Forbidden Mate_Shifter World

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Forbidden Mate_Shifter World Page 21

by Nancy Corrigan

  “I’m…” Molly pursed her lips. “Weird. I look like my sister, but I’m not like Megan. I’m like…me. Weird. I can’t die.”

  Nyx turned to the bedframe to hide the shock on her face. She’d heard the rumors about the groups who envied the Royals so much, they were trying to steal their immortality. Anton had hinted at this too. Nyx simply hadn’t understood what that meant until now.

  “Not weird.” Nyx knelt on the floor between the bedframe and the wall. She’d been meaning to explore the floorboards since this morning. Without the mattress and carpet in the way, she had a perfect view of this spot in the corner. The indentations along the edge of one of the floorboards appeared deliberate. “Unique and special.”

  “There’s no one else like me. That makes me—”

  “Irreplaceable.” Nyx stopped Molly from once again calling herself weird. “And that’s exactly what we should all strive to be.”

  Molly knelt next to Nyx. “I have a price on my head.”

  “All girls do, Molly. Shifter females are valuable. Especially the strong ones like you. There are many men who will look at you as a commodity, not a person.” And Nyx hated that fact. “I’m hoping to change people’s perceptions once they see me on the Council, and that women and girls will come to me for help.”

  “If you’re mated to Anton, they won’t.”

  Nyx traced the floorboard from the unnatural indentations to where the piece butted up against the next board. The groove between the pieces looked bigger than in the rest of the uneven plank floor. The pieces of wood in this section of the room were also shorter than the rest. It was almost as if the builders had run out of large planks and used whatever leftover pieces they had on hand to finish this floor. “Why wouldn’t women and girls come to me?”

  Molly turned her attention to the floorboards and skimmed her fingers along the edge as Nyx had done, except instead of stopping where the two boards met, Molly traced several boards to form an uneven rectangle. “He’s going to mate you. Mates know everything about each other. Girls won’t want him to know stuff about them.”

  “Even you?”

  Molly nodded.

  With her skirt tucked under her legs, Nyx sat cross-legged next to Molly. “Anton’s a good man. He won’t take knowledge from my mind if I tell him not to.”

  Molly gave Nyx a side-eyed look as if she found what Nyx had said hard to believe.

  “I’m serious, Molly. Anton will respect my privacy.” And if he didn’t, then maybe they shouldn’t mate.

  “Promise?” Molly raised her brows.


  “I wish everyone would respect my privacy.” Molly studied her fingernails. “But they don’t because I’m wei…” She flicked her gaze to Nyx. “I’m special.”

  Dressed in jeans and a T-shirt with kittens on it, Molly looked as average as any child her age. She wasn’t average, though. Not by a long shot. Nyx considered what to say to this little girl that might make a difference in her life. She drew a blank. Words wouldn’t make things better. Actions helped. A goal. That was what Molly needed.

  “What do you want, Molly?”

  “From what?”

  “Life.” Nyx smiled as she thought back to the day Boris had asked her if she wanted to work alongside him on the Council. The goal of being the first female councilwoman had shaped her life from that moment. “Your life. You’ve been given an opportunity other girls your age haven’t. What are you going to do with this gift?”

  Molly didn’t hesitate in her answer. “Protect my sister and our friends.”

  Nyx skimmed her hand along the floorboard. The grooves matched the width of her spread fingers. She gripped the floorboard. The section Molly had traced wobbled, but Nyx didn’t lift it. She turned to Molly. “Why?”


  Nyx might not have interacted with kids her own age, but she remembered the exasperated expressions on her uncles’ faces when she’d responded vaguely. “Because you feel like you have to? Because you love them? Why?”

  “Because they’re mine.”

  Nyx grinned. For a shifter, that answer meant everything. “I understand. Anton is mine too. I want to protect him.”

  “From what?”

  “People are telling lies about him.” Nyx lifted the fused section of floor and bit her lip to contain her smile. About a foot down, a trapdoor was visible. When opened, the door would swing down. “And I’m going to prove them wrong.”

  “What kind of lies?”

  “They say he killed his last secretary. He didn’t.” Nyx motioned to the trapdoor. “This proves it.”

  “It does?”

  “Yep.” Nyx vibrated with excitement. If she could’ve figured out how to speak into his mind, she would’ve screamed for Anton to come see what she’d found. “Bianca was sneaking out every night. I think she had a boyfriend.”

  “And he killed her?” Molly’s expression matched the disbelief in her voice. “People who love us aren’t supposed to hurt us.”

  “No, they’re not.” Nyx studied the trapdoor. “Maybe they disappeared together.” Though, that explanation didn’t fit either. Where was Bianca, then? A missing-person listing for her had been posted on the community boards for months with a hefty reward. Surely someone would’ve wanted to cash it in.

  “You think they left through here?” Molly reached into the hole in the floor and opened the hatch. The trapdoor swung down, revealing a ladder. “Where does this go?”

  Even with the aid of her jaguar’s enhanced vision, Nyx couldn’t see far into the hole, but she could guess. “The dungeon.”

  Molly folded her arms on the edge and studied the hole. Her nostrils flared. Her brows drew down. “A dungeon? Do they kill people here?”

  Nyx laughed. “No. It’s not really a dungeon. That’s just what they call it. There’s a natural network of caves under the campus. It’s been expanded to include manmade living areas and treasure rooms.”

  “Treasure rooms?” Molly’s eyes lit up.

  Tension in Nyx’s shoulders eased. This was how Nyx expected a little girl to act, excited and curious. “Yes. There are seven brothers who are in charge of guarding all our ancient artifacts, including the books written by the first shifters. We’ve based our laws and culture off what’s written in those books. They’re very, very important.”

  “Can I see them?”

  “I don’t see why not.” Tsar had mentioned the councilmen’s designees and guests could access the dungeon. Bianca had gone there often. Kade was there now. “But we should wait until…”

  Nyx’s jaguar pushed at her at the same time Molly grabbed Nyx’s arm. They had a visitor, and Nyx had no desire to talk to her uncle now. Too bad she didn’t have the luxury of ignoring him. Boris was coming this way.

  She rushed forward and met her uncle as he turned the corner into the service corridor. “What are you doing here?”

  Boris looked past her to the doorway of Bianca’s old room. Molly wasn’t standing there, but her scent lingered in the hallway. There’d be no denying her presence. “I heard we have a very important visitor. I wanted to come escort her to Council chambers.”

  Nyx pushed against Boris’s upper arms in a lame attempt to move him. He didn’t budge an inch. “Not tonight. Molly plans on standing before the Council on the new moon. Until then, we’re just relaxing.”

  “Not in this house, she’s not.” Boris puffed out his chest. “That child would be safer in mine.”

  Nyx stared at her uncle in disbelief. He carried a protective vibe. She recognized it. He’d always had that look on his face when he’d warned her not to leave the house by herself. Why now and for a non-Mercer? “Molly is under the protection of the Alexander pride. Anton would do anything for her.”

  “Anton is a murderer.” Boris whispered the accusation. “Or have you forgotten?”

  “No, he’s not.” Nyx couldn’t stand her uncle’s baseless accusations a minute longer. “And I’ll fight you
and anyone who dares try to pin Bianca’s murder on him.”

  Boris went completely still. “And why is that?”

  All the happy memories of growing up returned. They blended with the revelations of the past few days. Nyx couldn’t make herself accept that her uncle was evil. She could, however, believe he had an ulterior motive for his actions. “What secret did you know about Bianca?”

  “Why are you so sure Anton didn’t kill Bianca?”

  “Because you raised me to act with honor. You didn’t raise me to play games with people’s lives or to decide who should live and who shouldn’t.” Anger bled through Nyx’s words. “If that’s what is expected of Council members, you’ve failed to prepare me for my role.”

  “I know for a fact Anton killed her. There is no maybe. He’s a murderer, and I will see justice served.” Boris smiled. “And if it has the added benefit of freeing a seat on the—”

  “Stop!” Nyx was sick of her uncle’s agendas. She’d rather never claim a seat on the Council than see Anton hurt. “How do you know Anton killed Bianca? How? Because I will stake my life on the fact that he didn’t.”

  “I followed her that night.” Boris leaned close. “She never left this house. That was the last time anyone saw her.”

  “Why did you follow her?”

  “Because I’d planned to kill her myself. Anton beat me to it.”

  Nyx gasped. She glanced over her shoulder. No sign of Molly. It didn’t mean the little girl wasn’t listening. Nyx grabbed her uncle’s hand and dragged him farther away from the room. She couldn’t believe this was happening. Her uncle was many things. But to kill a defenseless female? “Kill her? Why? Why would you do such a thing?”

  “Mates are a weakness to exploit, Nyx. And I hated Bianca’s mate even more than I hate Anton.”

  “Why? What did Bianca’s mate do to make you hate him so much?”

  “He was going to play god. He told me about his plans, how he wanted all assassins killed. Do you understand now, Nyx? No councilman should have that kind of power. He needed to die and killing Bianca would’ve been the easiest way to eliminate the threat he posed. If they’d been soul bonded, of course. Or if he’d loved her enough to follow her into death. Obviously neither of those were the case. Damn shame. It would’ve made my life so much easier.”

  Nyx swallowed hard. This was what Anton feared. This was the reason behind his cruel treatment of her this morning. He feared someone would hurt her to hurt him. “Who was Bianca mated to?”

  “Brock Kane.”

  Chapter 24

  With her fingers pressed to her temples, Nyx closed her eyes. She’d spent her life prepping to argue cases on the Council floor, not to solve a mystery revolving around people she’d never met. Here she was, though. Sifting through a bunch of hearsay and baseless accusations.

  Then again, this was perfect practice for life as a councilwoman. Council members rarely knew the people they were fighting for personally. They got cases passed up to them from their constituents or handed them from Shifter Affairs. They fought blind.

  Nyx took a deep breath. She could do this. Once she solved this mystery, Anton would be safe. There was no better encouragement than that. “How did you know they were mated?”

  Boris turned away and rubbed at his neck. “I saw her mate mark by accident. Then I stalked her until I figured it out. Once I did, I blackmailed her into giving me the first Alexander’s book.”

  Of course he did. The explanation didn’t surprise Nyx in the least. Boris hadn’t gotten where he was by following the rules. He’d told her that enough times. “And how is that nobody else knew she was mated? Females carry their mate’s scent.”

  “Only if their mate licks the bite.” Boris made an amused sound that was a cross between a laugh and a snort. “Brock didn’t. He did, however, rub salt in the wound so it’d scar. I guess he wanted to see his mark of possession but didn’t want to acknowledge Bianca as his. I can’t say I blame him.”

  “Because mates are a weakness.”

  “Exactly.” Boris nodded. “Obviously, Brock knew this and took her as a breeding partner, not a soul-bonded mate. Otherwise, he would’ve died when she did.”

  “Why would a councilman take a breeding partner?” Nyx couldn’t come up with a sound reason.

  “Brock wanted an heir, someone to accept the spirit of his pack if his alpha died. The only other male in his pack is his twin, Ilan, and Brock disapproved of his occupation. Actually, disapproved is too kind. He hated what Ilan did. Hated what all the assassins did.”

  Nyx stared at her uncle. Could she trust this man? She wanted to. She really did. He’d acted as both father and mother to her. He’d wiped her tears and read her bedtime stories when she couldn’t sleep. He also saw no problem sending her promised mate to his death or trying to pin a murder on Anton. “For once in your life, I want you to be honest with me. Can you do that?”

  A hurt look crossed her uncle’s face. “I’m always honest with you.”

  Nyx groaned. “No, you’re not. Do I need to remind you about Harvey?”

  “Well…” Boris shrugged. “My goals are honest, but sometimes it’s necessary to manipulate details to get—”

  “Stop.” Nyx growled the word. “Answer me. If I ask you a question right now, will you tell me the truth?”

  “Yes.” No hesitation.

  Nyx considered what to ask. There were many things she wanted the answers to, but one motive plagued her most. Maybe it was a selfish one. She couldn’t stop herself from uncovering the truth about whether her uncle actually consider her worthy of sitting on the Council. “Why did you hide the first Alexander’s book this long?”

  “For you. I’ve told you this, niece. I want you to be the first female Council member. I’ve prepped you for this role ever since I learned what laws were detailed in that book.”

  Nyx fought her pleased smile. While she had the truth she’d sought, Boris hadn’t fully answered her question. “But why did you wait this long? If you knew our women were entitled to equal rights, why hide that? Many women would’ve benefited from that knowledge over the past year.”

  Boris worked his jaw and focused on the floor. “There are other laws currently in place that contradict the founding laws written by the first Alexander. I can’t guarantee those won’t be used to bar women from the Council. Our best bet is to get you sworn in while the Council is still reeling from the laws outlined by the first Alexander’s book. And once you’re sworn in, you’d be protected by the same Code of Conduct all councilmen are protected by. It’d be nearly impossible to kick you out.”

  His explanation made sense. Tapping in to her jaguar’s senses, she studied her uncle for any indication he was lying. She didn’t see any. “What if Bianca didn’t die that night? What if she—”

  “I sat at the top of the hill surrounding this house. I could see the entire property. Bianca never left.”

  “The front and back doors aren’t the only ways out of this house.”

  Boris studied her intently. Excitement showed in his eyes. “What do you mean?”

  “There are tunnels under the campus.” Nyx pointed down the hall. “And I found an entrance to the dungeon in Bianca’s old room.”

  Boris’s beaming smile lit up his face. He squeezed her arm. “You amaze me, niece. Maybe your mother didn’t make the worst mistake of her life after all. She brought you into this world.”

  Tears pricked Nyx’s eyes. Was she foolish to be so moved by Boris’s praise? He might be manipulating her like he did everyone else. She couldn’t understand his motives, but she did know her jaguar soaked up the praise as much as she did. Its happiness flowed through her.

  Nyx turned away and headed toward Bianca’s old room. Her jaguar’s instincts about Anton had been right on. She had to trust her primal side in this case too. “Come on. I’ll show you what we found.”


  “Yes.” Nyx pushed the door open. “Molly and I—”

bsp; Nyx’s mouth dropped opened. The room was empty. Molly was gone.

  Chapter 25

  The stares of the other councilmen in the library didn’t encourage Anton to meet their gazes. There’d be no head nodding in greeting. No silent acknowledgment of their strength. He didn’t have time for the formalities of living in close proximity with so many dominant males. The urgency to see the first Alexander’s book had grown ever since Nyx admitted to delivering it into Tsar’s hands.

  With Kade at his side, Anton rounded the main desk and slipped behind the door leading to the basement dungeon. Nobody asked where they were going. Anton had the right to visit the dungeon. As his guest, Kade could too. With supervision, of course.

  “I’ve never been down here.” Kade ran his hand over the stone wall as they descended.

  “Since you’ve never been out to see me, that’s not surprising.”

  “I should have.” Kade spoke quietly.

  “No. I should’ve—”

  “Stayed exactly where you were, fighting for all Royal felines.” Kade cut Anton off. “Leaving the campus puts you at risk. Expecting you to take that risk was selfish.”

  Anton had never thought of his isolation that way. He’d always known leaving the grounds put him at risk, but the danger never influenced his decision to stay. “I was too busy. As the only councilman for all the Royal prides, I always had some case to handle or agenda to advance.”

  “At least you won’t have to handle them alone anymore.”

  Kade didn’t mention Nyx’s name, but at the mere reference of Anton’s true mate, some of the tension tightening his shoulders eased. Having Nyx in his life was a gift he’d never expected. Anton needed to ensure she stayed there, however. Until he confirmed the contents of the first Alexander’s book, he couldn’t make any promises they’d be able to live as other true mates did.

  He quickened his pace once they hit the hallway. The two Royal guards at the entrance to the main treasure room in the dungeon snapped their spears together, blocking the door behind them.


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