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Lisa's Little Lie: A Hotwife Novel

Page 10

by Lexi Archer

Only there was something about the way she reacted to seeing this guy. Something that had me on guard. She'd already been looking panicked as she tried to find a boat to get out on the water. I had no idea what the hell was up with that since she didn't even like going swimming at the edge of the lake let alone getting on something that floated out in the middle of the lake. Whatever it was, something had Lisa acting weird today, and the only thing I could think of was the fantasy scenario we'd indulged in the night before.

  If this is how she was going to act every time we did a little bit of fantasy play like that then I wasn't sure it was something I wanted to do.

  "Who's your friend Lisa?" I asked.

  It was an innocent enough question, and that wasn't anything behind it. Only there was something about the way Lisa reacted to that question that had me even more on guard. She jumped as though she'd been hit with an electric prod. What the hell was going on here? Why would a simple question like that freak her out so much?


  "Um, this is an old friend of mine from school. Jar… ry. His name is Jerry."

  The guy stood and took a step towards me. I noticed the way Lisa's eyes ran up and down his body for a moment and I felt a small thrill running through me even as I was on guard with this guy. Though I wasn't sure why I was on guard with this guy. Wasn't I excited by the idea of Lisa getting excited by other guys? So why did I suddenly find myself wondering about this guy in particular?

  It probably had something to do with the way Lisa was suddenly acting around him. She wasn't acting natural.

  The guy looked like the type who spent a lot of time outdoors. He was in a pair of swim trunks, though he did have a cap and sunglasses on. He was tanned bronze, no doubt from hours spent out in the sun doing fishing charters. He also had a pretty muscular body, though he wasn't exactly bodybuilder huge. Just toned like a guy who spent time in the gym. Or a guy who spent a lot of time out doing physical work as a part of his job.

  He approached me and held out a hand which I took. His grip was strong, almost as though he was pulling that bullshit move that guys sometimes do when they're trying to test your strength with a fucking handshake. I always hated that bullshit, and for some reason I hated it even more than usual coming from this guy, though I couldn't explain why.

  "Yeah, I'm… Jerry. Nice to meet you," he said.

  Lisa was glancing between the two of us and once more her reaction had me wondering what the hell was going on. She had a nervous smile on her face as her eyes darted back and forth looking for all the world like a hunted animal, only there wasn't anything out here hunting her as far as I could tell. No, just this Jerry guy who looked to her, his eyes running up and down her body for a moment.

  That sent another thrill through me. It's not like I could blame him for looking at my wife like that. She was a gorgeous woman, after all! And I did enjoy watching men enjoying her, but there was still something about him that felt off. Something about this whole situation that felt off.

  "So how can I help the two of you? Looking for a fishing charter or something? I'd be happy to give Lisa here an old friend discount."

  He winked and nudged her with his elbow at that. That smile was still on her face, but it was a sickly smile. Even though she was tanned from spending time out on the beach she managed to look pale. She managed to look like she was about to lose the lunch we'd just had back at the marina restaurant.

  What the hell was going on here? Why was she reacting like that to this guy?

  "Well my wife here," I started.

  I'm not sure why I referred to her as my wife instead of referring to her as Lisa. Obviously he already knew her as Lisa. It was silly to stake a claim. And yet for some reason I felt like I needed to refer to her as my wife. Make it absolutely clear what our relationship was.

  It was weird. That obsession was still there, it was still simmering at a low boil and my cock was definitely perking up with interest at their interaction, but at the same time there was just something off about this situation that was preventing that fantasy obsession from becoming a full-blown raging thing.

  "Anyways, my wife here was interested in maybe going out on the lake today," I said.

  Jerry turned back to her again and the grin on his face got even wider. "Really? I'd love nothing more than to spend a day out on the lake with you." His eyes darted towards me. "And hubby of course."

  Well, there was no missing the hidden meaning behind what he'd just said. I felt my cock stirring as he said it. More than anything I figured Lisa and I were due for one hell of an interesting conversation when we got back to the house. I wanted to get to the bottom of who this Jerry guy was and why she was acting like this, but I figured it wouldn't be until the end of the day. It was going to be pretty hard having a conversation about the guy if we were stuck on his boat all day long with him right there in front of us listening.

  "Actually I changed my mind," Lisa said.

  I blinked. "You did?"

  Jared blinked as well. "You did?"

  "Yeah," Lisa said. "The sun is getting to me. I think I'd be better off just going back to the house and lying down for a little while."

  I looked at her again. Really looked at her. Looked at her eyes. She smiled at me again, and there was a flash of something there. There was still that sickly smile, but there was something else. An undercurrent of desire? She pursed her lips ever so slightly and raised an eyebrow.

  Well there was certainly no missing that signal. It was one we came up with years ago, during college, and it indicated one of us wanted to get away from wherever the hell we were to go back for some fun. I was surprised to see her doing it now, especially considering how worked up she'd been just moments ago.

  Still, if my incredibly sexy wife was standing in front of me in an incredibly sexy tight T-shirt and short shorts suddenly giving me "the look" I knew to drop whatever it was we were doing so I could get down to doing my wife!

  I looked back to this Jerry guy smiled an apologetic smile with a shrug.

  "Sorry buddy," I said. "Looks like I need to go take care of my wife."

  He smiled back, though the smile didn't extend to his eyes. He turned back to Lisa and gave her another once over. A once over that made it absolutely clear to me that he'd probably be a little interested in going back and "taking care" of my wife if he could get the opportunity. Of course he wouldn't get the opportunity. No man other than me would ever get the opportunity. She was faithful to me, and had always been faithful to me, even if the thought of her being unfaithful, even if seeing him look at her like that, was causing my cock to throb.

  Damn it. I needed to get out of here. The combination of that look from my wife and this guy looking at my wife was really getting me distracted. I needed to get back to the house as well, so I took Lisa by the arm and we started making the walk back.

  Once we were out of earshot I turned to my wife. "So do you want to tell me what that was all about?"

  Lisa looked up at me and smiled. "You really wouldn't believe me even if I told you."

  "You gave me the signal," I said. "Are you serious about that?"

  She took a deep breath and let it out. It came out as a shuddering gasp and that more than anything else had my cock rock hard in my pants. I was very familiar with every noise that my gorgeous wife made, and usually she only did that when she was really turned on. What it was that made her go from panicked to turned on like that was beyond me, I never could figure out women and my wife in particular, but I definitely was willing to reap the benefits.

  "So who was that guy?"

  She shrugged. "Just a guy I knew in school."

  Well that was simple enough. A guy she knew in school. Probably middle school or something since we hadn't actually met until she moved to my high school. And besides, it wasn't completely out of the ordinary to meet old friends out here at the lake. It was pretty much a vacation destination for anyone who lived within a two hour drive. Families, people on vacation, student
s at the university we went to who came out on the weekends for a little bit of fun, and to add a little something to the scenery at the same time I might add.

  I decided to let it drop for the moment though. There was obviously something going on here, but I wanted to have that conversation once we were back at the house. Once we were safely in a spot where the only person who could overhear us was maybe Kate if she hadn't gone out for the day.

  15: Panic and Peace

  I don't know what had come over me. I didn't know what was wrong with me.

  When I saw Jared standing there I was terrified. I thought for sure he was going to say something that would give away exactly how I knew him.

  More than anything I found myself wondering just what the hell he was doing out here on the lake. Then again I hadn't seen him in a decade. Not since that night. Why wouldn't he be out here on the lake running a fishing charter? It seemed like it was a family business of sorts if his dad was running the boat rental. I knew a lot of people who'd gotten out of college around the same time as us who swore they wouldn't ever go into the family business and ended up doing just that because it turns out it's a lot easier to take over the family business in a down economy than it is to try and find a job or build something from scratch.

  So I could see the chain of events that would lead him to the lake. I was just wondering at the chain of events that would lead me to find him on today of all days when I was already in a panic about the truth coming out. It was as though the universe was conspiring against me somehow. It was as though some sort of malicious god of narrative irony had reached down into my life story and dropped me into the one situation that would screw things up more than anything.

  Damn it.

  The way he'd smoothly gone along with my deception and the change to his name was nice, though I definitely owed him for doing that. There wasn't a chance that Matt wouldn't recognize Jared's name. The Jerry thing felt flimsy even as I said it, but it was the best I could come up with under pressure.

  Of course when I thought about it really Jared was the one who really owed one to me. I was the one who'd fucked him, I was the one who'd let him be the first man to stick his dick in me. I was the one who'd gotten carried away and had that brief tryst. Yeah, I suppose that him not giving away who he actually was and causing a blowup between Matt and me was the least he owed me considering what he'd gotten from me.

  I couldn't deny the most surprising thing about that encounter though. I was hot. I was turned on. There was something about seeing him standing there that sent a confusing mess of emotions from the past tumbling straight into present day. As I looked him up and down I thought back to that first time and it had me more hot and bothered than I'd been since my wedding night.

  I really hadn't been lying when I gave Matt the "let's go home" signal. I was ready to go, and I was ready to go now!

  The only problem was I had a really good suspicion from the way Matt was looking at me that he suspected something. I had a feeling he was going to start asking questions about how I'd been acting and about our encounter with "Jerry" in particular that were going to make things very difficult very quickly when we got home.

  Damn it. When did this vacation get so complicated? Why couldn't I just take my husband back home and fuck his brains out with all the erotic energy that was crackling through my body and not have to worry about him dredging up ghosts from a decade in the past that I'd rather stayed dead and buried?

  Only as we walked back to the house I came to a realization. All of this guilt I was feeling, all the terror that everything would come out, I didn't have to live with it. That little voice telling me to confess was a scream. As crazy as it sounded, as much as I was still horrified to confess, I was starting to think that maybe it was time to confront this particular ghost from the past head on. Maybe it was time to come clean to my husband and get rid of this guilt before it killed me.

  And strangely enough just thinking about confessing caused a peaceful feeling to settle through me for a brief moment. It caused that panic I'd been feeling all morning to go away. It made me think that perhaps confession really was good for the soul. Then the moment of calm was gone and worry replaced it in full force.

  I glanced over to Matt and he smiled down at me. It was a warm and loving smile.

  "So that guy certainly seemed to enjoy looking at you," he said.

  I decided to test something. Sure Matt was my loving husband, but at the same time I still wasn't one hundred percent sure that he was completely serious about this fantasy. I don't know why I was still unsure after last night, but there it was. I had a hell of a lot of insecurities to deal with, and what I really needed was just a little bit of reassurance.

  "Oh really? Did you like seeing him staring at me?"

  Matt had a funny look for a moment and then he smiled. "How many times do I have to tell you that it turns me on before you'll believe me?"

  I sighed. "I guess I'm just having a hard time with this fantasy."

  Matt stopped and looked down at me, suddenly serious. "You know if you have a problem with this, if it's freaking you out or something we can stop. The last thing I want to do is make you feel uncomfortable with this fantasy. The last thing I want to do is scare you away baby."

  I sighed again. "No, your fantasy isn't the problem. It's just some things your fantasy has dredged up for me."

  "Like what? There's obviously something that's been bothering you. You can just tell me."

  I made a decision in that moment. It was a decision that sent a chill running down my spine and at the same time it left me feeling so at peace and, strangely enough, still so turned on too. It was the kind of momentous decision that had the potential to change my life forever, and so it's only natural that I would feel something major.

  I was going to tell him. I was going to come clean. I couldn't deal with more panic attacks like what I'd been through earlier today. I couldn't keep living with this guilt that was threatening to overwhelm me.

  Did it have the potential to destroy our relationship? Maybe, but I suppose that was just something I was going to have to deal with. If anything the strange turns this morning had me more convinced than ever that the truth was going to come out at some point anyways, so why not try to get out in front of it and control the spin when it got out?

  And as soon as I made that decision I felt the collective weight of a decade of guilt over what I'd done disappear even though I hadn't actually told Matt everything yet. Just making the decision to tell him was enough to chase the panic away.

  Mostly. There was still a little bit of panic there, but whatever. I would come clean, and hopefully it wouldn't mean the end of my marriage.

  "I'll tell you everything if you promise not to be mad," I said.

  Matt took my hands and leaned in to kiss me. "You're my wife and I love you. Whatever you have to tell me, it won't change how I feel about you."

  I smiled and hoped that it didn't look as sickly as I was feeling.

  "I really hope you mean that, but we'll see what happens when I've actually told you everything."

  "So are you going to tell me or not?"

  I smiled. "Wait until we get back to the house, and then I'll tell you."

  16: Revelations

  I was desperate to find out more about this mystery Lisa kept referring to, but I didn't get a chance to. No, the moment we were through the door she was on me. No sooner had I closed it then she slammed me against the door and her mouth was descending on mine.

  Which was a very welcome distraction. My wife wanting to make out with me was always welcome, the only problem was I was really more interested in finding out what had acting so weird today. More interested than I was in making out with her, but she didn't give me a choice.

  My cock, already stirring after seeing that guy checking her out despite the weird vibe I got from him, roared to life as she pressed her lips against mine. And then I was gone. I was overcome with lust. There wasn't a chance I w
as going to stop and ask her questions, not with the way she was shoving her tongue into my mouth and running her hand up and down the length of my cock!

  Damn did that feel good! And it was always guaranteed to distract me from whatever I was thinking about. It was her superpower. All she had to do was give me a hint that she was interested in sex and I'd immediately forget about whatever it was I was thinking about before she gave me that hint she was interested in sex.

  Including whatever it was she was going to tell me that had her acting so weird all afternoon.

  I had a brief flash of worry, wondering if Kate was somewhere in the house. Or if she would walk in on us. The last thing we needed was to have sexy time interrupted by her walking through with whatever guy she'd bagged the night before. It's not like it would be the first time that had happened. Heck, we'd even walked in on her with some of her gentleman friends in the past. I just didn't want any distractions right now.

  Only there were no shouts from upstairs. No screams for us to get a room. If Kate was here then she was keeping quiet.


  We stumbled into the living room and fell back together on our huge couch. There was a big window to one side that looked out over the lake, and I had a brief thought for people going by on their boats and maybe looking up, but hopefully the house was far enough from the water and the windows were reflective enough that they wouldn't see us getting it on. Because I sure as hell wasn't going to get up and interrupt the fun to pull the curtains shut. No, I was far more interested in my wife grinding against me. In the feel of her pussy grinding against my cock.

  She was moaning as she pulled on my shirt. I quickly obliged her by pulling it up and over my head and then she was doing the same with her own shirt exposing her bra.

  Her chest was heaving as it was exposed to me. Her breath was coming in quick gasps. She looked absolutely intoxicating, and I had to have more of her. Had to feel her body against mine. She came down and her bra brushed against me as the smooth skin of her stomach rubbed against my own. Then we were back to making out for a few minutes, my hands running up and down her body exploring familiar territory that was so new and so hot tonight as I imagined I was that Jerry guy feeling up my wife.


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