Accepted Fate

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Accepted Fate Page 43

by Charisse Spiers

  "You guys are all crazy. Each and every one of you looks absolutely beautiful. We all look so different but gorgeous all the same."

  We all finish off with a spritz of perfume when I hear my mom call up the stairs. "Limos are here!" Grabbing our matching clutch purses we head downstairs.

  As we descend the stairs one by one, the guys are lined up at the bottom. They each look stunning in their tuxedos. As my eyes lock on Breyson, he eyes me with a heated look and smiles as I get closer. He is wearing a black tux and button down shirt with a silver vest and tie. Oh man. He looks amazing in formal wear. The boy can't possibly get any finer and he's all mine.

  I scan the rest of the guys beside him and they all look so handsome. Next to Breyson is his right hand man, Braxton of course, wearing a black tux with white button down and black vest and tie to match Adalynn's dress. Beside him is Briar, wearing a black tux with a white button down and champagne vest and tie. Last but not least is Konnor in a black tux, black button down, and gold vest and tie to match Presley.

  Love is in the air so thick you could slice it with a knife. I can even see it in Konnor. He's trying to hide it of course but it's there. I can tell every time I catch him looking at Presley that he's fighting a war within himself. It sucks for both of them. I don't know how he's going to get past his trust issues, but if he doesn't he's going to live a life full of misery. He wants her but I don't think he's going to let himself have her. I get a feeling in the pit of my stomach that this is going to end badly.

  We pull up at the venue for the ball and the door is opened for Breyson and I to exit the car by the security detail. As we exit the car, he scans the list for our names and instructs us in the direction of the entrance where another member of security opens the rope to let us through.

  When we walk in everything is decorated beautifully. The room is decorated in black, silver, and white color palettes. The only overhead lights on are in the foyer and they are dimmed low. Once we get to the main room, the only lights on are the flicker of candle light on each table and the white lights hung in various locations. I stop to take in the room. It's magnificent.

  The room is speckled with large round tables covered in black linen table cloths. Each center piece is a large round martini glass vase, filled with a clear gel holding a black candle lit in the center with two unlit sparklers surrounding. There are white plate settings on top of silver underlining round mats, with a place card at the head of each plate, written in calligraphy. There are white, sheer linen curtains secured from the center of the high ceiling that drapes down before coming back up to where it is attached at the corners of the room where the wall meets the ceiling. The same curtains run down the walls over white lights that shine through the sheer of the fabric. It reminds me of a waterfall reflecting light kind of. All the females are in masks and a select few males. There is a DJ set up in the back of the large room and waiters are walking around in tuxedos with trays of champagne.

  Breyson leads me over to our table to sit. He removes his jacket and hangs it on the back of the chair. People are scattered around the room mingling amongst the guests; some dancing in the center on the makeshift dance floor. "You want to dance baby?"

  I look over to Breyson and almost kiss him at the close range of his face to mine. "Sure."

  He takes my hand and leads me over. Braxton and Adalynn are already dancing to the soft music flowing through the room. It's a beautiful saxophone melody that I recognize as Kenny G. My parents use to listen to it a lot and dance around the living room, hopelessly in love. It's soothing to the senses. Breyson places one hand on my waist and takes the other in his hand, placing his cheek next to mine as he begins leading us in a rhythm. "I didn't know you could dance like this. Most people our age don't."

  "I can't share all my secrets upfront." I can feel his smile against my cheek. "Then you would get bored of me." I can't ever see that happening. I let him lead me around the dance floor; just listening to him explain. I love when the spotlight is on him for a while. "My parents are old fashioned. My mother said I wasn't taking out a girl unless I knew how to dance and behave properly according to her generation and not mine. She said I didn't understand then, but one day I would need to know how to dance like this. I guess she was right." I can hear the smile in his voice as we get lost in each other twirling around the dance floor in the soft glow of candlelight.

  Dancing like this reminds me of when I was just a small girl. I used to dance like this with my dad, standing on his feet, when him and my mom would dance in the living room. Me and my dad used to talk about taking ballroom dancing classes for fun as we listened to classic music or jazz. Times like those seem so long ago but the memories are as strong as if it was yesterday. The more we're together, the more I realize how similar our upbringings are. "You look beautiful. Each time I see you, you stun me a little more. I care about you so much. One day we're going to look back on these memories when we're on the road or in a house; whatever we're doing at the time just remembering the simplest of times. I hope you always know how much I love you."

  "You're just trying to get laid," I tease. "You know you're going to get some, stop being so nice." I like to yank his chain when he gets mushy. You'd never look at him and think he could have such a good heart on the inside. His exterior is so manly and muscular, but when it comes to me he's a big teddy bear.

  "Maybe I am." He laughs and splays the hand on my waist across the small of my back. "I'll tell you what I'd like to do though," he purrs just beside my ear.

  "What's that," I breathe in a whisper and close my eyes.

  "Take you into a closet and pull up that sexy little dress you're wearing as I hold you against the wall and slide inside that sweet little spot of yours. I want to do bad things to you; knowing I'm pleasuring you with all of these people just a wall away. I'd like to see if you can keep quiet while I assault you with my body. I noticed you didn't wear a bra. You know what that does to me. Were you trying to tease me Kinzleigh?" I open my eyes. His voice is low and husky as he takes on a sultry look. He's no longer the sweet, love making Breyson when he gets like this. He's the alpha male Breyson and I love it. I love the array of persona's he can take on.

  Oh man. My core clenches in want and I can feel the buildup of moisture down below. Standing in the middle of this dance floor, he has me completely at his mercy. These are the things he continues to do to me; turns me from the shy and quiet modest Kinzleigh to the girl that is kinky and crazed for him to violate me in a public place. He knows exactly what he's doing; time to change gears. It's time to role play. "No."

  "I think you were. Do you know what happens when you tease me Kinzleigh?"

  I'm so turned on I can barely breathe without panting. He pulls me tighter, slamming me against him, knowing the excitement would show through the thin satin fabric of my dress. His nature is now animalistic. I close my eyes again, trying to calm myself down before someone notices the look on my face. Instead, I moan at the hot breath against my ear. "I'm going to get punished?"

  "Do you want to be punished Kinzleigh?" Yes. Yes I do. If it means he's going to take me somewhere and fill me to the hilt, giving me pleasure. Yes, punish me. I've been a bad, bad girl. Since he caught me having a sex dream, he catches me off guard with wild sex, trying new things and it's unbelievable.

  "Yes. I've been bad." He digs his fingers into my side as he continues to dance, whispering in my ear.

  "How do you want me to punish you Kinzleigh?" His voice alone has me on the verge of orgasming right here in the middle of hundreds of people.

  "I want you to spank me and take my body for yourself." He slightly rubs his chest against mine and the sensation against my already aroused state is only making it worse.

  "Do you want me to take you somewhere in the middle of this ball? Somewhere we could be caught? Tell me what you want."

  "Yes. Take me now. I'm so ready for you. I need you. Please. I need you inside me." I'm on the verge if he doesn't take me somew
here now, of being embarrassed in front of all these people.

  "Again." He loves to hear me beg. I've learned it drives him for more.

  "Please Breyson. I need you now. Please give me what I need. Please...punish me." Never in a million years would I think I'd be into anything remotely close to this.

  He begins pulling me and when I look around thinking we're still in the middle of the dance floor, I realize he has danced us off the side beside a hallway. He's pulling me so fast that I'm worried I'm going to trip on my stilettos until he stops at a door. Looking around, there is not a sole in sight.

  Opening the door, he pulls me into a supply closet filled with tables and linens among other things I can't see. When he closes the door, he presses the lock on the knob. "You have me so turned on right now. I'm about to explode." He kisses me roughly, biting and sucking on my lips. Pressing against me, I can feel how turned on he is and it in turn increases my need for him as well. Grabbing a hold of my hand he grabs himself with it. "Do you see what you do to me? Do you feel that? Memorize it because you're the only one that can put me in this state. It's rock hard for you and only you." Oh when he talks dirty like that it gets me every time.

  Pushing me further into the dark closet, he releases his hold on my lips and turns me around facing in the opposite direction of him. "I'm going to punish you Kinzleigh. This is your last time to back out. If you want me to stop I need you to tell me now." I think about his words and a surge of adrenaline rushes through my body. It's frightening and exciting. Some dark place inside me wants to experience this. I know he would never hurt me and the fact that I know he's never been this way with anyone else, I couldn't say no if I wanted to. Something about trying new things together makes this sexier than I could have possibly imagined.

  I shake my head for him to continue. There is a shelf in front of where I'm standing. "Hold on to that shelf." Doing as he says, I bend forward, placing my hands on the shelf.

  Grabbing the fabric of my dress at my thighs, he begins crinkling it in his hands, raising it from the ground inch by inch until the bottom reaches the fist of his hands. He slides it the rest of the way up, until I'm standing in my stilettos and thong, bare to him. He begins rubbing his hand over my right cheek, sliding his fingertip under the fabric of my underwear, checking for readiness. He growls before pulling away. The vacancy of his touch has me frustrated as turned on as I am. I need this. Before I could think, his hand slams down onto my round bottom, making a slapping sound. It stings against my skin but to my surprise makes me more aroused. The proof is between my legs and a moan slips out of my lips. "You like that?"

  "Yes." I can't lie. I don't know why and I feel dirty but I like it.

  Another slap and another. Between each, I feel the light sensation of a caress. The mixture of the sensations between pain and pleasure has me crazed.

  He runs his fingertips underneath my panties again and yanks them, tearing them off as he finds the moisture pooled between my legs. This is the hottest thing I've ever been through as long as we've been together. I hear a zipper and then I can feel him poking my entrance, before he slides inside, filling me completely. He begins moving quickly and adjusts his angle. As he does, I can feel him hit against my spot. I'm already so turned on I can feel the build inside. He slides one hand under my dress and up my stomach until he reaches one hand on my breast and the other on my waist holding my dress up. "Damn. You're so wet." His words just turn me on more. "You're mine Kinzleigh," he says as he bends over me whispering in my ear but never letting up. He continues to penetrate me. "Only mine. Forever. Say it."

  "I'm. Only. Yours. Always." The words come out in a pant as the pleasure consumes me. "I'm about to."

  "Come on baby. Show me what I do to you. I'm ready when you are." He feels so good like this. I can completely feel everything. It's amazing. We haven't had sex without a condom since the hospital so he must have just changed brands. Whatever it is, it feels so good I can't think straight because as he hits that spot a few more times, everything begins to go in slow motion as I fall into release. My insides are pulsating and I let the bliss take over. Grabbing his pants leg, I clinch the fabric in my fists as I continue to spiral in the wave of pleasure that consumes my body.

  As my body comes down from the temporary high it was just on, he begins to still and lays his head on my back. "That was amazing," he says in a tired voice. "I love you Kinzleigh. I love you so much it's insane. I will never be able to let you go. Don't ever ask me to. Let's go before someone comes looking for us."

  He slides out and lowers my dress. On reflex I start looking for my panties when I realize they are torn and no longer wearable. I turn around as he is tucking in his shirt and zipping his trousers. "Looking for these?" He holds up my panties with a grin on his face. I nod biting my lip. "Looks like you're going to have to go commando for a while." He slips them into his pocket. "Come here beautiful."

  I walk closer to him and he places a hand on each side of my neck since I'm wearing a mask. I can only see his silhouette from the dark room now that my eyes have adjusted. "I love you. I mean it Kinzleigh. What I feel for you is never replaceable. Where you go I go. Our hearts have grown together. They won't survive as halves. Together forever right? I promise I'll never leave you, but I need you to promise you'll never leave me either. I'd rather die than live a second without you."

  My heart swells every time he talks like that. I fall in love with him a little more every day. I don't know if my heart can stand to love him anymore but it always surprises me. "Together forever. I promise."

  The rest of the night was fabulous. We talked and danced and ate. Adalynn and I released our big news to everyone and we got congratulated together. The guys seemed happy for us and Breyson said we would have a proper celebration later when we're alone. Is it bad that I'm already counting down the minutes? I don't know what he's done to me but I'll never be the same. Nothing ever gets old with him.

  They've just passed around champagne for when the clock strikes twelve and our parents let us have one glass. It's eleven fifty nine and the countdown is taking place as everyone moves out onto the terrace. "Three, two, one. Happy New Year!" Everyone shouts in unison and the sparklers on the tables inside are going off. Breyson grabs me and kisses me as the fireworks shoot off in the sky popping in an array of colors and styles. There is so much passion behind his kiss. Everything blurs as the shouts take place around the terrace under the midnight sky and for now no one else is present with us; just me and my man. This is the best New Years of my life as well as the best year of my life. Nothing can stand to go wrong because everything is absolutely right.



  5 weeks later...

  I wake up to a rumble in my stomach. Sitting up quickly, I throw my hand over my mouth hoping it will go away. I start to gag and jump out of bed. Running to the bathroom, I almost don't make it to the toilet before I begin emptying the contents of my stomach. After what seems like thirty minutes of hurling, I finally feel okay enough to leave the bowl of the toilet. Today is not the day to get food poisoning. I am riding with Breyson's parents to drop him off at the airport for the Superbowl tomorrow. It must have been something in mom's chili she cooked last night. I told Breyson I didn't feel well after I ate it and I guess now it's taking the effects.

  Walking over to my bathroom sink, I turn on the cold water and splash it over my face. I still feel nauseous but it's not as strong. Opening my drawer, I dig until I find my Dramamine that I keep for motion sickness. Filling my cup with water, I take the medication. I don't feel like even thinking about food, but maybe I could keep down some orange juice.

  Walking back into my bedroom, I pull a pair of Soffee shorts from my dresser and pull them over my underwear before walking downstairs. As I enter the kitchen, mom is toasting a bagel. "Good morning sweetie. You want a bagel? I have your favorite; strawberry nonfat cream cheese." Just hearing it makes my stomach churn.

  "No thanks,
I'm not feeling that great. I think last night's chili is disagreeing with me. I'm just going to have some juice."

  Reaching in the cabinet, I grab a glass and walk towards the refrigerator to remove the juice and begin pouring it into my glass. Mom walks over to me and places her palm on my forehead. "I'm sorry sweetie. You don't feel hot, but you could have a touch of fever. Do you need to stay home today instead of riding with Breyson?"

  "No, I'll be fine. Besides, I won't get to see him for a few days. He won't fly back until Monday and I'll be at school all day. I took a Dramamine. It should start working soon and I'm sure it'll go away." I tilt my head back and drain the contents of the cup. Still thirsty, I pour another glass.

  "Okay honey. Why don't you go relax in a hot bath? That always makes me feel better when my stomach is upset. Promise me you'll take it easy today?" She looks up from smearing the cream cheese across her bagel and the smell is starting to make me sick again. I have to get out of here. I hate throwing up and I don't want to be hovering the toilet again. My throat is already raw from the first time. I nod and turn to leave the kitchen.

  I did just as mom said and took a hot bath. It helped a lot in combination with the medicine. The nausea and vomiting has subsided. Thank goodness. I look in the mirror and smear my lips with my gloss before throwing it in my purse. Sitting on my bed, I pull on my gray Ugg boots over my leggings.

  My door opens and Breyson walks in. "Hey beautiful. Are you ready?" Walking over to where I sit, he bends and kisses me on the lips.

  "Hey babe. Yeah I'm almost ready. You excited about your trip?" He sits on the edge and pulls me to straddle him.


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