoothly, the headwinds weren’t bad and the day was bright and clear. I flown the single engine plane back up to five thousand feet, preparing to enter Kansas City airspace about forty miles outside of Independence, when the sky dropped out from under us. I had no time to think as we plummeted downward. I managed to get the nose up and slammed the throttle to the max and held on, my knuckles whitened by the death grip I had on the controls and my face ashen. The Microburst had dropped us to within three hundred feet of the ground when it released us and we swooped out of the column of cold air, wind screaming past the wings in a frightening rush. I was terrified that the wings wouldn’t stand the intense pressure, but they held up and we gradually regained altitude. I was shaking badly and it showed.

  “Do you need me to take the controls?” Everett asked, his own voice quavering. The taste of the fear still strong in my mouth, I shook my head and directed the little plane towards the airfield in Independence. “Wow,” he said.

  By mutual agreement we stopped at the first bar outside the airfield and I ordered a double Irish Whiskey, a liquor I rarely drink. I needed the harsh bite to raise my body temperature back to that of a living person, and I noticed that Everett ordered the same. It took me a couple of stiff swallows before mine was gone, but he drained his in a single gulp and ordered another for both of us. “That was quite a demonstration,” he said admiringly, “If I’d been at the controls we’d be dead now, do you realize that?” The compliment touched me because he meant it. It was my turn, and I reached out and took his hand.

  “I was scared to death,” I told him.

  “I was scared shitless,” he grinned, “but that was still some mighty fine flying.”

  My heart was in my throat, and I suddenly wanted him, all of him. I slipped into his arms in the dim light of the bar and I kissed him. It was a deep, needful, wanting kiss, and it left no doubt in his mind what I wanted. The flying alone had aroused me, and the brush with death had intensified this infinitely. We staggered from the bar to the rental truck and somehow made it back to the hotel.

  In a mystical blur we were inside my room and in my bed and we were one. I don’t remember the details and I don’t care to, all I want to remember is that I felt as if I had crept inside of him. I remember thinking that this was how a baby must feel just before it was born, safe, warm, and contented as I had ever been at any time in my life.

  His sleeping face was as rugged as when he was awake. He looked weathered and tough and incredibly handsome… it was a visage that would easily cause a young woman to part her thighs and older women to sigh with desire. I touched his lips lightly and he twitched as if it tickled him. I traced the line of his jaw with a forefinger, and when I touched his chin his eyes opened. We lay for a
long time, pressed tightly together, not feeling the need to speak. We spent the last two days of my crew-rest together. We ate, we drank, we danced together to remarkable Jazz and we made love over and over until we fell asleep together, exhausted.

  I knew he wanted more, and I knew how badly I needed him… but as the time for me to board my outbound flight, I had my doubts.

  I love my job, the arousal in flight, the flirting, the exotic destinations, and the close friendships I have with the aircrews. I really didn’t want to make a decision, and even though he hadn’t directly asked me, I started to build a tiny core of resentment that he would want me to give up my life and the career that I loved. He sensed the tiny spot of coldness in me, another manifestation of the kind of man he is, and he didn’t push me.

  I dreaded going back to work for the first time in my career and I hated the feeling. We both carried our bags to the lobby and we sat down for a last cup of coffee, the tension thick between us. It was Everett who finally broke the silence and I steeled myself for what was to come.

  “I can guess what’s wrong Telma, but don’t you think it would be better if you told me?

  Suddenly I was embarrassed at my egotistical assumptions and I was afraid, actually afraid to open my mouth because I knew I was acting foolish. Whatever we had felt was utterly real and I was screwing it up by being an idiot. It came out in a rush. I told him what I felt, honestly and completely, and I felt better when it was all out in the open.

  Everett smiled, a wide, warm, gentle smile. “I’ve had much the same feelings,” he admitted. He reached for my hand, taking it gently between both of his, and I could feel his strength and his character flowing into me. “I don’t want to own you Telma, I believe I’m in love with you and I’d like a chance to spend more time with you. I love my own life and I’m not about to give up the travel or the joy and I don’t expect you to either.”

  I rose and embraced him, with tears of happiness rolling down my cheeks. “My next mandatory break is a week from tomorrow, in St Thomas. Do you want to meet me there?”

  “Nothing could keep me away,” Everett said… and he kissed me.

  Did we meet again… We did. Did it last, sadly no. But then here I am, still flying, with my freinds and writing stories for you. And I have no doubt, I’ll meet someone like Everett again, on a flight. One day.

  Telma xxx

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  AeroRomance Series© By Telma Cortez

  Overnight Sensation

  When hot co-pilot Arlo misses a priceless date with a dancer from Radio City, he finds lust and love in one sensational nightstop.

  “You're overnighting, two nights. In the Bahamas. I’ve seen the crew list and man you are gonna love it.

  Forget one date, I’m offering you a dozen.”


  Telma Cortez is the Senior Flight Attendant for VisionAir, and she meets every kind of passenger,

  handling every kind of pass lustful men can invent. Everett Samson is not like other men,

  there’s something more to him that draws Telma… into something much more serious than a casual dalliance.

  Extended Duty

  Grant Edwards, pilot and adventurer, has no idea what he’s getting into when he agrees to entertain the daughter of an old friend of Charles Stross, the CEO of Vision Air, and also Grant’s friend and boss.

  Charles, in turn, has no idea he has set in motion a chain of events that could cost him one of the finest pilots he had ever hired.

  Aerosexual Series© By Telma Cortez

  Adult short stories for adult reading.

  Catastrophic Crosswinds

  A game of distraction goes too far when a student pilot encounters a crosswind.

  Her instructor becomes the exhilarating force of both excitement and possible destruction

  The Release of Flight

  Jared returns from his business trip to find his lovely Trinity still belongs to him.

  He rewards her with a flight to release her spirit, her heart, and her frustrations.

  Renegade Re-Ignition

  When ex-fighter pilot Leo pilot loses his lust for flight and no longer feels the same in the skies,

  he finds the answer to happiness is less freedom, instead of more.

  This one comes with a health warning…

  Biz Jet Jumpseat

  Please keep your hard objects in the upright position…

  A Paid Getaway

  As Lindsey struggles to make the bills by attending to customers in the skies,

  Trella seems to have no problem affording luxury wherever the airline takes her.

  When the two share a room in Chicago, Trella lets Lindsey in on her money making secret.

  The Stratosphere Lounge

  When two veteran pilots decide to initiate rookie Grant Edwards,

  they call upon their favorite bartender whose moonlighting escapades make normal men quiver.

  Grant is forced to fight for the upper hand, or else become bound by Miss Sophia’s chains.

  Roaring Nights

  Captain Grant Edwards successfully completes one of the most difficult commercial landings on earth,

  coasting safely onto the island of St. Maarten. High on life and enthusiasm for flight,

  Grant celebrates with a risqué encounter on the sands beneath the landing planes.

  Dangerous Recognition

  Trella Matthews is a veteran flight attendant with an exciting side business that allows her the financial freedom

  to fully experience exotic destinations all over the world.

  She finds herself in a series of compromising positions when a passenger recognizes her,

  and threatens to blow the whistle, jeopardizing her career in the skies.

  The Wench on the Wing

  Aircraft Technician, Carmen, can’t turn down an overtime shift when it means paying the rent,

  and having two male colleagues all to herself in a big empty hangar.

  Captain’s Discretion

  Charles Stross, owner and CEO of VisionAire is rich, influential and sexy. He’s living the dream.

  Captain Siran Orogian is powerful commanding and beyond not only his dreams, but perhaps his reach.




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