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Accepted Fate

Page 38

by Charisse Spiers

  "You should tell him that, you know. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. As long as you're the one that's happy, screw everyone else. As good as you are, I'm sure you won't even need your dad to pay for school. You'll probably get a scholarship." This is the most I've ever confided in anyone before and it's actually refreshing. I kiss her on the cheek because truthfully, I just want to.

  I love being around her. She isn't like any other girl I've ever met. How often do you find a girl that is telling you to go big with your dreams even if she has to let you go for you to retrieve it? Most girls are plotting ways to get a ring and a baby; to tie you down, especially if you have money. Not her though. She wants to live big too with dreams as high as the stars. "What was that for?" She turns and smiles at me as we ride along the fence line, checking for bad posts or torn fence.

  "For being you," I say and I mean it whole heartedly.

  We come up to the fence line on Hendrix and I see Pops changing out fence posts.

  "Who's that?" Pops is going to love her. He's always teasing me about needing a good country woman like Mims, my grandmother. Thankfully, both of my grandparents on my dad's side are still alive and very much well.

  "That is Pops," I say coming closer to where he is standing and digging up existing posts that are in need of replacement. "I want you to meet him. He's close to me. Okay?"

  "What if he doesn't like me?" I'm not sure there is a person on this planet that could not like her. If there were, they probably are psychotic anyways.

  I squeeze her around the waist tightly with my chin on her shoulder. "Baby. He's going to love you. Just wait and see."

  "Well well, look who finally decided to come back to the country. I thought you might be starting to turn into a yuppie on me." I smile. Crazy old man. His new favorite show is Duck Dynasty. Usually he doesn't watch much television and when he does it's old westerns, but one day I brought it over and put it in the DVD player and from then on he was hooked. I'm almost positive if he could hang around with anyone of his choice, it would be Phil Robertson.

  From the way Pops acts, you would never know he used to be one of the best family physicians around here. That's one thing I love about him. He didn't let money change him. You'd never know him and Mims were loaded by looking at them or being around them. He's the one that taught me how to save and to invest my money. He's exactly the reason I could support myself and probably even Kinzleigh through college without having to work or dip into my trust fund dad and mom has put money in since the day we were born.

  "Are you going to run that pie hole of yours or meet my girl," I ask jokingly. Pops and I have a special kind of relationship. We joke but I would never actually disrespect him.

  He stabs the post hole tool into the ground and removes his glove as he walks towards us. If I had to compare the way he dresses and a physical appearance to someone, it would be George Strait. Even as old as he is, he has aged well, given the hard work he's put into this place. When he reaches the side of the horse, he holds out his free hand to Kinzleigh after swatting me on the arm with the glove in his other hand. "Excuse the boy's bad manners, honey. I thought I taught him better than that." Kinzleigh laughs at his humor and it makes me feel good. "The name's John Gavin but just call me Pops. That's what family calls me."

  A look I've never see from her, shadows over her face. I'm not sure what to make of it. She almost looks like she could cry looking at him as he calls her family, but she quickly dismisses it. "I'm Kinzleigh. It's nice to meet you, sir."

  "Well Kinzleigh, I'm curious to know. How'd my boy here catch as pretty of a girl as you? I'm quite impressed. I was starting to think he didn't have it in him," he quips as he winks at her. She starts to giggle as he openly picks me apart in front of her. I'm going to have to watch these two or they will be trying to embarrass me.

  "I'd be lying if I said he wasn't a catch himself, but I guess he knows his way around my heart. He seems to know all the right things to say." She is looking at Pops but I can see her blush as she talks to him. Right now I feel like I just won the lottery listening to the two of them. I can't even remove the grin that has found it's way on my lips.

  He looks at me and gives me a look that I know well. Don't screw this up. He likes her. I can tell. He's very opinionated and if he didn't, I would know immediately. Not that I was worried but it warms my heart to know my family likes her. "A pretty girl and a good personality. Looks like you hit a double whammy son. Maybe my preaching to you all these years wasn't a waste of breath."

  I laugh at his bluntness. "Watch it ole man. Don't forget who has to take care of you when you get old. We're fixing to go get on the tractor Pops."

  He nods and begins to walk back to what he was doing. "Take her to meet your grandmother before you leave boy, you hear?"

  I tip the bill of my ball cap. "Yes sir." I signal for Hendrix to take off towards the barn, leaving everything in the dust.



  I wasn't expecting to meet his grandparents today, but now that I am, I'm thrilled. The way his grandfather treated me like his family was heartwarming. His loving personality reminded me of the grandfather I've lost. I miss Gramps. I could definitely see spending more time here and I haven't even met his grandmother yet.

  We arrive back at the barn and he lets Hendrix roam in the closed in pen of grass behind. I never in a million years would have thought I would want to ride a horse. Coming from an Urban area around nothing but sand and water, the only kind of horseback riding you'll find is if you pay to ride at a stable and there is usually a drive. Everything is so different here; so open. Looking around I could probably yell and it carry on for miles.

  Not far off from the barn, you can see another covered building that matches the exterior of the barn but it's more open. It looks like it's strictly utilized to keep equipment out of the weather. Beneath the covering is a big green and yellow tractor. He tugs me towards it in a sprint. "What are we doing?"

  He looks back at me but continues forward. "We have to haul some hay to the cattle. The bales are too big to carry." Once we reach the tractor, he grabs the steering wheel and sits on the yellow seat and holds his hand out to me.

  I look the tractor over, confused. I'm not sure where he expects me to sit. "What do you want me to do?"

  He laughs, but then pats his thigh. "Sit with me of course." It looks like a death trap with three wheels. What if I fall off? It's not that big, after all.

  I feel the need to voice this concern out loud. "What if I fall off or something? It's not that big."

  He scoffs; actually looks disgusted by this. "Trust me, yeah?" Of course he's going to turn this into a trust thing. I nod. His eyes flash. "Then get on and stop doing what you're doing. I see you rationalizing every possible thing that could happen in your head. Don't do that. You're going to drive yourself crazy. I would never let anything happen to you."

  Accepting his hand, I step up onto the tractor and sit on his lap. "If you insist. You should just be glad you look as yummy as you do today or I might decline your offer." I can't lie. If you saw him you would know exactly what I mean. I thought his football uniform looked good on him, but that was before I was introduced to Wrangler. Remind me to thank him for that tight goodness he invented. Oh boy does it do wonders to the Gluteus Maximus area. What can I say, I guess I'm a butt girl. That, in combination to the fitted tee shirt and ball cap makes me want to take him in the woods and do naughty, naughty things to him.

  "Yummy, huh? It's starting to get really hot out," he purrs against my ear seductively and that's when I feel it; skin, bare and hard, rubbing up against me and transferring sweat against my shirt. Oh my heavens, he did not just take off his shirt. He cranks the engine to the tractor and it roars to life.

  I turn around to confirm he is, in fact, shirtless. My throat now feels dry and I need a fan. Oh. My. Bloody. Hades. He is hot! I don't mean in the temperature sense either. He doesn't have an ounce of fat and the boo
ts and ball cap just add the icing on the cake. His V of muscle is staring at me, beckoning me to follow the arrow into the tight, dark jeans. Do I want to follow the yellow brick road? Why yes. In fact, I do. I would love to see that Emerald City that awaits at the other side, full of bliss and pleasure.

  Each time I see him like this, I feel like someone hosed me down with pheromones. Put a cork in it, Kinzleigh. This is the wrong time and place to be turned on. You're going to meet his grandmother soon for goodness sakes. I can feel the heat radiating from my cheeks, telling me I probably look like a tomato right now. I begin lightly slapping my cheeks in an attempt to not look so obvious.

  I clear my throat, trying to feign indifference. "Hot? I didn't notice. I'm fine. Are we going to get this party started?" My voice cracks slightly towards the end. Thank you my traitorous body. You just can't let me win for once can you? He moves me from his right thigh to the center of his lap, brushing my rear against his manhood. Do not think dirty thoughts, do not think dirty thoughts. Eyes on the grass ahead.

  I can feel his smile spread as he brushes my hair to the side and kisses my neck. He puts it in gear and begins backing up and out into the open of the field. As he begins, I watch as he steers and shifts which causes me to wonder if it's normal that I find this sexy. Each time he turns the wheel with the palm of his hand, his biceps form into rocks and I can feel the movement of his pectorals bouncing on my back.

  On the back of the tractor is an attachment that looks like a fork. I'm assuming that is the way he is going to haul the ginormous bales of hay to the various locations. He begins backing up until it slides underneath the bale and then raises the attachment just enough it doesn't drag along the ground.

  Several loads later he pulls the tractor back into its parked location. I hop down off the tractor and turn to watch as he does the same. Looking around, I spot something and get an idea. There is a baseball lying against the wall. An odd place for a baseball, but I pick it up regardless.

  Turning around, I toss it lightly at Breyson's chest underhanded as if it is a softball instead of a baseball. I was going to jokingly catch him off guard but my plan backfires as he catches it midair. "Oh, you're going to pay for that," he says as a smirk forms and his eyes glaze.

  Eyes widening, I take off running through the field. I can hear him trampling after me. I heighten my stride through the tall grass, running as fast as my short legs will allow. Halfway through the field, I turn back to see how far back he is and he's gone. Where on earth did he go? Slowing my pace a little, I turn back in front of me and slam into him, falling backwards. I scream in surprise as he pins me down and he locks our lips, shushing me. My eyes close at the heated contact. Upon release he looks me in the eyes. "You're playing with fire baby. I'm not the best running back because of my looks. Besides, I will always catch you. It's about time to start remembering."

  "Noted; although, you caught me a long time ago," I inform him and lock my legs around his waist, playing with the short hair on his head.

  "Good, because I'll remind you until you do. Let's go. I'm sure Pops has already told Mims to expect us." He stands as I break my hold and pulls me upright by my hand.

  We walk through the field and a large house comes into view. It's a beautiful white, plantation style, house with a wraparound porch and mint green shutters. Its high roof, with double dog houses hints at an upper floor. The closer we come to the wooden door, the more nervous I become. I try to breathe out the anxiety building when Breyson stops, halting me as well. Turning to face him behind me, he pulls me to him and grasps my face in his hands. "What's wrong," I ask.

  "She's going to love you. Relax baby. I don't like seeing you get worked up. I promise you have nothing to worry about." Just hearing his voice is calming me down significantly.

  "Okay." He kisses me lightly and grabs my hand, interlocking our fingers. We begin walking once again.

  We walk into the large door and the house is more beautiful on the inside. The ceilings are high with beams running from one end to the other. It looks like something out of a southern living magazine. The floors are gray and look like it's made out of 8x12 plywood versus hardwood pre-made floor planks. It's classy but country. The walls are beige and the furniture is made of cattle hide leather. The chandelier and the table side lamps look like they are made out of some type of antlers and the coffee table is glass and rot iron, stacked with various magazines.

  As we walk through the living room he calls out loud for her. "Mims? Where you at?"

  We begin walking towards a kitchen that is just as spotless as the rest of the house. As we come into the door, the cabinets are all the way to ceiling height and a cherry in color with a rope style edging. The appliances are stainless steel and the countertops a white marble. "Breyson? Honey is that you?" She has the sweetest voice I've ever heard. It's soft and light.

  "Yeah Mims, it's me and Kinzleigh." She walks out from a door to the left of the bar. She is absolutely adorable. She isn't very tall and round in figure. She is actually probably slightly shorter than me which is less than five foot two and she has short hair, curled and teased. She has on an apron over her clothes that says Kiss the cook. Now that I see it, I notice the smell lingering in the air. It smells delicious; like oatmeal and peanut butter.

  "Oh good son, I was waiting for you both. I'm making cookies. Are y'all hungry?" She walks closer to us and pulls Breyson in for a hug. She swats him on the butt and releases him from her hold. "Next time don't wait so long before you come and see me. I'm not getting any younger, ya know. You're not too old to bend over my knee," she says teasingly and it makes me melt.

  He kisses her on the cheek. "Yes ma'am. Smells good. You know I don't turn down my favorite cookies. Mims this is Kinzleigh, my girlfriend."

  She looks at me and pulls me in for a hug as well and really hugs me. A genuine hug. "It's a pleasure to meet you Kinzleigh. You have a beautiful name." She brings her voice down to a whisper outside of my ear opposite Breyson. "You must be a pretty special girl for him to bring you home honey. You're definitely the first." She pulls back and winks at me.

  "It's lovely to meet you Mrs. Abercrombie and thank you."

  She waves her hand at me through the air. "Please, call me Mims. I can't remember the last time someone called me by my last name." She turns back to Breyson, whom is just standing there watching the interaction. "Sweetie, why don't you leave us girls to the kitchen? Surely you have something outside you can be doing with Pops. Kinzleigh and I can bond over fixing dinner. You'll both be staying won't you?"

  Breyson looks at me, silently asking if I'm okay with him leaving me here. I nod to reassure him I'll be fine. "Okay Mims. I have to clean out the stalls for the horses." He kisses me on the cheek. "See you in a bit?"

  "Sure. I'll be fine here." He grabs a cookie from the freshly made batch cooling on the counter, stuffs it in his mouth and heads back in the direction we came from earlier.

  She grasps my freshly manicured nails. I'm normally a natural kind of girl, but Adalynn said girl dates didn't only consist of shopping but also the nail salon. I'm still getting used to the tips even though they are cut shorter so I can function. "I hope you don't mind getting these hands a little dirty, sweetheart. Your nails are beautiful but I would love to have your help."

  "Oh absolutely. I'm not worried about messing them up; it was more of a friend's idea than mine. I may not be the best helper, though. My mom has showed me a little in the kitchen but with her crazy schedule it's not a regular seven day a week occurrence."

  "Don't be silly. Every woman has to learn. Cooking is an art that has to be mastered over time. Anyone who claims to be a perfect cook is full of it. Pops has eaten his fair share of burnt or tasteless food over the years." In this moment I adore her. She doesn't look at me as the girl that comes from money or the girl that is spoiled and doesn't know how to do things for herself. She looks at me as anyone else; a clean canvas, ready to be painted. His family is one of the most humble clans
of people I've ever met.

  An hour later, the food is all done. I'd have to say that I'm pretty proud of myself. She taught me how to make homemade cornbread and somehow, I managed to do it without burning it. It looks like the menu is grilled pork chops, macaroni and cheese, green bean casserole and cornbread. She also made sweet tea and laughed when I crinkled my nose as she scooped the many cups of sugar into the freshly boiled tea saying, "Honey, I guess we haven't broken you into the sweet tea yet. That's okay, it's a southern thing and you're probably better off without it anyways."

  She hands me a stack of plates to set the table. The size of the stack intimidates me just a little. I don't remember seeing anyone else here. As I'm placing them around the table, the door flings open and a line of males in cowboy attire walk in, taking various seats around the table.

  Breyson walks in last and his face is dirty along with his clothes. The front of his hair is standing up in the front from the wet of his sweat. I have never thought sweat and dirt looked good until now. If I wasn't in a room full of people, I would run up and jump in his arms.

  He walks towards the sink to wash up and someone begins talking. "Who's the fine kitchen help you have Mims?" I turn around to see a male in about his mid twenties with a smirk on his face. He has reddish brown hair peeping out of his hat and brown eyes. His skin is of an olive complexion with a red hue. I may not know much about boys, but I know that look and I wish he would stop before Breyson does something crazy. He trails his eyes down my body.

  "Tex, this is Kinzleigh, Breyson's girlfriend." Tex? That's a rather strange name. Mims walks over beside me pointing to where I sit which is right across from him. Great. "Kinzleigh, this is Tex. He's our hand from Texas, hints the name."

  He is really making me uncomfortable and I begin fiddling with my hands. "Breyson huh? What you doing messing around with boys? A girl like you needs a real man." He's cocky and already he's grinding my nerves. This is the kind of guy I always stayed away from; for good reason. They're nothing but trouble. Moving through women like tee shirts. I used to watch friends get all bent out of shape over guys like this because they gave them a little attention and a few compliments to get them in bed and then acted as if they didn't exist or became cruel to rid of them, leaving a bruised ego and tears behind.


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