ALL HE DESIRES (Voluptuous Woman Series)

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ALL HE DESIRES (Voluptuous Woman Series) Page 22

by Jackson, Brenda

  And then something happened. Following his lead, she began seducing him back with an assault of soft lips. She wanted his taste as much as he wanted hers. He made the kiss harder, then took it deeper as everything about what they were doing incinerated his brain cells, making logical thought impossible. Never mind that they were parked in the main yard right outside the house and, even with the lateness of the hour, a ranch hand could stroll by at any time. He had to get as much of her as he could tonight, and when she continued to make whimpering sounds of pleasure, he knew that he wanted to be the only man to ever hear those sounds.

  That thought restored some of his common sense, and he reluctantly pulled his mouth away from hers while she breathed his name hotly against his lips. Tyler’s gaze fastened on her moist lips and he was tempted to take them again, but he pulled back, away from temptation. He watched as she leaned her head back against the seat as if needing to get her breathing under control. He, on the other hand, was trying to get something else under control. His arousal was trying to burst through the seam of his zipper.

  Several tense moments passed before he said. “We shouldn’t have done that but I’m glad we did.”

  Megan’s heart was beating so fast she wondered if it would ever slow down. She wet her lips with her tongue, still tasting him there. “Me, too, Tyler.”

  “And I think you’d better go inside before I decide that we need to do it again. I would walk you to the door but I don’t think that’s a good idea in my present state.”

  Megan nodded. Tyler didn’t have to explain what he meant. She’d been raised on a farm and could recognize an aroused male animal – even a fine specimen like Tyler.

  For the first time in her life, Megan felt naughty. She had just been kissed almost senseless by the man she had once loved and she was feeling on top of the world. A mischievous grin touched the corners of her lips when she reached across his lap and boldly caressed his erection. The sound of him sucking in a deep breath made her smile. “I’ve been waiting on this, Tyler,” she whispered. “Don’t make me wait any longer.”

  Before Tyler could draw his next breath, Megan had opened the car door, raced up the steps and slipped into the house.


  “Hey man, we’re supposed to be playing a friendly game of basketball and not doing tryouts for the NBA. I’ve never seen you so wired up. What the hell is wrong with you?”

  Tyler caught the towel his best friend, Bryan Manning, tossed over to him and wiped the sweat that was pouring down his face. Bryan was right. Instead of playing he was working off frustrations. He glanced over at Bryan who was waiting for an answer. “Megan James is back,” he said, as if that explained everything. And due to his and Bryan’s long history of being best friends that dated back to elementary school, he knew Bryan understood just what that meant.

  “Tonya told me she saw her, and I take it from the way you’re acting that you have too,” Bryan said, leaning against the steel basketball pole.

  “Yeah, man, I’ve seen her. We even went out to dinner last night at Paddy’s, and I plan to bring her to the party Saturday night.”

  Bryan lifted an amused brow. “You’re working fast, bro.”

  Tyler sighed. Not as fast as Megan would like, he thought, remembering the proposition she had made at the restaurant.

  “You used to have it for her bad, man,” Bryan said, breaking into his thoughts. “But because of her grandfather, you pretty much stayed in line.”

  Tyler smiled, remembering those nights when he would leave the James’s place and find Bryan and the two of them would do what they were doing now. They would play a mean game of basketball to help him work off his frustrations. Now his frustrations went a lot deeper and were annoying the hell out of him, and it didn’t help matters knowing Megan had offered to take care of them. If she thought she had been waiting on him, then he had news for her. He could reasonably confess that he had also been waiting on her.

  He sighed deeply. He was a man whose life was totally under control; a man who knew exactly where he was going and what he was doing. But in less than twenty-four hours Megan had returned to town and had made him realize just how empty his life was. Yes, he had his family and his friends, but there was no one special in his life. He could now admit that losing Megan had left him with a place in his heart that had never been filled.

  After a night of practically no sleep, he had reached the conclusion that although the grown-up, curvaceous and more voluptuous version of Megan James stirred his blood, what he felt for her went beyond the physical. She could still stir deep rooted emotions inside of him: emotions that wanted him to love her forever.

  And all she wanted was a night that would be explosive: a no strings attached affair.

  “So, what do you plan on doing?”

  Tyler glanced up at Bryan when he again claimed his attention. “I plan to see her a lot while she’s in town. A whole lot.”

  He sighed deeply as he studied his best friend. Marriage definitely agreed with Bryan, and he could admit that inwardly he’d always craved his own happy ending. But deep down inside he’d known that only Megan James could give him that.

  One thing a Savoy recognized was when he fell in love, and he knew that even with all the time that had passed between them, he still loved Megan James. She had been his first love and would be his last. But it seemed as if he and the woman he loved were not on the same page. She had plans for something temporary, but he could definitely see something more permanent in their future.

  “Hey, I don’t like that look on your face, Tyler.”

  Tyler chuckled as he wiped his face with the towel again. “Why? Is it because you recognize it as the same look of determination you wore when you finally came to your senses to go after Tonya?”

  Bryan grinned. “Yes. So does that mean that Megan has stolen your heart a second time?”

  Tyler nodded. “Yes, that’s exactly what it means. I let her go once, but I don’t intend on making the same mistake twice.”


  “If I haven’t told you already, you look good tonight, Megan.”

  “Thank you, and yes, you’ve told me,” she said. Her appreciative smile was warm, and the sudden flare of desire that her smile caused almost made Tyler lose his breath. He had picked her up at exactly seven o’clock, and now they were walking up to Bryan and Tonya’s front door.

  During the drive over, they had made a lot of small talk. He had come to a decision about her proposition but hadn’t told her what that decision was and she hadn’t asked. But he hadn’t been able to ignore the sexual chemistry that had been leaping at them, wrenching all kinds of emotions from the past, and hauling him smack into the very tempting and tantalizing present. He needed to pull himself together or he was definitely headed for trouble.

  “There seems to be a crowd here tonight,” Megan said, breaking into the silence and yanking him from his thoughts.

  He glanced down, regarded her for a moment, thinking just how beautiful she looked tonight. The dress she was wearing was slightly longer in length than the one she’d worn last night and didn’t show as much leg and thigh, but it definitely fit her voluptuous body a lot more snugly. “That’s not surprising since Tonya has such a huge clientele. But most of the people here tonight you probably know since they’re from high school or grew up in the area.”

  She smiled. “And it will be good seeing them.”

  When they reached the front door and rang the doorbell, Tyler slid his fingers down her arm and took her hand in his as if it was the most natural thing to do. The warmth of her hand in his sent those same emotions he was trying to keep a lid on spiraling, making his pulse jump and his blood race. His gaze held hers and as much as he needed to breathe, he suddenly discovered that he needed to kiss her. It was a good thing that the door opened when it did or he would have devoured her mouth then and there.

  “Hey, you two, we were just wondering when you would get here,” Bryan said, grinning and ste
pping aside to let them enter. Tyler saw the sparkle of amusement in his best friend’s eyes when he noticed that he and Megan were holding hands. “The fashion show is about to begin, so you have just enough time to get something to eat and grab a seat.”

  Tyler’s fingers tightened around Megan as he led her to the kitchen, only to be stopped by two women who remembered Megan from high school. He regarded her for a second while listening to the conversation, thinking this Megan James wasn’t the introvert she once had been. She was more friendly, outgoing and didn’t seem as shy of people as she used to be. She now had the qualities of a self-assured woman. The old Megan had been too busy battling with what others thought of her and getting stressed; that she hadn’t matched her peers on the level of both physical and emotional maturity. But now at twenty-nine she could definitely hold her own and was doing a damn good job of it. He liked this self-confident and sophisticated Megan.

  “It was good seeing Paula and Lisa again,” Megan said, breaking into his thoughts and making him realize the two women had walked off.

  He smiled. “Yes, it was.”

  Moments later with their plates filled with a lot of mouthwatering foods, they reentered the living room to find a place to sit. There was only one spot left on the sofa and without saying anything, Tyler claimed that spot by sitting down then gently pulling her down into his lap.

  He smiled at her surprised expression. “We’ll improvise and let one spot serve for two,” he said.

  Megan couldn’t help but smile back as she shifted her body to sit comfortably. Knowing that she was sitting in his lap wasn’t helping matters. Beneath her his body felt hard, solid, enticing. She kept her eyes straight ahead, wondering what others thought of her sitting in Tyler’s lap. There were other women who were sitting in men’s laps as well, but she figured they were couples and not two people who used to be considered a couple years ago. She wondered if others assumed since she and Tyler were together tonight that they were renewing their romance?

  “You okay?” Tyler asked, whispering in her ear. His warm breath, so close to her skin, was making her pulse escalate.

  She turned to him, almost touching his lips in the process and sending a whole new type of hunger pangs through her. She swallowed deeply. “Yes, I’m fine.”

  “Then turn your body slightly toward me so I can feed you.”

  When she lifted her brow he smiled and said. “With you sitting in my lap it will be easier. That way I can feed the both of us without making a mess.”

  She nodded and slightly shifted her body to give him a better angle of her mouth; a mouth she couldn’t help but notice he was staring at real hard.

  “Open up,” he coaxed in a deep, low, husky tone and when she did, he placed an egg roll to her lips and she took a bite of it.

  Umm, she thought it was delicious and couldn’t help but notice how intent he was on watching her chew it, as she savored each bite.

  “You like that?” he asked in the same low, husky tone.

  Unable to speak, she nodded her head. “Then I guess I’d better try it.”

  She watched as he bit off that same egg roll and just like she had done, he chewed it, savored it. She wondered if watching her eat had turned him on like she was getting turned on watching him eat. She had her answer when he shifted in his seat and she felt him. His body had been hard before but she now felt a certain part of him get harder. She might be a virgin, but she definitely knew what that particular hardness meant.

  Without saying anything he continued to feed both of them until soft jazzy music began playing and she knew the fashion show was about to begin. Megan decided to get her mind off of Tyler for a moment by glancing around to check out her surroundings. She loved the layout of Bryan and Tonya’s home. The two-story structure was spacious and roomy and big enough to hold a fashion show for a limited number of guests.

  The outfit the first model wore really caught her eye. It was a two-piece zebra print with soft feminine roses. The gasps from the other women meant she wasn’t the only one who found the outfit stunning. Megan knew immediately it was an outfit she just had to have.

  Another outfit that caught her eye was a three-piece set filled with rich vibrant colors of maroon, orange and gold; perfect for fall and perfect for lounging in at bedtime and the matching kimono-styled robe that completed the set made it something she definitely wanted. She made a note to purchase that outfit as well.

  All the outfits being modeled were simply stunning and Megan couldn’t help but appreciate Tonya for having the insight to create a lingerie company whose products included sizes for full-figured women.

  “Did you see anything you like?” Tyler asked her when the fashion show ended half an hour later. She slowly stood up, thinking she had used his lap long enough. He automatically took her hand in his again.

  “Yes, I liked everything but there are two items in particular I plan to purchase tonight.” Again Megan couldn’t help but wonder if Tyler realized that being together would cause talk, and the way he was touching her would only double it. But she could handle the talk if he could.

  “I’ll discard our trash and then talk to Bryan while you go select the outfits you want,” he said, releasing her hand.

  She smiled up at him. “Okay. It shouldn’t take long.” And then she turned and walked off, thinking she definitely needed distance away from Tyler for a while before more illicit thoughts rammed through her mind. Her skin was already tingling all over and her lower belly had begun aching.

  A need she had never known before had taken root inside of her and was being nurtured each and every time Tyler touched her, looked at her, or breathed on her. The only thing she could think about was that tonight she would get an answer from Tyler. It was destined to be another long hot week in Alexandria and with two more weeks to go she hoped she could survive the heat.


  Megan raised an arched brow at Tonya. “What do you mean these outfits are already paid for?”

  Tonya, who had boxed up the two items Megan had selected handed them to her smiling. “Tyler mentioned this morning that any outfit you saw and wanted was yours and he would pay for them. If you have any questions about it then I suggest you go talk to him.” Tonya then chuckled. “Now scat. You’re holding up the line, which means you’re standing in the way of my profits.”

  Megan shook her head grinning and accepted the two beautiful gift wrapped boxes from Tonya. “Okay, I will go and talk to Tyler about it.” She appreciated him wanting to make the purchases for her, but she wasn’t used to men buying her sleepwear.

  After leaving the bedroom where Tonya, her mother and a couple of the other women in the Savoy family had an assembly line going to take care of everyone’s purchases, she went looking for Tyler. She saw him standing across the room doing exactly what he’d said he would be doing, which was talking to Bryan.

  Before crossing the room to where he stood, she decided to study him while he wasn’t aware he was being watched. A soft warmth flooded her heart and quickly spread to all parts of her body as she recalled that at fifteen, when she had first seen him, she had thought the seventeen-year old Tyler Savoy had been the answer to her prayers and now as she looked at him she knew he was also the answer to a lot of other things as well.

  He was wearing a pair of black slacks and light colored pull-over shirt, and as she took in the well-defined muscles of his broad chest and shoulders, she thought the coloring of the outfit accentuated his dark good looks as well as his hazel eyes. He looked scrumptious and as delectable as that piece of cake he had fed to her earlier.

  Something, possibly the suspicion that someone was staring at him, made Tyler glance around the room before his gaze met hers. The moment their eyes locked, a bolt of intense awareness streaked through her and she couldn’t help wondering if he’d felt it as well. His hazel colored eyes were riveting, sexy and at the moment they were intensely holding hers. The moment stretched out between them, and it became obvious that w
hatever Bryan was saying no longer was holding his attention. The way he was looking at her made her feel like she was the only person in the room. The only one who mattered. The moment stretched and with each passing second she tried catching her breath and worked to slow down her racing heart. And the only thing she could think of was that if Tyler refused to be the first man to make love to her, heaven help her because more than anything, she wanted to get it on with Tyler Savoy.


  Tyler continued to watch Megan as his mind raced over the possibilities. He hadn’t given her his answer to her proposition, but he knew what it would be. After a less than normal childhood, if anyone deserved unconditional happiness it was her. And there was no way he would allow another man to make love to her.

  From across the room he felt the strong chemistry radiating between them, and then of its own accord, his gaze moved to her lips and he remembered how the other night he had brushed them lightly with his own before delving into the sweet depths that had awaited him.

  “I hate being ignored, Tyler,” Bryan said, interrupting his thoughts.

  Tyler chuckled, but didn’t stop looking at Megan. “Then I think I’d better say goodnight because I don’t see any hope for it. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  Without giving his best friend a glance, he walked off toward where Megan stood standing holding the two boxes firmly in her hands. “Did you get everything you wanted?” he asked when he came to a stop in front of her.

  “Yes, but you didn’t have to buy them for me, Tyler.”


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