by Hiroaki Sato
Tomonaga Shin’ichirō (1906–79), Nobel Prize– winning physicist, 457
Tōnorikai. See “Distance-Riding Club”
Tora! Tora! Tora!, 701–2
Total War Research Institute, 126
Tōtei bukkai-roku, 680
Tottori Yōichirō, 263–64
Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de (1864–1901), French painter, 687
Toynbee, Arnold (1889–1975), British historian, 289
Toyokawa Noboru (b. 1905), student of Western philosophy, 62; views on Mishima’s poems, 63
Toyotomi Hideyoshi (1537–98), warlord who unified Japan, 410, 543
Tōzoku. See Bandit, The
tragedy, definition of, 575
tragisch Ironie, 371
“Tree-searing Wind” (Kogarashi), 84
Tristan und Isolde, 439, 441
Tropical Trees (Nettaiju), 424
True Import of Kokutai, The (Kokutai no hongi), 367
Truman, Harry (1884–1972), US president, 220
Tsuboi Sakae (1899–1967), novelist, 252
Tsubouchi Shōyō (1859–1935), Shakespearean translator, 41
Tsuda Sōkichi (1873–1961), historian, 568
Tsuji Kichirō (1892–1946), film director, 605
Tsukada Keiichirō (n.d.), café owner, 325
Tsukamoto Kunio (1922–2005), poet, 789
Tsukiji Honganji, 731–32
Tsukiji Shōgekijō, 414
Tsukioka Yumeji (b. 1922), actress, 344
Tsurusawa Enza V (1914–2001), gidayū narrator, 614
Tsuruta Kōji (1924–87), film actor, 605, 702; as lead in Gamble in Don’s Honor, 606–7; Mishima’s strong feeling for, 609–10
Tsutsumi Seiji (b. 1927), businessman, poet, writer, 622, 653; background of, 548–49; elected to Japan Art Academy, 549; as president of Seibu, 548
“Turn Tōdai into a Zoo,” 588
Twenty-four Eyes (Nijūshi no hitomi), 252, 253
28 Folks with Heroic Names, 560
2.26 Incident, 351, 363–71, 562, 581, 602, 624, 628, 630; assassinations of high-ranking government officials, 364; blood oath on 32nd anniversary of, 540; impact on Mishima of, 374; loyalty and, 530–31; and Meiji Restoration, 364–65; Mishima’s argument on, 515, 530–31, 598; National Learning and, 366–67; poverty and, 365–66; protagonist of, 530; 32nd anniversary of, blood oath on, 540–41; “Voices of the Heroic Souls” based on, 375–76, 460; young officers and senior officers in, 628
“2.26 Incident Trilogy, The,” 376–79, 460
Typhon sur Nagasaki (French-Japanese film), 383
Uchida Hyakken (1889–1971), novelist, 685
Uchida Ryōhei (1874–1937), rightwing leader, 23
Uchimura Kanzō (1861–1930), Christian thinker, 559
uchiteshi yamamu, wartime slogan, 107
Ueda Akinari (1734–1809), writer, 87, 500, 509–10, 555, 752
Uesugi Shinkichi (1878–1929), constitutional scholar, 128–29
UFO: extraterrestrials and, 396; Mishima’s belief in, 397
Ugetsu-sō (Rain and Moon Mansion): essay in praise of, 112; party at, 111
Uguisu. See Bush Warbler, The
Uji shūi monogatari. See Tales Gleaned in Uji
ukei (divination method), 471, 472, 477, 779
Umehara Ryūzaburō (1888–1986), painter, 414
Umehara Takeshi (b. 1925), philosopher, 632–33
Umewaka Manzaburō II (1908–91), nō actor, 235
Umi to dokuyaku. See Sea and Poison, The
Umi to yūyake. See “Sea and the Evening Glow, The”
Umi yukaba. See “When Seagoing”
Un beau ténébreux, 718
Union Square, San Francisco, 394
University of the Sacred Heart, 314
University of Tokyo: barricading students at, 594–95; blockading of Yasuda Auditorium, 594; Hospital, 318; International Antiwar Day followers massed on, 586; opposition to unpaid internship at, 592–93
Uno Nobuo (1904–91), kabuki writer, 613
untouchable class, 740
Urabe (Yoshida) Kanetomo (1435–1511), Shintoist, 470
US Occupation forces, 5, 216; declared aim of, 151; popularity of, 137–38
Usami Okiie (1883–1970), chief aide-de-camp, 146
US-Japanese Mutual Security Treaty, 343, 352, 433, 535; blocking of, 535–86; idea of blocking extension of, 658–59; Kawabata’s views on, 571–72; LDP’s position on, 697; Mishima’s views on, 506; nationwide protest against extension of, 695; question of for or against, 636; Tanaka and movement against, 538
USS Enterprise, 538–39
USS Fenimore Cooper, 741
USS Pueblo, 539
Usui Yoshimi (1905–87), editor, novelist: interview of SDF personnel by, 490; on Mishima’s literary works, 147, 334
Utagawa Toyokuni (1769–1825), ukiyo-e painter, 687
Utage no ato. See After the Banquet
Utsukushii hoshi. See Beautiful Star, The
Van der Post, Laurens (1906–96), Afrikaner author, 391, 524
Van Druten, John (1901–57), English playwright, director, 293
Vanderbilt, Edith Stuyvesant Dresser (1873–1958), American socialite, 393
Velásquez, Diego (1599–1660), Spanish painter, 412
Venice International Film Festival, 322
Verlaine, Paul (1844–96), French poet, 179
Vernichteter Kampf, 465
Veronese, Paolo (1528–88), Italian painter, 234
Victorian style, Mishima’s views on, 315
Vidal, Gore (1925–2012), American author, 227, 647
Vietnam War, 432, 443–44, 490, 539; Mishima’s opposition to, 516–17; supporting, 493–94; US judged guilty for, 516–17; USS Enterprise role in, 538–39. See also anti–Vietnam War movement
Viglielmo, V. H. (b. 1926), American translator, 258
Villiers de l’Isle–Adam (1838–89), French Symbolist writer, 96
Vining, Elizabeth Gray (1902–99), tutor to Crown Prince Akihito, 58, 755
Virtue Falters (Bitoku no yoromeki), 283–84, 324, 334; publication of limited edition of, 316; Tsukioka Yumeji and, 344
“Vita Sexualis,” 172, 176, 177, 179
“Voices of the Heroic Souls” (Eirei no koe), 375, 459–64, 621, 624
von Schlegel, Friedrich (1772–1829), German poet, 380
Wada Katsunori (n.d.), writer, 371
Waga te ni kieshi arare. See Hailstones That Faded on My Palms
Waga tomo Hitler. See My Friend Hitler
Wagatsuma Sakae (1897–1973), civil law scholar, 47
Wagner, Richard (1813–83), German composer, 142, 226, 436, 439, 441
Wakabayashi Tōichi (1912–43), army lietenant, 497, 752–53; charisma and reputation of, 133; movie based on last words of, 133–34
Wakao Ayako (b. 1933), actress, 721
Wake no Kiyomaro (733–99), Heian aristocrat, 473
Wakebe Junji (1911–95), sculptor, 719
Wakōdo yo yomigaere! See Youths, Resurrect Yourselves!
Walbrook, Anton (Adolf Wohlbrück, 1896–1967), Austrian actor, 236
Wald, Jerry (1911–92), American producer, 293
Waley, Arthur (1886–1996), English Orientalist, 384, 437–38; meeting with Mishima, 383–84
Wang Yangming (1472–1529), Chinese philosopher, 35, 627–50; Mishima’s treatise on, 649
war crimes, 104–5, 152, 237, 516, 734, 755–56; classes of, 159, 341
Warera ga jidai. See Our Era
wartime assignment, 16, 116, 123–24
Washington Naval Treaty (1922), 14
Watanabe Jōtarō (1874–1936), inspector-general of military education, 364, 366, 369
Watanabe Kazuo (1901–75), student of French literature, 203–4
Watanabe Takenobu (b. 1938), poet, architect, 607
“water trade,” 249, 352
Watsuji Tetsurō (1889–1960), philosopher, 568
Wayne, John (1907–79), American film actor, 658
of Modern Japanese Fiction, The,” 169
Weatherby, Meredith (1914?–97?), translator, publisher, 158, 227, 274–76
Weber, Max (1864–1920), German thinker, 565
Weightman, John (1915–2004), English student of French literature, 436
Weill, Kurt (1900–50), German composer, 306
Weininger, Otto (1880–1903), Austrian philosopher, 83–84
Welitsch, Ljuba (1913–96), Bulgarian operatic soprano, 226
West, Morris (1916–99), Australian novelist, playwright, 493
West Side Story, 306, 419, 591
Western Symphony, 307
Westernization, 471; in Meiji Era, 366; vs. modernization, 130; revolt against, 471
Westmoreland, William (1914–2005), US army chief-of-staff, 517
“What Is Fiction?,” 544–46, 560; Bataille in writing, 582; comparison of, with “bizarre, giant marine beast,” 545; Hirose Takeo and, 545; serializing in Nami, 544–45
“What Is Japan?,” 636
“When Seagoing” (Umi yukaba), 97–98, 121
Whitman, Walt (1819–92), American poet, 508
Wilde, Oscar (1854–1900), Irish writer, poet, 79
Wilhelm, Kaiser II (1859–1941), German emperor, 182
Williams, Tennessee (1911–83), American playwright, 226, 310, 349, 382
Williams, William Carlos (1883–1963), American poet, 580
Wilson, Angus (1913–91), English novelist, 276, 438–39
Wilson, Sloan (1920–2003), American author, 583
Winckelmann, Johann Joachim (1717–68), German historian, 451
Windblown Dude (Karakkaze yarō), 358–59, 721
Winters, Shelley (1920–2006), American actress, 303
“Winterscape” (Fuyugeshiki), 84, 747
Wise Men from the East, The (Tōhō no hakase tachi), 195
Woman in the Dunes, The, 439
Wonder Tale, A: The Moonbow (Chinsetsu Yumiharizuki), 612, 655–56, 793
Workers Theater Congress, 416
World of the Shining Prince, The, 437
World War II, 238, 290, 321, 341, 390, 513, 541, 559, 606, 782; difference of officer and soldier during, 14–15; impact of, on Japanese college and higher school term, 15, 99; Japan’s surrender, 126; Mishima’s assessment of, 93
World War II and its aftermath: aphoristic statements, 135–36; decline of Japan’s literary arts, 131; “democracy” and “war responsibility,” 136; as onset of Medieval Period, 133; popularity of Occupation troops, 137–38; postwar literary revival, 134–35; special attack force and humanism, 129–32; testament on war and surrender, 134
Wright, Frank Lloyd (1867–1959), American architect, 203, 548
writing styles, 576
Xiong Shili (1885–1968), Chinese philosopher, 647
yakuza, 34–35, 350–51, 358–59, 430, 467, 538, 567, 605–616, 658, 701–3, 710, 721, 724
yakuza movies: “A Lion Amid Peonies,” 724; Arashi o yobu otoko, 768; “documentary”-like, 608; featuring Tsuruta Kōji, 605; Gamble in Don’s Honor, 605, 606–7; Gunbatsu, 701; narrative pattern of, 606; popularity of, after Japan’s defeat, 605; Shindemoraimasu, 702–3; themes of, 658; Yōjimbō, 605–6; Zatōichi series of, 606
Yamada Tamaki (1893–1943), student of French literature, 518
Yamaga Sokō (1622–85), military thinker, 647
Yamaguchi Otoya (1943–60), assassin, 385–86
Yamamoto Fujiko (b. 1931), movie actress, 245
Yamamoto Isoroku (1884–1943), admiral, 93, 593, 702
Yamamoto Jirochō (1820–93), yakuza leader, 605, 792–93
Yamamoto Kenkichi (1907–88), haiku explicator, 277, 334
Yamamoto Kiyokatsu (1919–2001), army general, 389, 541–44, 587, 602, 617, 642; on action plan to defend the Imperial Palace, 623, 624; agreement of, with Mishima on Tennō, 543; background of, 541; at construction company, 542; Cultural Revolution and, 542; Hagakure philosophy and, 510–12; invitation to Mishima, 601–2; lecture on espionage, 549–53; Mishima’s intense study sessions with, 593–94; Mishima’s reliance on, 628; objection to “the rightwing’s armed training,” 624; reaction to Fujiwara Iwaichi running for office, 671; Shield Society and, 586–87; spy training by, 549–53; studies in Zen, 512; Tashiro visit to, 510; training sessions by, 603; unforgettable encounter with Mishima, 670–71; as vice commandant of GSDF Research School, 625
Yamamoto Naozumi (1932–2002), composer, conductor, 484
Yamamoto Noriko (Tsuruoka Yoshiko; b. 1945?), actress, 440
Yamamoto Tsunetomo (also Jōchō; 1659–1719), author of Hagakure, 401, 495, 637, 784
Yamanashi Katsunoshin (1877–67), admiral, president of the Peers School, 99
Yamanote, 153, 251, 321; B-29 bombing of, 124
Yamashita Tomoyuki (1885–1946), army general, 88
Yamato (battleship), 25, 312; destruction of, 428
Yamato monogatari. See Tales from Yamato
“Yamato spirit” (Yamato damashii), 602, 670, 792; condemned by Akinari, 87; popularity and nationalist purity, 86
Yamazaki Akira (n.d.), army general, 727
Yamazaki Akitsugu (1922–49), businessman: as aprèsguerre youth, 200; family background of, 199; financing business of, 197; meteoric rise and fall of, 197–98; suicide of, 197, 199
Yamazaki Hiroaki (1949–67), student, 533
Yamazaki Tomie (1919–48), Dazai Osamu’s mistress, 170, 498
Yanai Shinsaku (b. 1947), writer, 663
“Yangming School as a Philosophy for Revolution” (Kakumei tetsugaku to shite no Yōmeigaku), 645
Yano Ichirō (1899–1965), businessman, 329
Yara Chōbyō (1902–97), Okinawa governor, 616
Yasaka Shrine. See Gionji
Yashiro Seiichi (1927–98), playwright, stage-director, 160, 161, 163, 193–94, 258, 285, 736; in Confessions of a Mask, 194; on Katō Michio’s literary works, 239–40; on literary encounter between Mishima and Dazai, 161, 163; on Mishima’s homosexual tendencies, 195
Yasuda Yojūrō (1910–81), literary critic, 115, 117, 161, 379, 405, 564; aestheticism of, 120; atavistic thought of, 121; influence of, on Mishima, 119, 120, 379–80, 546; philosophical role of, 119
Yasuoka Masahiro (1898–1983), Yōmeigaku thinker, 649, 696
Yatō Tamotsu (1925?–73), photographer, 274, 557
Yeats, William Butler (1865–1939), Irish poet, 571
“Yisugei’s Hunt” (Esugai no kari), 115
Yojimbo, 438, 605–6
Yokohama Incident, 151
Yokomitsu Riichi (1898–1946), novelist, haiku poet, 82, 130, 345
Yoko’o Tadanori (b. 1936), graphic artist, 677, 706
Yokoyama Knock (aka Yamada Isamu; 1932–2007), governor of Osaka, 571
Yōmeigaku, 649, 650; dämonisch elements of, 648; followers of, 647; influence in China and Japan, 647
Yomiuri Shinbun, 177, 309, 457, 507, 559, 661; Hinuma Rintarō’s writing for, 502; interview of Mishima, 189; phone survey conducted by, 710; “‘Student Militia,’ Charge!” article published by, 639; on taidan between Mishima and Murakami Hyōe, 639
Yonai Mitsumasa (1880–1948), prime minister, 103, 593, 734
Yorokobi no koto. See Joyful Koto, The
Yoshida Chieko (n.d.), actress, manager, 410
Yoshida Ken’ichi (1912–77), student of English literature, 205, 256, 393
Yoshida Mitsuru (1923–79), writer: on Americans acceptance to Japanese, 313; meeting with Mishima Yukio, 312–13; visit to Washington Irving’s manor, 313
Yoshida Shigeru (1878–1967), prime minister, 342; congratulatory speech to Crown Prince, 217; peace and security treaties signed by, 220–21; on Shimoyama and Mitaka incidents, 198
Yoshida Shōin (1830–59), thinker, 341, 342, 647, 718 757, 800; commentary on “loyalty,” 694; commentary on “madness,” 695; as follower of Yōmeigaku, 647; letter of, 649
Yoshikawa Eiji (1892–1962), novelist, 679
Yoshikawa Itsuji (1908–2002), art historian, 205
; Yoshikawa Masami (n.d.), kendōka, 480
Yoshino Kudzu (Yoshino kuzu), 73
Yoshiyuki Junnosuke (1924–94), novelist, 519
Yotsuya, Tokyo, 5, 41, 53, 54, 364, 551, 700
“Young Generation and the Postwar Spirit, The,” 563
Yourcenar, Marguerite (1903–67), Belgian-born essayist, 482, 773
Youth, The (Seinen), 166, 406, 407
Youths, Resurrect Yourselves! (Wakōdo yo yomigaere!): afterword to, 269–70; three acts of, 268–69
Yoyo ni nokosan. See “To Be Left for the Generations to Come”
Yoyogi (Communist) Faction, 534, 596, 786
Yuasa (née Itaya) Atsuko (n.d.), essayist, 68, 221, 261, 263, 289, 335, 626, 745; runs salon, 216–17, 335, 626; helps find a bride for Mishima, 315, 318–19; Roy James live-in companion of, 321
Yui Chūnoshin (1894–1967), attorney, 535
Yukawa Hideki (1907–81), Nobel Prize–winning physicist, 457
Yukiguni. See Snow Country
Yukimura Izumi (b. 1937), singer, actress, 324
yūkoku, 96, 375, 709
“Yūkoku,” 363–71, 375, 515, 590; Americans desire to see, 441; appearance of, in fiction magazine, 387; background music for, 439; English translation of, 363; film based on, 375, 492, 502, 706; filming of, 439–43; financing of film of, 440; Fujii Hiroaki (production manager), 440; 2.26 Incident and, 374; Mishima decided to work on, 372–73; Ozawa’s ballet based on, 590; source of impetus for writing on, 377; story, 363–64, 376; Takeyama committing suicide in, 378; Yamamoto Noriko as actress in, 440; Yōko scandalized by, 442
Yūryaku (419–79), 21st Tennō, 150
Yūrgens, Curd (1915–82), German actor, 324
Yves Ciampi (1921–82), French director, 383
Zanuck, Darryl (1902–79), American producer, 702
Zatōichi series of films, 606
Zeami Motokiyo (c1364–1443), dramatist, 295, 569
Zen Nihon Gakusei Jichikai Rengōkai, 514
Zen temples, 22, 234, 254, 259–60, 289
Zengaku Kyōtō Kaigi, 585
Zengakuren, 514, 538, 617, 636, 654; anti-Yoyogi Faction of, 616; desire to end US military rule, 617–18; objectives of, 514; response to strong-arm tactics, 640; splitting of, 534; Tsutsumi as leader of, 548; Yoyogi (Communist) Faction of, 596, 640
Zenkyōtō, 585, 589, 593, 617, 623, 628; demonstrations on International Antiwar Day, 639; invitation to Mishima for debate, 617, 619–20; Minsei-directed violence against, 596; movement, 597, 609; “Pharisees-Barricade Festival,” 608